The European Holocaust

Part 5b


R.E. Prindle

The Night Has A Thousand Eyes


It was not until the 1936 election that Roosevelt moved the inauguration from March to January; thus the usual lapse of five months from election to inauguration was reduced to two.  It is also frequently said that Roosevelt and his cohorts had devised no plan of action before his inauguration.  That can’t be true.  As the Roosevelt administration was a continuation of the Wilson Administration  it must have known exactly what was intended if the details were somewhat nebulous.  Besides Roosevelt had little intellect; as Huey Long said of him:  Roosevelt ain’t smart.  As FDR’s ambassador to the Soviet Union, William Bullitt said of him he hoped Stalin could be persuaded to follow his scheme of things.  FDR was a man of hope not thought.



The plan of action had been devised as early as 1914 from the Communist angle and from the Jewish angle perhaps millennia.  The famed American historian Charles Beard tells of an incident that outlines the conspiracy dated from 1914 and then ridicules the investigator  and deriding his account in the usual fashion in his account of Roosevelt’s administration from 1933 to 1939, America In Mid-Passage.  The account is told from the typical Liberal point of view but, then, Beard was there so it is a firsthand account of how things appeared to him.  The story will be an adequate lead in to this period.

During the twenties the Republicans had pursued the notion of limiting naval armaments.  A number of treaties had been agreed upon between the naval powers to limit the size of fleets.  President Hoover carried this further.

Quotes from Beard’s America In Mid-Passage are in quotation marks, pp. 384-380:

‘…in 1929 President Hoover…sought to extend to naval auxiliaries the principle of limitation that had been applied to capital ships at the Washington conference.  Immediately large ship building interests were involved, and, if it had not been for a strange incident they might have successfully managed their lobbying behind the scenes.’

The shipbuilders had employed William Shearer to attend the Geneva conferences, to influence it in their wishes.  They failed, however in their payments to Shearer, who then sued for what he thought he had coming.  This brought his situation to the Congressmen who investigated the shipbuilders.

‘See a pamphlet bearing the title, The Cloak Of Benedict Arnold, Mr. Shearer had named names and classified advocates of peace and naval limitations.  He did not exactly call them “traitors” but the implication needed no comment.  Under Mr. Shearer’s philosophy “our country was betrayed by Charles Evans Hughes”;  and Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler and Secretary Frank Kellogg were almost as wicked.  Not all opponents, Mr. Shearer generously conceded were communists or traitors; some had been merely deluded or misinformed- victims of foreign propaganda.’

Thus from the other side of the debate which was shared by the way by that big Navy man, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  He reversed the policy upon election.  But, Shearer in his investigations discovered a conspiracy that Charles Beard seems to find preposterous but he reports it thusly:

‘According to the version of Mr. Shearer…at the very heart of the opposition to naval and merchant marine expansion was a deliberate conspiracy fomented by sinister foreign powers.

“From October 1914,” he declared, “the weight of internationalism and communism was developed, the members of which, pacifist, defeatist, radicals of many hues and foreign agents, communists, IWW, and socialists, included in the merger, and a dozen or more organizations with impressive names designed to fool patriotic Americans and lend aid to the enemy.  Associated with these agents and these organizations of these anti-American bodies were statesmen, Senators, bankers, lawyers, actors, directors, and writers, men and women of American birth who were used to fight the existing government of the United States….All names, records, checks from prominent people in this country, instructions from Moscow, speeches, theses, questionnaires, indeed the workings of the underground organizations, working through secret bodies in labor circles, in society, in professional groups, in the Army, the Navy, in Congress, in the schools and colleges of the country, in the banks business concerns, among the farmers, in the motion picture industry, in fact, in nearly every walk of life- this information and authentic documentary proof of a colossal conspiracy against the United States were seized by federal officers and are in the possession of the authorities.’

Shades of Joe McCarthy!  Could it be true nearly forty years before Big Joe revealed that colossal conspiracy?  Beard seems to find Shearer’s researches incredible, indeed, risible but could dozens of independent researchers coming to the same conclusions all be nuts, ‘conspiracy theorists’?  These researchers were at least as intelligent and objective as Beard and his fellows.  While it is possible, indeed probable, that one can’t see what is in front of one’s face, I know the shock of finding everything I had been taught to believe was less than the truth was a difficult adjustment to make for myself.  Apparently Beard was not prepared to make the leap.

Professor Beard

Professor Beard

However Beard is writing in 1939 after six years of the Roosevelt administration.  The proof of Shearer’s accusations was made evident in 1933 when hundreds of these American conspirators followed FDR into Washington assuming important positions in his administration.  Shearer’s accusations were corroborated by numerous other researchers and even novelists of the period.  The proof that had been seized and was in the possession of the authorities was seized by none other than the much maligned Attorney General of Woodrow Wilson, A. Mitchell Palmer.  In the meantime J. Edgar Hoover investigating just these people had already amassed a huge number of files.

H.G. Wells had even written a book in which he describes the situation as The Open Conspiracy.  Open means everyone can see it unaided.  The only thing anyone failed to see was that nationalism was actually dead the war had shifted to one of ideology.  It was Communism vs. ‘Capitalism.’  All these people and organizations Mr. Shearer names opposing the US, that is Capitalism, were Communists, socialists, fellow travelers and what have you.  As Fellow Travelers, Parlor Pinks, Liberals et al., they had infiltrated every facet of America, indeed, Western life, where they remained disguised, dissembling because as yet the ‘Capitalists’ were the stronger party.  The American side of the revolution had been crushed in 1919, no reason to expose themselves to that humiliation again.  Had they exposed themselves they would have been immediately discredited, possibly losing their jobs, much as exposed ‘racists’ do today, now that the Reds are in power.  Of course, they lurked in the shadows defending borderline Reds with American virtues such as freedom of speech that they are doing their best to cancel today.

When Roosevelt entered DC with his big bass drum the legions he had been cultivating rushed into the New Altruria with him.  Louis Brandeis and his man Felix Frankfurter, Bernard Baruch, Sidney Hillman and a host of others experienced and very competent and they all wanted to exterminate the Germans.  Having gained experience in WWI they were prepared to more effectively use their experience in WWII and everybody knew war was coming and they may have known when if not the exact date.

Once in power Roosevelt behaved as a conqueror eager to punish the vanquished much as the North had triumphed over the South after the Civil War and as the Soviets and Americans would do in the wake of the German conquest.  Indeed, Roosevelt probably treated his potential sixteen or twenty years in power as a period of the Reconstruction of the United States along socialist lines.  Call the thing Collectivism.  Individualism was a thing of the past, now came a period the Collectivists called Co-operation.

During the entire period from 1914 to 1945 a state of war existed between the two states of mind.  The first few months of the Roosevelt administration were tumultuous beyond belief.  Roosevelt asked or demanded that Congress give him full dictatorial powers to deal with the ‘emergency.’  Thus there was little or no difference between himself, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.

Indeed his 1936 inauguration was a full military review that had little or no difference between the great military parades and reviews of the other totalitarian powers.  It isn’t that it wasn’t seen for what it was but that Roosevelt as with Obama treated his opponents as ‘domestic terrorists.’  They were allowed no voice.  Thus he began an assault on his predecessors who he designated as ‘economic royalists’, that is, kings.  Of course the American Revolution was fought to remove kingship from Earth.  The English Revolution was fought against the absolutist Stuarts, Charles I, the subsequent Glorious Revolution removed the absolutist Stuart James II replacing him with a constitutional monarch.  The French Revolution gave the coup de grace to the absolutist Louis XVI so what Roosevelt was doing was identifying himself as a revolutionist against royal authority.

He, then, in the character of a Robespierre arraigned the ‘economic royalists; in a show trial, preceding Stalin, or a kangaroo court in which it was demanded that the victims confess their guilt and take their ‘well merited’ punishment.  Not unlike the Nazi war ‘criminals.’  Of course this was not the Soviet Union or Germany where a Hitler or Stalin while not having absolute power nevertheless could manipulate their constitutions and laws to do as they pleased.   They could use the governmental apparatus to kill whom they chose, imprisonment with no habeas corpus, or condemn their victims to certain death in prison camps.

Roosevelt did try to convict and imprison the Republican Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon who was in office during what Beard calls the Golden Glow period.  He viciously interrogated numerous ‘royalists’ before Congressional committees and even had the younger J.P. Morgan photographed with a dwarf sitting on his knee as some kind of weird humiliation.

Later in his administration attempts were made to financially destroy his adversaries such as Henry Ford and WR Hearst while a continuous vile character assassination was waged against ex-president Herbert Hoover.  Roosevelt was not a nice man.

There is always the question of how much his polio attack and subsequent recovery may have unbalanced his mind.  Certainly the contrast between his eminent position and incapacitated physique must have offended his amour propre.  According to ancient usage Roosevelt should never have been in authority.  From time immemorial no man with a physical defect of any kind could be king.  Even so much as a facial scar disqualified a man as ruler.  As a paraplegic without the use of his legs Roosevelt was definitely disqualified as he knew since he went to great lengths to conceal his defect.  There were apparently many voters who never knew of his paralyzed legs.

His defect did offend many who insisted on pointing out his infirmity because they didn’t want to be ruled by an imperfect ruler.  This attitude may seem rude but old traditions die hard.

FDR’s administration was a reincarnation of the Wilson administration with a great many of the Wilson men returning to power after the hateful twelve year hiatus of Beard’s Golden Glow.  The New Era, Coolidge Prosperity, Normalcy or anyone of the names this rich era of history was known by.  The governance by the ‘economic royalists.’

Bernard Baruch returned.  Brandeis with his acolyte Felix Frankfurter and his cadre of ‘Happy Hot Dogs’ returned.  Numerous Settlement House people including Harry Hopkins and Frances Perkins, the hatchet man Harold Ickes, whatever he was.

The people who helped Roosevelt to office were either driven away by these hardline Wilsonians or disappointed by Roosevelt they left embittered and reviling the man.

Perhaps one of the most telling incidents that revealed Roosevelt for who he thought he was is told by Charles Beard in his America In Mid-Passage.  His 1936 inauguration perhaps gave away his own imperial pretensions.  Beard pp. 339-34

Far more sublime were two features of the occasion which he arranged to express his own sense of proprieties.  Putting aside protests from citizens and associates pacifically inclined, he decided that a military parade not a civilian pageant, should celebrate his return to power.  And he also decided that he and his immediate entourage (read: thuggish henchmen) at the White House must review the marching men, with banners and martial music, from a replica of the Hermitage, the home of Andrew Jackson, the hero of New Orleans who had worn boots and spurs in war and politi

Perhaps this was an indirect reference to his incapacity while Hitler must have been justified in interpreting it as an indication of his warmongering of which he quite justly accused Roosevelt.  As the religious and war leader of the Internationalist brigade FDR was a crusader against the The Children Of Darkness, the ‘aggressor nations’.  Of course as a justified sinner along with his Jewish cohorts FDR was merely executing the will of God on Earth as it was in heaven.  God himself had kicked Lucifer out through the Pearly Gates.  The incredible genocide FDR unleashed on Germany required no qualms of conscience.  After all knowing the will of Our Father it was impossible for him to ever do wrong.  No matter how heinous his crimes they were the will of God in his mind.

Congress, well aware of his martial ambitions, had tried to rein him in by passing the strict neutrality act of 1935.  Only two years after his inauguration they realized the direction in which he was heading.  FDR would shred any such legislation in the next few years as he activated a propaganda machine meant to inspire We the People with martial ardor and the proper crusading spirit to lay down our son’s lives.

A lot of lessons had been learned in the decade or so from the end of the last war. The prospects of gaining absolute control through another war were enticing.  For instance the German properties that were confiscated during the late war were given back; in this new war well prepared with superb planning billions would be confiscated by the Alien Properties Agency and given away to his fellow Chicago Jews by the Alien Properties Custodian David Bazelon.  The theft from both Germany and the US conquerors was complete and nearly total.

Also under cover of the most destructive war in history Roosevelt would complete the League of Nations idea with his own concept of the United Nations.  This time there would be no debating, no argument.  The job was done by war’s end and presented as a fait accompli to the Congress and American people.  As much a fantasy as the League of Nations, actually more so, the United Nations has done nothing to end wars and establish peace.  It has merely destroyed the basis or Western Civilization.

Under the aegis of the UN the world has been at uninterrupted war for seventy years.  Nice job Frank.

By their own admission the administration was unable to relieve the Depression.

One of the architects of those failed policies, Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary and close friend, the Jew Henry Morgenthau Jr., bemoaned the administrations futile attempts to fix the economy on May 9, 1939, when he offered this shockingly frank confession to a group of democrats from the House Ways and Means Committ

‘We have tried spending money.  We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it has not worked….We have never made good on our promises….I say after eight years of the this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started….And an enormous debt to boot.’

(Quoted from the Morgenthau diary of 5/8/38 by Fulton W. Folsom Jr through James Duffy: Lindbergh And Roosevelt, MJF Books, 2010, p. 12

So, as the war began in Europe Roosevelt had done nothing to successfully relieve the economic situation, in point of fact he had worsened it by incurring tens of billions of debt distributing it to CCC camps, Federal Arts projects and whatever to no effect.  What he had done, his real intent, was to strip Americans of their self-respect as they lived on a dole of one sort or another.

In 1932-33 Stalin had created an artificial famine in the Soviet Union that starved millions and millions of Ukrainians to death.  This was obviously Jewish vengeance for the Chielmiecke Massacres of the seventeenth century that were merely a part of the Ukrainian revolt against Poland and the crimes committed against them by their Jewish auxiliaries.

Now, Roosevelt claimed that under his administration one third of the US population was ill fed with many people apparently starving to death at the same time as the Ukrainian farmers.  The Depression was engineered by the same people who created the Ukrainian famine.  Is one to imagine this was a coincidence given the farm program Baruch and Sapiro were promoting that Henry Ford opposed?  I don’t think so.

The only thing Roosevelt achieved was a collectivist crusade against the individualism of the American Plan.  As he said, individualism is dead, this is the age of collectivism.  He might have succeeded completely except for the enormous resistance he initiated and perhaps a certain character failing.


Momentous changes in communications had occurred in the twenties.  Commercial radio had come into existence that by the thirties had become a part of American life.  Other than the auto, the radio was the most desired American possession.  Few homes were without one.  The second was the addition of sound to movies.  The silent era was over.  While it isn’t overly well known television transmission was also developed in the thirties but the commercial application was delayed until after WWII.

Thus these tremendous propaganda disseminators came into the service of the demagogues.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the Demagogue in Chief.  He either knew how to use these new technological wonders or someone showed him how to do it.  Actually as an interesting fact, Herbert Hoover had used the radio first during his administration.  The Republicans were responsible for creating the environment for radio.

Concurrent with the rise of radio and the talkies was the rise of the master propagandists who Beard points out were referred to as ‘Public Relations’ experts. A chief among these was the very Jewish Eddie Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud.  You may be sure that at least behind the scenes he was influential on the direction of Roosevelt’s Public Relations.

Roosevelt needed them because reaction to his efforts to reconstruct the US along socialist lines was fierce and enormous.  In upsetting the psychological balance of the country he released numerous advocates of phantasmic schemes and political notions as controversial as his own.

Roosevelt must have wowed them with his ’33 inaugural speech because certain powerful men in command of their own powerful propaganda tools were initially proponents of his presidency falling away rather rapidly.  Among these were Charles Coughlin the radio priest, W.R. Hearst the press magnate, and Huey Long of Louisiana and his Share The Wealth program.  All three backed Roosevelt’s election then disappointed by his programs bailed.

Roosevelt was never tolerant or forgiving so that as the virtual if not real dictator of the US, little different from Hitler and Stalin it was dangerous to oppose him.  Long met his death, Coughlin was silenced and Hearst was financially ruined through taxation.  Roosevelt was relentless in his hatreds.  While there was no reason for him to hate Ford, yet because of the Jewish hatred of Ford, FDR was directed to force Ford to the wall through legislation both before and during the war.  For all practical purposes Ford Motors was bankrupt by war’s end.

Of course, this aspect of Roosevelt’s methods and personality were concealed by the avuncular persona he perfected and projected over the radio in his ‘Fireside Chats.’  The Fireside chat was a brilliant public relations innovation.  Of course FDR did not write the chats, those were prepared for him by others while he merely mouthed the words.

Nor is it likely that he had much of a hand in their preparation.  While the general direction of his administration’s policies were set it would hardly have been possible for him even to take the time to make the broadcasts.  This stuff was carefully planned.  A president is a busy man with a world of cares so that focusing on ‘chats’, bringing your mind to bear on the propaganda is nearly impossible.

He was in the hands of his writers.  These writers were by and large Jewish therefore pushing a Jewish agenda.  The number one item on the Jewish agenda was winning their war with Germany and that could only be done with goi manpower.  Roosevelt had charged the war on Germany as the chief of the aggressor nations on his election.  He began preparing the US for war in 1933 on his election.  Without a doubt he was the aggressor constantly urging the country to accept his view of Germany.  This was very evident, so evident that Congress pushed through a strict neutrality act as early as 1935.  So evident that Hitler repeatedly referred to FDR as a warmonger unwilling to listen to peaceful overtures.

Peace to FDR meant acquiescence to his terms or war.  My way or the highway.  This was true both in the East as in the West.  It was so evident that the country repeatedly repudiated his efforts to lead the US into war.  The war fever of Washington was evident not just to a few but the many.  This was well before the war began.  Harold Ickes in his memoir says that war was decided on in 1933.  Thus the administration must have known the goal to which they were straining.  This includes General George Marshall.

Charles Beard writes of it as fact in his America In Mid-Passage.  Roosevelt even propagandized the war albeit in covert ways, or at least ways that he could distance himself from.   Technology had increased the ways this could be discretely done.  Print technology, books, magazines and newspapers were effective; radio, talkies and a new medium that came of age in 1938 with the introduction of Superman; comic books came of age with that super hero.  The psyche and mores of the US were thereby changed.  The comic books were almost entirely the production of the Jewish mind, not the American mind but, the Jewish mind.  Following on the heels of Superman came Batman and after the Caped Crusader (note the word) came the ultimate Jewish super hero, Captain America.  The first cover of Captain America published before the war showed Capt. America knocking Hitler for a loop.

After the war began a whole flotilla of comics with war heroes and themes were introduced.  The comic books were extremely effective propaganda tools then and they remain so now, still completely in Jewish hands.

While Roosevelt himself undoubtedly had nothing to do with comic book publishers, writers and artists it is equally certain that Jewish members of his administration did, so that print, radio, movies and comic books were undoubtedly coordinated.  Serials of many of the wartime super heroes can be rented over cable for viewing.

Roosevelt’s opponents immediately after his election were depicted as Fascists and tools of the Nazis.  This alone shows the overwhelming Jewish influence.  Roosevelt himself was obsessed with the notion of depicting his chief enemies Lindbergh and Ford as undoubted Nazis while a tremendous smear campaign, character assassination, was carried on against them.

It would have to be impossible that any government would not use the movies for propaganda purposes.  Indeed, the movies became an extension of government policies.  For the Roosevelt government and its defenders to deny that the movies were not used for propaganda purposes is an absurdity not worth considering.  Beard’s Mid-Passage published in 1939 before the war even began notes the manner in which Roosevelt subordinated the film industry to promote pro-war films in the effort to get America to endorse a war against Germany.

Roosevelt would have been only one party interested in using Hollywood for propaganda purposes.  You may be sure that Stalin through his agents were also using Hollywood to follow the Moscow line

Of course, at the time, and even now, any propaganda influence is denied.  Yet, per Charles Beard there were studies being conducted pre-war that showed the influence and its degree.  The influence was clear to Beard and I’m sure Hitler and Stalin had no difficulty seeing it.

The obfuscation of the Left denying propaganda in film can be lightly brushed aside.  It isn’t even worth discussing.

While Roosevelt was a dictator on a par with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin the historical mores of the country limited his ability to exercise his mere will as did the mores of the other combatants control theirs.  Hitler and Mussolini simply removed the Jewish influence or ignored it while in the US and USSR Jewish influences were paramount.

The reaction to Roosevelt once his direction became clear was enormous.  The ‘economic royalists’ did not stand idly by but organized groups such as the Liberty League offered vocal but meager resistance.  Of course the Liberty League was led by a Jew.  A few such as Henry Ford who also had WWI experience simply refused to go along.  Rather than use overt force the administration employed slander and sabotage.

Another big weapon was expropriatory taxation.  Incensed that there were a few hundred or two hundred million dollar fortunes in the US the Liberal response was to steal it- that is tax it out of existence.  As this would have or did have no effect on the fortunes of the Common Man, there were no distributions, the only reason for stealing the money must have been envy.

Actually the history of the US has been one of unbearable stresses that were all psychologically difficult or impossible to bear.  To begin with the period from the Revolution to the Civil War was primarily an agricultural and trading society with few large fortunes, so there was a rough economic equality although, let us never forget, there is always someone at the bottom.  Equality doesn’t mean that there is no social scale.

Thus to all appearances under the cover of the Civil War in one jump the country went from Longfellow’s village smithy under his spreading chestnut tree to the sprawling steel mill of Homestead.  The economy went from no petroleum to the gigantic Standard Oil in just a few years after the Civil War.  At the war’s end it took months maybe a year or more to go round the horn to California or the long arduous trek across country through hostile Indian Territory.  Four years after the Civil War in 1869 the golden Spike was driven and you could travel to San Francisco with all your possessions in baggage, yourself and family seated comfortably with no cares.

Following Standard Oil’s example Trusts of all kinds of products sprang up like mushrooms.  It was the economic wild west with no holds barred.  Magnificent fortunes could be had for the taking, mines, land, whole forests and mountains.  Not a lot of skill, really, was necessary, just a whole lot of bravado.  For a certain type of person for a brief period it was his day.  By 1900 that day had passed and that type of man was passé but he had left his mark on the imagination of another type of man whose day was in the offing.

The times were changing as the latter type of man began to come into his day with the election of the socialist Woodrow Wilson.  The type of men they were was made clear during the war tyranny of 1917-18.

A socialism that would have made the Stalin gulp was clamped on the unsuspecting people of the United States.  You wonder why Henry Ford and the Dodges resisted strongly Bernard Baruch’s dictatorship at the War Industries Board?  This was very serious stuff.

If the Armistice had been declared, according to Baruch himself they would have regimented the American people as none other had been regimented before.  This was evil as only Americans could do it. You may imagine the rage with which the Wilsonians greeted the election results of 1920 as the Republicans tried to restore the pre-Wilson America.  This was the Normalcy period from 1920 to 1932 that Charles Beard refers to as the Golden Glow.

FDR was in the Wilson government from start to finish so that he and a whole cadre of Wilsonians stewed and plotted until they were able to continue their nefarious course after 1932.  Their memories then were centered on the disappeared world of the Gilded Age and its Golden Glow.  They really were men and women of the nineteenth century still under the thrall of the Village Smithy and his chestnut tree not really dealing with the present as the path to the future.  Their minds were filled with vengeance.

Now, in that leap from an agricultural past to the industrial present from the small artisan to the giant corporation people’s minds were seized with terror by bigness.  There was nothing to fear but small minds.  Looking back they fondly remembered a time that scarcely resembled their memory but was small and compact and seemingly unthreatening although they should have read Poe’s Diddling As A Fine Art more carefully.

Had they been able to see ahead they would have realized that the small semi-isolated communities were a thing of the past while in the coming gigantic global economy a giant size would be necessary to succeed as the global economy grew and other peoples began to participate in what was really a Euroamerican monopoly.  Standard Oil would have to be big to compete with the monstrously sized Chinese demand.  Today President Obama is busy cutting it down to an uncompetitive size.

Rockefeller was a great mind that perhaps gazed into the future.  The times called for a great people to seize the future but the transition from the Village Smithy to Homestead had been too quick; the times were big but the people were small.  In their fear and trepidation they smashed the bigness and thus while not apparent at the time, condemned America to second or third rate status.  The men of Roosevelt’s administration were of that small minded kind.  They didn’t understand, hence unknowingly worked to enthrone the Chinese.  They were natural born slaves if there ever were any.

The second problem and perhaps the most infuriating for Roosevelt and his ilk was the great wealth accumulated by the magnates of the Gilded Age, for big money goes with big business.  Currency and specie had always been a problem in the early stages of settlement.  There just wasn’t enough money to go around so the people of Roosevelt’s school conceived of the money supply as essentially a round pie of which the Golden Agers were hogging all but a few small thin slices.  Hence you have the repeated notion that, say, twenty percent of the rich owned eighty percent of the pie leaving only twenty percent of pie for the remaining eighty percent of people.  Theirs was a small static world.

Conceiving the notion that this eighty percent of the pie was stolen thus forcing the eighty percent who thought poor to live in what was really astounding luxury it seemed right for the eighty percent to steal the money back- in theory.

America had never developed a realistic understanding of monetary matters so there was no understanding of the creation of wealth, still isn’t.  In point of fact if the Age had depended on existing currency there would never have been a Union Pacific, Carnegie Steel or Standard Oil.  There was not enough money so that the builders had to find ways and in creating value the money supply expanded, or was allowed to expand to include the newly created wealth.  Things were getting bigger.

Prior to 1865 there were very few millionaires, the number increased dramatically after 1865 and by the time of the New Deal there were thousands of millionaires.  Even during the depression the US was richer than it had ever been.  A mere thirty or forty years after the New Deal millionaires  would be a dime a dozen.  In our time nearly anyone who owns a house is a millionaire.

It was also true that fortunes didn’t last.  What one generation accumulated subsequent generations dissipated.  It was sure as clockwork.  There was no entail or primogeniture so that as subsequent generations multiplied the number of inheritors grew with it.

A leading expositor of the narrow minded economic view was the very small minded Jewish writer Gustavus Myers  whose most influential book was The History Of The Great American Fortunes.  As may be expected Myers roundly condemned the Gilded Age and The Golden Glow, the latter also known as Normalcy, the New Era, the Coolidge Prosperity and the Republican Interregnum.

Myers wrote several other books condemning American mores and finances.  For those interested I have discussed his writing in my post Chumps Playing Stud.  Myers went as far as calling for legislation to prevent future accumulations of great fortunes.  As he said his school had their man in place with FDR.

Myers was not complaining about great fortunes in general.  The key phrase in his history of American fortunes is American Fortunes, that is, Anglo-Saxon fortunes.  If one reads his book one will find almost no reference to Jews or Jewish fortunes.  It is as if there were no Jews in the US, and Myers obviously was a Jew.  The Jewish scalawags, the Seligman’s who reaped an immense fortune in government securities during the Civil War are no where mentioned nor the fact that they snared great fortunes by taking General Motors from Billy Durant.  The even greater Guggenheim fortune acquired from appropriating the metal resources of the country also receive no mention.  Kuhn-Loeb was apparently unknown to Myers.

Thus the Roosevelt administration used the taxing authority of the government to expropriate the Anglo-Saxon fortunes, destroying the heritage of the Gilded Age the members of which they considered actual enemies of the people.

Thus the small minded people destroyed the ability of the US to compete on the world stage.  Today the US has slipped behind China as the most successful country while India is panting close behind.

And then, a strange thing happened.  Of course after the Nazis assuming control in Germany in 1933 the Gilded Age people were grouped together as Fascists since in self-defense they opposed the so-called New Deal, called the Raw Deal by some.

However if the Gilded Agers weren’t responsible for the magnificent entity that the US had become, who was?  Why, who else but the Jews?

As the thirties came to an end and opposition to the US entry in the European war jelled it became necessary for Roosevelt to destroy the opposition much as Stalin had destroyed his because the US was going to war no matter who dissented.  The Great Crusade against the ‘aggressor nations’ was on.  In such a situation it was necessary to designate the chief spokesman of the enemy and discredit him.  Hoover was out of reach, Hearst had already been destroyed, Ford was quiescent but stepping into the breach was an old bete noir of Roosevelt’s, Charles A. Lindbergh.

This is a strange story.

FDR seems to have had a strong aversion to Lindbergh dating back possibly to 1927 but that is speculative.  Of more recent occurrence was the issue of the air mail service cancellation of 1933.  At that time the Roosevelt was convinced that the civilian air mail contracts had been fraudulently obtained.  It is also true that Hoover developed the air mail program as Secretary of Commerce under Coolidge so there may have been envy over that in Roosevelt’s tiny mind.  At any rate he cancelled the ‘sacred’ contracts and ordered Army pilots to fly the mail.  A pilot is a pilot is a pilot, right?

Flying at that time was much more hazardous so that the Army pilots who had no experience in flying at night or in inclement weather were not successful.  The Army was botching the job while a significant number of pilots died in crashes.  As you read American history life was really cheap back then, thousands and thousands of people were killed every year.  Nobody seemed to care.

Lindbergh took it upon himself to write an open letter to FDR imploring him to reinstate civilian delivery.  Roosevelt was forced to back down while being reported to have said:  We’ll get that fair haired boy.  That threat implies resentment of Lindbergh going way back to his trans-Atlantic solo flight of ’27.

So, when Lindbergh came out condemning any attempt to get the US into another European war thus frustrating FDR’s attempt to do just that FDR decided to destroy him.  What else would he do in the environment he was creating but call him a Nazi.  Thus the major defamation campaign was on.

Strangely this played into Jewish hands.  At the risk of repetition let me point out again that the Jews operated as an independent semi-autonomous people.  They used the US government in an attempt to realize their independent agenda that was completely different than that of Americans.

Events in Germany had alarmed the Jews although there could have been no premonition of the course events would take while as Americans they should have had little interest in Europeans.  However perhaps as Ford insisted Jews were natural born internationalists.  Rather than attribute the German events to their own actions it was thought that non-Jews left to their own devices were irrational and always a potential threat.

Building on psychological discoveries of the nineteenth century then, current understanding of psychological processes were much advanced.  The brutal manipulation of the American psyche by George Creel’s Committee of Public Information of WWI had shown how far and how easily the mass psyche could be pushed.

Subsequent developments in propaganda by the Public Relations experts had shown how far clever manipulation of symbols could go.  Thus, as Eddie Bernays the leading Jewish Public Relations propagandist explained it a superior elite had to take it upon themselves to guide public sentiment in the direction to take  to make sure there were no ‘irrational’ outbreaks such as those in Germany.  There was always an acute danger it could happen here unless the elite, that is the Jews, managed the national psyche.

Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud who had spent time with that master propagandist and was in as close contact with him as circumstances allowed.  Thus Bernays and his fellow Jews began to develop propaganda techniques accordingly.

Seizing upon Roosevelt’s hatred of Lindbergh they began to arouse fears of a Nazi takeover of the US.  Now, the thirties according to the Jewish yearbook had the least ‘anti-Semitic’ activity of any decade in US history.  This seems odd as the Jews place such emphasis on Henry Ford’s writing all through the twenties.  Apparantly his studies had no effect.  Nevertheless the Jews attempted to impress on the US that it could, indeed, it was happening here.

The activities of certain cranks who posed no threat were give exaggerated publicity.  One such was William Dudley Pelley and his Silver Shirts an outfit that was so small and disorganized that he and it posed no threat.  Another absurdity given undue attention was a man called, if you can believe this, James True and his ‘kike killer.’  He turned out to be a ‘lone wolf’ sitting around his office giving out interviews while flashing his ‘kike killer’ that turned out to be an ordinary black jack.  Probably a Jewish stooge and if so a good joke.

No one was going to get far with a couple of acts like that as a real star was needed.  Lindbergh was it.  Talk about star quality. He was a household name and while an American champion, with the right defamatory propaganda, he could be made the butt of a defamatory campaign.  He was quickly built up to an insane Isolationist who was not only sympathetic to the Nazis but a Nazi stooge.  The connections were developed into the idea that he was a Nazi satrap who was going to run for President and once in was going to turn the country over to Hitler.  The idea itself was crazy but how’s that for a fearsome prospect.  Like Roosevelt said, we have nothing to fear but fear itself.  I suppose that meant we were supposed to go looking for it.

I don’t know how seriously this absurd scenario was taken but a movie called Keeper Of The Flame based on the notion was made, so, Roosevelt was seriously using films to press his agenda.  The notion was so important to Jews that in The Plot Against America Philip Roth published a semi-autobiographical novel of his youth in the Jewish colony of Newark based on this premise.

Very strange.  The idea needs a little further examination.

Roosevelt and Hitler assumed their reins of power almost simultaneously.  As I have pointed out German hatred was long standing while the Nazi’s and Jews qua Communists had been engaged in street warfare for over a decade.  Hitler thus squashed the Judeo Communists beginning in 1933 while the Jews declared a worldwide war on Germany at the same time.

The Nazis or Fascists were quickly equated to the Republicans and Roosevelt’s opposition thus FDR’s opposition all became Fascists in Jewish and FDR minds- i.e. The Children of Darkness, Satan’s henchmen, whatever.  Thus the idea formed in Jewish minds that they were the true Americans responsible for creating the beautiful American Dream.

FDR’s opponents were Fascists operating behind enemy lines.  There had to be an arch demon leading them so Lindbergh was selected.  All hatred could be focused on him and if he were defeated the cause was won.

This is all perversely explained by Philip Roth in his novel The Plot Against America.

In reality it was the Jews plotting against America but as the nineteenth century novelist Paul Feval explains in his Black Coats series a professional criminal in planning a crime first selects a scapegoat to bear the guilt.  Once the crime is committed the evidence points to the victim.  Once he is arrested and convicted the case is closed.  There is no need to look further.   As the criminals express it, the law has been paid and victim pays it.

Thus Lindbergh was the scapegoat who was to pay the law for the Jewish plot against America depicted by Roth.  Seventy-five years later it was still thought necessary to deflect suspicion from themselves.  Or was the story resurrected to direct attention from current Jewish operations?

Back in 1940 as US involvement in the European war seemed more likely the drum beat began for the extermination of the Germans.  The war would be a genocidal war and the horrific European Holocaust began to be tapped out.

Part Six:  The Holocaust begins follows.

Henry Ford And Albert Lasker

December 17, 2014

Henry Ford And Albert Lasker


R.E. Prindle


Gunther, John:  Taken At The Flood, The Story Of Albert D. Lasker, 1960, Harper, NYC

Hoover, Herbert:  Memoirs Of Herbert Hoover:  The Great Depression 1929-1941,  1952, MacMillan Company, NYC

Weir, Alison:  Against Our Better Judgment: 2014, Self-published.

Schmidt,  Sarah,  The Parushim: A Secret Episode In American Zionist History,

Tugwell, Rexford: The Brains Trust, 1968, The Viking Press, NYC

Woeste, Victoria Saker:  Henry Ford’s War On The Jews And The Legal Battle Against Hate Speech, 2012, Stanford U. Press, Palo Alto


In 1924 Harold Gray sat down and drew the first panels of his new comic strip.  A comic strip that outlived him.  Yes, Little Orphan Annie made her first appearance in the newspapers.  It was in 1948 that I spread the newspaper out on the floor and made my acquaintance with the little orphan girl and her dog Sandy.  I myself had just gotten out of the orphanage so there was an instant bonding.

I hadn’t been reading the strip for too long before the most fascinating character of the comics ever made his appearance.  Daddy Warbucks stepped on stage.  Warbucks, what a name.  Did he make his incredible fortune making munitions in WWI?  If so, it was only implied.

Warbucks was tall and slim, supremely confident with an incongruous joyish attitude.   I mean this guy killed people who got in his way as a matter of course.  Imagine trying to reconcile murder with business as usual in a young boy’s mind.  He had his own private army with two killer sidekicks.  The sinister looking Asp and the jovial giant East Indian, Punjab.  If your transgression was mild Punjab waved his cape over you and you disappeared.  If you made Warbucks angry The Asp pulled out his stiletto and you heard a splash.  The Asp always killed near water.  Daddy knew how to manage his affairs.

The Dangerous Duo

The Dangerous Duo

Warbucks was fabulous.  He had his own grotto where he moored his own private submarine.  He had unlimited cash so he was able to maintain his own secret service.  I wasn’t aware enough then but now I think that Daddy Warbucks was modeled on the great industrialist Henry Ford.  Henry didn’t have a submarine,  but he owned a fleet of Great Lakes ore ships, sort of his own personal navy, with a big F-O-R-D blazoned on the sides you could read a mile or more away.  He even had his own personal river up which his ships delivered the ore from his own personal iron mines.

His estate was upstream a bit on the River Rouge, his river, just above the incredible turn around basin he dug so his ships could go back out on the lakes to pick up more iron ore to keep his Model Ts chugging out the other end of the most astonishing factory in the world.  One time he unloaded the ore into his huge River Rouge factory and 24 hours later a brand new Model T rolled out the other end.  Daddy Warbucks had nothing on Henry Ford.

While the rest of us had to settle for our little electric train sets Henry owned his own personal real life railroad, locomotives, cars and all, real smoke.  Henry was pictured sitting on the coal from his own mines in his own coal car playing the harmonica as he chugged on down the line.  How cool was that?

Better yet, like Daddy Warbucks, he had his own secret service, the Service Department of Ford Motors led by his own intrepid Edgar Hoover, Harry Bennett.  I’m tellin ya, that guy Henry was on the spot, heck, he was the spot.  During the twenties he needed a secret service what with kidnappers, bootleggers, the Jewish Purple Gang, the Italian Mafia, and numerous other free lancers going around, labor fanatics waving bombs in the air, it paid to sniff things out.

Shots flying here and there, rough times in Detroit City.  All Henry wanted to do was make his cars, not battle in a war zone.  And then when the Jews began to war with him he sent his force out to gather incriminating evidence of their activities against him.

Of course the Jews reviled him for defending himself with his Service Department although of course they had no room to talk being awash in paramilitary and terrorists groups themselves.  They even had their own personal shadow government conspiring for a quiet takeover of the country.  Henry took them a step further pointing out that they had an international government working toward a takeover of Europe and the Americas.  He was right too.


All US histories have excised the Jewish influence on politics and social affairs.  To mention them is to be defamed as an ‘anti-Semitist.’  Jewish histories written by Jews for Jews are quite explicit.  They are seldom read either by Jews or gois.  Copies are sent free to libraries however they are seldom and quite often never checked out, even have the presentation slips inside.  If they are read they tell a clear tale of Jewish activities.

In point of fact there was and is an international Jewish government.

In the nineteenth century the government was run from France by the Alliance Israelite Universelle.  During the first years of the nineteenth century the US was disregarded as a fledgling country while the ocean transit was difficult in small sailing ships.  However as the century progressed the country blossomed, large capacity steel ships replaced the wooden ones and failed revolutions like that of 1848 displaced Jews sending them to the US.  With the industrial development after the Civil War it was realized that Jewry could be more effectively directed from the US with much better security.  Hence beginning in the 1870s the European Jewish population began to be transferred to the US while in 1898 the Alliance Israelite Universelle was shipped from Paris to New York City transferring the Jewish world capital to the latter city.  International Jewish activities began to multiply.

A big one was the International Order of B’nai B’rith in the US.  It was organized in 1843 but having branches throughout Europe by 1900.  The Vienna branch was a key lodge as it was joined by Sigmund Freud in 1895.  He remained a lifelong member.  Freud was beginning his psychological career at that time.  Nineteen years later his system of psycho-analysis was the standard of the emerging discipline.

His influence on world affairs through his association with B’nai B’rith would be increasingly felt throughout the twentieth century.  He was essential to forming the Jewish ideology through the death of Roosevelt in 1945.

Now, the Jews had been awaiting a messiah to redeem them for two thousand years.  The last bona fide messianic candidate, Sabbatai Zevi failed them in 1666.  Unwilling to place their hopes in a single individual the Elders then evolved the notion that the Redemption would come from the whole people.  The years set for the Redemption or Jewish Revolution were from 1913 to 1928.  As Ford understood, the events in all countries of Europe and North America were coordinated.  The two key events of the plan were the assumption of the control of US currency in 1913 through the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia of 1917.  Both countries were seemingly secured although the US Redemption was about to be consummated but was aborted by FDR’s death in 1945.

The history of the Jews in the US from 1900 to 1945 then is the progression or realization of their goal.  The first key event of their plan was the fortuitous election of Woodrow Wilson in 1912.  Had Theodore Roosevelt not split the Republican vote by his Bull Moose third party candidature William Howard Taft would have been reelected and the Republican program perfected.

As it was the American public clearly did not want Wilson as President as his vote was half that of the combined Roosevelt-Taft total.  He got in by a fluke proceeding to begin elaborating a socialist government he called the New Freedom.  His administration was a virtual partnership with the Jews who assumed a position of power in his government through 1920.

One of the first acts Wilson performed in 1913 was to sign into law The Federal Reserve System.  In recent years it has been publicized to an increasing extent that the Federal Reserve is not an agency of the US government; it is a private corporation wholly owned and operated by nine international Jewish banks in both the US and Europe with a Rockefeller interest being the tenth thus forming a minyan.

The US monetary affairs had previously been managed by the J. P. Morgan interests also from NYC.  The Jews thus switched that responsibility from the Morgans and also beyond the control of the US president who had no authority over it or influence on it.  When the Fed engineered the Crash of ’29 Herbert Hoover the president bitterly remarked that the Fed had been placed outside of governmental and presidential control specifically to prevent such debacles while guaranteeing that under the Fed they could never again happen.  Woody blew it there, bless the Democrats.

In preparation for WW1 the remaining components of the Jewish government were transferred from Germany to the US.

Now, the Federal Reserve is responsible for the currency of the US so that the Fed actually issues the currency then loans it to the government, that is the citizens, for their use at interest.  Thus the Jews earn interest on every dollar in circulation. As the currency standard for the world you will understand how many trillions are now out at interest.  At the time the upcoming war would expand the currency in circulation exponentially thus providing huge interest to the Jews.  This is a key point because Jewish activities during the redemption would require more money than the Jews could ever have raised on their own.  While so-called Jewish charity did raise a few millions that was nothing compared to their financial needs.  Remember the Jews were supporting dozens of committees and congresses such as the American Jewish Committee at enormous expense as well as hundreds of synagogues along with their rabbis

Organized crime provided huge sums while Prohibition was a positive godsend.  All those criminals are buried in consecrated ground.  Today a museum in Las Vegas has been built to enshrine the activities of Jewish criminals.  No stigma attached.

Organized crime was important to the Jewish program but so were legal activities.  Thus it was that in 1916 Wilson appointed Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court of the United States.  This was a break with the past as formerly the court was all Anglo.  As imperfect as his appointment was, the fact that Brandeis was a Zionist was even more important.  Zionism was and is in conflict with what was then the American system now almost completely eroded.

Perhaps it was not known to Wilson that Brandeis had the dual identity, or perhaps he did and was complicit.  An objector to Brandeis’ appointment described him as ‘a man who had certain high ideals in his imagination, but who is actually unscrupulous in reaching them.’  What the objector was describing is what is known as a justified sinner; that is one who is ‘saved’ in Christian terms at birth and thus can be as unscrupulous as he likes to satisfy his desires without sacrificing his guaranteed redemption.  The objector might as well have been describing the whole Jewish belief system, essentially the end justifies the means.

The drum roll began to establish a reputation for Brandeis as the greatest living jurist and the purest man alive.  Actually Brandeis was a ringleader of both Zionism and the Jewish Revolution.  Using his status as a Supreme Court justice one of the first things he did was buy a professorship at Harvard for his lieutenant Felix Frankfurter.  The drum roll then began to portray Frankfurter as one of the wisest legal scholars backed by his professorship at Harvard.

Thus he and Brandeis became two secular saints of both societies.

Frankfurter then began recruiting a cadre of acolytes to further Jewish objectives.  Over the next twenty years Frankfurter assembled the cadre that became important when Roosevelt brought the Jews back to DC.  No sooner installed than Frankfurter filled the Dept. of Agriculture with his acolytes.  Thus in one fell swoop he completed the program fostered by Aaron Sapiro that was temporarily frustrated by Henry Ford from 1924-27.

A key event in the establishment of Jewish supremacy was the trial of Leo Frank from 1913-15.


The Leo Frank Affair

The Leo Frank affair is a very important event in the Jewish calendar.  They never tire at bringing it up while it had long ranging repercussions.

For those unfamiliar with the story Leo Frank was a Jewish businessman living in Atlanta Georgia.  While his personal life is carefully avoided he is depicted as a Jewish secular saint who never did nobody no harm.   Contrarily he was described as a sexual pervert.  He employed young girls to make his pencils. By young girls we are talking child labor, pre-pubescent and pubescent.  So our secular saint was exploiting young children to line his pockets.  The temptation of all those young girls may have been too strong for his resistance.  On this occasion he called fourteen year old Mary Phagan to the factory on a Saturday when he was alone in the office, all others being absent, to pick up her paycheck.  Probably the amount was 1.86 or some such ridiculously low figure as that.

None saw Mary pick up the check obviously, but she was discovered in the basement on Monday murdered.  Frank tried to pin the crime on a Negro janitor.  Of course there was no hard evidence as to who had committed the crime but Frank was condemned as the perpetrator.

Why call the girl back to get her paycheck on Saturday after all the others?  Frank was tried in an American court of law and found guilty.  Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Committee, considered the conviction and death sentence as an anti-Semitic act somewhat like the blood libel.  Frank had been convicted solely because he was a Jew in Marshall’s eyes.  Marshall then began to organize a committee to free Frank.

Marshall was the president of the AJC, the AJC was the most important Jewish organization at the time as it is now.  It has always kept a low profile or semi-secret existence.  My wife’s aunt who was very active in Jewish affairs and the civil rights movement had never heard of the AJC until I told her about it which I find stunningly remarkable.

Mr. Marshall was a lawyer as well as president of the AJC.  In his lawyer guise he frequently accuses opponents of being ignorant of the law, yet on page 295 of his Champion of Liberty he says ‘…I am morally convinced that the young man is innocent.’  I have no idea what legal standing being morally convinced of innocence is but I rather imagine, slight.

On p. 297 he writes:  It is desirable to eliminate from consideration of the case, that Frank is a Jew.  The important thing to consider is, that he was a respected industrious, law-abiding citizen…’

The question is a legal one not a question of the status of Frank’s reputation.  In fact there was some question as to whether Frank was a sexual pervert.  Certainly his desire to be alone with Mary in his factory, a poor defenseless very young girl, might tend to confirm the opinion.  I am morally convinced this was so.

Marshall sets the wheels in  motion in his attempt to reverse the conviction.  In his reply to the letter from Judge Irving Lehman he further goes on to write, p. 295:  “Obviously it would be most unfortunate if anything were done in this case from the standpoint of the Jews.  Whatever is to be done must be done as a matter of justice and any action that is to be taken should emanate from non-Jewish sources.”

So, Mr. Marshall is falsely going to act on justice rather than the fact that Frank is a Jew.  He is going to conceal the fact while getting non-Jewish persons to front for him.  He apparently believes that if Frank were not a Jew the murder would be let drop.  On the other hand he seems to feel that Frank has been convicted solely because he is was a Jew not a rapist murderer.  Apparently overlooking the dead child he believes a Christian would never have been convicted.  Thus it is not a matter of justice but a question of the religion of the murderer but we’re not going to talk about that.

While recruiting a Christian front group to mislead the actual actors Marshall also recruits, one might almost say commands, a Jewish cadre of activists.  Now, Marshall was convinced or said so that the Frank case was the most important case since the Dreyfus Affair in France of the 1890s.  Dreyfus was a Jewish spy in the French army who was originally convicted but after a furious publicity campaign by the Jews using French front men they had the decision reversed a few years later.   It was then that the important French novelist Emile Zola was recruited as a front issuing his famous J’ accuse letter.  One guesses that the Dreyfus campaign was the model for the Frank case.

Of the variety of Jews recruited to act behind the front one was the advertising executive from Chicago, Albert Lasker.  Today both Marshall and Lasker have been obscured by time and may for practical matters be considered forgotten.  Yet both men had significant roles during this time.  Lasker as a young man entering his twenties at the turn of the century took a job with a Chicago advertising firm Lord and Thomas.  At the turn of the twentieth century advertising had nowhere near the importance or prominence that it has today.  Lasker joined the firm just as the advertising industry was about to develop.  Lord and Thomas, the founders, were men of the nineteenth century not having yet learned of the psychological learning developing under their noses.  Advertising was more educative at the time and less propagandistic.  Lasker would develop newer methods based on propaganda and psychology.

We are not too concerned with his work on the Frank case although its work would require a leave of absence from his agency that would continue through the Aaron Sapiro legal battle with Henry Ford.  Lasker was much involved in Sapiro’s attempt at a Jewish food monopoly.


The question that is never addressed by goi historians and not fully disguised by the Jewish historians is what were the Jews doing after emancipation.  The two key American agencies after 1913 were the American Jewish Committee and the Order of B’nai B’rith while Freud’s psychoanalytic Order played in the background.  One should not underestimate the Freudian conspiracy and its activities in Central and Eastern Europe.

Organization stepped up after the inauguration of Wilson in 1913.  Brandeis and Frankfurt would be key players from Wilson through FDR.  Alison Weir gives some indication of the basic Jewish attitude in her Against Our Better Judgment in her discussion of a Jewish revolutionary group called the Parushim of 1913 and on.

This was a Jewish guerilla group formed as an order with elaborate oaths.  As reported by Miss Weir:


“You are about to take a step which will bind you to a single cause for all your life.  You will for one year be subject to an absolute duty whose call you will be compelled to heed at any time in any place and at any cost.  And ever after until our purpose shall be accomplished you will be fellow of a brotherhood whose bond you will regard as greater than any other in your life- dearer than that of family, or school, or nation.”


Horace Kallen the author of the Order made Louis Brandeis, before his Supreme Court appointment, an honorary member.  Brandeis’ acceptance may have been more political in nature while as an honorary member he may not have felt bound by the oath, nevertheless as a Supreme Court justice he had pledged himself to an authority higher than the ‘nation’ and actually US law.  Of course he had pledged himself as a Zionist to that end.  Judaism uber alles.

Whether or not Lasker had pledged himself to the Parushim, as an ardent Jew and Zionist he also would have the same attitude as Brandeis and Frankfurter.  After his activities in the Leo Frank case Lasker devoted several years to Jewish activities, the Lord and Thomas interests being managed by his surrogates.

Bearing the Parushim oath in mind, in 1924 Henry Ford used his newspaper to expose the activities of Aaron Sapiro, a Jewish lawyer organizing North American agricultural cooperatives leading to the Jewish goal.  According to Ford’s researchers, a competent corps of men, Sapiro was aided in devising the co-op movement by Bernard Baruch, Lasker and Eugene Meyer.

As noted Sapiro had been recruited by the co-op plans deviser, David Lubin.  The first step in the plan had been the organization of the Jewish orange growers of Sacramento.  Lasker had been called in to promote the sale of oranges which he successfully did, thus it seems that he would have known both Lubin and Sapiro and probably was clued to the plan thus there should be no surprise that he was subsequently involved as Ford’s articles indicated.

Bernard Baruch, the King of the Shadows, served as a commodity expert in the Wilson administration thus he would have been very useful in forming these co-ops of commodities.  Working from the shadows Baruch had more power than one would believe.  As an instance FDR had to take him into account because as FDR said, he owned sixty congressmen.  That almost amounts to a shadow government.  Of course you will never learn that from Baruch’s autobiography.

Eugene Meyer was president of the Federal Reserve which would have been very useful although gaining information on him has been difficult.

One must believe that Ford’s exposure made Sapiro’s co-op organizing difficult although his influence was in decline after David Lubin’s death in 1919.  Apparently Lubin’s direction was essential.  Thus Ford’s exposure was effective regardless of any results of Sapiro’s lawsuit.  However the agriculture issue was not settled by Sapiro’s defeat.

As noted Brandeis was given terrific influence over American political affairs when Wilson appointed him a Supreme Court justice.  Like Baruch he was a major influence in forcing Jewish affairs forward leading a double life.

Brandeis, in whose honor Brandeis University was is named, bought a Harvard professorship for his disciple Felix Frankfurter.  The drum roll then began to blazon Frankfurter as well as his master as the greatest legal minds the world had ever seen.  Frankfurter himself began to indoctrinate decades of students, Jew and goi alike in the goals of Parushim.  Thus the oaths terms ‘on behalf of the Jews, my [own] people, and of mankind’ were inserted to include not only Jews but any of the goyim Frankfurter might seduce.  Plus Frankfurter could control to a great extent who was at the top of their class and who was at the bottom.

Brandeis and Frankfurter were rewarded in 1933 when Roosevelt was inaugurated.  Frankfurter immediately filled the Dept. of Agriculture with his disciples, none of whom were farmers.  One of the first acts of the Roosevelt administration was the passing the Agricultural Adjustment Act- the AAA.   Thus although temporarily derailed in the mid-twenties by Ford, in 1933 the Jews obtained more under Roosevelt than they could have by the laborious and patient work of Sapiro, Baruch, Lasker and Meyer.

Of course the AAA was declared unconstitutional in 1935 by the Supreme Court confirming Ford’s opinion of the plan but that was nullified in after years by its implementation step by step anyway.

It is probable that Ford never met Albert Lasker but their lives touched indirectly.



A Review

Pt. II

One World by Wendell Willkie


R.E. Prindle

Franklin and Eleanor

Franklin and Eleanor

The nineteenth century moved like a glacial flow until 1914 with the ice sheet hanging way over the water it broke loose crashing into the sea to reveal a new surface. The changes had been building both racial and ideological but remained unacknowledged for what they were.

On the ideological front nationalism had been under attack. Loyalty to one country began to be replaced by loyalty to an ideology transcending nationality, this was reflected in Communism and/or socialism with the Bolshevik revolution. The Soviet Union became the homeland of socialism or collectivism. Communist ideology shifted their loyalty from their own countries to the ‘socialist homeland’ of the USSR. Thus the so-called Communist national traitors after 1917 were at the same time sociaoists loyal to the socialist homeland of the USSR.

Fascism that arose in reaction to Communism too became an international ideology along with Americanism. Judaism also while being international in scope along with the other ideologies was also racial or national thus straddling all sides of the fence- no mean feat.

Wendell Willkie

Wendell Willkie

Like it or not there was no isolationism nor could there have been. While Fascism and Judaism were restricted by race but still international in reach the bi-polar struggle of the next couple periods would be between Communism and Americanism.

This situation was ill understood as the twenties began. Most people had no realization that the old façade had dropped nearly clean away. As a global political ideology controlled from the USSR the Communists created the Third International to interfere with and manipulate the nations which still retained their political borders thus making the USSR a pariah State.

We thus arrive at the trickiest ideology Judaism. The Jews succeeded in making themselves the thorniest ideology of the lot while as a nation or people they functioned across all borders, ideological or geographic as a unit although they denied it then and may still do so although they have been outed to all except perhaps themselves. They appear to believe their denials are still effective.

If anyone needed to say it, the Negro WEB Dubois did say it when he said race would be the central issue of the twentieth century. He might have added- and thereafter. The battle would begin with the Negro revolt against Reconstruction Jim Crow while the race evangelist Marcus Garvey would begin the struggle for African supremacy in the world as he attempted to unite the Negroes of Africa and those scattered throughout the New World.

While not integrated into consciousness those movements did not go unnoticed. The high time of Western world dominance undoubtedly was the successful Scramble for Africa bringing that continent with two small exceptions under Western or European dominance. If one were to give the high tide a date it would have to be the fabulous Columbian Exposition of Chicago of 1893. It has been downhill from there. By that time what the historian and social critic Lothrop Stoddard called The Rising Tide Of Color Against White Supremacy became noticeable.

In addition to Stoddard’s book a 1916 study by anthropologist Madison Grant titled The Passing Of The Great Race underlined the sea change that was taking place as the West was virtually committing suicide on the battlefields of Europe. Both Stoddard and Grant would be marginalized as inconsequential racists as were writers who detected the true nature of the conflict and spoke up such as Thomas Dixon and Edgar Rice Burroughs to name only two.

At the end of the war to end wars then the stage was set for the conflict between ideologies and races that would improbably come to a head with Willkie’s One World and the United States of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The cessation of hostilities between the Central Powers and the Allies did not end all hostilities. The success of the Bolsheviks in Russia alarmed the US and Europe while Russian loyalists sought to recover Russia fighting the Bolsheviks in a civil war. The White forces- as opposed to the Reds- were aided and abetted by European, American and Japanese troops while British diplomatic spies in Russia sought the destruction of Lenin and the Bolshevik regime. This was much more serious than we have been led to believe. A good account of the near replacement of the Bolsheviks can be found in the British TV series available on DVD- Reilly, Ace Of Spies. A more accurate account can be found in the history, Ace Of Spies: The True Story Of Sidney Reilly by Andrew Cook. You will be amazed.

It is hardly astounding then that the Bolsheviks were fomenting worldwide revolution that included the United States through their Third International or Commintern. It is a folly to think that the revolutionary events of 1919 and 1920 in the US were not just that. At that time the American reaction was prompt and effective as Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer put his foot down hard on the revolutionists while the finishing touches were applied by the new president Warren G. Harding in 1921. Thereafter the Communists worked underground but they never stopped working. Actually they even ran their own candidates for president through the thirties.

The backbone of the Communist Party was of course, the Jews. The majority of Party members in every country of the West was Jewish. They strenuously denied this at the time but in the last decade or so have grudgingly admitted what any interested party knew all along.

It is regrettable that we have to talk about the Jews but no period of Western history from the end of the Taurian Age when the ideology came into existence to the present can be understood without a knowledge of Jewish goals and desires. It’s just a fact that we have to deal with.

In the modern period, that is post-French Revolution the contest between the Jews and the West has been first a demand for autonomy within national States which is to say equality of the Jews separate from the host nation and secondly, having attained that, supremacy within the State. The notion is what the so-called Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion expressed but has been denied.

Benzion Netanyahu And Son Bibi

Benzion Netanyahu And Son Bibi

The Jewish method is always to destabilize the State and cause confusion in the society of the host nation. This was clearly but inadvertently expressed by Benzion Netanyahu in his ’monumental’ History Of The Jews In Spain. The superiority of the Jews is clearly expressed in his metaphor of the Jewish root stock of the olive tree onto which the branch of Christianity is grafted. Thus Judaism is the superior and senior while the West by which the Jews mean Christianity inferior and junior.

While that may accurately depict the Jewish view of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity it ignores the fact that the proto-Jewish root stock had no existence before the beginning of the Arien Age when civilization had already passed the infant stage thereby making Judaism dirivative of the mother culture. But, my intent is historic rather than polemical so suffice it to say I have accurately described the Jewish rationale.

The first wave, other than the small colonial Sephardim from Brazil, of Jews arrived as flotsam from the failed Revolution of ‘48 from Germany. This group was well established by the seventies and eighties when the Jews from the Pale, that is ‘Russian’ Jews, came in their millions until 1914. The German Jews looked down on the Eastern European Jews causing such a division that the German Jews were known as ‘Our Crowd’ in relation to them.

While the Jews claim they had little to do with the Bolshevik Revolution they were inveterate enemies of the ‘Czar’ and were responsible for the 1905 revolution and the break of diplomatic relations between the US and Russia in 1911.

The election of Woodrow Wilson in 1913 gave them their entrée into federal politics and a step toward autonomy. They were then able to actively begin to destabilize American society introducing a new element of confusion.

Now in power in the USSR spreading destabilization and confusion throughout Europe, the establishment of the Comintern allowed penetration of the US as Soviet agents infiltrated the country in some numbers. With their arrival American socialists or Communists who had been discretely working behind the scenes in all areas of American life became more open to the observent aiding at the least in the frustration of government attempts to contain the Communist threat. The attempt was and has been ridiculed as the Red Scare as though the suppression of the Communists was a panic situation over a non-existent threat.

Thus, the incredible revolutionary acts in the US of 1919-1921 have been characterized by Judaeo-Communist historians and commentators as ordinary disturbances having no political significance. If

A. Mitchell Palmer- American Hero

A. Mitchell Palmer- American Hero

one views the Wall Street bombing and the attempts on the life of dozens of leading anti-Communists as what they were, an attempt to overthrow the government in the post-war disorder and incapacitation of Wilson by his stroke resulting in little effective government until March of 1921 as a failed revolutionary attempt the events make more sense. There was no Red Scare, there was a failed Red revolution no different in character than that of Bolshevik Russia. It was the internationalism so ardently desired by Roosevelt. Isolation was not an option.

This mess then was inherited by the incoming Republican president Warren G. Harding which he promptly solved. The Reds were squelched within a few months of Harding’s inauguration. The Party itself was outlawed. However sympathizers and Reds disguising themselves as humanitarian Liberals had the law reversed.

This was not unusual as circumventing adverse decisions by ‘democratic’ methods seemed easy for the Jews. In 1911 when the Jews demanded that Taft cancel the 1832 commercial treaty between the US and Russia, Taft demurred. Having studied the issue at least as well as our present constitution scholar, Barack Obama, he could find no reason to abrogate the treaty. As the Dearborn Independent article linked above of January 1921 indicates Taft’s decision was nullified by Congress:

Neither did the President know what was behind it all. Look at the names of the men who represented American Jewry in the White House that 15th of February 1911 (Jacob Schiff, Louis Marshal et al.). And then consider that the abrogation of the Russian treaty would throw all the vast business between the United States and Russia into Germany, into the hands of the German Jews. The Frankfurt bankers and their relations in the United States knew what that meant. It meant the German Jews would be the intermediaries of trade between Russia and the United States. The business itself meant money, but the relation meant power over Russia- and Jacob Schiff lived to overthrow Russia. The neutrality of the United States was torn to shreds by a movement organized and financed on American soil for the overthrow of a friendly nation, and the organizers and financiers were Jews! They used their internal power to deflect the policy of the United States to assist their plans.

Remember that the Federal Reserve System founded by the Jew Warburg in 1913 was owned by an international consortium of Jewish banks and were all operating out of Frankfurt, save Rockefellers. The Federal Reserve controls US currency receiving interest on the total number of dollars outstanding.

zzzzWillkie6The complicity between Schiff, Marshall and the Jews with the Bolshevik revolution can plainly be seen. The squelching of the American revolution by Harding can be seen as a blow to Jewish ambitions for supremacy in the US as well as in Russia so FDR’s internationalism was the order of the day while ‘isolation’ never was or could be possible. FDR’s abhorred isolationists merely had a different notion of internationalism than FDR and his Jews.

Having delivered one blow to Jewish pretensions Harding delivered another. Ending unrestricted immigration had been a desideratum of the US for decades but had never succeeded. In 1921 under Harding’s leadership it did. As is well known, before August 1914 the Jews had readied the entire Eastern European Jewry for transfer to the US. After the war it was necessary to reorganize and just as they were ready to begin the transfer Harding shut the door in their faces by limiting immigration to more manageable proportions.

Unlike Wilson’s administration, under Harding and his two Republican successors the Jews would have

The Much Underestimated President Warren G. Harding

The Much Underestimated President Warren G. Harding

no place in DC. That would change with the election of Roosevelt.

As far as internationalism went the beginning of Prohibition in 1920 would change international relations dramatically. This during the so-called isolationism of the Republican interregnum.

Prohibition had been in effect for a year and a quarter when Harding assumed office. Criminals are not always as dull as we’d like to think they are. Long before the passing of the Volstead Act criminal minds perceived the fantastic opportunity the law would offer. They were organized to take advantage of the act the day it came into effect. The law was to alter the very nature of the country, turn it into a criminal State. The people in the best position to organize international shipments of liquor to the US were the international Jews led in this instance by the criminal mastermind Arnold Rothstein. Liquor shipments were sent from the British Isles, France et al. while the Bronfmans of Canada made several fortunes transporting booze across Lake Erie to the Mayfield Road Gang and across the Detroit River to the Purple Gang of that city. We’re talking a lot of money and it is filling Jewish pockets.

While this was an unintended consequence of the act it surely was foreseen especially as criminal organizing would not have gone unnoticed. Thus, Harding inherited a unique criminal situation for which there was actually no defense.

Now, I’m carefully searching for words to portray the situation without offending the reader’s sensibilities. We have been conditioned, you and I and all of us, and I mean conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs, to consider the Jews as a much maligned, totally innocent, wrongfully oppressed people. Thus at the cry of ‘anti-Semitism’ we all rush to their defense. Any historian, any interested person who looks into the facts will see that this notion is far from the truth. As Jacob Schiff announced when Taft refused to abrogate the Russian-American treaty: This is war. Any stifling of Jewish wishes was always war, had been war for nearly four thousand years. The war continues.

Internationalism was and is natural to Jews who were dispersed throughout all the nation states of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the US. NO matter where they went they could check into a synagogue or Jewish meeting place and, in Europe at least where Yiddish was their lingua franca, communicate with equal understanding. Thus where the various European nations could communicate only with their fellows it was much more easy for Jews to conduct trans-national commerce. They became commodity experts managing the wheat supply for instance.

The huge national colonies in the US whether you choose to call them ghettoes or not, were actually secure areas where new arrivals could begin to acculturate before melding with the outside society. Thus the entry point for most Jews was through New York City, castle Gardens and then Ellis Island.

The main influx of Eastern European, Jews from the Pale began in 1870. The German Jews had preceded them and became fairly acculturated by 1870 so they were able to manage and exploit these East European exotics who they perceived much as White Americans perceived the Negro.

Still, by the eighties the settlement house acculturation centers were created in these colonies where newcomers were given support and had the, to them, very strange culture explained. The Jews of the Pale were on the order of people stepping from a medieval world into the modern world. They developed a strange concept of themselves in reaction to their hosts. Thus they projected America as a hostile environment replicating their situation in Europe.

There were several settlement houses on the Lower East Side. As the numbers of Jews increased drastically from 1870 to , say, 1900, the by then very large colony on the Lower East Side attracted the attention of wealthy do gooders of the very elitist American stock, such as the future Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eleanor. Now remember this elite would never consider talking to people like you and me. We would be sent to servants quarter but never allowed through the front door. Nevertheless the first group of society women, girls, numbered somewhat over eight. They established he Jr. League. They arrived at the settlement houses and began to minister to the colonists, not as equals but as patrons.

Remember, these immigrants, the majority here for less than ten years were still walking around in a dazed condition speaking little or no English and that with a thick heavy accent when the very elite of the natives arrived to ‘serve’ them. Stop and consider the social distance from the elite to you and I and then consider the distance from the elite to the immigrants. Does your heart bleed for those poor, poor people? The elites’ did.

The arrival of the elite ought to have raised the self-estimation and already inflated Jewish sense of self-importance regardless of their impoverished state. They still considered themselves as Jews the elite of mankind. The elite then meeting the elite. As it should be in Jewish eyes.

As strange as it may seem these society maidens also looked on the Jews as the Chosen People carrying some kind of ancient wisdom far superior to their own. This facilitated their ability to give of themselves while enabling themselves in their own minds to be of service to God’s own people.

Eleanor then introduced Franklin to this colony on the Lower East Side. He too was sucked in. As I said Jews were natural internationalists so that the two altruists inhaled this internationalist approach combined with their giving attitude thus conditioning FDR to have a condescending attitude toward the unfortunate but deserving people of the world when he became president. He became used to distributing largesse that cost him nothing.

As socialites he and Eleanor undoubtedly met many if not most of the prominent acculturated German Jews who undoubtedly wasted no time getting to know these society maidens who could introduce them to their other very important family members.

It was these acculturated Jews who owned the tenements, owned the needle trades and who exploited their fellow Jews with high rents and in sweat shops. The famous Triangle building fire was caused when Jewish owners locked their workers in; no natives were involved in any of this.

There was someone else who became aware of the international nature of Judaism and that someone was Henry Ford. Not of the American elite but one might say of the peasantry he saw the situation somewhat differently than the Roosevelts and the fabulously rich society maidens. While the social set could look down on the Jews benevolently Ford could see through the international mindset of the sect. He could see the aggressive nature, the need for autonomy or even dominance. He was dealing with the Anti-Defamation League eyeball to eyeball. He could see the traditional American culture and mores under assault by the invaders with their creeping collectivism.

Having been taken advantage of by them in the Peace Ship incident and resisting further attempts he decided to counter attack. As this was asymmetric warfare, a war of words so to speak, he bought a newspaper and took it countrywide. This was the famous Dearborn Independent. He began to publish a series of exposes detailing Jewish depredations such as the one linked above concerning then former President Taft.

These exposes were not off the shoulder, or from the hip. Ford spent a small fortune building a library of books concerning the Jews. He set his editor the very capable William J. Cameron to work studying and writing. As can be seen from the Taft article which is representative, Cameron knew what he was doing while wasting no words.

These exposes infuriated the Jews causing them to launch a defamation campaign against Ford. Their rage knew no bounds when Ford gathered and published the exposes in four slim volumes called, appropriately enough, The International Jew. To what could the Jews rationally object? Their whole program was internationalist, they had firmly indoctrinated the future president of the United States in their beliefs.

They were in a dither. This was America where freedom of speech, of which they availed themselves liberally, was sacrosanct, a more that was nearly impregnable to change. While they dithered Ford began a campaign against internationalization of American agriculture by a disciple of one David Lubin named Aaron Sapiro.

Sapiro’s mentor, David Lubin, had taught him how to set up farm cooperatives then retired to Italy from whence he attempted to set up coordinated international cooperatives linked with those not only of the United States but Argentina, Australia and all the great wheat growing areas of the world. He was seeking to corner wheat.

A good explanation of the California or Sapiro plan as it was called was given in the Century Magazine of November 1921 by the famed agitator and propagandist Gustavus Myers. A copy may be purchased from Go to the Gustavus Myers page. More about Myers further on.

Ford saw through this plan and over a series of twenty articles beginning in 1924 exposed it. As it was a Jewish program he identified it as that and Aaron Sapiro and his associates as Jews.

Cooperatives were not new, cooperatives had been attempted before while Herbert Hoover as President would encourage the cooperative movement. Apparently unable to defend the Lubin plan that Sapiro called the Sapiro plan he thought to attack Ford on an irrelevant issue- anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism had nothing to do with cooperatives while there was no law against anti-Semitism.

Sapiro tried to establish the concept that Ford was defaming a whole people, which was also no crime, that is the Jews, rather than just himself as an individual Jew. This was a great Jewish desideratum which if Sapiro had succeeded would have placed the Jewish people beyond criticism giving them dominance over the American people.

The suit misfired when the trial was deemed a mistrial. It was not resumed. The people who write the histories are pro-Jewish and anti-Ford so that while Ford had been outrageously defamed by them the Jews believed that Ford was entirely discredited amongst his own people. This was not the case.

Ford had done, was doing, great things. He was perhaps the greatest American of the twentieth century and if not of the world certainly among the top three. While his deeds and person are now belittled and disparaged by polemical writers the effect on Ford before 1933 when the Jewish protégé Franklin Roosevelt was elected president was minimal. As significant as their war on Ford was to the Jews it wasn’t that central to the country at large. There was a lot more and a lot more important things to occupy the public’s attention.

The collectivist Judaeo-Communist outlook was still not influential enough to overrule the Americanist individualist approach. In 1924 Coolidge, an individualist if there ever was one, wanted, was eager, to sell the abandoned and deteriorating facilities at Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee River to Ford to develop. Indeed the House of Representatives passed a bill to do so in overwhelming numbers but the vote was scotched by collectivists. In the event nothing was done with the embryo TVA facility until the Roosevelt administration acted on it to create the TVA along collectivist lines. Thus Roosevelt and his collectives were given the credit rather than Coolidge, Hoover, Ford and the American individualist plan.

One can only guess how history might have changed if Ford had been allowed to develop Muscle Shoals and the Tennessee River. Cheap fertilizer might have invigorated agriculture thereby interfering with the Lubin-Sapiro-California plan. In any event the TVA was delayed for ideological reasons, damn the consequences.

Ford remained in good grace through the twenties being especially well thought of by that great individualist Herbert Hoover. Ford was far from shamed. At the grand opening of his incredible Greenfield Village, Disneyland before Disneyland, in 1929 President Herbert Hoover was present for the ribbon cutting. While collectivists disparage the Village it was quite amazing for the time and remains so as it now includes a tour of River Rouge.

In 1933 when Roosevelt was inaugurated America’s past to paraphrase Ford became bunk. In the words of Greil Marcus it became ‘weird old America.’ Roosevelt and his followers of all stripes tried and reasonably succeeded in obliterating the individualistic American past.

As the Jews were at war with the German nationalists in a very different manner than they were against America and indeed against the Russian people they were converting the individualism of the first and second Americas to the European ideology of Fascism. To be opposed to Roosevelt and the New Deal made one a ‘Fascist’, or in Jewish terms an anti-Semite.

Indeed, the Jews became so influential that c. 1940 there was an attempt by the Jews to take credit for the success of the US by pretending that they were the true Americans defending democratic ideals while the older individualistic Americans personified by Charles Lindbergh were Fascists out to destroy democratic America by totalitarian methods. The idea was revived by the contemporary Jewish writer Philip Roth in his novel The Plot Against America in the early years of this century.

Internationalism then was a Jewish concept embraced by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt at the beginning of the twentieth century on the Lower East Side. Under Jewish tutelage FDR would then pursue a One World concept with a United Nations. Wilson’s League Of Nations implies a number of disparate nations cooperating together but wanting to retain separate identities. One World and a United Nations implies the obliteration of borders and nations but nations, that is peoples, would still exist separately. Therefore a situation had to be created that commingled all peoples in the puerile belief that one world, one people, one ideology would be created. Of course, the Jewish idea was that the world would all come together under them and their conception of God with themselves as the Chosen People being the administrators.

But I get ahead of myself. To return to 1933.

Part III Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself follows.



A Review:

One World


Wendell Willkie

Review by

R.E. Prindle

Wendell Willkie

Wendell Willkie

Willkie, Wendell: One World, 1943, Readers League Of America

Woeste, Victoria Saker: Henry Ford’s War On Jews, 2012, UStanford Press

Today we are spending millions on a Voice of America, that it is fondly hoped, will persuade Russia to “understand” America. Why not a drive to make Americans understand America? A crusade that will raise patriotism above “liberalism’s” sneers, lifting all eyes to the shining arch of democratic achievement, and away from mean search for flaws at the base? We are a great people, and out of the glory of the republic’s morning, what may not be expected of the noon? If we are given a recovery of pride, courage, and faith, what height can dismay our climbing feet?

–George Creel- Rebel At Large

1947. George Putnam’s Sons


The period from 1913 when Woodrow Wilson became president to 1953 when the honorable Harry Truman passed the reins of government to Dwight Eisenhower must be studied as one unit. Dominating the period was the lust for a League of Nations in Wilson’s terminology at the beginning of the period, the United Nations as conceived by Franklin Roosevelt at the end.

The issue was placed in terms of Internationalism vs. Isolationism by the Wilsonians, a surrender of sovereignty by the opposition. As one can see the Wilsonians gave a pejorative to their opponents. Demonology. The Wilsonians characterized themselves as people of inherent almost godlike virtue, their opposition as devils. No compromise was possible for the Wilsonians, it was all or nothing. They believed that they could legislate peace.

They refused to see that there never had been peace at any time in the world, the history of mankind was a history of war or, as Edward Gibbon put it, a record of crimes and follies. While the Wilsonians concentrated on the European national war they failed to see that warfare was brewing in other quarters that would cancel out any agreements between Europeans. They were warned of it, told in no uncertain terms by men like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard. Stoddard wrote three books identifying three trends that have played out as he indicated. The first book was The Rising Tide Of Color Against White Supremacy that indicated the revolt of the colored world against White hegemony. No surprise there. The second was The New World Of Islam that accurately predicted the current Moslem assault on Western Civilization and the third was The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace Of The Underman that warned against the assault on civilization by those marginalized by the intelligence required to function in the modern technological and scientific world.

After 70 years or so of the United Nations warfare is as or more endemic over the whole planet as it was in Roosevelt’s time. Furthermore the most trigger happy of the whole lot is Roosevelt’s own disciple Barack Obama, the first Negro US president. His administration’s record to this time is war piled on war.

More importantly for Roosevelt’s time was that Wilson’s Versailles Peace Treaty led directly to WWII, League of Nations or no. Before the ink was even out of the pen pundits were predicting a world war two within twenty years and so it came to be. There was no peace, there will be no peace. And for this fantasy Roosevelt stripped his countrymen of their freedoms just as his successor is doing.

It is necessary to recapitulate the entire period.


Immigration And Immigrants

US history since the twentieth century began has been written from the point of view of the immigrant. Therefore immigrants are portrayed as good and the native reaction as evil. A couple immigrant nationalities stand out and chief of these is the Jewish people. The Jews are master propagandists while at the same time being an overwhelming influence on American historical writing. The country’s historical opinion has been formed by Jews.

In Russia and Central Europe Jews always rejected the authority of the host country seeking instead an autonomous position relative to the host. They nearly succeeded in this goal in Poland while the Russians stoutly resited their goal. Thus Jews and Russians fought an asymmetrical war for over a hundred years in which the Jews were the victor in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Until the accession of Stalin after Lenin’s death the Jews were supreme.

When the Jews emigrated to the US they naturally sought an autonomous relationship hoping to establish Yiddish as an official language on a par with English. While they failed in the latter goal, although efforts continue, with the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson in 1913 they flooded into DC as an essential part of the administration. They were influential if not autonomous or wholly equal.

Their activities in Russia, now the Soviet Union, as a symbol of victory the name was changed to erase the Russians, alarmed the world. A world wide reaction occurred because the Jews were then in a position using both asymmetrical and possibly conventional warfare to conquer the world. Theirs was an international operation or conspiracy even though they naturally denied it.

One of the most active exposers of Jewish designs of the period was the American, Henry Ford. Ford owned the first national newspaper, the Dearborn Independent. He ran a series of exposes over a two year period which he collected into four small volumes called The International Jew. This was a statement of fact not fancy or prejudice. Taken, one imagines, by surprise the leading Jewish organizations couldn’t formulate a powerful response. Of course they were in full damage control mode throughout the West.

Aaron Sapiro

Aaron Sapiro

Then in 1924 Ford began a twenty part expose of the activities of an agriculturist charlatan named Aaron Sapiro. Sapiro was a Jew. He beginning in the West, he was from California, and moving East began organizing farmers into his notion of cooperatives. Ford’s Independent denounced him as part of an international Jewish conspiracy to control, in essence, food stuffs. A corner on food, so to speak.

Whether he was part of a larger organization or on his own Sapiro decided to sue Ford for defamation not only of himself but the Jewish people as a whole. An innovation. The suit did go to trial ending in a mistrial. However judging from existing accounts, most notably Miss Victoria Woeste’s ‘magisterial’ history of the situation, there seems to be the notion that Ford made false allegations.

The Great Henry Ford

The Great Henry Ford

Apparently no one on Ford’s side came across a statement Sapiro made before a convocation of Jewish notables in Detroit in which he said:

We will show that Henry Ford’s attack, on the part I have taken in promoting cooperative marketing among the farmers of this country means but one thing…that Ford and his hirelings are bent upon eliminating the Jew from agriculture. But little do these men realize that the efforts exerted by those who would apply to agriculture the sound methods which obtain in modern business will result in placing agriculture on a basis of prosperity and productivity, without which it is doomed. And these malicious individuals do not know or do not wish to know, that it was men like the late David Lubin, A Californian Jew, who laid the foundation for a new and significant era in American farming.

David Lubin? Not only did Henry Ford and his ‘hirelings’ not know of David Lubin but neither did Miss Woeste or else for some reason she wished to conceal the fact. But then I never heard of David Lubin nor has any other writer on the topic.

David Lubin

David Lubin

But to consider the paragraph of Sapiro in which he says a great deal that undermined his suit against Ford. David Lubin was only one of perhaps several like minded men according to Sapiro. Who were these other men, were they all Jews and what was this foundation for a new and significant era in American farming that they laid? Those are interesting questions which inevitably lead to a ‘conspiracy’. Sapiro was obviously a disciple of Lubin, while the so-called Sapiro Plan must have been the same as Lubin’s or based on that plan.

Sapiro believed that agriculture was ‘doomed’, that is dead, without applying to agriculture the sound methods that obtain in modern business. He doesn’t tell us exactly what he means so we can only guess. However on thing to which Ford objected was that Sapiro wanted to form large aggregates of farmers and then withhold their produce from the market until they got the price they wanted. Well, that’s equivalent to a strike against the public interest. Calvin Coolidge during the Boston police strike laid down the rule that no one has the right to strike against the public interest. But it isn’t stated exactly what Sapiro meant. In any event it appears that Sapiro was participating in a larger movement or conspiracy as Ford claimed.

Now, who was this David Lubin of whom Sapiro considered himself a disciple? What is his story?

David Lubin was neither an American nor a Californian although for a part of his life he lived in America and a smaller part in California. He was born a Jew in Klodawa, Poland in 1849 moving to England in 1853 then moving to New York as part of his family in 1855.

According to Wikipedia: ‘He received a scant education and at an early age was placed in a jewelry factory in Attleboro, Massachusetts…he drifted to California…where he opened a store in Sacramento in the 1870s.



While in Sacramento he bought a fruit ranch…and land for raising wheat. His knowledge of agriculture assisted him when he helped found the California Fruit Growers Union. He then helped settle Eastern European Jewish refugees who worked on various farms in the area and, in 1891, he became the director of the International Society for the Colonization of Russian Jews. He then began a campaign for subsidies and protection for farmers, initially in California but eventually on an international scale.


So David Lubin was the archetype of the international Jew with no settled place of residence. From California he would move to Italy, dying in Rome in 1919. In Rome he continued his organizational efforts to create unification of Jewish American and Jewish European food merchants.

During his life he was more interested in Jews than Americans which was part of Ford’s complaint about Sapiro. The word ‘international’ runs all through his history. Lubin was placed in charge of the worldwide, that is international, settlement of Russian Jewish colonies. He established ‘colonies’ of Jews in California, then sought subsidies, that is grants of public money, for them through the US government.

Lubin is the role model of Aaron Sapiro. It is this role that Ford objected to. Miss Woeste doesn’t tell us whether Sapiro was in contact with Rubin, I suspect he was, and certainly his associate, Bernard Baruch, who was a commodities expert, who was in close contact with Sapiro, most likely had some sort of contact if not association with Lubin. In fact Lubin may have recruited and tutored Sapiro who at the time was merely unsuccessful hack lawyer in San Francisco.

Interestingly it appears that David Lubin made his mark on the world. While in Rome Lubin established the International Institute of Agriculture, backed and supported by the King of Italy, which continued in existence until 1945 when it was incorporated into the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Lubin was not exactly a non-entity even in 1919 when he died.

There is every reason then to believe that Ford was correct in his assessment of Sapiro’s activities. Some sort of international plan benefiting Jews was in the process of being formed. Had Ford pursued the retrial I suspect he would have won. His problem was that it was just too time consuming while he was in the process of ending the Model T and designing the Model A in 1927.

As it was the trial was sort of a public relations triumph for the Jews.

On the international scale, while the Jews and the big Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Committee, and the Anti-Defamation League were busy battling Ford in America they were involved in street warfare in Germany with German nationalist groups.

The menace to German culture and nationality was severe. As Hitler said to Jewish Communists: We know if we fail our heads will roll in the sand…’ There can be no doubt that was true. The purge of German nationalists would undoubtedly have amounted to millions and perhaps tens of millions. The Jewish offensive against the Germans actually began with their triumph over the Russians in the October Revolution of ‘17. They were waging asymmetrical war from then until the extermination camps reduced their numbers.

Their progress in the US was delayed over the years of the Republican Interregnum from 1921-1933. With the return of Wilsonian policies in 1933 when Roosevelt seized control the Jews flooded back into DC along with their Communist allies. Jews immediately called for boycotts and sanctions against Germany as they enlisted the might of the US in their cause.

Roosevelt accepting Jewish and Communist collectivism quickly enacted laws to empower his side. Using that power the Jews renewed their attack on Ford. Two Judeo-Communist assaults were made on Ford’s River Rouge plant. The paramilitaries had every intention of smashing Fords machines and probably firing the plant to put him out of business. Of course they disguised their assault as a labor disagreement.

As Ford had never had labor disturbances before Roosevelt’s seizure of the government he had no apprehensions about their intent. In the first assault Ford’s lieutenant Harry Bennett amiably went out to talk with the marchers where he was savagely beaten to the ground. Bennett learned his lesson.

In the second assault the so-called Battle of the Overpass Bennett and his men Marched up to the UAW’s Walter Reuther and Frankensteen and began to kick ass. His revenge, of course was reported as mere brutality. The first offense against him was ignored.

The Jewish agitation against Germany was so obvious that with unusual alacrity in 1935 Congress passed strict neutrality legislation. Years before Pearl Harbor, nearly in ‘42, Roosevelt set about circumventing the neutrality laws with all kinds of dodges while preparing for war. Later in the decade Churchill joined Jewish efforts to get Roosevelt into the coming war as he realized that England was incapable of defending itself alone.

Thus in 1940 Roosevelt forced a peace time draft through Congress. This clearly indicated that he intended war. He further violated any concept of neutrality by extending the US territorial waters into mid-Atlantic Ocean beyond Iceland. It was near that island that the Destroyer Reuben James was sunk by a U-boat months before the US entered the European War.

Traditionally the tenure of a president was limited to two terms thus Roosevelt would be expected to vacate the office in 1941. This however did not suit Roosevelt’s plans. If he left office his specific internationalist plans for a United Nations wouldn’t be realized and the whole Wilsonian program would not be realized to his desires.

Resistance to his run for a third term could be expected to be intense while there was a reasonable chance that he would fail. The chicanery of both conventions in 1940 is well known. The most remarkable thing is the Republican nomination of the life long Democrat Wendell Willkie whose views coincided almost exactly with Roosevelt’s thus being completely opposite to the America Firsters and Republicans in general. In fact, Willkie threw the election to Roosevelt.

It would seem then that there was collusion between Willkie and Roosevelt as well as between Roosevelt and traitors within the Republican Party. Willkie was nominated as the Republican candidate and as such then threw the election to Roosevelt making his election inevitable. Not since Jack Johnson lay down in Havana was there a more surprising result.

Roosevelt was swept into office; within the year the US was at war on two fronts. Roosevelt had provoked the Japanese into an attack on Hawaii in the Pacific while on the Atlantic side Hitler was treaty bound to declare war on the US although why he honored the treaty without waiting for the Japanese to honor their agreement to undertake their promised Northern strategy of attacking the Soviets from the East seems incredible. When the Japanese followed their Southern strategy releasing Stalin’s Siberian armies Hitler’s fate was sealed.

And so, despite all Roosevelt’s public promises to the contrary American boys were involved in not one but two foreign wars.

Part II will review the Republican Interregnum under the Presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover from 1921-33 including the years 1919 and 1920.


A Review

Henry Ford’s War On The Jews


Victoria Saker Woeste

Part III

Aaron Sapiro Takes On Henry Ford For Profit

Review by R.E. Prindle

Victoria Saker Woeste

Victoria Saker Woeste

Woeste, Victoria Saker:  Henry Ford’s War On The Jews And The Legal Battle Against Hate Speech, 2012, Stanford University Press

The remarkable thing about Jews is that they think Aryans don’t have the intelligence to analyze their activities.  To my mind Aryans are analytical geniuses.  Who else could have or did create Chemistry through the analysis of complete intangibles.  Neither the Jews nor any other people had anything to do with Chemistry or the development of any of  the other scientific disciplines.  Yet the Jews are there to take the credit while claiming to be more intelligent than Aryans.

What other people have ever weighed the invisible carbon atom?  What other people have ever determined the distance from the Earth to the Sun, the speed of light?

What other people organized the sciences, the social sciences, psychology?  Do the Jews believe that the men who could resolve those seeming impossibilities  are not  able to scan the history of  the Jewish people and not understand their motives and methods?  Are all the historians and people who have explained those methods and motives truly wrong, stupid, malignant or…anti-Semites?  Of course not.  The truth is plain to see.

Do the Jews believe that men like Henry Ford who could create from scratch huge industrial organizations actually be blind to what was going on before their eyes?  I hope not.  Do they believe that they didn’t give Henry Ford reasons to expose their machinations?  I don’t think so.  I think that they think they are magicians and hypnotists who can make you see what isn’t there and deny what is.

Let us search the historical memory of recent times, that is post-French Revolution, to see if we can show what Henry Ford and his times saw.  In 1843 the small Jewish community in the US founded the Order Of The B’nai B’rith.  The order went international.  In 1895 Sigmund Freud joined the Vienna lodge to which he belonged for the remainder of his life.  The B’nai B’rith was international.  Psycho-analysis was international.

In 1860 in France the Alliance Israelite Universelle, an international organization, was founded to guard and promote Jewish interests around the world, that included Czarist Russia.   In 1895 when world wide prospects could be better controlled from the United State the AIU was moved to New York City under the guidance of Jacob Schiff.  Schiff immediately produced results by using the 200 million dollars in the cash assets of the Equitable Assurance Co. to finance the Japanese in their war against Czarist Russia.  At the same time Jewish bankers refused to make loans to Russia.  This is coordinated international activity.

The Jews had been warring with Russia for nearly a hundred years.  From their base in NYC they caused the US to sever diplomatic relations with Russia in 1910.

In 1906 the Alliance Israelite Universelle was transformed into the American Jewish Committee the governing agency of the Jewish world government with Schiff as President and Louis Marshall as Secretary of State.  In 1913 when the socialist Woodrow Wilson became president Jews flooded into DC while B’nai B’rith founded its terrorist enforcement agency the Anti-Defamation League.  Functioning in a para-military manner the League began terrorizing anyone they deemed anti-Semites, the first step in shutting down freedom of speech.  The ground work for the legalization of the concept of ‘hate’ speech was laid.

In 1917 Jews established the NAACP to further destabilize Aryan society.

Louis Marshall

Louis Marshall

Now, sometime after the collapse of Sabbatai Zevi as the latest  Jewish messiah in the seventeenth century the Rabbis decided that there was to be no future for individual messiahs but that the whole Jewish people would act as their own messiah to bring about the millennium.  The tabs set for the Jewish Revolution were 1913 to 1928 hence the furious Jewish activity during those years.

This was the situation that Ford saw.  In 1914 came the Great War, WWI, the most destructive war on European manhood that could possibly be imagined.  There were many who believe the war was engineered by the Jews.

Henry Ford, a farm boy from humble origins had spent his life trying to invent an automobile.  In 1908 he succeeded, creating his Model T, a functional inexpensive car available to the multitudes not only the wealthy.  By 1914 he become perhaps the richest man in the US.  He was in a position to make his mark on the world.  He did believe he had found a universal principle to bring on the millennium.

There is always a certain exhilaration to success.  It always goes to your head to some extent no matter how hard you try to keep your balance.  Convinced that he had found a universal rule to money making, that of lowering prices to increase volume, Ford shared his success with his work force by doubling their wages in 1914.  This deed brought him unmeasured renown.  It also aroused the envy of the Jews who thought the role of messiah was theirs.

When the Great War began, then, it was widely assumed that the US would be forced in.  At that point preparedness became an issue.  To prepare the country for the inevitable entry by arming.  A large segment of the population led by the fatuous Teddy Roosevelt wanted to arm in preparation while many others led by Woodrow Wilson procrastinated.  Still others thought the war could negotiated to a halt, heeding the rule of reason so to speak.  Ford was a peacenik.  Inflamed by his notoriety  and confidence in his abilities to perform wonders he ran full page advertisements in NYC papers and elsewhere proclaiming his beliefs.

A Jewish woman by the name of Rosika Schwimmer showed up on his doorstep to induce him to travel to Europe to negotiate an end to the war.  Ford stepped into the trap.  This was his first contact with ‘international’ Jews.  Ford chartered a ship, he had the ways and means as well as intent, and invited many notables to take a free ride to Europe to talk things over with the various combatants.

While the idea wasn’t as preposterous in the context of the times as it sounds now, the more solid citizens declined the offer while the cranks and crazies and certain Jews signed on.  Chief among the Jews were Rosa Schwimmer and a key member of the American Jewish Committee the propagandist Herman Bernstein.  Bernstein wrote several tracts for the American Jewish Committee.  Needless to say Ford’s Peace trip was botched shortly after taking to sea so that upon docking in Norway Ford returned home.

Ford’s side of the story was that a couple days out Miss Schwimmer and AJC agent Herman Bernstein took Ford aside explaining the facts of the matter to him.  As they explained it the Jews were in control of the situation through international linkages and that Ford was wasting his time as Jews were the only people who could stop the war.  Schwimmer and Bernstein of course denied Ford’s account.  That leaves one with the choice of believing Ford or the Jews.  I have more confidence in Ford and choose his statements.  The Jews as usual deny everything.

In point of fact, as the Czar was considered by the Jews as their great enemy, so long as Russia was one of the allies the Jews supported Germany as the enemy of their enemy rejecting any aid to the Allies.  The Jews were considered a powerful people whose assistance was courted by the Allies.  It was thus they extorted the Balfour Declaration from England.

With the February Revolution in Russia by the Mensheviks and the removal of the Czar who with his entire family was later murdered by the Jews they could turn their attention to destroying Germany replacing the Kaiser with their own as was actually done for a short time in Bavaria.  With the Czar dethroned, on April 2, 1917 Woodrow Wilson went before Congress to seek a declaration of war against Germany thus making the US the decisive factor in the defeat of the Kaiser.  First the Czar then the Kaiser.

Lenin already en route to St. Petersburg’s Finland Station arrived there on the next day April 3rd, 1917.  In October Lenin’s Bolshevik Party displaced the Mensheviks in the October Revolution quickly murdering the Czar and family.  Immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution Jacob Shiff representing the American Jewish Committee forwarded very large loans to help finance the Bolshevik Revo.  This did not go unnoticed as President Wilson commanded him to come to the White House to explain his actions.  Masters of Bullshit as always Schiff was able to placate Wilson.

None of this was secret at the time, anyone who cared could know about it.  One has to believe that after being shamed and ridiculed by Jews as he saw it in the Peace Ship episode one may be sure Ford was an attentive bystander.  The Jews as always denied everything.

Ford’s next encounter with the Jews came over the War Industries Board directives.  The Detroiters had significant differences with Wilson’s clearly socialist program.  The WIB under the direction of the Jew Bernard Baruch tried to subordinate the nation’s manufacturers to the government, actually nationalized the railroads,  in what amounted to quasi-nationalization for industry.

So by the beginning of 1918 Ford had had two very unpleasant encounters with the Jews.  If he hadn’t been suspicious of them before he was by then and especially so after January 1919 when he received a copy of the Jewish Bill Of Rights from the AJC, that is Jacob Schiff and Louis Marshall demanding his compliance to their special ‘rights.’

At the same time Ford was being sued by his investors for dividends instead he bought them out.  For the first time in life he was forced to apply to the bankers for a loan, this one into the tens of millions.  The bankers too were Jews and they pressed him for immediate repayment. Unable to meet their demands from cash reserves Ford went through a crash reorganization to convert non-essential assets into cash at which he succeeded thus retaining ownership of Ford Motors.  Another two unpleasant encounters.

In 1920 ,then, having acquired the Dearborn Independent newspaper that Ford took international he began publishing a series of articles exposing Jewish methods and motives.  None dare call it self-defense. Among the essays were three dealing with the AJC’s Jewish Bill Of Rights.  Abe Foxman of the ADL characterizes the Ford Essays this way:

The International Jew also attacked the Jews for speaking out about injustice and defending their constitutional rights.  “Jewish rights seemed to be summed up in the right to banish everything from their sight and hearing that suggests Christianity and its Founder,”  it commented.  In fact these so-called “attacks on Christianity” were reasonable Jewish objections to governmental expressions of Christianity which clearly violated the separation between church and state enshrined in the Constitution.


As the above quote indicates Foxman is intellectually dishonest.  He intentionally confuses the so-called Jewish Bill Of Rights to which Ford was objecting with the US Bill of Rights associated with the Constitution.  He knows that Ford is referring to the Jewish Bill Of Rights when Cameron writes “Jewish rights seem to be summed up in the right to banish everything from their sight and hearing that suggest Christianity or its Founder.”

The Constitution is available for all to read and ponder but the Jewish Bill of Rights has sagely been withdrawn and is nowhere to be found.  Abe, almost facetiously, recognizes this knowing that but few have ever heard of the Jewish Bill Of Rights while none of us have actually been able to read it.  He maliciously then accuses Ford of wishing to deny Jews  constitutional rights as American citizens.  An outright lie if there ever was one.

Further, Ford was telling the truth as anyone observing Jewish efforts to ban Christmas and even Halloween in schools and public places today can attest.

Abe then tries to justify specious claims by saying “these so-called “ attacks on Christianity were reasonable Jewish objections to governmental expressions of Christianity which clearly violated the separation between church and state enshrined in the constitution.

None of it!  They were expressions of the people without any reference to governmental intervention.  They were the vox populi.  Enshrined in the Constitution!  Give us a break.

Christmas in schools and public places is not clearly a governmental expression of Christianity; however what Abe probably really objects to is that it is an expression of an Aryan solstice custom with a very pagan Santa Claus as a symbol.

Lest Abe accuse me a defender of Christianity or any Semitic religion we all should know that whole Bible-Talmudic trash is total Arien Age bullshit.  We’d all be better off without it.  That would settle the church/synagogue-government Constitutional conflict wouldn’t it?  Let’s work it out together Abe.  Finish Henry’s work.

Now, the people who didn’t send the AJC questionnaire  back or did so with adverse comments were placed on a Jewish blacklist just as I have been today.  Some of my essays are republished by the ADL on their site as examples of anti-Semitism.  Who says so Abe?  You?  That’s defamation of my good name, Abe.

So, as Ford had been black listed in 1919 as an anti-Semite it follows that his retort to the tort was to begin publishing articles exposing Jewish machinations.  Tit for tat.  Turnabout is fair play.

Still Ford was portrayed as the aggressor.  A lunatic anti-Semite with a ‘hole’ in his heart against angelic defenseless Jews.

As important and central as the Jews were was there anything else happening in America that might have attracted Ford’s attention?  Well, a few things and they found their way into the vast majority of the Independent’s pages.  Coming out of the war the America of the New Era was in upheaval.  There was a seeming sharp break between 1914 and 1920.  Newspapers were becoming more sensational by the day. Bernarr Macfadden was out there.  Watch out!  As has been said ‘when the music changes the walls of the city shake.  And music was changing very rapidly.  Not only changed but become ubiquitous with the success of radio and the phonograph record.  Jazz, Hillbilly, Blues anything even classical music could be heard with the turn of a knob or crank.  And the dances!  Gone were the stately dances of Henry’s youth replaced by the Grizzly Bear, Bunny Hop, the Charleston and Black Bottom.  Nothing compared  to today’s twerking, lap dancing and other direct terpsichorean imitations of coitus.  Henry saw it coming being the prescient sort he was.  He was on the money.

Bobbed hair, skirts up to here but not quite there, Jesus!  And lawlessness fueled by prohibition!  Not quite the lawlessness of today but I doubt if anyone could have seen that coming short of Billy the Kid and the Daltons.  Ford was aghast at all the social expressions of the twenties longing for a return to the good old days just before the introduction of his Model T.

The Jews only saw a little bit of what Ford was saying and their reaction was immediate.  The ‘defenseless’ Jews struck back led by Louis Marshall.  Marshall ridiculed Ford for stating that the movies were Jewish controlled.  Such audacity on the part of Marshall.  The leading film maker at the time William Fox turned his cameras on Fords and gave Henry hell.  I find it incredible that Fox had, I read this and can’t believe it’s true, fifty percent of the market in the early twenties including for a time an exclusive on newreels with his MovieTone News.

Fox refused to use the Model T in any of his obviously numerous movies while Movie Tone News shot every accident a Ford car was in that they could find.  Oh, defenseless?, I should say so.

As an interesting aside, in the late twenties when the NYC money men were consolidating the movie industry Fox saw no need to be consolidated thus placing himself in the way of progress.  The money men destroyed him combining the rump of Fox Pictures with Twentieth Century to form Twentieth Century-Fox with no Fox in sight.  As the waters closed above him Fox had the chutzpah to ask Ford to rescue him.

It’s interesting that today’s Fox network dropped the Twentieth Century and resuscitated William Fox’s name.

The Jews then were searching anxiously for a legal excuse to bring Ford down.  This was provided in 1924 when Aaron Sapiro brought his lawsuit against Ford on very specious, one might say, nonexistent grounds.

Abe the Fox in his disingenuous way says that the International Jew did not portray Jews as individuals, but as a single minded, calculating cabal.  Apparently Abe isn’t aware that the millennium with the whole Jewish people as the messiah was being fought out at the time.  Abe is not correct as the title The International Jew indicates Ford was referring only to that cabal of Jews such as the AJC’s Jacob Schiff and Louis Marshall who were in fact functioning as part of an international government looking after the interests of Jews throughout the world.  Some few years after Ford’s forged apology the Jewish World Congress was formed adding it to the organizations who were shepherding the worldwide Jewish flock.

Ford rather fatuously divided the Jewish people into one group of regular people and the other group of international Jews while the regulars had no idea what the IJs were doing in the Jewish name.  In fact this division could have been demonstrated although all Jews went through the same education, indoctrination and conditioning so that there did exist a collective hive mind that could be relied on.  Thus when Aaron Sapiro filed his suit it became clear that the issue was not the issue of his being somehow maligned but the whole Jewish people had been also hence the need for ‘hate’ speech legislation.

One sometimes feels embarrassed by Abe Foxman’s circumlocutions.  Nothing is clearer than that Ford’s international Jews became involved in the litigation.  Louis Marshall himself forged Ford’s so-called apology and for what anybody knows signed it himself.  But, on to the litigation.


Henry Ford

Henry Ford

The account of Victoria Saker Woeste appears in the journal of  the American Bar Foundation.  The ABF defines itself as the nation’s leading research institute for the empirical study of law.  Located in Chicago it says that it is an organization dedicated to advancing justice through rigorous research on the law, legal processes, and the laws impact on society.

Nevertheless Miss Woeste begins with the sentence:  This project examines a well known event in the life of Henry Ford- a 1927 federal libel lawsuit against him and his anti-Semitic newspaper- from the perspective of the people who sought to stop him.

So at the outset Miss Woeste admits her account is biased.  So much for the empiricism of the ABF and its concern for justice.

While Miss Woeste limits her investigation to the perspective of her fellow Jews I think I can be a little more inclusive.

First, let’s put Henry Ford into perspective.  Ford was not a man of the present or the future, he was a man of the past.  His formative period ended with the perfection of the Model T.  To him the auto was a continuation of the buggy.  The first Fords were essentially self-propelled buckboards.  The Model T was meant for people to enjoy the world as it was, not as the Model T would change it.

When ‘progress’ presented the world with the New Era- the twenties- Ford rejected it completely, he didn’t like anything about it.  He tried to re-establish the past, now containing his Model T.  It should be noted in this context that the Model T did not substantially change from 1908 to 1926.

The results of unrestricted immigration apparently caught both him and the nation by surprise but he manfully tried to reconstruct his world in the pre-war image as did the nation through restriction of immigration.

The course of business propelled him then into a future as unrecognizable  to him as the New Era.  While Ford’s was not the first billion dollar company it was the first created by one man; and in the incredible short time of a mere decade.

The heading of his newspaper describes it as The International Dearborn Independent.  Ford himself had established his company as a huge international corporation represented in nearly every country on earth.  Like the British Empire Ford could say that the sun never set on his dealerships.

His was a totally vertically integrated company.  He owned mines for metals, forests and shipping companies.  His freighters could be seen out on Lake Huron bearing a huge F-O-R-D amidships.  As one exercise in efficiency his company once manufactured a completed auto from his own iron ore and own blast furnaces to the roll out of the black painted Tin Lizzie in twenty-four hours.  A mind boggling achievement.

This is an aside:  Ford has been criticized for saying when asked why he offered no other colors than black, ‘they can have any color they want so long as its black.’  Through the decades this has been considered a most arrogant statement.  However, today the only colors offered as standard by most auto companies are black or white.  You have to pay extra for any other color.  Henry should have thought of that one.  But today you can have any color you want so long as it’s black or white unless you want to fork over another thousand dollars.

When glass companies couldn’t turn out the quantities of glass he needed Ford’s technicians took over a glass company, devised a method to mass produce glass and showed the glass makers how to do it.  And the list goes on and on.  This was one amazing man.

Unfortunately as a man of the past he failed to keep up with or incorporate new advances into his Model T.  Or possibly he couldn’t add them and keep his price the lowest in the industry.  He never thought of add-ons I guess.  GM’s Chevy turned out a better cheap car than Ford although the price was higher, people began to approve of the improvements edging the Chevy closer to top sales.  By 1925 it became clear to Ford that he had to bring the Ford into a new present.  He couldn’t become a me too Chevy and just add its improvements; he had to leap frog over the Chevy.

In 1927 then he closed Ford’s doors for eight months to redesign his car.  The new Model was the most sensational auto introduction of all time.

The libel trial was artfully brought to court in 1927 as an harassed Ford was struggling to design and get the Model A into production.  He had always stretched himself too thin but the problems of the new car and the libel trial was too much for him to bear.  Thus, it was either the new Model A or the trial.  As unpleasant as it may have been Ford opted for the Model A and abandoned the trial.

Aaron Sapiro then began the suit in 1924 after the series of twenty articles in the Independent exposing his machinations appeared.

Were the articles slanderous?  No more so than any expose and the Jews were famous for writing exposes with the intent to destroy the objects of their books and articles.  In point of fact it appears that Sapiro and his associates were trying for a corner in commodities of all sorts both in the US and Canada, that is internationally.  Had they succeeded would they not have connected new world commodity markets with old world commodity markets also in the control of Jews?  It would have been foolish if they had not, wouldn’t it?  Would Aryans attempting the same thing have denied it?

I can’t believe Sapiro’s activities weren’t apparent to the interested observer.  Nor can there be any doubt that if he had succeeded in organizing the producers who would remain producers and not become administrators while Sapiro and his associates would administer the ‘co-op.’    So who was going to make the money whether crops were good or bad?

I was once a member of the UAW, the United Auto Workers.  In other words Walter Reuther and his UAW organized the commodity of unskilled labor in auto manufacturing.  Reuther and his union goons then had to be paid for their efforts.  They set their own wages and benefits to manage our commodity of labor.

We of the commodity then paid them dues withdrawn from our wages by our employer- Fisher Body of GM in this instance, which paid them to the union because we the commodity couldn’t be trusted individually  to voluntarily pay up.  They were wise in this.

Now, it only cost the union X dollars to manage our affairs.  But Reuther and his goons charged X times 4 more or less leaving them with a huge excess.  This made no sense to we of the commodity.  Adding insult to injury Reuther and his goons used this excess for their own purposes.  They made political contributions and donations according to their own prejudices that I couldn’t approve of.  Reuther himself built a lodge for himself and union execs at a very exclusive lake that we the commodity paid for but would never be allowed to use  and bought a plane to fly himself in and out.

So obviously Reuther exploited his commodity and its producers for his own benefit and that of his cronies.

Alright.  What would have been the result of Sapiro and his associates efforts?  According to Miss Woeste and her Henry Ford’s War On The Jews before the war Sapiro reported an annual income of 80,000 dollars not counting expenses.  To put that into perspective in today’s dollars that might be as much eight million dollars depending on your multiplier.

The farmers knew they were getting bilked and began to turn away from him.  According to Miss Woeste by the time Sapiro sued Ford he had already peaked being distrusted within the farm community.  In essence his career was over.  Perhaps that is why he filed a million dollar suit against Ford.  Remember in today’s dollar the would be twenty or thirty million.

He appears to have had a weak position so that is why he shifted the issue to anti-Semitism.  But what does Sapiro say of his motives?  Miss Woeste quotes him, p.143.


As an individual I was immaterial:  but I was there as a representative, first, of the cooperative marketing movement, and second, as a representative of the Jews [the whole Jewish people] who were trying in their own ways to bring social light to disorganized industry in America.

So he says the suit wasn’t about his own insignificant self.  No, no. Pure altruism.  He had two grander objectives that he says he represented, that of the cooperative movement that had been existing pretty well without him and the dissimilar objective of the Jews.  He characterized the Jews as trying to impose their vision of industrial organization on the hopeless mess created by the Aryans.

This last objective was not dissimilar to what Ford was claiming he was doing qua the Jews.  We know what reward Sapiro had already received in wages and what he was claiming from Ford but what was the reward he thought the Jews expected for setting America aright?  A million dollars? Get serious!  Leadership?  Preeminence? The reins of government?  Well, wasn’t that what Ford was claiming?

Compare Sapiro’s vision to that of Irving Berlin who wrote God Bless America at about this same time:  ‘Stand beside her and guide her’ [America].  Berlin was addressing the Jews in his song, telling him what they should do.  So, once again, we have an incompetent disorganized America needing the help of the omniscient Jews to bring social light and guidance.  This was exactly Ford’s claim or part of it.

In his quest for personal profit from the accusation of anti-Semitism, and anti-Semitism is in the eye of the beholder, that Sapiro was asking for he was opposed by no less than the Pres. Of the American Jewish Committee Louis Marshall who scented the beginnings of a race racket by exploiting Jewishness that he feared would backfire on them.  At that point then Marshall did not want Sapiro to win the suit.  It was in his interest to see a mistrial to prevent Ford from winning on one hand and from Sapiro’s profiting on the other.

A mistrial was called because of jury tampering although it is not clear who tampered with the jury.

Thus when Ford was in the trammels of trying to invent the V8 and the Model A his attention would have been diverted if not consumed by a new trial.  At this point Marshall brushed Sapiro aside stepping in to free Ford for more important work demanding an apology to the Jews as a whole in full compensation.  Sapiro more or less went broke with this long and very expensive trial.

In a forgery of no less magnitude than the Protocols Of Zion that ostensibly started the trial Marshall himself drew up every obsequious confession of anti-Semitism or, in other words, ‘hate’ speech that according to Miss Woeste was the true purpose of the trial laying the foundation for the Jewish ‘hate’ laws enacted in our day.

Marshall’s forging of the apology was not enough,  still not content with only an  apology the Jews continued their war on Henry Ford waging a campaign of defamation that has not ceased with Ford’s death in 1948 as Miss Woeste’s book attests.  An endless stream of defamatory books condemning Ford has been emitted from that day to this.  In her book Miss Woeste might better have said the Jews war on Ford or at the very best with.

As Miss Woeste says, hers is the first book that examines the Sapiro suit in detail making her effort valuable from that point of view.  Unfortunately the book is so polemical that it can’t really qualify as a history.  Indeed, one is amazed that a university press of Stanford’s stature would even issue it without heavy editing and guidance.  They should have stood beside Miss Woeste and pointed toward the true academic path.

Still, I do find uses for the volume.

Anything Less Than Real:
Warren G. Harding Rings In The New Era
R.E. Prindle

Dedicated to Ann Coulter who is the only other person I have heard of who realizes the importance of Warren G. Harding.

It is time to reevaluate the Harding presidency as well as perhaps the Republican Interregnum between the Socialist Wilson and FDR administrations.

Perhaps the first thing to do is to dispel the notion that the Harding Administration was extraordinarily corrupt as administrations go. If one is going to call the administration corrupt then it must be against a normal standard and not isolated as a phenomenon. While Harding inherited Wilsonian corruption after the Great War, Roosevelt created the corruption of post-WWII. The money involved in the latter dwarfed anything that preceded it by incalculable amounts.

A major source of corruption after the Great War was the disposal of stores purchased for the war. These were fairly trivial amounts by later standards. In contrast the Roosevelt administration sequestered some piddling amounts of Japanese property and mega enormous amounts of German property including huge companies and scads of patents, copyrights and trademarks. Yet one never hears of these thefts, only a couple refrigerators left on back porches by Japanese. Ask yourself why? These German properties were under the personal authority of Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the officer of the Alien Properties Custodian of David Bazelon. Bazelon was both a Jew and associated with the Super Mob and Chicago’s Outfit.

After the war Bazelon used his office to enrich both Jews and criminals by selling off the pittance of Japanese properties and, in today’s values billions and billions of German properties for a penny or so on the dollar thus stealing from the Germans and defrauding the US Government of billions.

I don’t think it is necessary to list other financial malfeasances; Bazelon alone surpassed any corruption of the Harding years including Tea Pot Dome and Elk Hills. So yes, there was the inevitable postwar corruption in the Harding Administration, but not by it, of negligible proportions compared to Roosevelt.

Having put that out of the way let us now consider the state of the nation Harding inherited from the Democratic Wilson Administration. Two new developments, unprecedented developments, had occurred that were novel for a new administration to deal with. One was the terrible advent of Prohibition and the other was the women’s vote.

In this first election in which women cast their ballots we had the first landslide victory in US history. Harding captured sixty percent of the vote and all but a hundred or so of those of the Electoral College. Apropos of that Harding has been ridiculed because his campaign manager, Harry Daugherty said that Harding looked like a president should. Well, he did.

His opponent, Cox, on the other hand, looked like a mousy dip, which isn’t to say he was one, he looked like one. He was unhandsome. The choice for women thus was between a nice, big handsome Harding who looked the part and a mousy Cox who didn’t. The election was the first landslide in US history. I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.

The ground rules had changed whether you believed in it or not, elections could no longer recite the issues as men understood them but campaigns had to be crafted to include the very different concerns of women. In my estimation Harding clearly benefited from the female vote.

Prohibition was an entirely different challenge. Prohibition was an achievement of female politics. The campaign for it was carried out by criminal means. The most famous prohibitionist was the violent, psychotic Carrie Nation who entered people’s places of business and began laying about with an axe. She was allowed to get away with it. The promoters of prohibition were too limp brained to think the matter through to its conclusion apparently unaware that alcohol could easily be smuggled in from abroad or even, heaven forbid, manufactured illegally.

Some form of alcohol, wines and beers, had been part of civilization from its inception and gave some surcease from the cares of life. While the vast majority of drinkers were able to manage the pleasures there was naturally a percentage who abused alcohol. When distilled liquors became available the problem of abuse was compounded.

Nevertheless, wine, beer and strong spirits comprised a huge industry employing undoubtedly tens of thousands of people. In the reformers’ mind, as always, it seemed better to punish the majority to suppress the few.

It should have been obvious to these unhappy reformers trying to make everyone’s life as miserable as theirs that an entire illegal industry would rise from the ashes of the legal and that that illegal industry would necessarily have to be criminal and clandestine. What can one say about reformers?

Thus when the Volstead Act was passed an unprecedented wave of criminality swept over the country like a tsunami. We can blame Prohibition on the Wilson Administration on whose watch the bill was passed and enforced. Thus the Harding Administration was called on to deal with this enormous level of corruption generated by do gooders. Once again Prohibition far exceeded any of the usual political corruption of the twenties.

Now, the control of prohibition passed into the exclusive control of two immigrant groups, those of the Italians, actually Sicilians, and the Jews. Using the incredible profits of Prohibition Jews and Sicilians then were able to assume a dominant if not controlling position in US politics while being able to buy into legitimate businesses. As incredible as it may seem by the mid- to late thirties many people considered crime as just another way of doing business, an industry. Needless to say bootleg profits were used to corrupt politics at every level. How could the Harding Administration escape? Once again, just look at the FDR Administration with open eyes.

The US has always taken a romantic or sentimental view of immigration, still does. As if it justified immigration the Romanticists said that the immigrants were only seeking a better life, content themselves in the superiority of having created not only a better life than anywhere else but the best life. Liberals believe in their own superiority.

One imagines that the only reason to emigrate from one’s homeland at any time in history was to seek a better life. Perhaps invaders drove you from your country making it necessary to find a life, better or worse, somewhere else and at someone else’s expense. Perhaps one’s situation was so bitter that any place else was more attractive. Actually the prime motivating force was US employers seeking cheap labor. Not very romantic really.

Nevertheless unlimited immigration began after the Civil War during the seventies increasing yearly until 1914 when the Great War began cutting off all emigration. It was then that problems not seen as too significant became prominent. US immigration had been from Europe and when the continent went to war these old national loyalties caused fractures. It became apparent that the Melting Pot notion had failed and as Teddy Roosevelt said, the US was nothing more than an international boarding house. Sentiment was strong for the Central Powers, who we have all been taught to despise, but not as strong as that for the Allies, who we have all been taught to revere.

The Irish acting on the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend openly sided with the Central Powers against the English hence targeting US shipments to England for sabotage. The Jews whose chief enemy was the Russians refused cooperation with the Allies until Germany took Russia out of the war and then at that time and only at that time, the Jews gave the Allies full cooperation against the Germans who they then believed that they could include in the Bolshevik Revolution post war.

The Italians took a stance but issued a recall of men back from the US to fight in the war. After the war Mussolini attempted to send the Italian wounded back to the US to be medically cared for at US expense.

Of all the immigrants US nativists considered Jews and Italians as unassimilable. If nothing else, Prohibition proved that assertion as US laws meant nothing to either group. Thus it was left to the Harding Administration to deal with the long deferred problem of immigration. It would do so for the first time from a realistic perspective rather than a sentimental or romantic one.

A concomitant of immigration was that a great many of those ’seeking a better life’ had left their homelands a step or two ahead of the police as either criminals or political fugitives. They were revolutionaries seeking to overturn their own governments, Communists in a word. Their position had been strengthened by the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia while the Wilson Administration was actually Socialist in sentiment and had the war lasted a year or two longer, in fact. Wilson was on the verge of establishing a third term dictatorship to do just this, not unlike what Roosevelt achieved, when he was struck down by his stroke thus aborting that plan.

The Revolution did not confine itself to Russia but was actually being attempted through 1919 and 1920 into 1921 and the Harding Administration. The country was nearly in total disorder when Harding was sworn in, March of 1921. A necessity of the first importance was to restore order, that is, put down the Revolution. Harding was equal to that task. The Chinese proverb and curse is that may you be born into interesting times. While the elements defeated by Harding have successfully maligned his memory Warren G. Harding was actually one of the greatest US presidents.


No historian I have ever read regards the problems Harding had to solve or his lack of experience in doing so. Harding was the editor of the small town newspaper of Marion, Ohio, West of the Alleghenies in Middle America. Harding worked hard, applying himself intelligently, making a success of his paper.

He became friends with Harry Daugherty, an Ohio politician who propelled him first to the Senate and then in 1921 to the Presidency. Years before his election Harding began an affair with a young women by the name of Nan Britton by whom he had a child. Naturally Harding had no desire to have this publicized yet he behaved honorably always supporting Nan and his child. He was a decent and good man.

Much has been made of this affair as though this were immorality of an extreme nature. Historically affairs and illegitimate children have been common. No big deal. How can one be expected to condemn Harding when the later John F. Kennedy had mistresses in the White House when Jackie was not about. What is one to think of Kennedy when he had his secret service agents rounding up prostitutes from the street, three at a time, for his dalliance?

FDR publicly lived with his mistress in Georgia while his beauteous wife, Eleanor pined away up North. Bill Clinton kept his member limber by having his female aides give him fellatio during business hours in the Oval Office. Hillary didn’t object.

Was Harding a moral reprobate? Hardly.

Then, the historians attempt to make him an ignorant oaf. A competing presidential candidate William McAdoo described Harding’s oratorical abilities, not surprisingly, as ‘an army of pompous phrases marching across the landscape in search of an idea.’

Oh well, politicians, how much sense do you get out of one of them? As an example of supposedly meaningless blather they offer this pre-election statement of Harding:


America’s present need is not heroics but healing;
not nostrums, but normalcy;
not revolution but restoration;
not agitation, but adjustment;
not surgery, but serenity;
not the dramatic, but the dispassionate;
not experiment, but equipoise;
not submergence in internationality, but triumphant nationalism…


Rather than the nonsense it is portrayed as by his detractors, the speech details the problems the country was facing and the results Harding hoped to bring about and in which he largely succeeded. I’m sure his audience would have understood, whether consciously or unconsciously, exactly the issues to which he was referring. Only absurd historians have made a jumble of it. What the list amounts to is an eight point program not too different in approach than Wilson’s fourteen points. So we have a sort of political continuity between the administrations.

Let’s consider the list:
1. Not heroics, but healing. Refers to any number of problems, the waves of industrial unrest, hysterical politics and what not, a general calming down, a reduction from hysterics to the dispassionate.

2. Not nostrums but normalcy. A nostrum is a pet scheme for bringing about some social or political reform. There were enough of those going around- Prohibition, Communism et al. The issue here was the use of the word normalcy which in 1920 was incorrect although in common usage now. Normality would have been the correct word but normalcy actually carries the correct meaning that normality misses. His use of normalcy was a cause of immense hilarity and satisfaction to his detractors.

3. Not revolution but restoration. An obvious reference to the Bolsheviks and the social unrest they were causing.

4. Not agitation but adjustment. Once again political and social agitation were rife calling for the discard of current ways for impossible utopian ideals.

5. Not surgery, but serenity. Agitators called for drastic social surgery when once again calm and reflection were called for.

6. Not dramatics, but dispassion. Calm down, lower the level of hysterical passion.

7. Not experiment, but equipoise. Prohibition was a disastrous social experiment from it conception, what was needed was balance.

8. Not submergence in internationality, but triumphant nationalism. Clear enough, the League Of Nations was unworkable, out; tariffs were in, America First. The Naval Treaty.

As Harding was elected by a landslide one has to believe that the electorate knew exactly what Harding meant and whole heartedly approved of his choices. Nor did Harding disappoint; he was very popular during his presidency only successfully denigrated after his death when he was unable to defend himself.


In office only two and half years before he died in suspicious circumstances how did Harding conduct his administration? One can’t imagine today the tremendous political energy released by the Bolshevik Revolution. The world was terrified while an angry civil war ensued across the Western world financially and militarily over an exhausted Europe. The civil war lasting for several years was fought on several fronts. The war had turned from a national war to an ideological war. Reds versus Whites. In Russia the ideological war was fought on three fronts, the North of Archangel, South in the Ukraine and in Siberia East of the Urals. American troops and munitions were involved. In the end the Whites, or Czarist troops lost.

Revolutionary activities sprang up in all countries including the US. While the US was aiding the Whites, the Jews raised enormous amounts that they traitorously funneled to the Bolsheviks under the eyes of the Wilson Administration. Jacob Schiff, the Jewish Prime Minister, was called to Washington by Wilson to defend himself against charges of Bolshevism. Wilson let him off the hook. Thus as in the Viet Nam war of the 1960s and 70s Government efforts were nullified by Fifth Columnists aiding the enemy.

The Bolshevik victory in Russia gave Socialism a political base from which to operate so the Socialists and Communist cells in the US were activated lending their support to Soviet efforts. Suddenly a socialist presence was clear in labor, the churches, the arts, publishing, across the board. While official Communist membership was relatively low so that it could be denigrated as no threat it must be remembered that the successful Bolshevik Party in Russia was just a splinter of US numbers, so size is irrelevant; organization is the key.

America’s first reaction was sharp as A. Mitchell Palmer, the Attorney General of the Wilson Administration rounded up several thousands of Communists for deportation to Russia. Here the Fifth Columnists sabotaged this wise response citing peacetime US practices for this wartime attack instead of the wartime provisions Wilson had used during WWI. Palmer was compelled to release all but a couple hundred who were put aboard ‘the Soviet Ark’ and sent to Russia including Leon Trotsky who had been living in New York City and without whom the Russian Revolution might have been reversed. Trotsky was actually temporarily detained but then released for some reason.

There were substantial crackdowns on all Socialist activities including the IWW or Industrial Workers Of The World who were reduced to impotence. Their leader, Big Bill Haywood was spirited out of the country to Russia. As Harding came to office there was a virtual civil war in progress. The fact has been obscured or erased by subsequent historians who are compelled to take the Red point of view.

At the same time as this undeclared war was being fought the troops were being brought back from the land of hinky, dinky parlay voo. How ya gonna keep them down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree. Even though their lives had been totally disrupted very often destroyed for no reason now that their job was done they were thrown on the trash heap. Except by Warren G. Harding, the new president.

A not overly favorable biographer, Samuel Hopkins Adams, writing in his biography of Harding, The Tragic Years, comments favorable thusly, p. 284-5.


The glory of heroes is soon departed. The public which welcomed with oratory, banquets, and ticker-tape our fighters, returning victorious from Europe, quickly forgot those of them most sorely in need of care. Two years after the Armistice the plight of war’s human debris was pitiable. Of these the most desperate cases were 71,000 mental patients and 38,000 tuberculosis victims. F.W. Galbraith, Jr., National Commander of the American Legion, estimated on the basis of an investigation, that there were 10,000 of the disabled in cellars, poorhouses, and insane asylums. T.W. Salmon, a disinterested and competent investigator, thus reported:

“Veterans with nervous or mental troubles were without provision for care and were quartered in institutions for the criminal insane, addicts, and vicious degenerates, without Federal supervision.”

No agency in Washington was equipped to handle a problem of this magnitude. Nor was there any special public interest in it. The war was over. “Let’s forget its’ expressed the attitude of a people sated and bored with emotion.

The President (Harding) did not feel that way about it. His humanitarianism revolted from such neglect. He acted wisely and constructively in welding the disparate, overlapping guardianships into one official entity, the United States Veterans Bureau…


Compare that to the neglect and humiliation of the returning veterans of Viet Nam. The so-called Red tribunes of the people, these creeps who sabotaged their brave men’s efforts on the battlefields, heaved garbage on them as they debarked from ships and planes.

Even WWI vets who had been promised a bonus or tip for the needless disruption of their lives were denied their due by the People’s Commissar Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They were compelled to storm Washington in a semi-violent attempt to compel the fulfillment of the government’s promise. The same army they had served in was turned against them. So much for FDR and the New Deal.

With the end of the war a whole host of what were actually revolutionary acts were released. Palmer of the Wilson Administration certainly treated them that way. As a result his house was bombed putting his teeth on edge. A huge bomb not unlike that used in OK City of recent memory was detonated on Wall Street. Law and order was rapidly breaking down. Mail robberies were a daily occurrence while millions of dollars of stolen Liberty bonds were being traded. Those millions today would represent a billion dollars or more. This was big money happening. Incredible amounts of money that no group of individuals could possibly spend. Where was the money going?

A very able member of the Harding cabinet, Post Master General Will Hays tackled those problems and solved them in short order. Such a man was a danger to the Lords of Misrule. What happened to Hays? In addition to all the other problems, the Guardians of Decency were alarmed, justifiably so, at the moral content of movies. Rather than accept outside censorship of the movies the moguls decided to police themselves and as their Top Cop they lured Will Hays away from his post by an offer he could have refused but found it impossible to do. The offer was for 100,000 dollars a year. That right 100K in 1922. Was that bribery or what? After only nine months in office Hays was offered the equivalent of five million dollars a year to supervise Hollywood morals. Who wouldn’t take that while being flexible enough not to lose the job?

Since the offer came from Hollywood that tells you who was behind the mail robberies and stolen bonds and lets you know what they were worth.

Harding outlawed the Communist Party briefly in 1921 getting right on that offense too but the Fifth Columnists got that overturned.

Thus within months of being in office Harding had cleaned up a large part of untoward activity while if couldn’t actually suppress Communist activity he was at least able to force them to turn their damper down while forcing them into even deeper clandestine activity.

But, as you can see he was building up a lot of enemies who wished him dead while wanting his memory exorcised.

And then Harding had to deal with the problem of immigration, also within the first months in office. The cry for the restriction of immigration, whether it came from North, East or South had been voiced at least as early as the 1840s when the potato famine drove a couple million Irish to the New Island. Really teeming masses. And then the Forty-eighters came over as a result of the failed Communist Revolution of 1848, more wretched refuse, that led ultimately to the post-war revolutionary activity.

These members were relatively small but in the 1870s Jewish immigration from the Pale of Russia began in earnest resulting in several million people who the restrictionists believed, as it turns out, rightly, were unassimilable. And then in the nineties the Sicilians added New York to the terminal end of their migratory route from Buenos Aires through Brazil and Central America. These people too were thought rightly to be unassimilable.

And then those sweet little old ladies hacked Prohibition through the Amendment process apparently believing that the law was the law and everyone would abide by it. They held that futile belief even though they had engaged in rampant lawlessness to get the Amendment approved.

Well, a void had been created and you know what nature thinks of voids. They get filled; nature abhors them or, so we are told. What people rushed in where angels, or at least, less venturesome mortals fear to tread? These two unassimilable peoples, the Jews and Sicilians.

Nobody gets credit for being right in such situations the restrictionists were right.

In most analyses of any period the activities of Jews are always suppressed; you never are allowed to see them until they want to be seen. Nobel awards time being one. While being Omni-present we are asked to believe that their only effect on society is to win Nobel prizes. In point of fact Jews, having great presence of mind, always work behind and under the scene. Thus to understand their effort on the America of the Harding Administration one has to set a background. I’m not going to go back too far settling on the transfer of the Jewish World Government from France when the Alliance Israelite Universelle was sent to the US and became the American Jewish Committee by 1906. This was the international Jewish government that Henry Ford referred to in his Dearborn Independent articles later collected and published under the misleading but accurate title: The International Jew. The articles were published during the Battle For Ford Motors largely during Harding’s tenure.

The leader or Prime Minister of the world Jewish government was a man named Jacob Schiff, himself descended from the German Forty-eighters rather than being a Russian Jew.

In the Jewish war against the Russian Czarist government Schiff played a leading part. He was personally responsible for engineering the Russian defeat during the Russo-Japanese war of 1905.

During that war the Jews of Europe and the US denied the Russians loans to conduct war properly while Jacob Schiff personally provided the Japanese with the funds without which they couldn’t have waged war.

While Schiff himself lacked enough of the ready for the war he was on the board of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. The Equitable was sitting on a hoard of 200 million, in today’s dollars, billions. Schiff illegally used this money to loan to the Japanese. The loan caused a tremendous scandal in which Schiff skillfully avoided detection shifting the blame to the other directors.

The peace treaty was chaired by Theodore Roosevelt in the US at which proceedings Schiff led a delegation of Jews who participated as a Jewish National delegation. Stacking the deck against the Russians.

Not content to punish the Russians for alleged injustices toward Jews in Russia, Schiff and ‘the international’ Jews worked to cause the US to sever diplomatic relations with Russia which result was achieved in 1913. Thus the US became dupes of the Jews.

In 1913 the Federal Reserve System was created as a private corporation owned by ten other corporations of which nine were Jewish firms from the US and Europe. The tenth was the Rockefellers. This private firm printed US currency that it loaned back to the US government at interest, thus creating a tremendous income to be used for worldwide Jewish machinations for which there was no accounting. I would call it a brilliant move but when you’re dealing with Liberal suckers it isn’t much of an achievement.

While the Jews had had no presence in Washington DC prior to the Wilson Administration, beginning in 1913 Wilson flooded his government with them much to the consternation of the English led government of the previous hundred years plus since independence. You know, it’s not like people couldn’t see what was going on.

Coincidentally as Jews were taken into government the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith was established to counter any objections on ethnic grounds. Wilson himself was a socialist so that when the US entered the Great War a socialist takeover of the industrial system began. The railroads were immediately nationalized while the War Industries Board required all industries to submit financial details and to submit them for governmental regulations by the WIB controlled by Jews under Bernard Baruch essentially setting them up for seizure.

Of course, this provoked a violent reaction especially from Detroit and the auto industry. Ford and the Dodge Brothers objected strenuously. The Dodge Brothers used intemperate language reflecting on Baruch’s ethnic heritage that Baruch never forgave. Ford was more restrained but tarred with the Dodge’s brush. The Dodge Brothers died mysterious deaths in 1920 while their company went into limbo for years until Wall Street persuaded Walter Chrysler to take the company. An attempt was made on Ford’s life. This confrontation was also the beginning of the Battle For Ford Motors, begun in 1918 but aborted by the war ending. It was begun again on a financial front by Jewish banks trying to force a takeover.

So, the Socialist/Communist takeover of the US was very narrowly avoided. Yet the Socialist revolution had to be financed with hard cash that the Socialists didn’t have. Where was the cash to come from? From the US. The Jews had created the Federal Reserve System in 1913 very fortuitously it would seem just before the major expansion of the money supply caused by the World War. That war from the Allied side was financed entirely by the US. At war’s end the European debt to the US was enormous while it would never be repaid. It was just forgotten. Consider that when you get exercised by the current US debt. It can be forgotten too.

Yet the ten merchant banking firms who owned the Federal Reserve collected interest on every dollar of that debt. Thus the US dollars went to nine Jewish firms in both the US and Europe plus the Rockefellers.

As I have noted, as soon as the Bolsheviks seized power, Jacob Schiff rushed huge loans provided by those banks to finance the Bolshevik takeover. At the same time the devastation of the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe was total. There were still roughly five million Jews in those areas. Jewish American ‘charitable’ organizations operating under the name of the American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee began to funnel enormous amounts of cash and supplies destined only for their co-religionists into this volatile political environment where the first people on their feet would have a commanding role. Socialism or no socialism money was the key, as always. As the aforementioned Liberty bonds in Jewish hands had been stolen that was a pile of free money that was laundered. Crime was about to be organized in a way that would provide other funds in large amounts. There was a succession of Jewish crime lords that generated the money. The first in the teens was a fellow called Monk Eastman, as his criminal methods became outdated he was sent to jail to be replaced by the notorious Arnold Rothstein who set up the modern organized crime structure but as his methods became outdated he was replaced, murdered, and Lepke Buchalter took over the role to be replaced in the forties by the major fund raiser Meyer Lansky who engineered that huge cash cow, Las Vegas and gambling. As different methods were needed he, in turn, was replaced by Sidney Korshak of the Super Mob. Thus the Jewish over world was integrated with the Jewish underworld functioning as a unit.

In celebration of these criminals the Jews recently created the National Museum Of Organized Crime in its capitol of Las Vegas, Nevada. The nationality referred to in the National Museum is that of the Jews otherwise they would have called it either the American-Jewish Museum or simply the American Museum Of Organized Crime. So you can go to Vegas and admire the criminals deeds of these stellar Jews.

Seemingly almost a gift from heaven to the criminals, Prohibition came along in 1920. This gave the financial basis for organizing crime as a ‘business’ thus opening vistas only dreamed of before the Volstead Act. Prohibition also created an insuperable problem that plagued the Republican Interregnum. Amazingly Prohibition began in a Democratic Administration and ended almost by fiat in the Democratic Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt twelve years later, one of the those coincidental linkages between Wilson and FDR. Upon taking office Roosevelt held up a glass of obviously bootleg beer and announced that Prohibition was over. Just like that. Was the fix in from the beginning to end or wasn’t it?

But, back to the Battle Of Ford Motors for a moment. The bankers wanted Ford Motors not only because they hated Henry Ford but because Ford Motors was a bonanza waiting to be realized almost bigger than Prohibition.

Ford valued his company at something over a billion dollars. He had completely vertically integrated his company. That means he not only made the cars but he owned the metal mines and smelted the ores, he owned huge forests he cut and processed, coal mines to fuel his furnaces and even the railroad that carried the coals from the Line to River Rouge. He had subsidiaries worldwide. By 1920 Fords could be bought actually in any country in the world. Like Sherwin-Williams boasted of their paints, Ford covered the world.

The value of the company was compacted. In the bankers’ hands the company could be broken up into its component parts increasing the stock market value to three or four billion, all free money, especially as they were trying to buy Ford at the bankruptcy rate of 10 cents on the dollar. So you see how fiercely the Battle For Ford Motors was fought. You can see why Ford fought back by running his exposes of Jewish machinations, which were true, in his Dearborn Independent. The Independent was also the first nationally distributed newspaper by the way.

Henry Ford won the battle but ultimately lost the war.

So as you can see, Harding was elected into one of, if not the, most tumultuous times in American history and acquitted himself extremely well. His efforts were also appreciated by the American public that awarded him the highest approval ratings during his term in office.

His actions also made him many enemies not least of whom were the Communists and Jews. While Jews were prominent in Washington during the Wilson years and again in the Roosevelt years they were conspicuously absent during the Republican Interregnum. The Communists too, while if not destroyed, were harassed and suppressed forcing them to adopt different tactics while frustrating their desire for an immediate conquest.

On the immigration front too, Harding’s policy of realistic restricted immigration frustrated the desires of the sentimental immigrationists. Harding passed a restrictive bill quickly in 1921 that was augmented under Coolidge’s Administration in 1924 and survived almost intact until 1965 thus giving the country much needed breathing room to attempt to assimilate those already here to attempt to turn them into one national unit. It didn’t happen.

It is not particularly well known but in 1914 the Jews had formulated a plan and organized it to transfer the entire Jewish population of the Pale of Settlement to the US utilizing the ports of New Orleans and Corpus Christi, those ports being less conspicuous than New York City and Boston.

The war, of course, aborted that plan, and just as the Jews were about to activate the plan after the war Harding slammed through a restricted immigration act based on quotas seemingly aimed directly at excluding Jews period. This was an unforgivable crime in Jewish eyes while also forcing them to change their plan of the conquest of the New Promised Land.

Harding also dealt with internationalism rejecting the League Of Nations in favor of nationalistic policies. In the first years of the new century the Japanese had sent paramilitary troops for the pre-invasion of California, thus all the Japanese immigrants were men without women. The Californians who had already forced passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 objected vehemently to the Japanese invasion. Rather than offend the Japanese by protecting his own country the Teddy Roosevelt Administration came to a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ whereby the Japanese would no longer send ‘working men’ but only doctors and lawyers. I think Teddy called his administration the Square Deal. He must have known what he was talking about; that solution was certainly square.

After the war then with no military invasion imminent these men demanded women. Thus began the strange phenomenon of the Japanese Picture Brides. The men and women exchanged pictures making their selection on that basis and then the women were sent to California for marriage. Many interesting situations arose from that.

Still there was a great deal of hostility between the US and Japan. The hostility was actually caused one sidedly by the US. Very embarrassing situation. It began in 1853 when Admiral Matthew Perry ‘opened’ Japan at the mouths of his cannon. What’ll it be he sneered from the poop deck: Yes or no.

The relationship was exacerbated in the 1870s when anti-slavery Yankee planters landed in Yokohama and forcibly abducted a hundred or so Japanese to labor on their old plantations in Hawaii. I can see how the Yankees got so exercised by Southern slavery in the US. So, while I have to side with the US the Japanese have always had a legitimate grievance that could only be satisfied by war. I mean, come on, they had to regain their manhood after having been emasculated in 1853.

Nevertheless in 1908 TR said we would have to fight those fellows within thirty years and he only missed by a few years.

Thus in 1922 the Washington Naval Treaty was negotiated as, we suppose, an example of triumphant nationalism as opposed to the internationalism of the League of Nations. The Naval Treaty limited the size of naval fleets inadvertently favoring the Japanese. But the belligerence remained at a high level that left the then territory of Hawaii vulnerable. Naval fuel was shifting from coal to oil so while coaling stations had been established there were no oil storage facilities on Oahu the site of the Pearl Harbor Naval Station.

This was a dangerous situation. It was difficult to get Congress to act so some enterprising American oil men, Doheny and Sinclair, set about to remedy the situation on their own. Now, too oil fields, Tea Pot Dome in Wyoming and Elk Hills near Bakersfield, had been set aside as Naval Preserves. The storage facilities in Hawaii would be naval, so there is a connection.

Doheny and Sinclair set about to build the oil storage on their own and to fill the tanks they negotiated to use the naval preserves Teapot Dome and Elk Hills for oil supplies. This deal was used as an excuse to create a huge scandal, although after Harding’s death. Nevertheless the storage facilities were built and filled with oil so that when the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor duly came the US was duly prepared.

Two and a half years into his presidency Harding began a tour of the West Coast during which he suddenly died. Some said poison some said heart attack but they got him into the ground so quickly there was no autopsy. Anytime the rules are broken its cause for suspicion. Some said his wife killed him but I have a hard time believing that.

Of course we have no way of knowing whether he was assassinated or not but there were many who may have wished his dead. Harding had sidetracked the Revolution, derailing it, while forcing the Bolsheviks further underground. His immigration act had thwarted Jewish plans to bring over five million fellow Jews. So actually Harding was ‘responsible’ for the death of all those Jews in the holocaust although I don’t think he’s ever been officially accused.

Neither the Jews nor the Communists have earned a reputation for being forgiving so both groups certainly had a motive. But, the problem is incapable of solution so let it drop.

Harding was only in office for two and a half years but what a two and a half years, hey? What a bunch of insoluble problems dealt with and well. He defused the Revolution, ended unrestricted immigration, tried to limit naval armaments and battled old Demon Rum. I suppose if he had had the chutzpah of FDR he would have said simply that Prohibition was nonsense and refused to implement the law. Would he had.

The profits of Prohibition went to establish Organized Crime. And from booze the criminals went on to gambling breaking down US legal resistance by using States Rights to legalize gambling in Nevada. From Nevada it has spread to every State in the Union. Carrie Nation is ultimately responsible for creating Organized Crime and hence the corruption of the Nation. That’s what happens when you put the girls in charge. And the little girl didn’t even have the vote. No, but she had the Power Of Positive Thinking. Just get it done.

My point is that Warren G. Harding rather than being the worst president of the United States was perhaps one of the greatest. It was just that he offended some vindictive people and they had the power of the press…and radio…and the movies…and…

The Protocols of Zion were so Nineteenth Century. Post-war America was the New Era of the Twentieth Century.