Eugenics and Dysgenics

Part 2b-9

The Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War


R.E. Prindle

Continued from Part 2b-8


The Conquest Of The World/The Concept of Aggressor Nations


The histories of the period from 1933-1945 are thoroughly unreliable as recorded by historians, mainly Jewish and/or Leftist writers. A key concept of the period was the Rooseveltian conception of ‘aggressor nations.’ The concept of aggressor nations simply refers to any nations opposing the Leftist agenda. In Roosevelt’s lexicon there were only three aggressor nations, Germany, Italy and Japan. In Hitler’s terms the big war mongers were Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin that he considered aggressors. Hitler feared Communism, the others feared Fascism, and Fascism, after all is merely a variation of Communism. Ideologically there must have been something else going on.

Nowhere are the Jews denominated an aggressor nation while they were the motive force of the Second Thirty Years War. Bernard Baruch a leader of the International Jewish community, and possibly the leader was in collusion with the leading US Jews to direct US policy and lead the country into war against Germany. The attitude of what became the Allies was neither understanding nor kind.

There were calls from all sides to commit genocide on the Germans and this long before the so-called Jewish holocaust. German hatred began when Bismarck united Germany in 1866. Prior to this unification Germany had been a congeries of small principalities of the Holy Roman Empire, often seen as a joke, Ruritanian principalities to laugh at.

After the unification German hatred began in earnest from Russia to England. After the Soviet Revolution Stalin began a campaign to commit genocide of Russia’s German populations. Of a sudden Germany was not only an economic competitor but the master competitor with the West, that is France, England and the US while being the superior of Russia. There is much evidence that WWI was as much about competition with England and France as with other issues.

To attribute the insanity of WWI solely to the Germans was an injustice of criminal proportions. To impose impossible economic burdens on Germany when an armistice, not a victory, was declared was a crime of even greater proportions. Turning the French Senegalese soldiers loose on German women ought to have been punished.

So, in 1933 as Hitler assumed the reins of government, the Jews as an aggressor nation were in control of Russia, would be in control of the US in March after Roosevelt’s inauguration and were active in all countries under the guise of the Third International directed from the Socialist power center of Moscow.

Prior to Hitler’s election, the Jews by their own admission had control of Germany. One may then partially interpret their deep hatred of the man, Hitler. The Jewish attitude to Hitler, and indeed, all Germany was evidenced by the fact that the Jewish spokesman, the US lawyer and AJC executive, Samuel Untermyer, declared war between Germany and the Jews. This would have been a meaningless gesture had not Untermyer believed that Jews were directing Roosevelt and through Roosevelt the full power, such as it was in 1932, of the United States.

Considered objectively, the Jews had been conducting a civil war in Germany from the 1917 Soviet Revolution to 1933 when the Germans under Hitler triumphed. As the leading part of this Communist Party street fighting between the Judeo-Communists had been raging for over a decade. The true nature of the Nazis was their conflict with the Jews and Communists for supremacy. All Western Europe, that is England and France, had to do was step back and let Germans, Soviets and Jews go at it.

As the English and French would not commit to peace with Germany Stalin was able to cleverly clear the way, to force, Gemany to attack France and England to protect his back by signing the German-Russian pact. Remembering WWI Stalin may have thought that the three countries would wear themselves out making them easy pickings for th USSR. The easy conquest of France may have startled Stalin. Even then the German’s could easily have defeated the Soviets except for the interference of the US. What dog did Roosevelt have in the fight? Very tragic.

In the US then, the Jewish war on or takeover of the US was being conducted according to the total war plan of Bernard Baruch’s WIB minus the shooting. The European War was a shooting war but the US war was asymmetrical. The US absorbed in the fantastic notion that immigrants renounced their customs and heritage upon setting foot on the Magic Soil were saps for Jewish machinations.

Every war has to have its evil enemy. In Germany Hitler concentrated on Jews while in the US the Jews found the Fascist or Nazi success in Europe the reason to call all opponents to their plans Fascists, Nazis and un-Americans. The House Un-American Activities Committee was a plan of Jewish congressman Samuel Dickstein to denominate American dissenters as un-American covert Fascists and Nazis and to put them in concentration camps. The result was that the Roosevelt Administration made war on Americans who dissented from his rule. HUAC was created by Roosevelt and Dickstein to specifically attack dissenters while Communists were favored.

Fortunately, Americans in Congress were wary of HUAC and so instead of appointing Dickstein, much to his chagrin, as head of HUAC the task was given to the patriot Martin Dies of Texas over the objections of Roosevelt and the Jews. Dies interpreted his job to mean rooting out both Fascists and Communists who were in fact un-American while the dissidents were not.

A group needs figureheads more real than vague terms like Fascists and Communists, so that hatred was directed at Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh and the Catholic radio priest, Charles Coughlin. These three men were chosen to be reviled and execrated although they were innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever. There is absolutely no evidence, no reason to think that they betrayed the interests of the US to anyone. Of course, Jewish-Rooseveltian propagandists succeeded in destroying the credibility of all three men.

Since 1933 the Jewish objective had been to get the US to attack Germany. At that time when the Jews controlled the US and USSR while being, at least dominating in France and England the only obstacle to their plans was Germany. Thus, the Jewish-Rooseveltian goal was to draw the US into a war on Germany. The American people, however, recalling WWI unpleasantly had absolutely no desire to engage in any war at all. To consider Germany as a threat to the US was ludicrous. So while Ford, Lindbergh and Coughlin were taking the heat they were in tune with American desires.

The opposition barely restrained Roosevelt whose administration proclaimed that the US’ first line of defense was the Rhine deep within German territory. Well before 1942 US warships were patrolling the Atlantic sinking German submarines, so the declaration of war in December of ’41 merely authorized Roosevelt to throw off the disguise.

Of course, the dissidents would organize as the administration more and more revealed its intent. The dissidents did organize into a group called the America First Committee. They strenuously opposed US involvement in the European War, they were therefore demeaned as Isolationists as though that presumed that everyone else was Internationalists like themselves. Every opposition group requires a good pejorative label. Thus the discussion was narrowed to two viewpoints. The leaders of the AFC would turn out to be Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh the two great bete noirs of FDR and his Jews.

Charles Coughlin, who was known as the Radio Priest, having a radio audience in the millions, in a country of merely a hundred million gauges his significance. He had no political organization however, indeed neither he nor the AFC made any attempt to organize a political party, hence power, being content to merely making noise.

By a few misjudgments, Coughlin sacrificed his position leaving himself open to attack. His programs had been carried over the CBS radio network owned by the Jew William Paley. Paley censored Coughlin closing the network to him while Jewish appeals to the Pope to silence Coughlin also had effect. By 1940 Coughlin was a nullity.

Ford, but more especially Lindbergh was another story. Lindbergh had become a great hero, idol actually, in 1927 when he became the first person to make a solo flight across the Atlantic- New York City to Paris. He became a Golden Boy. While a hero to millions Lindbergh also became an object of envy to a large number of men. He was deemed Lucky Lindy as though anyone could have duplicated the deed. Perhaps, but it was Lindbergh’s modesty that won the hearts of the world. As is, or was, well known, the Lindbergh’s first baby was kidnapped and perished. The press would not leave Lindbergh alone and so he fled to England for peace and quiet which he found.

As war appeared more likely he was asked by Roosevelt to review German air strength which he did. In the process he became familiar with the actual political situation in Europe. His evaluation was different from Roosevelt’s. While in Germany, the Germans were as taken by him as everyone else. He was given a medal in commemoration of his trans-Atlantic flight.

Back home in the US Lindbergh having considered the European situation first hand, came to the conclusion that the US should not interfere in any war. This sensible understanding was interpreted by Roosevelt, who ardently desired war, ardently he did, and was doing his best to provoke the Germans, as pro-Nazi and openly denounced Lindbergh as an actual Nazi.

This deranged desire for war may have been an indication of his desire to reclaim his manhood from polio. The desire seems to have a compensatory foundation.

This fit in perfectly with Jewish needs for a villain to hang their hatred on. They thus began to defame Lindbergh and provoke him as an actual Nazi agent.   According to their propaganda Lindbergh was going to run for president against Roosevelt, win, and become a Nazi satrap of the USA. This notion was taken seriously, advanced. even though Lindbergh had made no effort to establish a political organization. A propaganda novel was written called Keeper Of The Flame and a movie subsequently made to defame him. Not even content with that, sixty years later the Jewish writer, Philip Roth, wrote a book, The Plot Against America, that repeated the same thesis, defaming Lindbergh’s fading memory.

While the Jews make much about the so-called genocide of themselves it is established that the Jews called for the genocide of the Germans publicly, first in a book supposedly written by some Jew from the colony of Newark by the name of Theodore Kaufman titled Germany Must Die.

It is inconceivable that Kaufman came up with this thesis out of the blue in 1940 or that it was his own idea. His articulation must have come from a decade or even decades long Jewish fantasy. Surely, he was provided notes or perhaps merely handed the manuscript and told to put his name on it. This obscure book from a nonentity in Newark, one is amazed that it found a publisher, did not disappear without a trace as one might have expected. No, it received massive exposure. Time Magazine reviewed it favorably naturally, while many newspapers gave it favorable mention. Even President Roosevelt began to consider the notion.

How did Kaufman propose to exterminate the German people? Why he believed that the people would be disposed of in a generation if the males were all sterilized. Bear in mind the book was published in 1940 and the US didn’t enter the war until the eve of 1942. Quite singular don’t you think? Where would the Jews get the power to sterilize German males? Obviously they would be directing their militarily powerful American subjects.

The NSDAP soon learned about Kaufman’s Germany Must Die and they knew that some doofus in Newark was not acting on his own. To be sure, the threat to commit genocide on them influenced their own notion of the Final Solution. Why was the US involved in this fight?

Nor was Kaufman’s book an isolated incident. Indeed, the Morgenthau Plan was proposed in Morgenthau’s book Germany Is Our Problem, copyright 1945. Who is the ‘our’ referred to in the title, certainly not the US, obviously the Jews. Once again the US was called upon to eliminate the Germans and Germany from the face of the earth. It would be the Americans who did it, not the Jews. In that way the Jews could maintain their innocence.

Henry Morgenthau Jr. was FDR’s Secretary of the Treasury and according to Morgenthau the assistant president. If not earlier, in FDR’s last two terms he was completely in the hands of Jewish handlers if not their surrogate. Indeed, Morgenthau considered himself a co-president with FDR. Bernard Baruch was frequently referred to as an assistant president as well, perhaps mockingly. This was in the critical period of war’s end when Jewish plans were to be put into effect. Morgenthau’s plan called for the elimination of Germany as a country along with its people. Truly, when Hitler said that he knew that if the Germans failed their heads would roll in the sand. And there were twenty millions of Russians starved to death to prove it.

But, to return to Lindbergh and Ford. In a country in which the executive could eliminate people at will there can be no doubt that Ford and Lindbergh would have been disappeared along with the whole of America First. But was that possible? Could that happen here?

A strange thing happened to the Jewish mind that coalesced in 1940. The Jews believed that they were the true Americans; that the beautiful thing called America was their creation, considering Roosevelt as their creature, any who opposed his administration, that is themselves, were actually Fascists and Nazis and no longer true Americans. Ford and Lindbergh were actually Nazis in their minds out to subvert ‘their’ America and turn it into a dependency of Nazi Germany.

In 1940 the Nazi-Soviet pact was still in force yet there was still no outcry against the Communist USSR, the full force of hatred was directed only at Germany. By Germany I do not mean Nazi Germany but Germany and Germans as a whole. Thus they actually urged the genocide of Germans. Even today a great effort is made to convict every German, living or dead, as participating in the so-called genocide of the Jews.

It is a great mistake to not recognize the true nature of WWII, a war that is still raging.

So, just as the Jews would be rounded up in Germany in later years so the Jews wanted US dissidents rounded up and put in concentration camps as early as 1940. While urgent to themselves the notion was incomprehensible country wide. However, after the shooting war began, all of the most prominent dissidents were arrested and indicted on criminal charges. This was too much for many in the government who delayed the trial until 1944 when with victory imminent interest waned and the matter frizzled out.

Still, in 1940 the actual interference of the America First Committee prevented the administration, the Jews and the British from joining together in the war. It is necessary to point out that the vast majority of the country supported he AFC position. The administration still had their ace in the hole, anti-Semitism, if they could get the card played.

Lindbergh helped out on 9/11/41 with a speech in Des Moines Iowa when he said that the only people who desired war were Roosevelt, the Jews and the English. There it was, anti-Semitism, or seemingly so. Lindbergh and the AFC were discredited but that still wasn’t permission to mobilize. That came a couple months later on 12/7/41 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Even then that was no excuse to enter the European war. That happened a few days later when Hitler declared war on the US because of treaty obligations with Japan. Silly, but he did it. That ended US involvement even though Hitler’s declaration was futile. He had no means to attack the US.

Ever since the Balfour Declaration issued unilaterally by Great Britain and binding on no one else, that essentially guaranted Palestine to the Jews, they had seriously been working toward seizing the Arab territory to rename it Israel. The main provocateur was a man called Chaim Weizman. While the pot was stirred up by WWII which everyone knew before a shot was fired that Germany would lose, Weizman unconnected to any government, working strictly as a putative representative of the Jewish nation, unaffiliated, was working behind the scenes to move the political situation toward securing Palestine as the possession of the Jews. He collaborated, that is conspired, with US Jewish agents that included Ben Hecht the playwright and Meyer Lansky of the Jewish Mafia. These men conspired to move armaments to Palestine in violation of US laws. Had Roosevelt lived, the establishment of Israel would have been a given but his successor Harry Truman required some cozening or threats, that is manipulation, so that by 1948 the Jews achieved their goal and Israel was a fact. WWII had been a success. Thus, by using their criminal underground and political above ground agents the Jews acted as a unit world wide.

Back to 1940 and the elimination of the dissidents. As I said, by 1940 he Jews actually considered themselves as the real founding fathers, the real Americans of the US. The dissidents had been successfully portrayed as Fascists if in not outright Nazis and hence un-American; Immigrants had displaced natives in their own homeland and really with their own consent no less than the Jews would oust the Palestinians from their homeland.

The problem was how to dispose of those natives. It was easy enough to get the Roosevelt government to indict them, but it was necessary to get public opinion to condemn them. All enemies must be hated and quite frankly Ford and Lindbergh were still great American heroes but they did run with the so-called Isolationist crowd. Therefore the Nativist or Isolationist crowd had to be slandered as a whole.

The American public had to be persuaded to see the Nativists, today called Conservatives, as the Jews saw them. The Jews were, of course, absolutely convinced of their own virtue so that Nativists were ipso-facto anti-Semites. The idea then was to make it virtuous to hate Nativists. Hatred had to be created and it had to legal.

The Roosevelt administration had begun with a hate campaign against their predecessors, against the Old Guard of the Gilded Age, against Wall Street. A hate campaign against Roosevelt’s opponents, that is Nativists and Isolationists was an easy step. And the man to lead it was available. He was a Jewish writer by the name of Gustavus Myers.

Continued in Part 2b-10



The Vampyres Of New York

Clip 10

A Novel


R.E. Prindle


I sat comfortably in my chair with a glass of excellent Cabernet looking benignly at Lessing, Giusti, Barron Cammell and in the speaker’s seat, Max Savings. There was some uneasiness as the Chicago insurrection was still raging, other disturbances were taking place in cities with majority Negro populations. While cause for concern, the concentration of Negroes in urban centers localized the disturbances rather than making them general.

In many other majority Negro areas most of the Negroes had found it expedient to head for the big cities. Thus the Negro-White situation was rather cleanly divided. Of course Manhattan was a different situation. The Negro population had halved over the past three years so while seven and a half percent was still a large population on Manhattan Island their minority status quietened them somewhat while having been expelled from the Aryan areas even those are untouched directly by the gathering storm. The news today had announced the formation of a New Islamic Republic in lower Manhattan so hostilities were imminent from that part of the city.

I think it struck all of us as odd that we were to discuss events that occurred a hundred years ago having little or no reference to today. It seemed rather eerie. Nevertheless Max began:

Max: All of us are old enough for the Bolshevic Revolution to have influenced our lives. Those born in the year 2000, now turning eighteen, may not have even heard of it, or if they have, its irrelevance to them leaves the mention of it forgotten.

Those born after, say, nineteen-eighty are old enough for more to have heard of it and perhaps taken cognizance of it but except for the few more scholarly the Revolution lacks meaning. The names of the participants save Lenin and Stalin have no true meaning to the majority of Americans living. Even the term American now has little real meaning. It is good to have some company tonight who share my interest. Sometimes walking down the street I feel like a time traveler visiting the future or perhaps a transient from a parallel universe, a man from Mars.

So, the greatest heist in History has gone down the memory hole. The theft of the wealth of a great and extensive nation.

The seizure of the government of Russia by the Bolshevics was accomplished by men who had never know power, men who had no experience or notion of governing, no background in economics nor did they ever have any idea of what money is. Thus when they gained power they were astonished to find that civilization was based on money, and they had no idea where money came from. They immediately destroyed the economy, that is the taxation base so that the only liquid wealth they had was the gold reserves and they were running through those fast.

Knowing nothing of relative value they valued the accumulated wealth of centuries at face value not realizing you could flood the market on things of extrinsic value such as jewels and art works but thing of intrinsic value such furs were only used goods that sold at fire sale prices.

Nevertheless they plowed ahead. Since they were murdering the aristocracy the aristocrats grabbed whatever of value was portable and fled the country. Thus, not only were these confiscated goods a drug on the market but for decades they were a drug on the market. The emigres growing more impoverished by the year they sold their jewels and other portable wares while becoming a laughing stock.

Imagine having been the equals in the highest society then walking around in worn out outdated clothes, no money, while being mocked as ‘Count’ if you dared to say who you had been. And then as former autocrats of Russia they were despised and hated as much as the Germans have been since the last quarter of the nineteenth century.

As they walked the streets, warehouses in the new Soviet Union, the name Russia having been obliterated from the maps, were packed with long rows of stolen or ‘appropriated’ fur coats, furniture, painting and any removables of value. Not only did the Soviets steal from the aristocrats but in an anti-Christian frenzy fabulous churches were invaded, priestly vestments, irreplaceable icons, gold and silver vessels, anything, anything of value was removed. The Soviets themselves were then on the same level as the displaced aristocrats. They had miles of stolen goods but no money.

The Money Trust, both gois and Jews, was willing to make loans to them but the amount of money required to maintain the old Russian Empire couldn’t be obtained through loans; loans were just stop gap measures and since the Soviets had no income they couldn’t pay the loans back anyway let alone the interest.

In desperation they took like some Jewish old clothes peddlers to trying to hawk old fur coats, paintings, used furniture. The Soviet Union in many ways was founded on vengeance. As has been said of the Russian Revolution- Where are the Russians? In fact there were few of them. Mostly they came from the subject peoples of the Russians- Letts, Poles, Jews, Georgians, from everywhere but mostly Jews.

As Dostoyevsky sagely remarked in the nineteenth century: The Jews would kill us all if they had us in their power. Well, now the Jews had the Russians in their power and, in fact, they were killing them; those that hadn’t the opportunity or wisdom to flee.

Barron Cammell: Hold It! Hold it! This isn’t going to some anti-Semitic Jew bashing like that one’s over there is it? The Jews! The Jews! Always the Jews! The first to be blamed and last to be forgiven. Show me some proof that even one Jews was involved.

Me: Leon Trotsky.

Barron: Trotsky was a secular Jew; he wasn’t religious. An atheist.

Me: OK. So he was an unreligious, secular, atheist Jew. What does it take to be a Jew in your eyes Barron?

Lessing: Barron! Barron! Let’s not have any outbursts. This is a fraternal society. We can express ourselves freely without rancor.

Max: It’s just history. The fact are easily ascertained.

Me: Barron, it is no more clear than in Russia that the Jews work as a national unit and secondarily as an international people working together in their own interest against all other interests in battle for supremacy. Why then are you offended that Max is placing them in the place and time?

Barron: Oh, shut up, you.

Lessing: Barron, no rudeness now.

Barron: I don’t know why you brought that guy here Lessing. Everything was fine until he showed up.

Hodding Giusti: No, Barron, things were about the same. It was just that no one had investigated anything where the Jews played as prominent a role.

Barron: They certainly did in my report on the Rothschild’s yet I didn’t accuse them of any crimes. I praised their economic acumen.

Hodding: Well, you were very generous to the Rothschilds. You barely touched on how they got their money or how they bent the rules.

Barron: You mean innovated, how they changed the way things were done.

Hodding: Merely another way of saying the same thing although laudatory instead of critical; after all theft is theft and everyone at the time knew it was theft. Time and an eraser have just altered the reality in the mainstream consciousness. A legend or myth has replaced the reality. Such altering of the past was nearly a cottage industry by the time I retired. But, let Max go on.

Lessing: Yes, Barron, after all Max puts a lot of time and effort into his presentations.

Barron: So do we all. Except for him (indicating me) obviously.

Max: I may resume then? Nevertheless, the largest faction of revolutionaries was Jewish or of Jewish origin, since Barron insists that Trotsky wasn’t Jewish for various reasons, hoping to distance them from the mass, as it were. I won’t call it recent research since the obvious has been known since the Tribe arrived at the Finland Station, however only recently, that is a few years ago, have the Jews admitted publicly that they were the engine of the revolution. I hope we can consider that settled.

It can be no coincidence that while thousands of Christian churches were looted or destroyed not one synagogue was touched so that only Russians were expropriated. Needing money and having little except the accumulated things stolen from the nobility and churches, the Soviets determined to convert the stolen things to cash. This was an incredible stash. Whatever the Nazis are said to have appropriated from the Jews was miniscule in proportion while a large part of their wealth was probably fenced goods from the revolution.

I use as my main source Sean McMeekin’s History’s Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks published in 2009.

As the Jews primarily were responsible for accumulating these trinkets they naturally had the networks in Europe and the US to dispose of the stuff.

Barron: Stop it! Stop it!

Lessing: Barron, please! Have some respect.

Max: Of course as all the stuff was in a legal sense stolen, the Soviet Union itself was acting as the fence. There was opposition in the West to becoming receivers of this stolen merchandise. There certainly were protests from Russian emigres when they could identify items that had belonged to them.

Curiously their claims were disregarded unlike with the Jews after WWII during which claims without a shred of evidence were awarded from items appropriated from the Nazis, different in no way from the Jewish Soviets.

Barron: There is a great deal of difference, somewhere between six and ten million Jews were murdered by Nazi thugs in the Holocaust.

Me: Six to ten? It keeps going up. Let me point out though that the Jews, as a national group, atheist or religious, were complicit in the murder of millions and millions, using your method, Barron, tens of millions of Russian aristocrats and kulaks, simple folks, and whoever didn’t keep their heads down or make it to the border.

Barron: I believe we can lay the blame for that at Stalin’s feet.

Hodding: I don’t believe we can.

Barron: Well, that’s certainly as it is in the historians I read.

Lessing: There are other histories.

Max: May I go on? Thank you. The attempt, as I say, to sell the stuff ran into opposition so that it was necessary to operate underhandedly in which the main operatives were what Henry Ford called the international Jews.

Barron: Name one.

Me: Armand Hammer.

Max: Yes, he was certainly one of the biggest. And what Jews were big buyers, especially for jewels and paintings? This leads us on to wonder how many paintings Jews were reclaiming as theirs had formerly belonged to Russian aristocrats or came from the Hermitage, that is the Czar’s personal stash.

Certainly these selling activities during the twenties were well known to the Nazis so that one might say they had an immediate example perhaps making them believe they were reappropriating Aryan treasures, to use the term. In any event theirs was not a unique crime. Nazi crimes may be considered as an extenuation of Soviet crimes.

Barron: Oh my god!

Lessing: Hush!

Max: One of the main conduits to the US, if not the main conduit was the Jew Armand Hammer. He was quite notorious at the time being resented and hated on a fairly wide scale. While it was forbidden to attack him as a Jew, anti-Semitic, he could be attacked as a Communist or tool of the Communists, which he denied on both counts. Needless to say he denied he was a Communist although his fortune was made by the Soviets.

Even his name, Arm and Hammer, bespoke his father’s politics. Hammer’s fortune was made in the Soviet Union and then he was chosen as the chief conduit to dispose of the aristocrats’ treasures in the United States. Can it be any wonder then that Hammer acquired one of the great art collections in the world for himself. How many other art works were funneled into Jewish art collections such as that of the movie star Edward G. Robinson’s?

Barron: Can you prove that Robinson bought from Hammer?

Max: Not at this time but it does make sense. For instance, David Bazelon who was the Alien Properties Custodian during WWII made Chicago’s Jews, he was a Jew from Chicago, wealthy after the war when he sold whole industries confiscated from the Germans cheap thereby making fortunes, giving Chicago’s Jews great economic power.

Barron: Can you prove that?

Max: Certainly. Those sales are public knowledge and above board.   The government records exist. Hammer’s sales may have been more clandestine although Andrew Mellon’s collection can be traced to Hammer. Mellon’s paintings were eventually given to the US National Gallery where they reside today, unclaimed by any Russian although had they belonged to Jews you can believe they would have been ‘restored’ by now.

Barron: You sound embittered by that.

Max: Indeed I am for crime anywhere is a reflection on me if I hold my silence. Heard that one before Barron? Or, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing?

The point is that Hammer’s collection was composed of stolen merchandise of which he was both a fence and receiver that could be traced to the original Russian owners, but neither Hammer nor any of the Jewish buyers who knowingly and gloatingly bought stolen merchandise ever returned it to the rightful owners. All legal actions taken by the rightful owners were thrown out.

Yet, when artworks were taken by the Nazis the Jews demanded that such, under very tenuous evidence of the former ownership, were given to them. Many probably obtained from the Russian hoards.

Even though the Jewish population losses were horrendous, six million are claimed to have fallen in the holocaust alone while other massacres such as Babi Yar and what we might call natural wartime attrition may have claimed a million or two which should have nearly exterminated the whole European Jewish population but miraculously didn’t. Thus, perhaps, using figures wildly eight million or more Jews perished out a possible ten million yet claimants sometimes multiple claimants after 1945 were there to claim anything that might possibly have been owned by Jews.

Barron: Do you depreciate Jewish suffering to concentrate on a few dollars. How heartless.

Max: You can be exasperating Barron. I don’t denigrate anything, both Whites and Jews have been known to kill for a few dollars more. The point I’m trying to make is that the Jews are not long suffering innocents and that on the one hand they conducted according to McMeekin the greatest heist, that is theft, in history and on the other hand play innocent victims. The end I’m trying for, I suppose, is that neither the Germans nor anyone else need feel guilty for causing Jewish suffering anymore than the Jews feel guilty for causing the untold suffering of the European Holocaust endured through two world wars. If Freud and the members of the B’nai B’rith wanted to see Europeans and Europe dead then between two world wars they nearly did. They sought the destruction of Russia and achieved it when Russia was wiped off the map becoming the USSR. As a Union of Republics, the Jews being one, they on paper, at least, achieved autonomy. When it became time to murder the much despised Czar and his family Jews did it.

It seems to me the height of obtuseness to believe the Jews are a holy and innocent people.

Barron: It seems to me that you and that over there lack compassion. I think you’re being heartless and are despicable.

Me: Compassionate? Compassionate? There’s no one more compassionate than me. My heart bleeds for the whole of suffering humanity. All of it not just an infinitesimal part called Jews. I see the suffering of one as representative of the whole. How can anyone be happy knowing that some poor individual somewhere is unhappy, to quote Liberal dogma. What is going on outside our windows as we sit comfortably sipping fine wine is equal to any suffering in the history of the world. I feel their pain but, still, this is excellent wine and they will have to pry my cold dead hands from the stem of this glass before I give it up. There Barron, was that passionate enough for you?

Lessing: Hear, hear! If I feel guilt I’m sure it isn’t too obvious.

Hodding: History shows that the suffering is not evenly distributed over the entire population. Even in the worst suffering some suffer more and some suffer less. I choose to suffer less. Pass that bottle over here.

Lessing: I found your presentation interesting Max. I really wasn’t aware of the confiscation of the material wealth of Russians by the Bolsheviki.

Max: Who said I was finished, but if I am, I suppose I am. It is quite a story. I was driven off my prepared remarks to a large degree by Barron’s vociferations.

Me: You made your point anyway. I rather enjoyed the controversy but then I am a child of controversies. Barron, what’s the problem here? Since you speak of Jews you know there is a collectivity that calls itself Jewish or it would be useless to speak of Jews. If there is such a collectivity then that collectivity must have some identity, some standards of conduct that it acts on. Since the collectivity functions in the external world it must be observable. Right?

Barron: Yes, of course, but that is no reason for Jew bashing.

Me: Well, analyzing those activities, whether the analysis is correct or not doesn’t constitute bashing does it?

Barron: It’s the intent that makes the difference. You are…you are…

Me: Ok, I’ll finish for you: You are an anti-Semite. Right?

Barron: Not me, you are.

Me: Right. I was just finishing the sentence for you. But Max didn’t say anything that wasn’t true did he?

Barron: That’s not the point. The truth is irrelevant. Some things just shouldn’t be said.

Me: The truth is irrelevant? I give up then. When true things can’t be said there is no hope. Civilization falls to the ground.

Lessing: A good report none the less. Let’s call it a night.


We all gave as jolly or cordial a good night as possible. Barron even bent a little although avoiding me in his gaze. As I was leaving Lessing asked for a meeting. I said I had to see about my suits from James Carter. I would give him a call after talking to Goldbladder. As I was leaving, my phone rang. It was Ange.

Ange: Partly, Merivale is at the door. I can see him.

Me: How does he look, Ange? Agitated, determined, worried, what?

Ange: Sort of angry, I can’t tell.

Me: Does he have his cell phone visible?

Ange: Yes.

Me: But he’s not trying to use the door speaker?

Ange: I, I, I don’t know

Me: OK. Hold on Ange, I’m going to speak to Lessing for a moment. Don’t hang up. Lessing, Steinberg’s at the condo trying to get Angeline to come to the door. You have his cell number, right? Can you give him a call and advise him he isn’t acting in his best interests?

Lessing: I think so. Ask Angeline to report on his reaction.

Me: Ange. Lessing is calling Steinberg now, keep your eye on the monitor and tell us his reaction.

Lessing: Merivale, Lessing here. We’d appreciate it if you ceased bothering Angeline.

Steinberg: I just want to talk to her Lessing.

Lessing: That isn’t possible Merivale. Angeline is no longer under your control. She is with Perry now. They consider themselves husband and wife. You have already damaged her enough. Be a good fellow and just leave. Go home.

Steinberg: Damn it, Farquhar, I’ve got rights. I…

Lessing: Rights are exactly what you don’t have Merivale. Rights are what you don’t have and actually never have had. I shouldn’t have to tell you that there are serious criminal acts here.

Steinberg: You’re not threatening me, Farquhar, because if you are…

Lessing: Call it what you will, I’m telling you we’ve got you by the shorthairs. Whatever happens you lose.

Steinberg: This is some sort of anti-Semitic trick isn’t it Farquhar?

Lessing: Good God, Steinberg, we’re talking crime, not religion.

Steinberg: Judaism isn’t a religion.

Lessing: Who cares what Judaism is Merivale. Be wise, turn around, get on the elevator and don’t come back.

Ange: He just looked into his phone, Partly. He looked at the elevator and then back at his phone.

Me: Tell him to leave again, Lessing, he’s ambivalent.

Lessing: Angeline doesn’t want to see you Merivale. She’s thinking of calling security; avoid a ruckus and get in the elevator.

Merivale: Fuck you Farquhar. Watch your step.

Ange: Oh, good, Partly, he’s walking back to the elevator. He’s leaving.

Me: Excellent Ange. Have a relaxing cup of tea. I’ll be there within the half hour. Good job, Lessing. I’ll pass a message through Goldbladder this Monday at my fitting.

Lessing: Will Merivale get it?

Me: Oh yeah. Goldbladder will have minutes of this meeting tomorrow. Steinberg within minutes of my fitting.

Lessing: And the minutes of the meeting will come from Barron, you think?

Me: Sure of it. Alright I’ll call you Monday evening to relay what happened. Great reading from Max. See you later.


Things are moving very fast now. My own present life has been one of stress that almost makes me dizzy. I have to make an effort to stay calm. On the home front managing Ange is demanding all my powers so that I have to develop a second personality to deal with external matters. My greatest pleasure, reading, has been shot to hell, no time, while squeezing in writing has forced me to reorganize my time usage.

Dealing with the New York situation has me, uh, ‘rising to greatness.’ I’m learning to delegate whatever can be delegated and hope for success.   Cooperating in an unprecedented emergency has been high. The ethnic cleansing of our area goes more smoothly than might be expected. The major problem is our people who have been conditioned to sacrifice their interests to others and who resist the expulsion of Negroes, Moslems and others. In order to discourage others some of these fanatics have been excommunicated , expelled North into Negroland or South into Moslemland. Tribeca being somewhere between is a mad confusion of peoples. Obviously the American Experiment has hit the rocks.

Saturday and Sunday morning then I spent working with Ragnar and his gym crew and delegations working out governmental problems within our community, maintaining Western Civilization as best we can. It’s sort of like the frontier of the nineteenth century. This is not easy. Afternoons I spent with Ange. While we consider ourselves married we still have to get to know each other.

Central Park is now safe so we spent Saturday strolling the lanes and exchanging confidences about ourselves to each other. Ange is more lovely than I could have hoped for, beautiful in mind and body.

Sunday we combined romancing with touring community neighborhoods to get some firsthand knowledge of how things are shaping up. Unsettled to say the least but people seemed to be concerned for themselves and each other. Transitioning from one state of being to another isn’t easy. So far, so good.

Then Monday was the day for my fitting. Everything going to hell but business as usual. Have to remain centered. Amazingly, amongst the growing chaos the stock market is holding up well. Instead of losing I’ve actually gained a few points in my investments. Of course I have to be nimble. Amidst all this nonsense I find myself plotting my investments. Well, life goes on, nothing stops for tea.

Our area was well below forty-fifth street so there was no problem getting from Tribeca to forty-fifth although I did have to cross the border from Tribeca into Whitelands. Our armed troops were patrolling the streets.

Me: Any problems getting gas, Ragnar?

Ragnar: No. All deliveries are flowing through without any problems. We are getting food shipments from Jersey both through the tunnels and across the Hudson. No interference through the Bronx as yet. Our membership has been growing which we have been able to accommodate so far through expulsion of others but as we’re prepared for trouble Bronxside we’re organized to invade if necessary. It would be nice to have Columbia in our fold.

Me: What does Lessing say about Obama?

Ragnar: So far DC is in a dither. Fires burning in too many places for them to wrap their heads around. Incredibly they were so confident in their agenda that they had no clue this was coming. You’ve probably noticed the jets and copters overhead but so far they’re only making noise. Lessing says they are calling in troops from NATO and other places as our troops are depleted here in the US, or what used to be the US, but where they will deploy first we don’t know.

Me: Yeah, well, I’ve got more important fish to fry just now. I’ve got suits to fit.

Ragnar: I sure hope you can handle it, Boss.

Me: Might not be the highest assignment but I’ll be better dressed for one now.

Ragnar: Especially in hot pink.

Me: You spying on me Ragnar?

Ragnar: Word gets around. Not everyone in town wears a hot pink suit with matching hat and shoes. People do talk.

Me: Yeah? Well I’m going to have a little pink mask too. Fantomas in splendor.

I hopped out of the limo, entered and mounted the staircase. Let’s see what Abe is up to.

Abe: You’re on time as usual, I see.

Me: I’m pretty consistent Abe. Time is money and all that.

Abe: According to Freud so is shit.

Me: Ah ha, ha. Well he’d know better about that than me. However I am willing to pay in kind if you like Abe.

Abe: That was just a bad joke. We’re sticking to your card.

Me: Great. So how close are we to getting the suits?

Abe: This might be the last fitting. Here let me show you something. Check out these shoes, this hat, and these gloves.

Me: I didn’t order gloves.

Abe: No, but I knew you’d want them. Look at this matching hot pink to go with the suiting.

Me: But they’re not fluorescent Abe.

Abe: Get out of here ungrateful One. Do you have any idea how much work this has been?

Me: No, but I have an idea what it’s going to cost. Remember I don’t have a first born.

Abe: We know. By the way how did it go at the whatchamaycallit club you belong to go.

Me: Something tells me you can tell me Abe.

Abe: Do you think we have the place wired or something?

Me: Something.

Abe: What would that something be?

Me: Not what Abe, who.

Abe: Oh, I see.

Me: Sure you do. So what did you boys think of Max’s presentation.

Abe: We thought it was anti-Semitic. We’re beginning to think you guys are Nazis as well.

Me: Paranoia becomes you Abe. Max is an historical researcher he simply reported what was true. We’re true historians Abe. We don’t distort the facts to fit an agenda. You have only yourselves to blame.

Abe: Sometimes the truth doesn’t have to be revealed.

Me: The other night wasn’t one of them. So what else is bugging you Abe?

Abe: We know you’re Nazis because your goons are forcing we Jews out of Little America or whatever you call your enclave. That is anti-Semitism and it has to stop.

Me: Nobody is forcing anybody to leave Abe. Those Jews you referred to wanted to be in Brooklyn in your national colony there. You aren’t going to deny that Brooklyn is a Jewish colony are you?

Abe: How would you like it if we forced Whites out of Brooklyn?

Me: We’d love it Abe, almost pay you to do it but we’d still make a big noise about it, just to put you in a bad light. Times have changed Abe, national lines have been drawn. Anti-Semitism doesn’t have the meaning it did anymore.

Abe: A big noise hey? Wait till you see the new issue of New York magazine. By the way, I see you people have started a new magazine, the New York Beobachter, is that what it’s called?

Me: I’ve always like your sense of humor Abe. No, it’s the New York Intelligencer. We have two hundred and thirty-four subscribers already. We expect to double that shortly.

Abe: I suppose you write that crap?

Me: No, Abe. I haven’t contributed as yet. So far we’ve used stringers to report local events and analyses plus relying on letters to the editor. So far, so good. Want to take a bundle of a hundred back to Brooklyn?

Abe: I don’t live in Brooklyn; I live in Manhattan.

Me: Really? Where abouts?

Abe: Not too far from you I imagine in what we call the Tribeca Free State.

Me: Yucka, yucka, Tribeca Free State, that’s good Abe. Well then, it’s either Brooklyn or the Free State for your emigres but they will have to move; we’re not much on diversity from embedded elements, we have enough problems with our own of various backgrounds.

So, is this the last fitting before delivery Abe?

Abe: There will be a last touch up to make sure everything is true. That’s next for all your suits. Make an appointment.


I did. As I entered the apartment Angeline greeted me breathlessly to announce: Partly, I just got a call from Lady and they’re coming back now. All hell broke loose in Europe. They were lucky to catch the last plane out.

Me: Damn. I suppose that will bring the stock market down, at least temporarily. Well, where are they now?

Ange: She said they were a couple hours out. They should be here tonight.

Me: You’ve got everything spic and span, no problem there. Just a minute while I call Ragnar to let him know.

Ragnar, we just received news that Lady and Miles will be back in a couple hours.

Ragnar: I know, they called. I’m on my way now.

Me: Ragnar already knew. He’s on his way. We’re shipshape here. Cook something up in case they’re hungry.

Ange: Lady didn’t sound very happy I was here.

Me: I’m sure she was surprised. She had no reason to suspect I would marry.

Ange. It didn’t sound like that. There was a note of disapproval in her voice. Maybe she thinks I’m not worthy.

Me: Honey, nobody’s opinion but mine counts. I know your worth, I know the criminal acts that were committed on you. There is no better person in the world than you, however the career of Angeline II, of which you are still not totally aware is still out there; for many people that is the only Angeline Gower they know. We don’t know but perhaps Miles attended one of those parties and, well, who knows? Be prepared for the worst but we can’t let that affect us.

Ange: But Partly, I don’t want you to be hurt.

Me: Honey, nothing can hurt me. I am proof to the world. I know how things function. Let me call Lessing to see if he knows. Lessing…

Lessing: I’m on my way. Hold the fort.

Lessing is on the way Ange, everything is under control. We can only wait.

When the keys began turning in the locks Lessing, Ange and I were in our places and ready. The early return was obviously due to the eruption of the Moslems in France and the incursion from Germany to the East. We should soon have some details.

Lessing: There’s the keys. I’ll go open the inner door.


The Carmichaels literally burst through the door in high agitation.

Lady: You can’t believe the turmoil over there. France is in flames from Marseilles to the Belgian border; Belgium is in flames. They are looting, burning and killing on all sides. They are every where, everywhere, Notre Dame was blown sky high. Churches everywhere are being blown up or burned. The clergy are being murdered. The uprisings are in all parts of France. While the army has been mobilized to combat the invaders from Germany, the troops are ambushed from all sides.

Good God, never in my lifetime, never in my lifetime did I believe something like this could happen.

Me: (clearing my throat) Welcome back to the Tribeca Free State Miles and Lady.

I said nothing but I had written that this exact same thing would happen. At my age I didn’t know whether it would happen in my lifetime but anyone who followed EU policies could see it coming.

Miles: Tribeca Free State? What are you talking about?

Lessing: Well, Miles, things have been happening here too. Manhattan is now several different States. You have the Moslem Caliphate in Lower Manhattan, the Tribeca Free State here, the New American Republic in mid-Island both East and West, the African Chieftanship in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx. So things are different. And then there’s the Orthodox Hebrew Theocracy in Brooklyn, Queens isn’t clear and we haven’t heard much from Staten Island but it appears it might be Whiteland.

Miles: Egad! The Tribeca Free State! Why that?

Lessing: Nobody is so dominant that it can be claimed but we’re doing our best to get it into the New American Republic.

Lady: Well, at least the lights are still on.

Me: Yes, we were able to seize control of the grid. We’re using it to try to freeze out the Moslems. They have no power at all, of course, that has raised some havoc with Wall Street but they can always go back . Once we cut off their water they will have to vacate. That adds to the woes of Staten Island and Long Island, New Jersey but it’s unavoidable.

Miles: So war is going on here too?

Lessing: Yes, Miles, you might call it a phony war as so far there hasn’t been too much shooting; we’re all still sparring with each other, waiting to see what Obama will do. So far, we assume he’s ‘assessing the situation.’

Lady: My God, is it the end of the world?

Me: It is certainly the end of civilization as we’ve known it. But then that began back at 9/11, now we’re really into it. But, you said something about Merkel inciting it.

Lady: Yes. Over there they think Merkel had the plan when she admitted all those Moslems in ’15 and ’16. The French think it’s a continuation of the Nazis. They think Merkel is rearming Germany and once the Moslems are out of Germany with France in total turmoil Germany will attack Moslem France and begin the conquest of Europe.

Me: Far out! Crazy little Mama Merkel. Who would have believed it. I suppose the Moslems are smashing the wine stores.

Lady: Yes, of course, but what a thing to mention.

Me: Damn.

Lessing: Ata boy, Perry, first things first.

Lady: Now that you mention it Perry I’m afraid that you and that woman will have to vacate the apartment. We’re sorry our agreement isn’t viable. Force majeure. You do understand, don’t you?

Me: Of course, Lady. Angeline has her own condo so we’ll move over there. We’ll pack and leave tomorrow. I can assure you I have no objection and no regrets. I can’t thank you enough for a very wonderful experience. I’m sure Lessing can fill you in after you’ve recovered from your flight and as we are all fighting the good fight I hope we can be friends and associates.

Lady: I’m sure we can Perry. But, I’d prefer you spent the night at…her…apartment and pick up your things tomorrow.

Me: Certainly. I understand fully and as I say Lessing will fill you in later. We’ll take our leave then.

Lessing: give me a minute Perry and we can go uptown together if you like.

Me: Sounds good Lessing. Alright with you Ange?

Ange: (suppressing a sob) Yes. I’m yours Partly.


Proceed to Vol. I, Clip 11



Vol. I, Clip 5

The Vampyres Of New York

A Novel


R.E. Prindle


Baron: Perry, I really must insist on more substantiation then you’re presenting. So far all I’m hearing is mere speculation.

Me: No, not mere speculation Baron. But, bear in mind I’m not a mere chronicler nor am I merely recording events. I am after motivations, the reason why, how it was done. I’m dealing with the unconscious part, underlying agendas.

I have read tens of thousands of pages of Jewish history and literature and even more Euroamerican. This is interpretive history not a monograph. An essay.

Besides source material has grown exponentially and now includes tens of thousands of songs, millions of hours of movies, TV and radio. What was once ephemera has now been captured and reproduced on a permanent basis. With the internet I can hear actual speeches, see the original performances by the original stars. Not only can I see the movies I can own them for a pittance and study them carefully. New and important sources that didn’t exist until the nineteen thirties such as comic books. Many of them have been issued in bound volumes. The amount of information is beyond comprehension.

My reading, my sources must of necessity be very different from yours even though we may be covering the same topics. Nobody can possibly have read everything. Nobody is really qualified to write histories and yet it must be done.

Some guy named Peter Watson tried to write Ideas: A History. One big problem with his history is that he doesn’t have a clue as to what Freud was writing about yet he gives a long reverential chat about ‘that great man.’ The guy was in over his head. I commend the effort but deplore the result. So perhaps with me. I have no hopes of persuading everyone yet as far as it goes my account is as close to the truth as anyone else will get.

Still, as I say, I haven’t read all the auto-biographies and biographies and they are absolute essentials. I never will read them but then nobody else will either. And then there’s the question of depth and breadth of mind. How powerful is the mind doing the interpreting? How extensive and intensive is his experience?

Lessing: Yes. I quite agree. It is impossible to write the so-called definitive history. Perception changes with time. A lot depends on what you want to emphasize. It isn’t necessary to accept anyone’s account at full face value but I’m getting something out of Perry’s account.

Max Savings: Hear, hear Baron. I think it is obvious that Perry is well read. He has a depth in certain areas that I don’t have and I’ve done my reading. I actually know very little about Freud so assuming Perry knows what he’s talking about, and I think he does, I’m getting food for thought.

Baron: Well, I’ll defer my judgment till later.

Me: Alright, now where was I? Alright. One of the first things the Jews did when adequate numbers reached the New World was to set up their own fraternal Order. Fraternal Orders were big in the US so one more came unnoticed.

While the other Orders were all ecumenical except for perhaps the Catholics the Jewish Order of B’nai B’rith was purely Jewish as the name that might be translated The Circumcised Brethren indicates. No gois could be in the B’nai B’rith but Jews could be in all the other Orders. The B’nai B’rith was founded in 1843 and over the years as the number of Jews in the US increased the Order grew and became international in scope. Hitler expelled the Order in 1939.

A lodge was established in Vienna the home base of both Theodore Herzl who founded Zionism and Sigmund Freud who founded Psycho-analysis. Freud joined B’nai B’rith in 1895 attending the weekly meetings until the Nazis closed the lodge. It is important that Freud joined the lodge because he thought they were like-minded to him, that is, they also desired the destruction of Europe and Europeans. Therefor some major plotting against Europe must have taken place at those weekly meetings. I don’t know whether Herzl ever joined nevertheless the Zionist ideas circulating in Vienna must surely have been a major topic at the meetings. Now, Baron, to meet your objections, I am blending provable history with speculation. That is cause and effect. If something happened certain prior conditions must have existed and certain consequence must have ensued. The consequences are clear but the connections are hazy.

The first problem for the Lodge was how to disarm the enemy. A method to subvert and confuse. This warfare was asymmetrical. This is Jewish conspiracy conducted by Jews posing as nationals of the various European States and those of North America. There must have been communication between the various national operatives. Activities had to have been and were, thus as Ford claimed, an international Jewish conspiracy.

The primary target was the Czar. The Jewish fixation was to eliminate the Czar, kill him, obliterate him and all his works, remembering the Amalekites, and this is what they did. Then where was the center of operations? Obviously Vienna. The city was close to the transit point of Brody though which the majority of Jewish emigrants passed on the way to the embarkation point of Hamburg.

Thus 1895 is the year Herzl originated Zionism and Freud joined the B’nai B’rith. Thus Freud joined a group of accomplished Jewish conspirators. I’m guessing but it would seem probable that the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were worked up there with Freud’s very important psychological help. They would have been written during the lead up to the First Russian Revolution of 1903-05. This revolution was an international affair coordinating American, European and Russian operations along with the Japanese.

That revolutionary attempt, a wholly Jewish affair, was a truly international operation involving the war between Russia and Japan. Both the Czar and the Japanese needed money to conduct the war. Thus, the Rothschilds and Parisian financiers prevented anyone from lending money to the Czar while at the same time in the US Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and the American Jewish Committee looted the Equitable Assurance Society of two hundred million dollars that he loaned to the Japanese allowing them to wage the war against Russia. However amid the Russian disasters of the war the revolutionary attempt failed.

It was certain that the Jews would be accused of fomenting the revolution so, perhaps, to confuse the issue the Protocols were given to a noted anti-Semitic priest, Sergei Nilus. He published them but they went unnoticed until they were revived as needed after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

One can’t be certain with the available information but that or something very close to that happened.

After 1905 Freud wrote his Three Sexual Theories that was meant to overturn European God centered morality in favor of a Satanic morality. Freud would further the Satanic principle in subsequent writings.

The Jews having discovered America much preferred it to Russia. Thus never known to observe any other laws but their own will they then disregarded all US immigration laws organizing a mass removal of all Russian Jews to the US. That was to have begun in 1914. Hatred for the Czar prevented this from taking place. The assassination of the Austrian Grand Duke at Sarajevo is said to have been planned and organized in Paris, that means by the Jews.

The assassination then pitted the Russians against Austro-Germany. Germany became the Jews horse until he Czar was murdered. Although courted by the Allies from 1914 on to assist them the Jewish government backed Germany so long as Russia was in the war. With Russia first seized by the Jews, it must never be forgotten that Kerensky was a Jew, in February in October the Bolshevik Jews completed the seizure. The Jews then extorted the Balfour Declaration from England as the or a price for throwing their support to the Allies.

It would be interesting to know what they would have done if the Allies had said: We don’t need you anymore. That would have left them hanging with no influence. As it was accepting their help gave them power over defeated Germany and a place at the Peace negotiations. As the war had removed the Czar in Russia so the defeat of Germany eliminated the obstacle of the Kaiser leaving the German people seemingly defenseless. Thus Jewish revolutionaries flowed back into Germany from Russia secure in the belief that they would seize that country and consequently the whole of Eastern Europe. Indeed Bavaria fell and was rescued by the army while there were numerous attempts in Berlin and other cities.

The Jews were foiled by the millions of German fighting men who were in no mood to accept Jewish Bolshevism already proving a disaster in Russia at the hands of these very Jews and it would get worse, much worse, Satanism on a stick.

The Revolution of course was the success of Marxist Communism. Marxism was then central to European politics and Freudianism was now established in the Jewish psyche so that the two ideologies began to be fused into one deadly combination.

Freud lived to a great old age before committing suicide in 1938 so he was still very active in the years between the wars as were his fellows. The Frankfort School in Germany worked up Critical Theory beginning in the early twenties that sought to undermine Western thought patterns and thus institutions. The Da Da Movement, an attack on mores, had begun in Switzerland during the war years. It evolved parallel to the Frankfort School.

The war had changed things or at least saw them brought to maturity. In Freud’s own camp a disciple by the name of Wilhelm Reich had brought Freudian sexual theories to their logical conclusion and it was a whopper. Freud was so horrified at the monster he had created in the image of Reich that he expelled him from the Order, placed him outside the Pale, an Outlaw. Like all good cranks and perverts Reich migrated to the United States.

He was no more welcome in the US than he was with the Freudians. It takes a lot to find rejection by the US; the country has taken in some amazing crazies. Wilhelm Reich was too much. After a series of lunacies he was arrested and imprisoned while his books were collected and committed to the flames. Yes sir! A book burning right here in the good old USA.

The authorities didn’t get them all however; some made their way to Greenwich Village so that Satanic Reichian sexuality became the backbone of the sexual revolution. Scary stuff.

During the thirties the whole of the Frankfort School and Freudian Order fled Germany and Austria infecting the US like some horrid virus. Freud himself held out until the Order cleared out then being the last to flee turned out the lights of Europe committing suicide shortly thereafter.

So at various times in the United States the Freudian presence increased in its virulence. The conquest of the country was the goal. Americans were unsuspecting. Of course psycho-analysis was taken seriously so that Freud and Freudianism was thought of as purely a medical or academic approach to psychology. But the name Freud was legitimized. Its political aspects were ignored.

Freud’s nephew on his wife’s side, a fellow by the name of Edward Bernays lived in the US. Bernays is associated with the founders of the Public Relations business. He received his early training during the war with George Creel’s Committee of Public Information. The CPI was critical in transforming America.

The CPI was a total blitz on the American psyche to stifle all opposition while conditioning it to accept any government direction. The CPI was a tremendous Pavlovian experiment. This was psychologically devastating.

Bernay’s experience taught him how easily the public mind could be influenced to accept anything with the proper suggestion, indoctrination and conditioning. As Freud’s nephew he visited the Old Master in Vienna receiving hints and directions, perhaps being informed of the whole plan.

In 1913 the B’nai B’rith organized its terrorist unit in the US to do ‘God’s work’, the infamous Anti-Defamation League. Note the words carefully. There was no league in the general sense although the word means non-sectarian; it was part of the Jewish conspiracy to silence any criticism allowing them to function in the open undisturbed. The term anti-defamation was meant only against Jews while its other purpose was to defame and blacklist any who spoke up. While in the twenties and beyond whispering campaigns were the method when extended into today the method is open denunciation and deprivation of livelihoods along with black listing. People have lost careers, had ‘sacred’ contracts cancelled and in many cases hundreds of millions of dollars in future income lost. How’s that for instilling terror?

I mention Freud because as I mentioned back in 1895 Freud began attending weekly meetings of B’nai B’rith that he never missed for the rest of his life. By 1913 Freud was as accomplished a psychologist as he would ever be. I think there can be little doubt that Freud’s contribution to the formation of the ADL was paramount. The ADL was immediately effective and very aggressively employed.

Thus Bernays and Freud’s intent must have revolved around the subversion of the American psyche. Post war Bernays became an advertising consultant. While today probably few people have heard of Bernays he is considered one of the ‘fathers’ of modern advertising. At the time advertising was limited to print, that is newspapers and magazines, and radio as it became truly commercial in the thirties.

Print was made more effective by improvements in color lithography so that really dramatic ads could be presented. They were really great ads too. The twenties and thirties were a newspaper and magazine paradise. Magazines routinely sold millions of copies an issue while they were studied closely. I loved the ads in the forties and early fifties. TV introduced after the war put many magazines out of business but was a better tool for suggestion, indoctrination and conditioning.

Bernays was responsible for American Tobacco- Lucky Strikes- ads so he produced some stunning layouts. As Lucky Strike was trying to expand their business by inducing women to smoke Bernays produced ads displaying beautiful hyper-chic women with cigarette in their hands, thus the suggestion that it was Ok for women to smoke. The women also looked easy or sexually promiscuous so the suggestion was also an attack on sexual morality. The indoctrination came from the slogan- reach for a Lucky not a sweet- while the conditioning came from repeated exposure. By 1950 Lucky Strikes was way out in front, the leading cigarette. So Bernays showed how easily it could be done without the subject knowing he was being manipulated. The ‘elite’ were surely in control.

In the thirties then, with the advent of Hitler that alarmed the Jews, Bernays acting then as a psychologist led the defensive and offensive maneuvers of the Jewish establishment.

The Jews as voiced by Bernays realized, or thought they did, that the public was irresponsible. It not only did what American advertisers led them to do but in the equally effective hands of a master propagandist like Hitler the public could be led where Jews didn’t want them to go.

Hence as Bernays expressed it, it was necessary for a responsible elite to guide the public in the direction they wanted it to go. See the Irving Berlin song introduced at this time: God bless America, stand beside it and guide it…a masterpiece of propaganda. The Jews selected themselves as the psycho-pomps of the American psyche using the more and more effective forms of media.

To back track a bit for political purposes: The German Jews of mid-century – nineteenth that is- took a paternalistic role in relationship to the medieval Jews of the Pale of Settlement. These latter Jews however came to the US in their millions. Their way was paved and eased by the US German Jews who consequently formed the majority of the Jewish political cadre in the US to the end of the two world wars when the Jews of the Pale assumed leading roles more or less melding the two groups.

There was therefore a body of two or three dozen German Jews who guided the destiny of both groups. These were very influential men who are edited from all general American histories then and now. Bernard Baruch has been described as the most powerful person in the Roosevelt period yet you will seldom hear his name mentioned and he has been all but forgotten in non-Jewish circles while I’m certain most Jews are either in the same boat or have only a very dim idea of who he was.

It would be a serious mistake to believe that Jews in general are well informed on their history. My wife’s aunt who was a Jewish activist during the Sixties and Seventies had never even heard of the American Jewish Committee until I mentioned it to her. This is almost inconceivable to me but there you have it.

Baruch was a Wall Street speculator around the turn of the century, perhaps the most famous bear pre-1914. He was despised as such. He is thought to have been worth a million when WWI began. Appointed the head of the War Industries Board by Wilson he controlled all US industry; it is thought that he was worth two hundred million by war’s end.

As a further example of his money making ‘skills’ FDR’s son-in-law Curtis Dall in his memoir says that at one point before FDR’s inauguration Baruch told him that he, Baruch, owned five sixteenths of the visible silver in the world. Dall was impressed but didn’t get it. Several months into the administration Roosevelt arbitrarily raised the price of silver from ten dollars an ounce to twenty dollars an ounce. I don’t know how many tens of millions or even hundreds of millions that meant to Baruch who was influential in getting FDR to raise the price but surely it was princely.

In possession of this vast wealth Baruch was prodigal in its use. FDR remarked that his efforts were circumscribed by Baruch who owned, Roosevelt’s word, sixty congressmen. I don’t know what their prices were but the cost probably nicked Baruch more than somewhat. Thus he persuaded FDR to finance his own opposition.

During the same interwar period the Louis Brandeis-Felix Frankfurter combine was organizing Congress along other lines. Frankfurter is said to have been the second most powerful man of the period. Brandeis died in the mid-thirties but Frankfurter having developed whole cadres of operatives while a law professor at Harvard had at least dozens perhaps hundreds of operatives filling roles in all the branches of government. Alger Hiss was one of what were known as Felix’ Happy Hot Dogs.

The first twenty years of the century were spent in creating organizations such as the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and the NAACP among many others: that is, vigilante outfits controlled the social scene as the politicos controlled the political scene.

Numerous rabbis were active posing as great humanitarians seeking to root out ‘injustice’ while attempting in conjunction with the others to subvert Anglo-American mores. The attempt was to cut the ground out from under the American psyche. The whole was guided by the Great Satan Sigmund Freud under the ‘scientific’ guise of psycho-analytical ideology.

Having witnessed Baruch plundering America in his role at the WIB Ford, the Dodge Brothers and other industrialists had sharp words with its administrator creating post-war conflict. Ford took the matter into his own hands sounding the alarm through his international newspaper the Dearborn Independent. He published ninety some articles demonstrating the Jewish displacement of Anglo-Saxon mores.

In 1906 a US sociologist by the name of Graham Sumner published a book demonstrating how mores were developed and changed. The book is called Folkways. Perhaps both Ford and the Jews studied it because they both seem to have understood it well.

Ford’s challenge was taken seriously by the Jews who spent the next seven years 1920-27 attempting to destroy Ford. The battle ended in a draw with Ford receiving the odium. The battle would be renewed by the Jews in the thirties who combined with government and labor power through FDR to destroy Ford while capturing his grandson Henry Ford II as the administrator of the surviving rump of Ford Motors and the fabulously wealthy Ford Foundation.

On the European side Hitler became German chancellor. Even as the US Jew Samuel Untermyer declared a Jewish war against Hitler and Germany Hitler was making it plain that Jews were no longer welcome in Germany. This was disastrous for the US. The entire cadre of Freud’s subversive Order uprooted and fled to the US, primarily New York City and Los Angeles. Thus the US became Freudian occupied territory in 1940.


Hey boys, I’m getting a little dry. Could we take a short break before I resume?

Lessing: An idea whose time has come. It will also give us time to probe a few of your ideas.

Me: Oh yeah. You want to know where I cribbed it from right? You’ve got quite a few of the books in your terrific library, Lessing.

Marc Giusty: An excellent selection, there are more in his study and bedroom too.

Max Savings: You don’t happen to live at the Strand do you Lessing?

Lessing: Among other stores. NYC is a wonderful place, a real book lover’s heaven.

Baron Cammell: Perry, you paint with rather a broad stroke. I wonder what depth you have?

Me: Depth? There’s more than one kind of depth Baron. If you mean am I deep into monographs of minutiae in any particular topic, I’m rather light on the monographic side. I’m more interested in the flow so I try to find books on topics from several different viewpoints and analyze them that way. Given your unified field approach Baron I’m sure you understand that the material available is incomprehensible. No one is ever going to come close to being able to claim to be adequately prepared.

For instance, to have been able to have tracked down and read all the biographies of the Jewish participants in America from 1900 to, say, 1950 along with other necessary reading is impossible in itself; however the broad outlines are touched on by each writer with some separate detail so you get a sort of consensus and then compare to writers of other opinions on the subject to get a pretty good idea of its direction.

On the other hand I have plumbed the Ford-Jewish relations in its minutiae as well as its associated relationship with the Protocols of Zion. It wasn’t necessary to bring that up here but I could go on for a few hours on those topics if the situation called for it.

Marc: Very well Perry, but I believe you think that the Jews are comparable to the Vampyre motif Aren’t you afraid of contradiction?

Me: No. I’m fearless, Marc, absolutely fearless. But, seriously, we must always be prepared to answer challenges. Arnold Toynbee who I thing makes a good case for his interpretation of history which is undoubtedly not faultless, but then it doesn’t have to be invulnerable at every point to be generally true nevertheless has been savagely attacked by what I consider inferior minds.

I expect to be challenged when I state my ideas positively but I’m satisfied that I can defend any invulnerabilities, chinks in the armor you see.

Max Savings: I should think you had been savaged by the Jews you criticize so severely by now.

Me: No I haven’t. The Jews will never attack me directly. Several of my pieces have been posted on the ADL site noting ‘the rise of anti-Semitism’ and I might add without any notification to me or to allow me any defense from their charge of what they call anti-Semitism and what I call critical thinking. They will never allow anyone who can defend themselves the opportunity they merely resort to ‘dynamic silence’, defamation and black listing.

They will never challenge your thinking or its expression, merely defaming you as an anti-Semite. If I were still employable I’m sure I would have lost my job long ago. As it is I am a social outcast.

Baron: But how can you justify the charge of Vampirism. Isn’t that a little extreme?

Me: Well Baron, as I say, one reads all points of view whether forbidden books and authors or not. Very frequently in European literature the charge of being ‘blood suckers’ appears frequently as well as other blood related metaphors. I don’t ever recall ever having heard of them specifically referred to as Vampires although Du Maurier’s Svengali is a perfect description of a psychic Vampyre and that can be demonstrated by their deeds, methods and mythology. And thus rather they are authentic or not you have the evidence of the Protocols of Zion. They can deny and deny but there it is today backed up by Jewish control of the entire media. Nothing gets published or made without their consent and if something does get by they force its recall.

Baron: Oh, that old canard.

Lessing: Oh Baron, I think it is perfectly obvious today that Jewish control of the media is a given. Most Jews I know don’t even deny it, they’re quite proud of it and smug about it.

At this point I began to look askance at Cammell. Even in a group of five at least one or two are going to be spies. I once attended a meeting where I could identify more than half as agents. As a matter of fact I knew some guy who was trying to establish some Communist unit of some kind. He was the one in his small group that wasn’t a spy. I marked Baron down as one.

We chatted on for several minutes until Max said: Time is flying, it’s already after one. Not that I’m rushing you, Perry, but can you give us an idea…

Me: Oh Max, I think we’ll all be able to have breakfast together but to keep your spirits up I’ve got a prescription for Obetrol here if you like.

Marc: Obetrol? Isn’t that the stuff Andy Warhol took?

Me: Yeh. That’s why I got the prescription. Part of my research. I wanted to see how it worked.

Max: How does it?

Me: Great if you want to speed along in a most pleasant way. A quarter tab and you guys will be all attention. You might even think I sparkle.

Max: It’s not addictive is it?

Me: I don’t have an addictive personality. When I said it was research it really is. Obetrol is like booze, a little goes a long way. If you’re not alcoholic there’s no worry.

Lessing, Marc and Max: OK, I’ll try a quarter tab.

Baron: I’ll abstain.

Me: Alright. There’s a tab. Divide it up. I’ll get back to my essay. As a reminder there is nothing different or exceptional about the Jews. They are just another people pursuing their own ends for their own benefit. They have no concern for anyone else but themselves. This is natural however. By the clever use of hypnotism developed by Sigmund Freud they have the ability to cloud men’s minds something like the fictional Shadow.   The main weapon in that particular arsenal is the ability to destroy the Other by the mere whisper of the charge of anti-Semitism. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a tool for terrorism. The Other has been conditioned to shake in his boots in fear of the accusation. Indeed, the term has conferred great power on the Jews who today can blacklist anyone, get them fired from lucrative or even dream jobs, by the mere pointing of a finger. They have conferred this ability on their favored Negro auxiliaries using the term racism. This is tolerated and embraced by the Other. One may say that the Other is so hypnotized that they have no will of their own.

That being said, the advent of Wolf Hitler was the best thing that could have happened to the Jews. As I said earlier Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays, the public relations man, said that in order to prevent unruly human nature from expressing anti-social, that is anti-Jewish, behavior it was necessary for an elite, that is the Jews, to devise means of conditioning minds to honor Jews above all others including themselves.

Thus Hitler gave them the means to denounce anyone they didn’t like as a Fascist if they couldn’t nail them as an anti-Semite. A sort of hierarchy of name calling was developed. This was augmented by newspaper and magazine writers together with influential radio commentators such as Raymond Gram Swing who, while important then, is unknown today. Even such a household name then like Walter Winchell will receive stares today.

Their fierce ad hominem defamation campaigns were carried on in a fight to the finish. Chief among their victims were Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst and Charles Lindbergh. The Communist legions were turned loose on Ford making several attacks on his River Rouge plant while infiltrating the assembly lines sowing discontent and sabotage requiring the Service Department to spy, that is detect the Communist agents. This in turn was then portrayed as industrial tyranny. Very trying for Ford, I can tell you.

W.R. Hearst was a victim of the expropriatory taxes fostered by the Jews. As one who indulged his desires to the fullest Hearst could no longer indulge his royal life style that collapsed on his head forcing him into near bankruptcy while he in fact lost control of his empire.

In his heyday Hearst had been the reigning power in Hollywood even calling shots for Louis B. Mayer and his transcendental MGM. Hearst who foisted the career of his mistress, Marion Davies, on MGM had compelled Mayer to build a special house on the lot for Davies. Stripped of his power by the expropriatory taxes, Mayer discovered that he had the upper hand compelling Hearst to remove Davies’ house from the lot. Hearst had the house cut in two so that it could be moved through the Hollywood streets. As an extra humiliation one half of the house fell off the truck mid-Hollywood. One can still hear the laughter on the MGM lot.

Shortly thereafter Orson Welles shot his mockumentary of Hearst called Citizen Kane to add insult to injury while elevating the level of merriment.

That left Charles Lindbergh to destroy. Another movie called Keeper of the Flame was made that as Citizen Kane had demeaned Hearst, defamed Lindbergh. The Great Hero of the Atlantic Flight was portrayed as a Fascist megalomaniac. I will say that if today you don’t know the movie was meant to humiliate Lindbergh it would be hard to guess who was meant. In many ways Lindbergh’s persecution is difficult to understand. His father was a congressman and dissident. It is not impossible that he may have said or done something to offend the ever-sensitive Jews. Thus the sins of the father may have been passed to the son. Other than that, as an aviation pioneer Lindbergh was the first to fly solo from the US to Europe for which he became a huge American hero and celebrity. Perhaps it was mere envy that made him a target.

Other than that, when asked by Roosevelt to survey German aircraft in the thirties Lindbergh gave an objective report rather than a subjective condemnation that the Jews preferred. Being objective apparently marked him as an arch anti-Semite in Jewish eyes hence by the late thirties he was singled out as a Nazi sympathizer, even as a secret Nazi hence the movie Keeper of the Flame. Then in 1940 after the creation of the America First Committee that was dedicated to keeping the US out of the war so ardently desired by the Jews Lindbergh led them in their effort. Of course the Jews were the leaders in seeking to involve the US hence the America First effort frustrated Jewish goals thus confirming their hatred of Lindbergh.

But where was the handle to discredit him? In a very strange campaign they sought to portray him as a Hitler acolyte seeking to establish a Nazi dictatorship in the US.

Even though the campaign began after FDR’s third election in 1940 when it was impossible to believe that Lindbergh sought to be president the Jews persisted releasing their defamatory movie. In 1941-42 Keeper of the Flame scripted by the Communist Donald Ogden Stewart was released that depicted a great American hero who was a secret Fascist. Even though the protagonist died in a car crash when a bridge he was to drive over was sabotaged the movie was still supposed to refer to him. The theme would be reanimated nearly sixty years later in Philip Roth’s novel The Plot Against America.   Apparently the Jews love to beat a dead horse.

Once FDR led the US into the wars the Jews compelled him to round up all the anti-war dissidents who were held for trial in 1944 as Fascists agents. Thus the whole pre-war cadre of peace advocates were removed.

While having had FDR under their thumb, when Roosevelt died shortly after beginning his fourth term Jewish influence was greatly diminished as Anglo-Americans fought for control.

By this time the members of the Freudian Order were firmly established in NYC and Hollywood where their influence was greatly felt. Thus by the mid-fifties psycho-analysis became a dominant social force making ‘insanity’ acceptable. Along with the Freudians came the whole Jewish Frankfort School of Critical Theory. The formidable combined attack on the mores of a tolerant unsuspecting citizenry was received as an intellectual discipline hence they attempted to adjust to it. Idiots like Theodore Adorno and Herbert Marcuse were accepted as intellectual prodigies. The ‘boring’ fifties would be an intense battlefield if you were alert to it.

To recover 1945-56. It is not recognized that the Jewish holocaust had nothing to do with Jewish wishes to exterminate the German people. Those plans began at the very latest in the thirties. In 1940 before even a hint of the holocaust one Theodore Kaufmann of New Jersey published a book receiving wide national publicity calling for the elimination of the German people in toto. That is, he advocated genocide of the Germans. This attitude was continued in the so-called Morgenthau Plan that called for the elimination of Germany as a political entity and the genocide of the German people. According to Curtis Dall FDR’s son-in-law the plan was actually drafted by Harry Dexter White Morgenthau’s under-secretary. Despite his quintessential Anglo name White was Jewish. It is unlikely that he was the ultimate source. In layers of subterfuge masking the origin of the source it can probably be traced back to Bernie Baruch as part of the cabal. The plan was actually put into effect, or at least its beginnings, by Eisenhower until Truman pulled the plug firing Morgenthau.

Following their defeat the Germans were put through hell by Russians, British, French and we Americans. Eisenhower’s treatment of Germans was draconian. While it is very far from common knowledge Eisenhower was another acolyte of our Bernie Baruch. Eisenhower said in 1956 that he had sat at the feet of that wise old man for twenty-five years. It would seem likely then that he was following Baruch’s direction in attempting to eliminate German soldiers through exposure to the elements and starvation during one of the coldest winters on record.

When elected president he was still Baruch’s man. So from 1933 to 1960 with the possible hiatus of the Truman years the US was more or less under direct Jewish control or direction. In addition hundreds of thousands of Jews were admitted to the US in the years following 1945 regardless of US immigration laws.

While Wolf Hitler was the figurehead for German hatred allied hatred was directed at all Germans and Germany. Dissident Germans like Admiral Canaris tried to broker a ceasefire but were ignored by FDR.

Like it or not the Germans were the most intellectually advanced branch of the overall human species. No other could compete with them. WWI was fought as much as a trade war than any other. Quite simply none other could compete with them and this includes the Jews who consider themselves a race apart and above.

In recent Jewish comic books they express the opinion that they are a mutation endowed with superior abilities. The facts show otherwise; by their deeds shall ye know them as the Bible says.

Finance ‘capitalism’ in many ways is the key to the animosity directed at Germans. Under Hitler the Germans were opposed to the debt finance of International Finance. They repudiated it. Themselves stripped of the means to participate in world commerce by the draconian Versailles Treaty they developed a barter approach exchanging goods for goods that involved no debt thereby threatening finance capitalism. The Germans seriously penetrated South America virtually removing the area from finance capitalism. Not only that but South America and Germany prospered throughout the Depression. There was no defense against the German system but to destroy Germany.

I don’t know about you fellows but the rest of America is unaware of this because those who write the history books fail to mention it. To do so would be to admit guilt. To ensure that the Germans didn’t recover and challenge their system once again the Germans were punished more violently than any nation so large had been before. As the West expresses it they were brought within the Western (France, England and the US) normative system. Even under that system the Germans have created the most successful ‘normative’ economy in Europe. Once gain they were pre-eminent; the backbone of Europe.

Then what happened. The Jews directed the US attack on the Middle East. All this weapons of mass destruction crap in Iraq that at most might have threatened Israel. From that attacks were fomented on all the Moslem countries around the Mediterranean. And then they hit on the rock of Syria that disrupted their game. This in turn created a lot of displaced people that Israelis encouraged to invade Germany. Three million immigrants later and Germany is now a basket case.

With those millions displaced from Syria and Iraq those populations were decreased allowing the Israelis to invade those exhausted bombed over areas thus partially realizing their dream of a Tigris-Euphrates to the Nile empire.

So now Germany is reduced and Israel is enlarged. All from the fear of being called anti-Semites. Oh well, beside the point.

To go back: The Jews finagled Palestine away from the Arabs. Using European methods while as ex-Europeans knowing which products for manufactures Europeans desired they were able to establish a viable but not independent economy. Vampire like since 1948 they have sucked tens of billions of dollars if not hundreds of billions from Germany, Europe and the US. This undeniable fact will be denied of course.

On another hand the Jews were devastated by the so-called holocaust. While they believed themselves the most beloved people of the world they found rejection on every side. No one really wanted them while all refused to whole heartedly accept them as refugees. Remember the Amalekites.

By the 1950s the Jewish-German expatriates had firmly installed Freudianism as the dominant intellectual influence in the US. The Fifties were a very interesting period in US history. As is usual the first interpretation of social conditions was presented by literary figures. A truly amazing and astonishing production ensued. At this point traditional print culture was joined and assisted by a whole new genre of movies, that of science-fiction or fantasy pictures.

Like comic books these often puerile but still thoughtful movies were ignored by the older population. But even then they shaped American attitudes. I transited easily from comic books to the sci-fi movies and literature. These books and movies were almost a shadow educational system behind the schools. These were fantastic while being constructive unlike the destructive comic books; not that many of us understood all the subtexts of the stories. Oh, of course, some of them were obvious but a lot more weren’t.

The preachy ones like the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still seemed to be easily understood but there were subtexts that weren’t. These were the heydays of UFOs and visitors from outer space. In this case a savior lands in a really nifty flying saucer and the emissary from ‘above’ Klaatu slips out along with his Iron Man bodyguard named Gort. Klaatu’s mission is to find out whether earthlings are ready to join the interstellar confederation of peaceful planets. Remember, this was after WWII and as Korea was firing up. Needless to say Klaatu discovers we are an unruly quarrelsome lot not even fit to live together let alone function with the ‘perfected.’   He and Gort climb back into their saucer with a heidi-hi-ho and ‘We’ll be back when you get it figured out, if you ever do.’

Thus the idea was imprinted on the world mind that humanity was hopelessly bad with no redeeming features. The suggestion was repeated over and over to the point where people would kill you if you disagreed; probably proving Klaatu’s point. Thus it was an article of faith that if you met a spaceman he was peaceful and wouldn’t hurt you. And as you fellows probably know there were people who expected to meet a spaceman any day not to mention the itinerant time traveler who was also lurking out there. People talk about the Fifties like nothing was exciting. Incredible.

Along with the flying saucers and peaceful spacemen came the atomic mutations transformed by radiation. They were many and fantastic especially the many that came from the atomic testing grounds in the Pacific, Eniwetok and Bikini. A giant crab came forth. Giant crabs were OK but a little passé, nothing like the terrific Creature From The Black Lagoon or even the amazing Incredible Shrinking Man. We were being conditioned to accept almost anything; the most ridiculous being the giant carrot in, I think, It Came From Outer Space. In a way our minds were prepared for anything, not that we understood it.

Bubbling beneath this pseudo-reality that existed side by side with everyday life was Jewish paranoia equally not understood. Perhaps they had guilty consciences as few gois knew what they had been up to and if any did they knew what was good for them and kept their mouths shut. But Hollywood had terrified them especially when the wild misstatements and exaggerations about concentration camps began to circulate. The Jews projected their fears on all White people. They sincerely believed that death camps in the US were imminent. They saw a Hitler in every face they met. Check out the movie The Boys From Brazil.

William Paley of CBS came back from Europe in a cold sweat. In order to save a few Jews from the supposed American death camps he conceived the notion of packaging the future careers of as many Jewish entertainers as he could. He sold shares to their future to gois. That’s why there was this parade of Jewish comedians passing through TV during the Fifties and early Sixties. They had to justify the investment. What a blessing the advent of TV was. Thus the projected future earnings of the entertainers were divided into shares and sold to gois who would protect their investment and keep the entertainers from the death camps. Just like shares from General Motors.

Thus when you saw Milton Berle, Red Buttons, Jack Benny and the others on TV or elsewhere their pay was going into a fund to distribute to shareholders. Even higher comedy than Uncle Miltie. The tragedy was there never were or never would be death camps for the Jews in the US. I haven’t learned how well shareholders did but I would like to know. ‘That’s my boy up there.’ had real meaning.

In that light the post-war travails of Wilhelm Reich must have had Jews running for the safety of their orgone boxes.

While Reich’s books were burned they didn’t get them all, some survived to reach Greenwich Village where they began to insidiously undermine sexual morality. Much of the sexual activity of the Sixties was derived from Reich’s writing. Thus Reichian-Freudianism sexual subversion transformed society beginning in the Sixties. New York was, of course, the first to fall.

To not be promiscuous was to be repressed so that what Freud called inhibitions had to be discarded or, actually, repressed; that is, the lawlessness of the unconscious had to be released much as the traveler in Charles Beaumont’s story had released Satan from his cell.

Graham Sumner’s book on mores titled Folkways discusses the sex impulse this way:


The sex passion affects the weal or woe of human beings far more than hunger, vanity or ghost fear. It has far more complications with other interests than the other great motives. There is no escaping the good and ill, the pleasure and pain, which inhere in it. It has two opposite extremes- renunciation and license. In neither of these can peace and satisfaction be found, or escape from autogenetic impulses. There is no ground at all for the opinion that “nature” gave men an appetite the satisfaction of which would be peaceful and satisfactory, but that human laws and institutions have put it under constraints which produce agony. The truth is that license stimulates desire without limits and ends in impotent agony. Renunciation produces agony of another kind. Somewhere between lies temperance, which seems an easy solution, but there is no definition of temperance which is generally applicable, and whatever the limit may be set, there, on either side of it the antagonistic impulses appear again- one of indulgence, the other of restraint- producing pitfalls of vice and ruin, and ever renewing the problem of right and duty. Therefor regulation is imperatively called for by facts of “nature”, and the regulation must come from intelligence and judgment. No determination of what the regulation should be has ever yet been found in law or ethics which does not bear harshly on great numbers, and in all stages of civilization numbers are found who violate the regulations and live outside of them.


Freudian and Reichian psychology merely repudiates temperance coming down on the side of libertinism hence the Satanic sexual mores of Greenwich Village and the general sexual corruption of the West. As one can see Sumner’s discussion is intelligent while Freud’s, probably because he himself leant toward libertinism, unbalanced and ultimately destructive.

This unbalanced view of sexuality has become the norm in the US and Europe.

Added to this libertine view of sexuality was the promotion of drugs which combined with libertinism is totally destruction of the conscious mind and reason. Freud himself was a cocaine addict. As late as his forties he was pushing it on all as a panacea. He says he gave it up but I doubt it.

This potent cocktail of sex and drugs would erupt in New York City in the Fifties and Sixties when the Feelgood doctors became prominent.

Clip 6 follows.

Wolf Hitler Under The Microscope


R.E. Prindle

Uncle Wolf

Uncle Wolf

After nearly a century since Adolf Hitler was made chancellor of Germany his role in the events of his times has never been clarified. The victors, as is said, write the histories to their advantage. The victors were the Judaeo-Communists and in their version of history Wolf Hitler is the supreme villain, the scapegoat to bear their own sins into the desert. But does a review of the period from a more objective viewpoint demonstrate this to be true? I think not. I think the perpetrators, the real aggressors, the Judaeo-Communists, project their own villainy unto Hitler and the Nazis.

Hitler operated within the framework postulated by the Jews who were over fifty percent of every national Communist Party, the remainder have to be viewed as their confederates. Let us review what the Jews and Communists did and what they would have done had not Nazi Germany stood between them and the total destruction of civilization.


Contrary to all expectations the Bolshevik Revolution succeeded first in Russia rather than in Germany as was supposed. Having seized the government of Russia in 1917 there was a large question as to whether they could keep it. Resistance to their rule was fierce if futile in the end. Armed resistance continued for at least three years in what the West considered a civil war but which the combatants believed was a continuation of the World War. Indeed, the English, French, Japanese and Americans maintained forces within Russia for those years.

The world justifiably feared a Bolshevik victory, for in fact the Bolsheviks utterly destroyed civilization in Russia returning the country to a state of barbarity. Perhaps the barbarity was of such a quality that it wasn’t a return but a new thing, unseen in the history of the world before. It certainly burst upon European sensibilities in that way.

Lev Trotsky- The Greatest Jew Since Jesus

Lev Trotsky- The Greatest Jew Since Jesus

Europeans watched aghast as all the appurtenances of civilization were stripped away leaving a desolate starving people to exist as they might as Soviet hounds murdered and arrested filling concentration camps with the least of the dissenters and critics.

In addition to Lenin proclaiming the world wide Bolshevik Revolution he created the Communist International sending agents to every country in the world to create discord.   Revolutionary attempts were fomented in Germany in several places as in Hungary, Poland and Vienna. At the same time soviets were organized in England, France, the US, everywhere. It truly looked as though the Bolsheviks would triumph worldwide.

Screaming their war cry of expropriate the expropriators, loot the looters, the Bolshevik government stole anything of value from private citizens while looting the public treasury and the churches. They took priceless artefacts and whatever gold they could find. Hitler was a mere piker compared to the Soviets.

Having completely ruined the ample Czarist economic basis in the mad orgy of looting the Bolsheviks learned that without production there was nothing to tax. The revolution found itself penniless except for the expendable wealth accumulated under the Czars. But once that was gone and it went fast when everything including food had to be purchased from outside the country so that the Bolsheviks were reduced to bartering diamonds, jewels, old paintings, furs, the Church icons. Nor did the income go to feeding the people, the leaders had fleets or Rolls Royces, also looted, that had to be maintained.

One good thing about the impoverishment of the people is that there were no other cars on the road to interfere with Lenin’s and Trotsky’s driving pleasure.

As I say, the Europeans viewed this folly aghast as they desperately put down all the revolutionary attempts. They could imagine the purges of tens even hundreds of millions murdered or gathered into concentration camps as slaves to be worked to death.

But, what if the Bolsheviks had succeeded in conquering Europe which they would have done except for one shining knight who arose in Germany, Adolf Hitler. Hitler formed a barrier to keep Soviet armies from overrunning the West but he couldn’t defend against ideological encirclement.

The struggle then is not between countries but between ideologies. How many ideologies were involved? There

Uncle Joe Stalin- Take Away The Mustache And Doesn't He Look Like The Kid Next Door?

Uncle Joe Stalin- Take Away The Mustache And Doesn’t He Look Like The Kid Next Door?

was Communism and its variants, of course, Fascism which incorporates Nazism. Nazism itself was a form of German nationalism not differing from Jewish nationalism.   There was the International Money Trust that sought domination through banking and currencies. They today are in the saddle. Most in importance was international Jewry. All these ideologies were competing for world dominion. A common thread among all was the interpenetration of International Jewry.

Some might object to treating Jewry as an independent political entity. Some might call such an inclusion anti-Semitism. Both depictions would be wrong. The Jews do and have always considered themselves an independent, that is, autonomous people merely residing among the gentile nations. They are and always have worked for their own paramount interest over all others. Thus the real effect of their working within the other ideologies is to bend them toward their own objectives. They imagine that when the smoke has cleared they will be atop the heap.

Wolf Hitler discerned this quite clearly and he perceived that if the continuing European Holocaust of the Judaeo-Communists was not stopped the terrifying destruction of European civilization as in Russia would be repeated in Western Europe, thus he courageously interposed Germany between the Soviets and West in an attempt to save Civilization. It is on this basis that many people consider him a religious savior on the order of Jesus the Christ. Whether true or not it was at the sacrifice of his own life and that of the German people that the West was spared the worst of the Bolshevik Revolution although still involved in the European Holocaust caused by the Judaeo-Communists, the war was more than terrifying.

In the absence of Hitler’s heroic leadership let us extrapolate the events in Russia throughout the whole of Europe. Let us suppose as the Jews fantasize that they had succeeded in assassinating Hitler in 1922 and the Communist revolution instead of failing in the West had succeeded. This is kind Ray Bradburyish but this cis-science fiction.

There would have been no US intervention in the twenties so that the US based International Money Trust would have been in a position to nearly seize the European remains. Fascism would have ceased to exist so that in the temporal sense the Communist victory would have been complete.

In terms of ideology it is important to understand the Jewish relationship to Europe. It was, is and remains antagonistic to Europe. One only has to examine Barbara Spectre’s current Paideia Organization to determine that. The antagonism was both to Europe as a civilization and its customs and mores. When one of the leading lights of the Jewish revolution Sigmund Freud writes that then current morality revolted him he means European customs and morality as opposed to those of Judaea. He further says that he intends to eradicate European morality. There is no reason to doubt him or that he was very successful. He was a leading agent of the Jewish revolution although his role has been well concealed.

Sigmund Freud- The Mastermind

Sigmund Freud- The Mastermind

The Jewish revolution itself is well explained by the American rabbi Abba Hillel Silver in his book History Of Messianic Speculation In Israel. He writes that after the failure of the messiah Sabbatai Zevi in the Seventeenth Century the elders decided to never rely on a single messiah again but the Jewish people as a whole would work for their own redemption. God was thus melded into the Jewish mentality and Judaism became wholly secular. All this chat about ‘secular’ Jews as opposed to religious Jews is utter nonsense. Trotsky, for instance, was a Jew, period. The years 1913 to 1928 were designated as the time of redemption. These dates would have been remarkably accurate except for the interposition of Wolf Hitler. He was a real spoiler.

While events can never be exactly planned if one is alert one seizes one’s chances. Having begun the World War that nearly destroyed European civilization a remarkable piece of good fortune for the Bolsheviks occurred when the Germans transported them from Switzerland to the Finland Station in 1917 put the Jewish triumph within its reach between 1917 and 1928.

Having murdered their three hundred and some odd year enemy the Czar the Jewish revolution roared back into the West from Russia in the early twenties and could have succeeded except for the fact that German nationalists led by Hitler were capable of seizing the State, although legally and democratically elected, and smashing the Judaeo-Communist conspiracy within Germany. Miraculously foiled as it were the Jewish revolution was able to adapt to circumstances and prosper.

Now, how demonic was Hitler in relation to the society created by Judaeo-Communists after 1917. The Reds, for a convenient inclusive term, developed the notion of mass murder or genocide after seizing power in Russia. They created concentration camps and slave labor well before Hitler became chancellor in 1933. Hitler was merely acting according to the political mores introduced by the Judaeo-Communists.

And so, at great cost to the German people he prevented the realization of the Jewish Thousand Year Reich or Millennium from occurring. Let us suppose for moment he hadn’t and after 1922 the Jews had realized their two age long dream of establishing themselves as the Princes of the Earth. What would have happened in Western Europe?


The final Jewish goal is denationalization, is sowing confusion by the bastardization of other nations, lowering the racial level of the highest, and dominating this racial stew by exterminating the volkish intelligentsia and replacing it with its own race.

Hitler, quoted by Anthony Cave Brown and

Charles B. MacDonald, On A Field Of Red, p. 282

Hitler was living within history, hence was able to analyze and extrapolate historical trends. He dealt in realities and not inner wishful thinking. Therefore the Jews and allies have portrayed him as stupid and demented. Judging from current realities in Europe and North America Hitler’s quoted analysis above is beyond prescience. Those with less acumen find the above quote ‘nutty.’ I have to confess that I wouldn’t have understood what he was talking about a few years ago. It now appears Wolf understood the Semitic mind perfectly.

There can be no other purpose in flooding Europe and the US with racial ideological peoples who have nothing in common with the West except perhaps a nebulous and inconsequential ‘humanity.’

Understanding, then, Jewish goals Hitler moved to abort them. In this he was temporarily successful. Having now recovered the Jews have once again moved to the offensive. They now disclaim any affiliation with what they call Whites proclaiming in their recently formulated mantra: I’m not White, I’m Jewish.

But, what if Germany had not interposed its body and the Jewish led Bolshevik assault on Europe had succeeded? The riches of two thousand years of European civilization would have been at the feet of assembled Judaea.

The accumulated wealth of Russia had seemed vast but it was as nothing compared to the rest of Europe which was a real Aladdin’s cave. As in Russia the Jews would have destroyed the economic structure that created wealth. Once they had done so the Communists belatedly realizing that they had destroyed the productivity of the country and the need for money to rebuild it did the only thing they could do, they turned to West and said: Come. Make us whole.

While after the conquest of Central and Western Europe that economy would have been destroyed, the waste land would have stretched from the British Isles to the Pacific shore. Of course there was still the simple minded United States although in the twenties not yet under Judaeo-Communist control. Normalcy ruled there. Still both American and Jewish bankers in the US actually were eager to invest in destroyed Russia and they would have been just as eager in destroyed Europe.

The Jews, then, would have occupied the castles, villas and stately houses amassing estates, jewelry, tens of thousands of fine paintings, the big automobiles as was done in Russia. Huge amounts of Russian jewelry, paintings and artefacts had been delivered to Vienna for the delectation of wealthy Jews. How many of those stolen paintings were later appropriated by the Nazis isn’t clear. But none were returned to their former Russian owners.

And as was done in Russia to the Russian Orthodox Church the Jewel of the West the Roman Catholic Church would have been vandalized to the great satisfaction of the Jews, gratifying their hatred for Christianity to the point of satiety. For two thousand years the Catholic Church had contained the Jews defining their place in the European polity.

When the French Revolution mistakenly dissolved the restraints releasing the Jews as an army of asymmetrical warriors the misguided but benevolent Europeans were doomed. In their ridiculous altruism they didn’t even know a war was going on except for the besmirched ‘anti-Semites’ such as Wolf Hitler.

The Europeans fancied that the Jews accepted and were playing by the rules Europeans had devised. They weren’t, that’s the essence of asymmetrical war. Hey, they were playing by a different set of rules dissembling the Europeans. Thus, after the Bolshevik assault the Europeans failed to recognize that the Bolsheviks were essentially operating under Jewish rules so they failed to adapt their rules to fit the ‘new paradigm’, that setting the new rules for how the game was played.

As Darwin pointed out, in evolutionary terms when one species fails to adapt to new circumstances it is doomed to extinction. Darwin uses as an example the invasion of the small Asian cockroach into Russia that drove the larger but less aggressive Russian cockroach to extinction. So the Bolsheviks manhandled the Europeans.

The West was presented with no choice but to do what the Judeo-Communists and Nazis did: establish concentration camps and toss the enemies of civilization into them. Yes, the state of affairs had come to that. Adapt or perish.

Thus, had the Bolshevik assault on Europe succeeded in the first rush millions upon tens of millions would have been either murdered outright or sent as slaves to Siberian concentration camps to be worked to death under the most deplorable starvation conditions. To hear the Jews complain that they lost a couple million in their war of conquest merely raises a smile. There are risks in any enterprise.

Was Wolf Hitler the most evil person the world had ever seen? Not hardly. Within the new mores established by the Bolsheviks his response was, shall we say, normal. To say Hitler was demented is to unjustly single him out from even worse in the asylum.

And then there was the Roman Catholic Church, the supreme Jewish bete noire- Christianity. The Vatican the greatest treasure trove in existence. Killing the Czar would be meaningless next to killing the Pope and the whole College of Cardinals. You think it wouldn’t have happened? Look at how the Jews have compelled the simpleton on the Papal throne to crawl before them now. See how they have forced him to endorse the bastardization of Europe by the invasion from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Moslem world. True, the Jews don’t have the manpower to do actual battle with the Europeans but they can import untold millions who can just as in the US the Jews are using the Negroes and immigration to dominate he Aryans. They’re not White, they’re Jews.


Wolf Hitler did not start the war with the Jews that became WWII. That war officially began in 1933 when the Jews declared war on Hitler. Once again, the Jews had no means of waging war except through the virtual control of Western governments especially the US and USSR. Thus, if the Jews paid the supreme penalty of having lost a few million, if that many were, the fault was none but theirs. No guilt accrues to the Aryans.

If the Jews did lose a few million that was as nothing compared to the tens of millions of dead Europeans and the near utter destruction of Europe and its civilization. Freudian fantasies realized.

There is no need to shed tears for the Jews, we should look to ourselves. We should reexamine the roles played by the Jews, the Bolsheviks and Germans and, I might add, the US itself.

This reevaluation has actually been going on more or less clandestinely for a few decades increasing dramatically recently but so far making no dent on the public consciousness. Jewish propaganda is preponderant.

There can be no question but that Wolf Hitler was a great Aryan hero. If some consider him a god there is reason to do so. Perhaps the Jewish Revolution was a time of heroes. There are those who consider Leon Trotsky to be the greatest Jew since Jesus which is to say a god. Stalin himself wielded power as a god murdering at will and not just one or two people but tens of millions, the whole intelligentsia of Russia, the most productive and intelligent cultivators of the soil, anybody who did not embrace the Red religion. Roosevelt to some was a supreme hero while, I’m sure, a god unto himself.

Wolf’s role was to defeat the Jews and Bolsheviks which at great cost to his people he did. The end result of WWII was that the Bolsheviks were contained as what the Jews considered to be Fascists seized the US and Western Europe dividing the world into ‘Fascist’ and Communist spheres. But, that’s the way Jews and Communists think. There are only two sides, us and them.

Of course the war did not end with Hitler’s death but continues to this day in what appears to be more than a hundred years war. The Jews are waging asymmetrical war, a propaganda war, a psychological war. Having enlisted the Negroes on their US battlefield they direct their antagonism toward ‘Whites’ who they say have no place on Earth. Thus in preparation to protecting themselves from Negro antagonism they are projecting themselves as not White but Jews. ‘I’m not White, I’m Jewish.’ A new propaganda device has been developed in the fanciful belief that by declaring the words of the song that the Negroes will disregard their skin color and lose their hatred of the Jews qua Jews earned because of long Jewish exploitation of them.

As Einstein said that a definition of lunacy was doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, so the Jews are once again creating a disaster for themselves.

Wolf was no more evil than Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin and, If I may so, Roosevelt. Wolf adapted to the mores of his times created by the Jews and Bolsheviks themselves. It is important to remember that they set the tone of the times, all others followed their lead in one way or another.

The other White governments refused to adapt, preferring to follow what were ineffective superseded mores that could only have led to their ruin. In the twenties there would have been no US intervention in the Bolshevik takeover of all Europe and the destruction of its civilization and mores. The Freudian game plan would have been completely successful. The Jewish conquest of Europe and Christianity would have ushered in their so-called Millennium.

Wolf Hitler was a hero. I’m not Jewish, I’m Aryan.

Chumps Playing Stud

A Review

Wendell Willkie’s

One World

Part 4


R.E. Prindle

Would You Buy A Used Car From This Guy?

Would You Buy A Used Car From This Guy?

It’s a lie, it’s a lie,

I say that it’s a scam

For I have been to Derby, Sir

And I’ve seen the Derby ram.

–English Folk Song

This town is full of guys

Who think they’re mighty wise

Just because they know a thing or two.

You can see them everyday

Strolling up and down old Broadway

Telling of the wonders they can do.

There’s con men and theirs boosters

Card sharks and crap shooters

They congregate around the Metropole.

They wear fancy ties and collars

But where do they get their dollars?

They all say they’ve got an

Ace in the hole.

Perico and Schaebel


Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lyin’ eyes?

–Chico Marx, a man who should know.

Happy Time

Happy Time

No period in American history has been more misrepresented than the period from 1920 to 1945- the Crash and death of Franklin Roosevelt. They say history is written by the victors and since the period has been written by Jewish legend makers it would seem that the Jews were victors under the aegis of their stooge, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

As in any legend, and this one might be called the Legend of Hoover and Roosevelt, there must be a hero and a villain. Herbert Hoover is the scapegoat, Roosevelt is the hero and champion of the Jews.

The question is how did Roosevelt become the champion of the Jews? It happened before the presidency or even Roosevelt’s governorship of New York.  After Al Smith the former champion of the Jews failed in 1928 Roosevelt was pushed forward.

We Had A Grand Time

We Had A Grand Time

I am tempted to say that Roosevelt was a Manchurian candidate programmed very early. When he and wife Eleanor worked the Jewish settlement house scene in the first decade of the century they both came under the spell of the Jews.  At the time the daughters of the wealthiest men in New York, in fact the daughters of the Morganites among others descended on the Lower East Side slums to minister to the ‘poor’ Jews.

The Jews at the time just arrived from Russia were in full revolutionary mode. When a group arrived on the Fourth of July they mistook the festivities as a welcome for them. So, you can imagine the effect of these daughters of plutocrats coming to the East Side to ‘welcome’ them had on them.  When Knickerbockers like FDR showed up what better to do than convert them to the cause.  Perhaps it was thought to hypnotize FDR, plant a few post-hypnotic suggestions and groom him for political uses much as Al Smith was being handled.

While hypnotism may seem farfetched for those not familiar with the era remember that Sigmund Freud was a master of hypnotism, nevermind the story that he gave it up. He perfected it and abandoned the crude early method.  Freud had joined the International Order of B’nai B’rith in Vienna in 1895 remaining a lifelong member. You might compare the B’nai B’rith with the Learned Elders of Zion and solve that mystery.

He met with them at least once a week. He says that the members shared his views.  He and they desired the destruction of Europeans and European culture, hence his complaints about contemporary European morality.  He also shared his views with his American nephew the publicist and propagandist Edward Bernays.  Bernays became a master of suggestion.  Suggestion, of course, is the basis of hypnosis.  While I can’t say for sure that FDR was hypnotized I can find no other basis for his slavish devotion to Jewish interests.  That includes his entry into the European war to further Jewish goals.

It is also true that after FDR’s death the Jewish influence in the US government diminished to near zero while the Red hunting began in earnest reversing Rooseveltian policy.

During FDR’s terms in office the integration of international Jewish activities coincide remarkably, more especially in the use of food as a weapon of mass destruction. I have already examined the issue in several articles including the three part Henry Ford And The Jews, other Ford articles and The Secret History Of The Jews In The Twentieth Century.  Henry Ford gave some indication of Jewish plans in his articles in the Dearborn Independent exposing Aaron Sapiro.  Sapiro’s plan or something like it would begin to be implemented in Roosevelt’s New Deal.

I have also explained Jewish hatred of Herbert Hoover in the mentioned essays. He was hated not only for his past effort to rescue Europeans afflicted with starvation but because he was prescient enough to divine Jewish collectivism in the Roosevelt administration but wise enough not to mention the fact by name having learned from the experience of his friend Henry Ford.

Having been frustrated by Harding’s election in 1920 ending their salad days under Wilson one can only imagine the Jews’ elation as they rushed back into DC under the aegis of the Wilson continuator, Roosevelt. Possibly part of their hatred for Hoover was as a scapegoat for their twelve year hiatus from DC.  But now they were back and they were in charge.

Back Again

Back Again


Hoover had foreseen their collectivist effect and tried to forewarn but his warning had fallen on deaf ears. Very likely Hoover’s understanding of the situation was far in advance of the public’s as he was much better informed.  He had been part of the battle against the Bolshevics, avatars of collectivism, since 1921 under Harding.  Coolidge had established the FBI in 1924 under the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover had augmented it in 1930.  The FBI was primarily established to fight Communism.  The ideology remained central to Edgar Hoover’s approach to the end of his days.  It was probably his fixation on fighting Communism that made him so much disliked by FDR.

Herbert Hoover was also much better informed than the public of the interference in American governmental affairs by the Comintern.

As he feared, the Communist influence flared into near open existence under FDR when one of his first acts as president was to recognize the Soviet Union.  The Ware ring was established as early as 1934 when ominously a Communist takeover of the Department of Agriculture was achieved under Henry Wallace.

As a revolution in government had taken place, as you can imagine the reaction was ferocious and immediate especially when viewed through the lens of the legislation of FDR’s first hundred days. Most of that was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court as early as 1935 gutting to a large extent FDR’s New Deal.

We're Here To Get This New Deal Thing On The Road

We’re Here To Get This New Deal Thing On The Road

 Hoover was only one voice criticizing Roosevelt. He had every right to be critical as a tremendous smear campaign, defamation, was launched against him by the Jews and FDR.  Perhaps on one level Hoover was made responsible for the whole Gilded Age and the Republican Interregnum.  As bizarre as it may seem the Administration hauled the surviving members of the Gilded Age before a Congressional committee to ‘explain themselves,’  whatever that might mean.  While the elder J.P. Morgan had left the building FDR humiliated his son also J.P. Morgan by having a dwarf sit on his lap whatever that might mean.  He tried to put Andrew Mellon on trial for whatever charge I haven’t learned.  The whole FDR crowd seem to have ingested the Muckraker ideology and become enraged.

Gustavus Myers always refers to the Gilded Age as Capitalists. I’ve always had trouble understanding what Capitalist meant to Socialists.  Certainly men like the Vanderbilts, Gould and Fisk who were just guys off the street no different in their origins from unskilled laborers had no ideology whatever except to get a pile and hold on to it.  The Gilded Age was just a one shot affair that would never happen again.  It created fabulous opportunities for those who were awake and there and either knew or stumbled upon how to seize the day.  Carpe diem.  Some call it luck.

The Gilded Age itself was a period of rapid discoveries making wonderful things possible. What are you going to see?  The light or the dark?  In 1830 George Stephenson in England invented the railroad.  By the 1850s the East Coast of the US was covered with Short Lines.  About 1850 the Canadian Abraham Gesner discovered how to make kerosene from bituminous coal while in 1851 Samuel Kier discovered how to distil it from oil.

The Civil War masked these phenomenal changes so that they appeared as if by magic after the war. The railroad long lines were already platted during the war while the Union Pacific was actually finished before the 1860s were out.

With Kier’s discovery the useless oil seepages of Western Pennsylvania became useful. The result was the giant corporation Standard Oil.  The railroads had created unheard of fortunes.  Vanderbilt was renowned for having amassed two hundred million.  Before the war this would have been impossible.  The Standard Oil fortunes of which there were many were great but Rockefeller’s held the high ground.  To small minds like that of Gustavus Myers magnitudes of wealth of this order seemed criminal in themselves. He was absolutely enraged that anyone should have so much.  His knee jerk reaction was to advocate simply confiscating the fortunes, in effect stealing them, as was done to the Russian aristocrats following the revolution.  That was some indication of his own morality.

Minds as small as his or even smaller rushed to pass legislation to do so and break up the great combinations at the same time. The very size of Standard Oil made the poor wretches tremble.  So-called anti-trust laws were passed.  It was here that the US made a wrong turn.  Size would be essential in the coming global economy that none of these mental midgets apprehended.

As I say, Myers, Roosevelt, the Jews were reactionaries looking to the past rather than the future. How strange that history should record them as progressives.  The past had been eclipsed by the railroads.  The future that they indicated was a brave new world of unlimited opportunity, uncharted and unvisualized except perhaps by men like Rockefeller.  Small business was for local purposes and farther in the future global purposes large combinations were necessary.  Have you noticed that China has eclipsed the US?

The US sacrificed its future the day Standard Oil was broken up. Had that not happened today Standard Oil would be a mega corporation giving the US precedence in the worldwide contest for supremacy.  Without vision a nation must perish.  The US shrunk on that fateful day.  The torch has now passed to China.  The Middle Kingdom has assumed its ancient stature.

The minds in FDR’s DC were shrunken pitiful things. They punished the doers while rewarding the losers.  The reaction of the doers was intense.  The American Liberty League was formed by prominent industrialists and other business interests that fought hard throughout Roosevelt’s first term but then slacked off.  Foremost among the loudest of the objectors was the radio priest, the Catholic Father Coughlin.  Working out of Detroit he built up a multi-million person audience.  As a Catholic he was well aware of Communist assaults on religion in the Soviet Union.  He had every incentive to denounce the Communist infiltrated Roosevelt administration nor did he mince words in denouncing the Jewish influence.  Branded then with the Jewish ace in the hole of anti-Semite his days were numbered.  He broadcast over the Jewish owned CBS network that censored his show on the grounds of anti-Semitism.

It was inevitable that the Jewish presence in FDR’s government would be noted. He himself was referred to as Rosenfeld.  While the truth was obvious subsequent Jewish historians or legend makers have misrepresented the true state of affairs dismissing all opposition as unjustified and anti-Semitic.

Nor was the administration defenseless. FDR himself used the radio as effectively as Father Coughlin in his weekly Fireside Chats.   Wife Eleanor had her daily syndicated newspaper column to puff things.  Numerous radio commentators such as Raymond Gram Swing denounced the objectors as Fascist and Nazis while numerous columnists such as Walter Winchell gave the administration full support.  A lot of propagandist support was necessary to keep the public baffled.


Walter Winchell And All The Ships At Sea

Walter Winchell And All The Ships At Sea

In point of fact Roosevelt did nothing to alleviate the Depression. There were as many unemployed in 1940 as when he took office in 1933.  Billions were being spent on programs making people dependent on the government.  Collectivization was going swimmingly.

His primary concern was to discredit the capable and buy the vote of the incapable. Millions were on relief, hence dependent of Roosevelt himself in their eyes for their very survival, the very bread they ate.  Food as a weapon following the Jewish agenda.  The management of the Russian population by food was now an accomplished fact.  While millions were starving to death or near starvation, long queues of bread seekers stood in the cold to get their daily allotment- if they received their allotment daily.

The US depression was prolonged eight excruciating years until the Jews and Roosevelt involved the US in two wars at one time that upset and ultimately destroyed their plan, albeit in the short term it seemed to be working. Remember the Amalekites, the Jews never give up.

On the other hand the Administration and the Jews crucified anyone who opposed them. To take only two, Herbert Hoover and Henry Ford.  Amongst other offences to Jewish sensibilities both men had interfered with Jewish starvation programs.  Hoover by feeding the starving European millions and Ford by exposing Jewish hopes to seize food monopolies in the US.

In Hoover’s case a tremendous campaign of vilification and defamation was carried on…and on…and on. His glorious early career was viciously nullified, buried, nearly erased from history while his attempts to solve the depression that was actually engineered by the Jews were belittled and held as naught.  The depression was described as the Hoover depression while encampments of unemployed were described as Hoovervilles.  The defamation was actually criminal but it would have been worse than futile to make a court case of it.  Hoover had to grin and bear it for twelve long years until FDR’s death.  Even then the period of rehabilitation that began after the war has been less than complete.  The history books back in the hands of his enemies print the legend rather than the truth.

In the case of Ford not only was he vilified and defamed but serious attempts were made to destroy River Rouge while the internal corruption of his work force destabilized his business while efforts to control it gave him a harsh reputation. During the war serious efforts were being devised to confiscate the whole of Ford Motors.  Nationalizing it that is.  This has been covered up or misrepresented.

Twice, once in 1932 and again in 1936 a Communist column descended on Ford’s River Rouge plant. Had they gotten inside it was their intention to smash Ford’s machines and burn the place to the ground.  The Reds were applauded while Ford’s defense of his property was deemed criminal.   Such was the Roosevelt Administration.

Failing in direct assaults the Communists infiltrated the work force stirring up unrest, sabotaging the process and equipment while stealing whatever they could carry. Ford Motors lost millions in thefts.  In defense Ford employed informers to identify the trouble makers.  This effort was decried as a spy system on ‘honest’ workers.   It was a spy system on the thieves and agitators.

Then in 1935 the Wagner Act benefitting unions and crippling management was passed. As Ford said he was already meeting or exceeding union benefits.  It didn’t matter.  While the Wagner Act wasn’t a law that employers had to have a union the administration meant it that way and interpreted it that way.  Ford, the fairest employer the world had ever seen was reviled while absolute hatred was stirred up against him.

Had a union been installed at Ford he would have had no control of the work force at all. In the early sixties I worked on the line for Fisher Body.  Theft and sabotage were rampant.  In an attempt to hold down thefts employees were checked leaving their shifts, bags and lunch boxes had to be opened.  Complaints were lodged at the union by would be thieves, invasion of privacy was alleged.  The union sprang into action to eliminate security measures.  The company ceased checking and parts and tools simply walked out the door.  Was the union complicit?  I always thought so.

Ford, in a fit of fatuousness in his early years, took to hiring ex-cons to give them another chance. Laudatory on the face of it, all it did was give the cons the opportunity to recruit from and corrupt otherwise honest employees.

Fisher Body followed the same program. There was a large colony of cons at the end of the line just ahead of me.  They used to sit and plan jobs for the weekend, recruiting from the work force.  Fortunately I wasn’t considered reliable enough or I might have been conned into a criminal career.  Others were.

One wonders in reading these Jewish histories whether they are dishonest or hopelessly naïve; I’m guessing dishonest. Thus Ford’s life during the thirties was made miserable by the Jews.  The power Roosevelt granted them was enormous.

Apart from bedeviling opponents like Hoover and Ford, dissidents were pursued and denounced, the constitution be damned. Honest researchers like Mrs.  Elizabeth Dilling, of whom you may never have heard, were reviled in execrable terms beneath the dignity of honorable critics to use.

Mrs. Dilling compiled two large volumes proving the Communist affiliations in the Roosevelt Administration. Her first volume was the Red Network and the companion volume was the Roosevelt Red Record And Its Background.  Both volumes are soundly researched and well documented.  No charges were ever answered, she was merely reviled as a crank.  This was the way it went in the thirties under Roosevelt.

As the thirties drew to a close the Jewish triumph seemed certain but it was necessary for Roosevelt to seek a third term to consolidate the successes. By this time the Jews were entering a full delusional state of mind.

In converting their residence in the United States into a battle between good and evil the Jews had converted themselves from immigrants to founders. As founders they saw themselves as true Americans while the actual founders, the Anglo-Saxons, had become Nazis and Fascists bent on converting this Jewish democratic paradise into an authoritarian State subject to Hitler.  So they had reversed roles assuming a mantle of perfect virtue.

Wendell Willkie

Wendell Willkie

They thus developed a game plan to overcome what they saw as the Nazis in their midst. This would become even more developed post-war.  Of course the transition from the free republic to a satrapy of Stalin had unleashed all kinds of wild intellects with more perfect plans of reconstruction that in their minds were far more perfect than anything the Jews could come up with.  The Technocrats had it all worked out while Huey Long with his Share The Wealth program out Roosevelted Roosevelt.  Upton Sinclair popped up in California with his EPIC program- End Poverty In California.  It was a sensationally active nutcake period.

The Jews concentrated their fire on people like William Dudley Pelley, the American Fuehrer. Pelly was an actual Fascist although his numbers were so insignificant he made the Communists look like the Democratic Party.  With such insignificant numbers of course he could never have been a threat but the Jews blew his significance out of all proportion.  One look at the guy and you knew he wasn’t going anywhere.  The spark of greatness was missing.

Spectacular leaders like Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini or even Franco weren’t just lucky even if the times were right for them, they had the genius, the spark, the inner substance to succeed. Pelley wasn’t even on the sidelines of their field.

Apart from Pelley the Jews had to invent their demons. Fake it in other words.  One of their absurd creations was someone calling himself James True, the scourge of the Jews or something like that.  He advertised in the papers.  Had an actual office with a desk, advertised that he had invented a ‘kike killer’.  Sounded fearsome.

Interviewed by the press his kike killer turned out to be an ordinary black jack, he himself being null and void. So much for the terrible anti-Semitic presence in America.

A threat of a different kind appeared in 1940 with the Phony War in Europe. Roosevelt, the Jews and the English had been beating the drums of war in Europe more insistently.  Roosevelt was taking preparedness seriously.  He was building a war machine furiously while inaugurating the first peacetime conscription ever.  Moved the three mile limit out to Iceland.  Had the good ship Rueben James sunk.  Sent a couple hundred sailors down to have lunch with Davy Jones in his locker. Stretched neutrality almost as far as it would go.  He could have tried harder.

These preparations for war alarmed the non-interventionists that the Administration labeled Isolationists. Always give your opponents a defamatory name.  Thus, the administration good guys were known as Internationalists and the bad guys Isolationists.    The Neutral Party perhaps a more accurate title, the Isolationists correctly advised letting the European combatants fight it out while the US waited on the side to pick up the pieces.

Herbert Hoover who had toured Europe in 1938 to get as accurate a picture as possible had come to the same conclusion while many influential politicians advised him that the US should stay out as it had no understanding of European problems.

Maybe American politicians didn’t have the knowledge but the Jews who were driving Roosevelt toward war did have an understanding being present in every European country and in the US and Canada. They were the true Internationalists one might say.  By 1940 nearly the entire Jewish intelligencia of Europe had migrated out of harm’s way to the US where they became very influential.  The Jews were truculence personified.  In early 1941 Theodore N. Kaufman a Jew from Newark published a book titled Germany Must Perish.

He was calling for the extermination of the entire German people. That’s about eighty million souls as compared to six million Jews.  He wanted Germany partitioned out of existence, erased from the map.  His book was reviewed by the Nazis where the question became would the Jews exterminate Germans or Germans exterminate Jews.

It looked like the latter as the war progressed but after the defeat of Germany the boot shifted to the Jewish foot. Under the leadership of the Jewish Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. it began to look like with Roosevelt’s consent the Jews would exterminate the Germans.  Then Roosevelt died.  Truman dumped Morgenthau possibly saving the Germans from extinction although it was fairly close.

But back to 1940. Roosevelt was safely in for another four years although already ravaged and ready for death.  Where’s the Grim Reaper when you need him?  He was a shoo-in in ’44 although he died a few weeks into his fourth term.  Had he been strong enough there is little doubt that he would have been a five termer.

The Neutral Party now alarmed at the prospect of war stopped dallying around and formed an actual opposition Party called America First. Hoover had been terrible at propaganda, the Liberty League had never been to propaganda school and the Firsters had learned little from watching propaganda experts like Roosevelt and the Jews.  They were supreme slogan masters.  The name America First unfortunately had a jingoist ring that was definitely negative propaganda.  Nevertheless they had the American people behind them.  Polls, for what they were worth, showed Americans overwhelming against entering the European war.  What were the Jews? 4%?  Ninety-six percent of Americans were against the war.

But so many important events turn on trifles.

The war in Europe was in its third year when the American hero Charles Lindbergh made a speech in Des Moines Iowa in September of 1941. In it he identified the three prime movers for intervention as England, Roosevelt and the Jews.  He then gave evidence for why each wanted war.  This was and is a perfectly reasonable speech, available on the internet if you want to read it.  However Roosevelt denounced him as un-American and the Jews cursed him as an anti-Semite.  Their old ace in the hole.  Lindbergh’s reputation was destroyed overnight.  The America First Committee was discredited with all members running for cover.

The denunciation wasn’t enough to get us into the European war but three months on in December the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hitler declared war on the US and war was on. Who would believe such an impossible turn of events.  Where were everyone’s brains.   Looking back it was total insanity on all the participants parts.

Entering the war was a mistake for both Roosevelt and the Jews.

Hoover, Lindbergh, Ford and others wisely advised standing clear of the conflict which could never have touched our shores so as to be the ‘peace makers’ after the war. Though wise from their point of view if war hadn’t been entered the struggle to determine the future of America would still have been needed to wage.  The imposition of Jewish mores would most likely have succeeded and become established.

The Roosevelt and Jewish propaganda machine was far superior to the Neutral Party. The America First party had been destroyed by three words in a speech so that opposition to Administration propaganda backed by the moral position of Roosevelt himself would have been invulnerable.

The Jews ardently wanted to put dissidents into concentration camps just as they wanted to exterminate the Germans. Unable to do so they tried jailing them after hostilities began but failed in that.  However in order for Roosevelt to fight the war he had to take the Morganites, the Wall Street Crowd, the ‘Capitalists’ or his enemies into the government.  As the Jews had gone first for the Department of Agriculture the Morganites entrenched themselves in the State Department where their influence was great.  They were thus placed on a par at least with the Communists and Jews neutralizing their influence to some extent.

Nevertheless the Jewish drive for dominance that had reached critical mass in 1940 continued and acclimated. The plan evident at the time was outlined by the  current Jewish novelist Philip Roth in his 2004 The Plot Against America.  Roth, born in 1933, would have been aware enough during the war to get a sense of what was going on.  Interestingly he was from Newark as was the genocidist Kaufman.  Either remembering or researching the period he recreates the claustrophobic Jewish atmosphere of the time.  He makes clear the notion the Jews were the true American democracy while nativists under the leadership of Charles Lindbergh who Roth portrays as a full-fledged Nazi, were authoritarians out to betray America.  Hannah Arendt after the war would develop this absurd notion that others were authoritarians but not Jews.  In his novel Roth has Lindbergh elected president as a satrap of Hitler.

As we have seen a series of books portraying the Morganites and Republicans as criminals from 1865 on were published during the thirties. Myers’ book The Ending Of Hereditary American Fortunes celebrates the expropriatory taxes imposed by Roosevelt,  at the insistence of the Jews.

By 1939 Myers was approached by the filthy rich Guggenheim Foundation to write a propaganda diatribe titled The History Of Bigotry In The United States issued in the critical year of 1943. Myers portrays Anglo-Saxon Americans as deep dyed bigots from the inception of the country to 1943.  He especially denounces the people Jews were trying to incarcerate, either in concentration camps or prisons.

The volume was given a full-fledged sales push by Bennett Cerf at his prestigious Random House imprint. One may be sure that a few tens of thousands paid for by Guggenheims were sent free of charge to every library in America as well as prominent opinion makers.  All sale figures of this time are distorted by the distribution of free copies.  Even Herbert Hoover bought thousands of his books to distribute.  Those distributions are counted as sales.

The History Of Bigotry was only one volume in a flood of propagandistic books, pamphlets, and magazine articles streaming from the printing presses when there was supposedly a shortage of paper.   While aimed at the contemporary markets planners at the obscenely rich Guggenheim, the American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation League with an eye to the future planned a whole series of books beyond the war and even to today.  The propaganda has been unceasing.

A good example is the title Undercover also published in 1943 under the name of John Roy Carlson. There was no John Roy Carlson, the name was assumed by the writers at the AJC to publish their defamations.  It purpose like The History Of Bigotry was to defame pre-war dissidents of Rooseveltian subterfuges.  Somewhen about 1938, perhaps at the time the Guggenheim contacted Myers the Jews were in the process or had set up a Mossad type organization to track down and investigate anyone they deemed an ‘anti-Semite.’  They began to or had been keeping files on ‘anti-Semites.’  Today they have a data base of over three million Americans they consider dangerous anti-Semites.  Anti-Semitism, that is their ace in the hole.

When Henry Ford established his Service Department of agents to detect and defend himself against threats from Communists and their allies the Jews defamed him for it. Never mind that the Anti-Defamation League was doing the same for them.  What was reprehensible for Ford was laudable for Jews.

So the AJC and ADL had thrown out a network of, well, spies to gather incriminating evidence against, oh, I don’t know, glances, sneers, laughing at jokes that to them indicated murderous intentions.  One of the agents, Arthur Derounian, to whom they give credit for the authorship of the book Undercover, slithered ‘under disguise’ through Ford’s River Rouge plant searching out the Nazi conspiracies Jews thought were going on there.  Derounian had to report he could find nothing.  I’m sure he overlooked the Communist saboteurs but then Arthur was only following orders like his German double Eichmann.

In fact, through four hundred plus pages the agents came up with absolutely nothing. I don’t know whether they checked under the beds or not though.

At any rate Ford was a beaten man. When informed that the government might expropriate his plant he lethargically said:  Let ‘em.  See if they can run it any better than I can.

So, while Ford was able to face them down in the twenties through the thirties and into the forties they attacked his factories, defamed him unmercifully, sabotaged his production, passed one sided laws essentially making him a slave to the unions and finally attempted to steal his business. Remember the Amalekites.  Truly, it’s not over until the fat lady sings and the fat lady will be Jewish.

With Roosevelt behind them the Jews had taken over the country in all but name.

Their tragic error was in insisting that the US enter the war. As noted this brought the Morganites, the Wall Streeters back into the government.  With Roosevelt’s death they were able to negate the Jewish influence while under Hoover’s insistence their collectivism was mitigated if not exorcised.

The Eightieth Congress in 1946 under Truman repudiated as much of the Roosevelt legislation as possible including revoking 79,000, that’s right, 79K of Roosevelt’s laws, executive orders and directives while mitigating the terrible one sidedness of Wagner’s labor act of 1935.

As for Roosevelt, that very sick old man, whose main goal was the creation of the United Nations, he succeeded. Once again the Jews; who Ford actually defeated in the Sapiro trial, found a way to include the Lubin-Sapiro plan in the Agricultural program of the US and the UN thus reversing the Ford decision.

Willkie had been a mere tool of Roosevelt. After throwing the 1940 election to Roosevelt, the President then used the ex-candidate by sending him on a useless trip around the world in 1943, once again, just before election time.  Returning, Willkie, or his ghost writers, wrote his propaganda piece forwarding the UN theme for Roosevelt.  Willkie’s One World either sold well or so many copies were given away that it appeared so.

Willkie had the audacity to seek the ’44 Republican nomination that was only an absurd hope. Totally repudiated he sickened and died a few months later.

The Jews, turned away and crushed by the news of Hitler’s extermination camps, became fearful believing that the ‘Nazi satrap’ Charles Lindbergh was about to exterminate them became quiet for a decade although they did play their old ace in the hole in ’46 and ’47 when the movie Gentlemen’s Agreement was released.

The arch goi Gregory Peck played a goi pretending to be Jewish to discover the discriminatory horrors Jews were supposedly subjected to.

Their recovery and aggression resumed from there as they renewed the assault on the culture during the last half of the century.

Now their name would be mud

Like an old chump playing stud

If the lost that old ace in the hole.

In memory of the Amalekites.



A Review

Pt. II

One World by Wendell Willkie


R.E. Prindle

Franklin and Eleanor

Franklin and Eleanor

The nineteenth century moved like a glacial flow until 1914 with the ice sheet hanging way over the water it broke loose crashing into the sea to reveal a new surface. The changes had been building both racial and ideological but remained unacknowledged for what they were.

On the ideological front nationalism had been under attack. Loyalty to one country began to be replaced by loyalty to an ideology transcending nationality, this was reflected in Communism and/or socialism with the Bolshevik revolution. The Soviet Union became the homeland of socialism or collectivism. Communist ideology shifted their loyalty from their own countries to the ‘socialist homeland’ of the USSR. Thus the so-called Communist national traitors after 1917 were at the same time sociaoists loyal to the socialist homeland of the USSR.

Fascism that arose in reaction to Communism too became an international ideology along with Americanism. Judaism also while being international in scope along with the other ideologies was also racial or national thus straddling all sides of the fence- no mean feat.

Wendell Willkie

Wendell Willkie

Like it or not there was no isolationism nor could there have been. While Fascism and Judaism were restricted by race but still international in reach the bi-polar struggle of the next couple periods would be between Communism and Americanism.

This situation was ill understood as the twenties began. Most people had no realization that the old façade had dropped nearly clean away. As a global political ideology controlled from the USSR the Communists created the Third International to interfere with and manipulate the nations which still retained their political borders thus making the USSR a pariah State.

We thus arrive at the trickiest ideology Judaism. The Jews succeeded in making themselves the thorniest ideology of the lot while as a nation or people they functioned across all borders, ideological or geographic as a unit although they denied it then and may still do so although they have been outed to all except perhaps themselves. They appear to believe their denials are still effective.

If anyone needed to say it, the Negro WEB Dubois did say it when he said race would be the central issue of the twentieth century. He might have added- and thereafter. The battle would begin with the Negro revolt against Reconstruction Jim Crow while the race evangelist Marcus Garvey would begin the struggle for African supremacy in the world as he attempted to unite the Negroes of Africa and those scattered throughout the New World.

While not integrated into consciousness those movements did not go unnoticed. The high time of Western world dominance undoubtedly was the successful Scramble for Africa bringing that continent with two small exceptions under Western or European dominance. If one were to give the high tide a date it would have to be the fabulous Columbian Exposition of Chicago of 1893. It has been downhill from there. By that time what the historian and social critic Lothrop Stoddard called The Rising Tide Of Color Against White Supremacy became noticeable.

In addition to Stoddard’s book a 1916 study by anthropologist Madison Grant titled The Passing Of The Great Race underlined the sea change that was taking place as the West was virtually committing suicide on the battlefields of Europe. Both Stoddard and Grant would be marginalized as inconsequential racists as were writers who detected the true nature of the conflict and spoke up such as Thomas Dixon and Edgar Rice Burroughs to name only two.

At the end of the war to end wars then the stage was set for the conflict between ideologies and races that would improbably come to a head with Willkie’s One World and the United States of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The cessation of hostilities between the Central Powers and the Allies did not end all hostilities. The success of the Bolsheviks in Russia alarmed the US and Europe while Russian loyalists sought to recover Russia fighting the Bolsheviks in a civil war. The White forces- as opposed to the Reds- were aided and abetted by European, American and Japanese troops while British diplomatic spies in Russia sought the destruction of Lenin and the Bolshevik regime. This was much more serious than we have been led to believe. A good account of the near replacement of the Bolsheviks can be found in the British TV series available on DVD- Reilly, Ace Of Spies. A more accurate account can be found in the history, Ace Of Spies: The True Story Of Sidney Reilly by Andrew Cook. You will be amazed.

It is hardly astounding then that the Bolsheviks were fomenting worldwide revolution that included the United States through their Third International or Commintern. It is a folly to think that the revolutionary events of 1919 and 1920 in the US were not just that. At that time the American reaction was prompt and effective as Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer put his foot down hard on the revolutionists while the finishing touches were applied by the new president Warren G. Harding in 1921. Thereafter the Communists worked underground but they never stopped working. Actually they even ran their own candidates for president through the thirties.

The backbone of the Communist Party was of course, the Jews. The majority of Party members in every country of the West was Jewish. They strenuously denied this at the time but in the last decade or so have grudgingly admitted what any interested party knew all along.

It is regrettable that we have to talk about the Jews but no period of Western history from the end of the Taurian Age when the ideology came into existence to the present can be understood without a knowledge of Jewish goals and desires. It’s just a fact that we have to deal with.

In the modern period, that is post-French Revolution the contest between the Jews and the West has been first a demand for autonomy within national States which is to say equality of the Jews separate from the host nation and secondly, having attained that, supremacy within the State. The notion is what the so-called Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion expressed but has been denied.

Benzion Netanyahu And Son Bibi

Benzion Netanyahu And Son Bibi

The Jewish method is always to destabilize the State and cause confusion in the society of the host nation. This was clearly but inadvertently expressed by Benzion Netanyahu in his ’monumental’ History Of The Jews In Spain. The superiority of the Jews is clearly expressed in his metaphor of the Jewish root stock of the olive tree onto which the branch of Christianity is grafted. Thus Judaism is the superior and senior while the West by which the Jews mean Christianity inferior and junior.

While that may accurately depict the Jewish view of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity it ignores the fact that the proto-Jewish root stock had no existence before the beginning of the Arien Age when civilization had already passed the infant stage thereby making Judaism dirivative of the mother culture. But, my intent is historic rather than polemical so suffice it to say I have accurately described the Jewish rationale.

The first wave, other than the small colonial Sephardim from Brazil, of Jews arrived as flotsam from the failed Revolution of ‘48 from Germany. This group was well established by the seventies and eighties when the Jews from the Pale, that is ‘Russian’ Jews, came in their millions until 1914. The German Jews looked down on the Eastern European Jews causing such a division that the German Jews were known as ‘Our Crowd’ in relation to them.

While the Jews claim they had little to do with the Bolshevik Revolution they were inveterate enemies of the ‘Czar’ and were responsible for the 1905 revolution and the break of diplomatic relations between the US and Russia in 1911.

The election of Woodrow Wilson in 1913 gave them their entrée into federal politics and a step toward autonomy. They were then able to actively begin to destabilize American society introducing a new element of confusion.

Now in power in the USSR spreading destabilization and confusion throughout Europe, the establishment of the Comintern allowed penetration of the US as Soviet agents infiltrated the country in some numbers. With their arrival American socialists or Communists who had been discretely working behind the scenes in all areas of American life became more open to the observent aiding at the least in the frustration of government attempts to contain the Communist threat. The attempt was and has been ridiculed as the Red Scare as though the suppression of the Communists was a panic situation over a non-existent threat.

Thus, the incredible revolutionary acts in the US of 1919-1921 have been characterized by Judaeo-Communist historians and commentators as ordinary disturbances having no political significance. If

A. Mitchell Palmer- American Hero

A. Mitchell Palmer- American Hero

one views the Wall Street bombing and the attempts on the life of dozens of leading anti-Communists as what they were, an attempt to overthrow the government in the post-war disorder and incapacitation of Wilson by his stroke resulting in little effective government until March of 1921 as a failed revolutionary attempt the events make more sense. There was no Red Scare, there was a failed Red revolution no different in character than that of Bolshevik Russia. It was the internationalism so ardently desired by Roosevelt. Isolation was not an option.

This mess then was inherited by the incoming Republican president Warren G. Harding which he promptly solved. The Reds were squelched within a few months of Harding’s inauguration. The Party itself was outlawed. However sympathizers and Reds disguising themselves as humanitarian Liberals had the law reversed.

This was not unusual as circumventing adverse decisions by ‘democratic’ methods seemed easy for the Jews. In 1911 when the Jews demanded that Taft cancel the 1832 commercial treaty between the US and Russia, Taft demurred. Having studied the issue at least as well as our present constitution scholar, Barack Obama, he could find no reason to abrogate the treaty. As the Dearborn Independent article linked above of January 1921 indicates Taft’s decision was nullified by Congress:

Neither did the President know what was behind it all. Look at the names of the men who represented American Jewry in the White House that 15th of February 1911 (Jacob Schiff, Louis Marshal et al.). And then consider that the abrogation of the Russian treaty would throw all the vast business between the United States and Russia into Germany, into the hands of the German Jews. The Frankfurt bankers and their relations in the United States knew what that meant. It meant the German Jews would be the intermediaries of trade between Russia and the United States. The business itself meant money, but the relation meant power over Russia- and Jacob Schiff lived to overthrow Russia. The neutrality of the United States was torn to shreds by a movement organized and financed on American soil for the overthrow of a friendly nation, and the organizers and financiers were Jews! They used their internal power to deflect the policy of the United States to assist their plans.

Remember that the Federal Reserve System founded by the Jew Warburg in 1913 was owned by an international consortium of Jewish banks and were all operating out of Frankfurt, save Rockefellers. The Federal Reserve controls US currency receiving interest on the total number of dollars outstanding.

zzzzWillkie6The complicity between Schiff, Marshall and the Jews with the Bolshevik revolution can plainly be seen. The squelching of the American revolution by Harding can be seen as a blow to Jewish ambitions for supremacy in the US as well as in Russia so FDR’s internationalism was the order of the day while ‘isolation’ never was or could be possible. FDR’s abhorred isolationists merely had a different notion of internationalism than FDR and his Jews.

Having delivered one blow to Jewish pretensions Harding delivered another. Ending unrestricted immigration had been a desideratum of the US for decades but had never succeeded. In 1921 under Harding’s leadership it did. As is well known, before August 1914 the Jews had readied the entire Eastern European Jewry for transfer to the US. After the war it was necessary to reorganize and just as they were ready to begin the transfer Harding shut the door in their faces by limiting immigration to more manageable proportions.

Unlike Wilson’s administration, under Harding and his two Republican successors the Jews would have

The Much Underestimated President Warren G. Harding

The Much Underestimated President Warren G. Harding

no place in DC. That would change with the election of Roosevelt.

As far as internationalism went the beginning of Prohibition in 1920 would change international relations dramatically. This during the so-called isolationism of the Republican interregnum.

Prohibition had been in effect for a year and a quarter when Harding assumed office. Criminals are not always as dull as we’d like to think they are. Long before the passing of the Volstead Act criminal minds perceived the fantastic opportunity the law would offer. They were organized to take advantage of the act the day it came into effect. The law was to alter the very nature of the country, turn it into a criminal State. The people in the best position to organize international shipments of liquor to the US were the international Jews led in this instance by the criminal mastermind Arnold Rothstein. Liquor shipments were sent from the British Isles, France et al. while the Bronfmans of Canada made several fortunes transporting booze across Lake Erie to the Mayfield Road Gang and across the Detroit River to the Purple Gang of that city. We’re talking a lot of money and it is filling Jewish pockets.

While this was an unintended consequence of the act it surely was foreseen especially as criminal organizing would not have gone unnoticed. Thus, Harding inherited a unique criminal situation for which there was actually no defense.

Now, I’m carefully searching for words to portray the situation without offending the reader’s sensibilities. We have been conditioned, you and I and all of us, and I mean conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs, to consider the Jews as a much maligned, totally innocent, wrongfully oppressed people. Thus at the cry of ‘anti-Semitism’ we all rush to their defense. Any historian, any interested person who looks into the facts will see that this notion is far from the truth. As Jacob Schiff announced when Taft refused to abrogate the Russian-American treaty: This is war. Any stifling of Jewish wishes was always war, had been war for nearly four thousand years. The war continues.

Internationalism was and is natural to Jews who were dispersed throughout all the nation states of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the US. NO matter where they went they could check into a synagogue or Jewish meeting place and, in Europe at least where Yiddish was their lingua franca, communicate with equal understanding. Thus where the various European nations could communicate only with their fellows it was much more easy for Jews to conduct trans-national commerce. They became commodity experts managing the wheat supply for instance.

The huge national colonies in the US whether you choose to call them ghettoes or not, were actually secure areas where new arrivals could begin to acculturate before melding with the outside society. Thus the entry point for most Jews was through New York City, castle Gardens and then Ellis Island.

The main influx of Eastern European, Jews from the Pale began in 1870. The German Jews had preceded them and became fairly acculturated by 1870 so they were able to manage and exploit these East European exotics who they perceived much as White Americans perceived the Negro.

Still, by the eighties the settlement house acculturation centers were created in these colonies where newcomers were given support and had the, to them, very strange culture explained. The Jews of the Pale were on the order of people stepping from a medieval world into the modern world. They developed a strange concept of themselves in reaction to their hosts. Thus they projected America as a hostile environment replicating their situation in Europe.

There were several settlement houses on the Lower East Side. As the numbers of Jews increased drastically from 1870 to , say, 1900, the by then very large colony on the Lower East Side attracted the attention of wealthy do gooders of the very elitist American stock, such as the future Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eleanor. Now remember this elite would never consider talking to people like you and me. We would be sent to servants quarter but never allowed through the front door. Nevertheless the first group of society women, girls, numbered somewhat over eight. They established he Jr. League. They arrived at the settlement houses and began to minister to the colonists, not as equals but as patrons.

Remember, these immigrants, the majority here for less than ten years were still walking around in a dazed condition speaking little or no English and that with a thick heavy accent when the very elite of the natives arrived to ‘serve’ them. Stop and consider the social distance from the elite to you and I and then consider the distance from the elite to the immigrants. Does your heart bleed for those poor, poor people? The elites’ did.

The arrival of the elite ought to have raised the self-estimation and already inflated Jewish sense of self-importance regardless of their impoverished state. They still considered themselves as Jews the elite of mankind. The elite then meeting the elite. As it should be in Jewish eyes.

As strange as it may seem these society maidens also looked on the Jews as the Chosen People carrying some kind of ancient wisdom far superior to their own. This facilitated their ability to give of themselves while enabling themselves in their own minds to be of service to God’s own people.

Eleanor then introduced Franklin to this colony on the Lower East Side. He too was sucked in. As I said Jews were natural internationalists so that the two altruists inhaled this internationalist approach combined with their giving attitude thus conditioning FDR to have a condescending attitude toward the unfortunate but deserving people of the world when he became president. He became used to distributing largesse that cost him nothing.

As socialites he and Eleanor undoubtedly met many if not most of the prominent acculturated German Jews who undoubtedly wasted no time getting to know these society maidens who could introduce them to their other very important family members.

It was these acculturated Jews who owned the tenements, owned the needle trades and who exploited their fellow Jews with high rents and in sweat shops. The famous Triangle building fire was caused when Jewish owners locked their workers in; no natives were involved in any of this.

There was someone else who became aware of the international nature of Judaism and that someone was Henry Ford. Not of the American elite but one might say of the peasantry he saw the situation somewhat differently than the Roosevelts and the fabulously rich society maidens. While the social set could look down on the Jews benevolently Ford could see through the international mindset of the sect. He could see the aggressive nature, the need for autonomy or even dominance. He was dealing with the Anti-Defamation League eyeball to eyeball. He could see the traditional American culture and mores under assault by the invaders with their creeping collectivism.

Having been taken advantage of by them in the Peace Ship incident and resisting further attempts he decided to counter attack. As this was asymmetric warfare, a war of words so to speak, he bought a newspaper and took it countrywide. This was the famous Dearborn Independent. He began to publish a series of exposes detailing Jewish depredations such as the one linked above concerning then former President Taft.

These exposes were not off the shoulder, or from the hip. Ford spent a small fortune building a library of books concerning the Jews. He set his editor the very capable William J. Cameron to work studying and writing. As can be seen from the Taft article which is representative, Cameron knew what he was doing while wasting no words.

These exposes infuriated the Jews causing them to launch a defamation campaign against Ford. Their rage knew no bounds when Ford gathered and published the exposes in four slim volumes called, appropriately enough, The International Jew. To what could the Jews rationally object? Their whole program was internationalist, they had firmly indoctrinated the future president of the United States in their beliefs.

They were in a dither. This was America where freedom of speech, of which they availed themselves liberally, was sacrosanct, a more that was nearly impregnable to change. While they dithered Ford began a campaign against internationalization of American agriculture by a disciple of one David Lubin named Aaron Sapiro.

Sapiro’s mentor, David Lubin, had taught him how to set up farm cooperatives then retired to Italy from whence he attempted to set up coordinated international cooperatives linked with those not only of the United States but Argentina, Australia and all the great wheat growing areas of the world. He was seeking to corner wheat.

A good explanation of the California or Sapiro plan as it was called was given in the Century Magazine of November 1921 by the famed agitator and propagandist Gustavus Myers. A copy may be purchased from Go to the Gustavus Myers page. More about Myers further on.

Ford saw through this plan and over a series of twenty articles beginning in 1924 exposed it. As it was a Jewish program he identified it as that and Aaron Sapiro and his associates as Jews.

Cooperatives were not new, cooperatives had been attempted before while Herbert Hoover as President would encourage the cooperative movement. Apparently unable to defend the Lubin plan that Sapiro called the Sapiro plan he thought to attack Ford on an irrelevant issue- anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism had nothing to do with cooperatives while there was no law against anti-Semitism.

Sapiro tried to establish the concept that Ford was defaming a whole people, which was also no crime, that is the Jews, rather than just himself as an individual Jew. This was a great Jewish desideratum which if Sapiro had succeeded would have placed the Jewish people beyond criticism giving them dominance over the American people.

The suit misfired when the trial was deemed a mistrial. It was not resumed. The people who write the histories are pro-Jewish and anti-Ford so that while Ford had been outrageously defamed by them the Jews believed that Ford was entirely discredited amongst his own people. This was not the case.

Ford had done, was doing, great things. He was perhaps the greatest American of the twentieth century and if not of the world certainly among the top three. While his deeds and person are now belittled and disparaged by polemical writers the effect on Ford before 1933 when the Jewish protégé Franklin Roosevelt was elected president was minimal. As significant as their war on Ford was to the Jews it wasn’t that central to the country at large. There was a lot more and a lot more important things to occupy the public’s attention.

The collectivist Judaeo-Communist outlook was still not influential enough to overrule the Americanist individualist approach. In 1924 Coolidge, an individualist if there ever was one, wanted, was eager, to sell the abandoned and deteriorating facilities at Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee River to Ford to develop. Indeed the House of Representatives passed a bill to do so in overwhelming numbers but the vote was scotched by collectivists. In the event nothing was done with the embryo TVA facility until the Roosevelt administration acted on it to create the TVA along collectivist lines. Thus Roosevelt and his collectives were given the credit rather than Coolidge, Hoover, Ford and the American individualist plan.

One can only guess how history might have changed if Ford had been allowed to develop Muscle Shoals and the Tennessee River. Cheap fertilizer might have invigorated agriculture thereby interfering with the Lubin-Sapiro-California plan. In any event the TVA was delayed for ideological reasons, damn the consequences.

Ford remained in good grace through the twenties being especially well thought of by that great individualist Herbert Hoover. Ford was far from shamed. At the grand opening of his incredible Greenfield Village, Disneyland before Disneyland, in 1929 President Herbert Hoover was present for the ribbon cutting. While collectivists disparage the Village it was quite amazing for the time and remains so as it now includes a tour of River Rouge.

In 1933 when Roosevelt was inaugurated America’s past to paraphrase Ford became bunk. In the words of Greil Marcus it became ‘weird old America.’ Roosevelt and his followers of all stripes tried and reasonably succeeded in obliterating the individualistic American past.

As the Jews were at war with the German nationalists in a very different manner than they were against America and indeed against the Russian people they were converting the individualism of the first and second Americas to the European ideology of Fascism. To be opposed to Roosevelt and the New Deal made one a ‘Fascist’, or in Jewish terms an anti-Semite.

Indeed, the Jews became so influential that c. 1940 there was an attempt by the Jews to take credit for the success of the US by pretending that they were the true Americans defending democratic ideals while the older individualistic Americans personified by Charles Lindbergh were Fascists out to destroy democratic America by totalitarian methods. The idea was revived by the contemporary Jewish writer Philip Roth in his novel The Plot Against America in the early years of this century.

Internationalism then was a Jewish concept embraced by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt at the beginning of the twentieth century on the Lower East Side. Under Jewish tutelage FDR would then pursue a One World concept with a United Nations. Wilson’s League Of Nations implies a number of disparate nations cooperating together but wanting to retain separate identities. One World and a United Nations implies the obliteration of borders and nations but nations, that is peoples, would still exist separately. Therefore a situation had to be created that commingled all peoples in the puerile belief that one world, one people, one ideology would be created. Of course, the Jewish idea was that the world would all come together under them and their conception of God with themselves as the Chosen People being the administrators.

But I get ahead of myself. To return to 1933.

Part III Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself follows.


Anything Less Than Real:
Warren G. Harding Rings In The New Era
R.E. Prindle

Dedicated to Ann Coulter who is the only other person I have heard of who realizes the importance of Warren G. Harding.

It is time to reevaluate the Harding presidency as well as perhaps the Republican Interregnum between the Socialist Wilson and FDR administrations.

Perhaps the first thing to do is to dispel the notion that the Harding Administration was extraordinarily corrupt as administrations go. If one is going to call the administration corrupt then it must be against a normal standard and not isolated as a phenomenon. While Harding inherited Wilsonian corruption after the Great War, Roosevelt created the corruption of post-WWII. The money involved in the latter dwarfed anything that preceded it by incalculable amounts.

A major source of corruption after the Great War was the disposal of stores purchased for the war. These were fairly trivial amounts by later standards. In contrast the Roosevelt administration sequestered some piddling amounts of Japanese property and mega enormous amounts of German property including huge companies and scads of patents, copyrights and trademarks. Yet one never hears of these thefts, only a couple refrigerators left on back porches by Japanese. Ask yourself why? These German properties were under the personal authority of Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the officer of the Alien Properties Custodian of David Bazelon. Bazelon was both a Jew and associated with the Super Mob and Chicago’s Outfit.

After the war Bazelon used his office to enrich both Jews and criminals by selling off the pittance of Japanese properties and, in today’s values billions and billions of German properties for a penny or so on the dollar thus stealing from the Germans and defrauding the US Government of billions.

I don’t think it is necessary to list other financial malfeasances; Bazelon alone surpassed any corruption of the Harding years including Tea Pot Dome and Elk Hills. So yes, there was the inevitable postwar corruption in the Harding Administration, but not by it, of negligible proportions compared to Roosevelt.

Having put that out of the way let us now consider the state of the nation Harding inherited from the Democratic Wilson Administration. Two new developments, unprecedented developments, had occurred that were novel for a new administration to deal with. One was the terrible advent of Prohibition and the other was the women’s vote.

In this first election in which women cast their ballots we had the first landslide victory in US history. Harding captured sixty percent of the vote and all but a hundred or so of those of the Electoral College. Apropos of that Harding has been ridiculed because his campaign manager, Harry Daugherty said that Harding looked like a president should. Well, he did.

His opponent, Cox, on the other hand, looked like a mousy dip, which isn’t to say he was one, he looked like one. He was unhandsome. The choice for women thus was between a nice, big handsome Harding who looked the part and a mousy Cox who didn’t. The election was the first landslide in US history. I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.

The ground rules had changed whether you believed in it or not, elections could no longer recite the issues as men understood them but campaigns had to be crafted to include the very different concerns of women. In my estimation Harding clearly benefited from the female vote.

Prohibition was an entirely different challenge. Prohibition was an achievement of female politics. The campaign for it was carried out by criminal means. The most famous prohibitionist was the violent, psychotic Carrie Nation who entered people’s places of business and began laying about with an axe. She was allowed to get away with it. The promoters of prohibition were too limp brained to think the matter through to its conclusion apparently unaware that alcohol could easily be smuggled in from abroad or even, heaven forbid, manufactured illegally.

Some form of alcohol, wines and beers, had been part of civilization from its inception and gave some surcease from the cares of life. While the vast majority of drinkers were able to manage the pleasures there was naturally a percentage who abused alcohol. When distilled liquors became available the problem of abuse was compounded.

Nevertheless, wine, beer and strong spirits comprised a huge industry employing undoubtedly tens of thousands of people. In the reformers’ mind, as always, it seemed better to punish the majority to suppress the few.

It should have been obvious to these unhappy reformers trying to make everyone’s life as miserable as theirs that an entire illegal industry would rise from the ashes of the legal and that that illegal industry would necessarily have to be criminal and clandestine. What can one say about reformers?

Thus when the Volstead Act was passed an unprecedented wave of criminality swept over the country like a tsunami. We can blame Prohibition on the Wilson Administration on whose watch the bill was passed and enforced. Thus the Harding Administration was called on to deal with this enormous level of corruption generated by do gooders. Once again Prohibition far exceeded any of the usual political corruption of the twenties.

Now, the control of prohibition passed into the exclusive control of two immigrant groups, those of the Italians, actually Sicilians, and the Jews. Using the incredible profits of Prohibition Jews and Sicilians then were able to assume a dominant if not controlling position in US politics while being able to buy into legitimate businesses. As incredible as it may seem by the mid- to late thirties many people considered crime as just another way of doing business, an industry. Needless to say bootleg profits were used to corrupt politics at every level. How could the Harding Administration escape? Once again, just look at the FDR Administration with open eyes.

The US has always taken a romantic or sentimental view of immigration, still does. As if it justified immigration the Romanticists said that the immigrants were only seeking a better life, content themselves in the superiority of having created not only a better life than anywhere else but the best life. Liberals believe in their own superiority.

One imagines that the only reason to emigrate from one’s homeland at any time in history was to seek a better life. Perhaps invaders drove you from your country making it necessary to find a life, better or worse, somewhere else and at someone else’s expense. Perhaps one’s situation was so bitter that any place else was more attractive. Actually the prime motivating force was US employers seeking cheap labor. Not very romantic really.

Nevertheless unlimited immigration began after the Civil War during the seventies increasing yearly until 1914 when the Great War began cutting off all emigration. It was then that problems not seen as too significant became prominent. US immigration had been from Europe and when the continent went to war these old national loyalties caused fractures. It became apparent that the Melting Pot notion had failed and as Teddy Roosevelt said, the US was nothing more than an international boarding house. Sentiment was strong for the Central Powers, who we have all been taught to despise, but not as strong as that for the Allies, who we have all been taught to revere.

The Irish acting on the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend openly sided with the Central Powers against the English hence targeting US shipments to England for sabotage. The Jews whose chief enemy was the Russians refused cooperation with the Allies until Germany took Russia out of the war and then at that time and only at that time, the Jews gave the Allies full cooperation against the Germans who they then believed that they could include in the Bolshevik Revolution post war.

The Italians took a stance but issued a recall of men back from the US to fight in the war. After the war Mussolini attempted to send the Italian wounded back to the US to be medically cared for at US expense.

Of all the immigrants US nativists considered Jews and Italians as unassimilable. If nothing else, Prohibition proved that assertion as US laws meant nothing to either group. Thus it was left to the Harding Administration to deal with the long deferred problem of immigration. It would do so for the first time from a realistic perspective rather than a sentimental or romantic one.

A concomitant of immigration was that a great many of those ’seeking a better life’ had left their homelands a step or two ahead of the police as either criminals or political fugitives. They were revolutionaries seeking to overturn their own governments, Communists in a word. Their position had been strengthened by the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia while the Wilson Administration was actually Socialist in sentiment and had the war lasted a year or two longer, in fact. Wilson was on the verge of establishing a third term dictatorship to do just this, not unlike what Roosevelt achieved, when he was struck down by his stroke thus aborting that plan.

The Revolution did not confine itself to Russia but was actually being attempted through 1919 and 1920 into 1921 and the Harding Administration. The country was nearly in total disorder when Harding was sworn in, March of 1921. A necessity of the first importance was to restore order, that is, put down the Revolution. Harding was equal to that task. The Chinese proverb and curse is that may you be born into interesting times. While the elements defeated by Harding have successfully maligned his memory Warren G. Harding was actually one of the greatest US presidents.


No historian I have ever read regards the problems Harding had to solve or his lack of experience in doing so. Harding was the editor of the small town newspaper of Marion, Ohio, West of the Alleghenies in Middle America. Harding worked hard, applying himself intelligently, making a success of his paper.

He became friends with Harry Daugherty, an Ohio politician who propelled him first to the Senate and then in 1921 to the Presidency. Years before his election Harding began an affair with a young women by the name of Nan Britton by whom he had a child. Naturally Harding had no desire to have this publicized yet he behaved honorably always supporting Nan and his child. He was a decent and good man.

Much has been made of this affair as though this were immorality of an extreme nature. Historically affairs and illegitimate children have been common. No big deal. How can one be expected to condemn Harding when the later John F. Kennedy had mistresses in the White House when Jackie was not about. What is one to think of Kennedy when he had his secret service agents rounding up prostitutes from the street, three at a time, for his dalliance?

FDR publicly lived with his mistress in Georgia while his beauteous wife, Eleanor pined away up North. Bill Clinton kept his member limber by having his female aides give him fellatio during business hours in the Oval Office. Hillary didn’t object.

Was Harding a moral reprobate? Hardly.

Then, the historians attempt to make him an ignorant oaf. A competing presidential candidate William McAdoo described Harding’s oratorical abilities, not surprisingly, as ‘an army of pompous phrases marching across the landscape in search of an idea.’

Oh well, politicians, how much sense do you get out of one of them? As an example of supposedly meaningless blather they offer this pre-election statement of Harding:


America’s present need is not heroics but healing;
not nostrums, but normalcy;
not revolution but restoration;
not agitation, but adjustment;
not surgery, but serenity;
not the dramatic, but the dispassionate;
not experiment, but equipoise;
not submergence in internationality, but triumphant nationalism…


Rather than the nonsense it is portrayed as by his detractors, the speech details the problems the country was facing and the results Harding hoped to bring about and in which he largely succeeded. I’m sure his audience would have understood, whether consciously or unconsciously, exactly the issues to which he was referring. Only absurd historians have made a jumble of it. What the list amounts to is an eight point program not too different in approach than Wilson’s fourteen points. So we have a sort of political continuity between the administrations.

Let’s consider the list:
1. Not heroics, but healing. Refers to any number of problems, the waves of industrial unrest, hysterical politics and what not, a general calming down, a reduction from hysterics to the dispassionate.

2. Not nostrums but normalcy. A nostrum is a pet scheme for bringing about some social or political reform. There were enough of those going around- Prohibition, Communism et al. The issue here was the use of the word normalcy which in 1920 was incorrect although in common usage now. Normality would have been the correct word but normalcy actually carries the correct meaning that normality misses. His use of normalcy was a cause of immense hilarity and satisfaction to his detractors.

3. Not revolution but restoration. An obvious reference to the Bolsheviks and the social unrest they were causing.

4. Not agitation but adjustment. Once again political and social agitation were rife calling for the discard of current ways for impossible utopian ideals.

5. Not surgery, but serenity. Agitators called for drastic social surgery when once again calm and reflection were called for.

6. Not dramatics, but dispassion. Calm down, lower the level of hysterical passion.

7. Not experiment, but equipoise. Prohibition was a disastrous social experiment from it conception, what was needed was balance.

8. Not submergence in internationality, but triumphant nationalism. Clear enough, the League Of Nations was unworkable, out; tariffs were in, America First. The Naval Treaty.

As Harding was elected by a landslide one has to believe that the electorate knew exactly what Harding meant and whole heartedly approved of his choices. Nor did Harding disappoint; he was very popular during his presidency only successfully denigrated after his death when he was unable to defend himself.


In office only two and half years before he died in suspicious circumstances how did Harding conduct his administration? One can’t imagine today the tremendous political energy released by the Bolshevik Revolution. The world was terrified while an angry civil war ensued across the Western world financially and militarily over an exhausted Europe. The civil war lasting for several years was fought on several fronts. The war had turned from a national war to an ideological war. Reds versus Whites. In Russia the ideological war was fought on three fronts, the North of Archangel, South in the Ukraine and in Siberia East of the Urals. American troops and munitions were involved. In the end the Whites, or Czarist troops lost.

Revolutionary activities sprang up in all countries including the US. While the US was aiding the Whites, the Jews raised enormous amounts that they traitorously funneled to the Bolsheviks under the eyes of the Wilson Administration. Jacob Schiff, the Jewish Prime Minister, was called to Washington by Wilson to defend himself against charges of Bolshevism. Wilson let him off the hook. Thus as in the Viet Nam war of the 1960s and 70s Government efforts were nullified by Fifth Columnists aiding the enemy.

The Bolshevik victory in Russia gave Socialism a political base from which to operate so the Socialists and Communist cells in the US were activated lending their support to Soviet efforts. Suddenly a socialist presence was clear in labor, the churches, the arts, publishing, across the board. While official Communist membership was relatively low so that it could be denigrated as no threat it must be remembered that the successful Bolshevik Party in Russia was just a splinter of US numbers, so size is irrelevant; organization is the key.

America’s first reaction was sharp as A. Mitchell Palmer, the Attorney General of the Wilson Administration rounded up several thousands of Communists for deportation to Russia. Here the Fifth Columnists sabotaged this wise response citing peacetime US practices for this wartime attack instead of the wartime provisions Wilson had used during WWI. Palmer was compelled to release all but a couple hundred who were put aboard ‘the Soviet Ark’ and sent to Russia including Leon Trotsky who had been living in New York City and without whom the Russian Revolution might have been reversed. Trotsky was actually temporarily detained but then released for some reason.

There were substantial crackdowns on all Socialist activities including the IWW or Industrial Workers Of The World who were reduced to impotence. Their leader, Big Bill Haywood was spirited out of the country to Russia. As Harding came to office there was a virtual civil war in progress. The fact has been obscured or erased by subsequent historians who are compelled to take the Red point of view.

At the same time as this undeclared war was being fought the troops were being brought back from the land of hinky, dinky parlay voo. How ya gonna keep them down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree. Even though their lives had been totally disrupted very often destroyed for no reason now that their job was done they were thrown on the trash heap. Except by Warren G. Harding, the new president.

A not overly favorable biographer, Samuel Hopkins Adams, writing in his biography of Harding, The Tragic Years, comments favorable thusly, p. 284-5.


The glory of heroes is soon departed. The public which welcomed with oratory, banquets, and ticker-tape our fighters, returning victorious from Europe, quickly forgot those of them most sorely in need of care. Two years after the Armistice the plight of war’s human debris was pitiable. Of these the most desperate cases were 71,000 mental patients and 38,000 tuberculosis victims. F.W. Galbraith, Jr., National Commander of the American Legion, estimated on the basis of an investigation, that there were 10,000 of the disabled in cellars, poorhouses, and insane asylums. T.W. Salmon, a disinterested and competent investigator, thus reported:

“Veterans with nervous or mental troubles were without provision for care and were quartered in institutions for the criminal insane, addicts, and vicious degenerates, without Federal supervision.”

No agency in Washington was equipped to handle a problem of this magnitude. Nor was there any special public interest in it. The war was over. “Let’s forget its’ expressed the attitude of a people sated and bored with emotion.

The President (Harding) did not feel that way about it. His humanitarianism revolted from such neglect. He acted wisely and constructively in welding the disparate, overlapping guardianships into one official entity, the United States Veterans Bureau…


Compare that to the neglect and humiliation of the returning veterans of Viet Nam. The so-called Red tribunes of the people, these creeps who sabotaged their brave men’s efforts on the battlefields, heaved garbage on them as they debarked from ships and planes.

Even WWI vets who had been promised a bonus or tip for the needless disruption of their lives were denied their due by the People’s Commissar Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They were compelled to storm Washington in a semi-violent attempt to compel the fulfillment of the government’s promise. The same army they had served in was turned against them. So much for FDR and the New Deal.

With the end of the war a whole host of what were actually revolutionary acts were released. Palmer of the Wilson Administration certainly treated them that way. As a result his house was bombed putting his teeth on edge. A huge bomb not unlike that used in OK City of recent memory was detonated on Wall Street. Law and order was rapidly breaking down. Mail robberies were a daily occurrence while millions of dollars of stolen Liberty bonds were being traded. Those millions today would represent a billion dollars or more. This was big money happening. Incredible amounts of money that no group of individuals could possibly spend. Where was the money going?

A very able member of the Harding cabinet, Post Master General Will Hays tackled those problems and solved them in short order. Such a man was a danger to the Lords of Misrule. What happened to Hays? In addition to all the other problems, the Guardians of Decency were alarmed, justifiably so, at the moral content of movies. Rather than accept outside censorship of the movies the moguls decided to police themselves and as their Top Cop they lured Will Hays away from his post by an offer he could have refused but found it impossible to do. The offer was for 100,000 dollars a year. That right 100K in 1922. Was that bribery or what? After only nine months in office Hays was offered the equivalent of five million dollars a year to supervise Hollywood morals. Who wouldn’t take that while being flexible enough not to lose the job?

Since the offer came from Hollywood that tells you who was behind the mail robberies and stolen bonds and lets you know what they were worth.

Harding outlawed the Communist Party briefly in 1921 getting right on that offense too but the Fifth Columnists got that overturned.

Thus within months of being in office Harding had cleaned up a large part of untoward activity while if couldn’t actually suppress Communist activity he was at least able to force them to turn their damper down while forcing them into even deeper clandestine activity.

But, as you can see he was building up a lot of enemies who wished him dead while wanting his memory exorcised.

And then Harding had to deal with the problem of immigration, also within the first months in office. The cry for the restriction of immigration, whether it came from North, East or South had been voiced at least as early as the 1840s when the potato famine drove a couple million Irish to the New Island. Really teeming masses. And then the Forty-eighters came over as a result of the failed Communist Revolution of 1848, more wretched refuse, that led ultimately to the post-war revolutionary activity.

These members were relatively small but in the 1870s Jewish immigration from the Pale of Russia began in earnest resulting in several million people who the restrictionists believed, as it turns out, rightly, were unassimilable. And then in the nineties the Sicilians added New York to the terminal end of their migratory route from Buenos Aires through Brazil and Central America. These people too were thought rightly to be unassimilable.

And then those sweet little old ladies hacked Prohibition through the Amendment process apparently believing that the law was the law and everyone would abide by it. They held that futile belief even though they had engaged in rampant lawlessness to get the Amendment approved.

Well, a void had been created and you know what nature thinks of voids. They get filled; nature abhors them or, so we are told. What people rushed in where angels, or at least, less venturesome mortals fear to tread? These two unassimilable peoples, the Jews and Sicilians.

Nobody gets credit for being right in such situations the restrictionists were right.

In most analyses of any period the activities of Jews are always suppressed; you never are allowed to see them until they want to be seen. Nobel awards time being one. While being Omni-present we are asked to believe that their only effect on society is to win Nobel prizes. In point of fact Jews, having great presence of mind, always work behind and under the scene. Thus to understand their effort on the America of the Harding Administration one has to set a background. I’m not going to go back too far settling on the transfer of the Jewish World Government from France when the Alliance Israelite Universelle was sent to the US and became the American Jewish Committee by 1906. This was the international Jewish government that Henry Ford referred to in his Dearborn Independent articles later collected and published under the misleading but accurate title: The International Jew. The articles were published during the Battle For Ford Motors largely during Harding’s tenure.

The leader or Prime Minister of the world Jewish government was a man named Jacob Schiff, himself descended from the German Forty-eighters rather than being a Russian Jew.

In the Jewish war against the Russian Czarist government Schiff played a leading part. He was personally responsible for engineering the Russian defeat during the Russo-Japanese war of 1905.

During that war the Jews of Europe and the US denied the Russians loans to conduct war properly while Jacob Schiff personally provided the Japanese with the funds without which they couldn’t have waged war.

While Schiff himself lacked enough of the ready for the war he was on the board of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. The Equitable was sitting on a hoard of 200 million, in today’s dollars, billions. Schiff illegally used this money to loan to the Japanese. The loan caused a tremendous scandal in which Schiff skillfully avoided detection shifting the blame to the other directors.

The peace treaty was chaired by Theodore Roosevelt in the US at which proceedings Schiff led a delegation of Jews who participated as a Jewish National delegation. Stacking the deck against the Russians.

Not content to punish the Russians for alleged injustices toward Jews in Russia, Schiff and ‘the international’ Jews worked to cause the US to sever diplomatic relations with Russia which result was achieved in 1913. Thus the US became dupes of the Jews.

In 1913 the Federal Reserve System was created as a private corporation owned by ten other corporations of which nine were Jewish firms from the US and Europe. The tenth was the Rockefellers. This private firm printed US currency that it loaned back to the US government at interest, thus creating a tremendous income to be used for worldwide Jewish machinations for which there was no accounting. I would call it a brilliant move but when you’re dealing with Liberal suckers it isn’t much of an achievement.

While the Jews had had no presence in Washington DC prior to the Wilson Administration, beginning in 1913 Wilson flooded his government with them much to the consternation of the English led government of the previous hundred years plus since independence. You know, it’s not like people couldn’t see what was going on.

Coincidentally as Jews were taken into government the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith was established to counter any objections on ethnic grounds. Wilson himself was a socialist so that when the US entered the Great War a socialist takeover of the industrial system began. The railroads were immediately nationalized while the War Industries Board required all industries to submit financial details and to submit them for governmental regulations by the WIB controlled by Jews under Bernard Baruch essentially setting them up for seizure.

Of course, this provoked a violent reaction especially from Detroit and the auto industry. Ford and the Dodge Brothers objected strenuously. The Dodge Brothers used intemperate language reflecting on Baruch’s ethnic heritage that Baruch never forgave. Ford was more restrained but tarred with the Dodge’s brush. The Dodge Brothers died mysterious deaths in 1920 while their company went into limbo for years until Wall Street persuaded Walter Chrysler to take the company. An attempt was made on Ford’s life. This confrontation was also the beginning of the Battle For Ford Motors, begun in 1918 but aborted by the war ending. It was begun again on a financial front by Jewish banks trying to force a takeover.

So, the Socialist/Communist takeover of the US was very narrowly avoided. Yet the Socialist revolution had to be financed with hard cash that the Socialists didn’t have. Where was the cash to come from? From the US. The Jews had created the Federal Reserve System in 1913 very fortuitously it would seem just before the major expansion of the money supply caused by the World War. That war from the Allied side was financed entirely by the US. At war’s end the European debt to the US was enormous while it would never be repaid. It was just forgotten. Consider that when you get exercised by the current US debt. It can be forgotten too.

Yet the ten merchant banking firms who owned the Federal Reserve collected interest on every dollar of that debt. Thus the US dollars went to nine Jewish firms in both the US and Europe plus the Rockefellers.

As I have noted, as soon as the Bolsheviks seized power, Jacob Schiff rushed huge loans provided by those banks to finance the Bolshevik takeover. At the same time the devastation of the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe was total. There were still roughly five million Jews in those areas. Jewish American ‘charitable’ organizations operating under the name of the American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee began to funnel enormous amounts of cash and supplies destined only for their co-religionists into this volatile political environment where the first people on their feet would have a commanding role. Socialism or no socialism money was the key, as always. As the aforementioned Liberty bonds in Jewish hands had been stolen that was a pile of free money that was laundered. Crime was about to be organized in a way that would provide other funds in large amounts. There was a succession of Jewish crime lords that generated the money. The first in the teens was a fellow called Monk Eastman, as his criminal methods became outdated he was sent to jail to be replaced by the notorious Arnold Rothstein who set up the modern organized crime structure but as his methods became outdated he was replaced, murdered, and Lepke Buchalter took over the role to be replaced in the forties by the major fund raiser Meyer Lansky who engineered that huge cash cow, Las Vegas and gambling. As different methods were needed he, in turn, was replaced by Sidney Korshak of the Super Mob. Thus the Jewish over world was integrated with the Jewish underworld functioning as a unit.

In celebration of these criminals the Jews recently created the National Museum Of Organized Crime in its capitol of Las Vegas, Nevada. The nationality referred to in the National Museum is that of the Jews otherwise they would have called it either the American-Jewish Museum or simply the American Museum Of Organized Crime. So you can go to Vegas and admire the criminals deeds of these stellar Jews.

Seemingly almost a gift from heaven to the criminals, Prohibition came along in 1920. This gave the financial basis for organizing crime as a ‘business’ thus opening vistas only dreamed of before the Volstead Act. Prohibition also created an insuperable problem that plagued the Republican Interregnum. Amazingly Prohibition began in a Democratic Administration and ended almost by fiat in the Democratic Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt twelve years later, one of the those coincidental linkages between Wilson and FDR. Upon taking office Roosevelt held up a glass of obviously bootleg beer and announced that Prohibition was over. Just like that. Was the fix in from the beginning to end or wasn’t it?

But, back to the Battle Of Ford Motors for a moment. The bankers wanted Ford Motors not only because they hated Henry Ford but because Ford Motors was a bonanza waiting to be realized almost bigger than Prohibition.

Ford valued his company at something over a billion dollars. He had completely vertically integrated his company. That means he not only made the cars but he owned the metal mines and smelted the ores, he owned huge forests he cut and processed, coal mines to fuel his furnaces and even the railroad that carried the coals from the Line to River Rouge. He had subsidiaries worldwide. By 1920 Fords could be bought actually in any country in the world. Like Sherwin-Williams boasted of their paints, Ford covered the world.

The value of the company was compacted. In the bankers’ hands the company could be broken up into its component parts increasing the stock market value to three or four billion, all free money, especially as they were trying to buy Ford at the bankruptcy rate of 10 cents on the dollar. So you see how fiercely the Battle For Ford Motors was fought. You can see why Ford fought back by running his exposes of Jewish machinations, which were true, in his Dearborn Independent. The Independent was also the first nationally distributed newspaper by the way.

Henry Ford won the battle but ultimately lost the war.

So as you can see, Harding was elected into one of, if not the, most tumultuous times in American history and acquitted himself extremely well. His efforts were also appreciated by the American public that awarded him the highest approval ratings during his term in office.

His actions also made him many enemies not least of whom were the Communists and Jews. While Jews were prominent in Washington during the Wilson years and again in the Roosevelt years they were conspicuously absent during the Republican Interregnum. The Communists too, while if not destroyed, were harassed and suppressed forcing them to adopt different tactics while frustrating their desire for an immediate conquest.

On the immigration front too, Harding’s policy of realistic restricted immigration frustrated the desires of the sentimental immigrationists. Harding passed a restrictive bill quickly in 1921 that was augmented under Coolidge’s Administration in 1924 and survived almost intact until 1965 thus giving the country much needed breathing room to attempt to assimilate those already here to attempt to turn them into one national unit. It didn’t happen.

It is not particularly well known but in 1914 the Jews had formulated a plan and organized it to transfer the entire Jewish population of the Pale of Settlement to the US utilizing the ports of New Orleans and Corpus Christi, those ports being less conspicuous than New York City and Boston.

The war, of course, aborted that plan, and just as the Jews were about to activate the plan after the war Harding slammed through a restricted immigration act based on quotas seemingly aimed directly at excluding Jews period. This was an unforgivable crime in Jewish eyes while also forcing them to change their plan of the conquest of the New Promised Land.

Harding also dealt with internationalism rejecting the League Of Nations in favor of nationalistic policies. In the first years of the new century the Japanese had sent paramilitary troops for the pre-invasion of California, thus all the Japanese immigrants were men without women. The Californians who had already forced passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 objected vehemently to the Japanese invasion. Rather than offend the Japanese by protecting his own country the Teddy Roosevelt Administration came to a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ whereby the Japanese would no longer send ‘working men’ but only doctors and lawyers. I think Teddy called his administration the Square Deal. He must have known what he was talking about; that solution was certainly square.

After the war then with no military invasion imminent these men demanded women. Thus began the strange phenomenon of the Japanese Picture Brides. The men and women exchanged pictures making their selection on that basis and then the women were sent to California for marriage. Many interesting situations arose from that.

Still there was a great deal of hostility between the US and Japan. The hostility was actually caused one sidedly by the US. Very embarrassing situation. It began in 1853 when Admiral Matthew Perry ‘opened’ Japan at the mouths of his cannon. What’ll it be he sneered from the poop deck: Yes or no.

The relationship was exacerbated in the 1870s when anti-slavery Yankee planters landed in Yokohama and forcibly abducted a hundred or so Japanese to labor on their old plantations in Hawaii. I can see how the Yankees got so exercised by Southern slavery in the US. So, while I have to side with the US the Japanese have always had a legitimate grievance that could only be satisfied by war. I mean, come on, they had to regain their manhood after having been emasculated in 1853.

Nevertheless in 1908 TR said we would have to fight those fellows within thirty years and he only missed by a few years.

Thus in 1922 the Washington Naval Treaty was negotiated as, we suppose, an example of triumphant nationalism as opposed to the internationalism of the League of Nations. The Naval Treaty limited the size of naval fleets inadvertently favoring the Japanese. But the belligerence remained at a high level that left the then territory of Hawaii vulnerable. Naval fuel was shifting from coal to oil so while coaling stations had been established there were no oil storage facilities on Oahu the site of the Pearl Harbor Naval Station.

This was a dangerous situation. It was difficult to get Congress to act so some enterprising American oil men, Doheny and Sinclair, set about to remedy the situation on their own. Now, too oil fields, Tea Pot Dome in Wyoming and Elk Hills near Bakersfield, had been set aside as Naval Preserves. The storage facilities in Hawaii would be naval, so there is a connection.

Doheny and Sinclair set about to build the oil storage on their own and to fill the tanks they negotiated to use the naval preserves Teapot Dome and Elk Hills for oil supplies. This deal was used as an excuse to create a huge scandal, although after Harding’s death. Nevertheless the storage facilities were built and filled with oil so that when the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor duly came the US was duly prepared.

Two and a half years into his presidency Harding began a tour of the West Coast during which he suddenly died. Some said poison some said heart attack but they got him into the ground so quickly there was no autopsy. Anytime the rules are broken its cause for suspicion. Some said his wife killed him but I have a hard time believing that.

Of course we have no way of knowing whether he was assassinated or not but there were many who may have wished his dead. Harding had sidetracked the Revolution, derailing it, while forcing the Bolsheviks further underground. His immigration act had thwarted Jewish plans to bring over five million fellow Jews. So actually Harding was ‘responsible’ for the death of all those Jews in the holocaust although I don’t think he’s ever been officially accused.

Neither the Jews nor the Communists have earned a reputation for being forgiving so both groups certainly had a motive. But, the problem is incapable of solution so let it drop.

Harding was only in office for two and a half years but what a two and a half years, hey? What a bunch of insoluble problems dealt with and well. He defused the Revolution, ended unrestricted immigration, tried to limit naval armaments and battled old Demon Rum. I suppose if he had had the chutzpah of FDR he would have said simply that Prohibition was nonsense and refused to implement the law. Would he had.

The profits of Prohibition went to establish Organized Crime. And from booze the criminals went on to gambling breaking down US legal resistance by using States Rights to legalize gambling in Nevada. From Nevada it has spread to every State in the Union. Carrie Nation is ultimately responsible for creating Organized Crime and hence the corruption of the Nation. That’s what happens when you put the girls in charge. And the little girl didn’t even have the vote. No, but she had the Power Of Positive Thinking. Just get it done.

My point is that Warren G. Harding rather than being the worst president of the United States was perhaps one of the greatest. It was just that he offended some vindictive people and they had the power of the press…and radio…and the movies…and…

The Protocols of Zion were so Nineteenth Century. Post-war America was the New Era of the Twentieth Century.

Edgar Rice Burroughs And The Revolt Against Civilization
A Review Of
Lothrop Stoddard’s Eponymous Title


R.E. Prindle

Lothrop Stoddard

Lothrop Stoddard

Stoddard, Lothrop: The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace Of The Underman, 1922, New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, First Edition.

In the name of our To-morrow we will burn Rafael
Destroy museums, crush the flowers of art,
Maidens in the radiant kingdom of the Future
Will be more beautiful than Venus de Milo.

Quoted by Stoddard p. 202

A perennial problem in Burroughs’ studies is what did he believe? Was he a racist? Was he an anti-Semite? Was he an irredeemable bigot? Shall we just say he was not of a contemporary Liberal frame of mind. If you listen to Richard Slotkin author of Gunfighter Nation and a professor at Case Western Reserve at the time he wrote his book a couple decades ago, Edgar Rice Burroughs was an evil man responsible for all the evil in the US from 1912 to the present. Slotkin even sees him responsible for the My Lai massacre of Viet Nam.

Himself a Communist Slotkin can overlook all the crimes of the Soviet Union in which tens of millions were exterminated to find the ultimate evil in the killing of a few dozen people in Viet Nam.

Slotkin, who rampages through his history disparaging any non-Liberal writers as atavistic bigots firmly attaches Burroughs’ name to two scholars, Madison Grant and his Passing Of The Great Race of 1916 and Lothrop Stoddard and his historical studies of the twenties. He considers the two hardly less evil than Burroughs. To someone less excitable, perhaps, or lessLiberal, the two writers have written responsible and astute studies. I certainly think they have.

When I first read Slotkin I rejected the notion that Burroughs had been influenced by either. Ten years on I have to retract that opinion. It is now clear that Burroughs read both while being heavily influenced by Lothrop Stoddard, especially his 1922 volume, The Revolt Against Civilization. While the studies of both Grant and Stoddard would at best supplement Burroughs already developed opinions The Revolt can easily be seen as a template for Burroughs’ writing after he read it. While the study complemented his own developed social and political opinions I am sure that Stoddard’s explication of the history provided Burroughs with many new facts. Based on its opinions that appeared in ERB’s novels I would place the reading somewhere about 1926 or 1927.

Contrary to what some admirers want to make him ERB was what today would be considered a very conservative man, today’s Liberals would be anathema to him. He was decidedly anti-Communist, a Eugenicist, while not bigoted he was not a Negrophile or Semitophile. He was essentially a man with a social and historical outlook that was formed before 1900, a pre-immigration outlook formed while the Indian wars were still in progress. In short he was a man of his times.

Thomas Dixon Jr. to whom he is often compared was one of the most successful writers of the period who carefully examined both the Civil War and Reconstruction as well as the growing Socialist/Communist movement. He was not a bigot as he is always construed but a man of his own people. Burroughs was influenced by his work and thought well of him. He did not abhor him. ERB read many of Dixon’s novels and admired the movie based on his books, The Birth Of A Nation. He sympathized with Henry Ford in his struggle for the welfare of America and read the Dearborn Independent, Ford’s newspaper. In short, Burroughs was a stand up guy.

Now, what evidence is there he read The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace Of The Underman? Let’s begin with this quote, p. 34 et seq.


Down to that time the exact nature of the life process remained a mystery. The mystery has now been cleared up. The researches of [August] Weisman and other modern biologists have revealed the fact that all living beings are due to a continuous stream of germ plasm which has existed ever since life first appeared on earth and which will continue to exist as long as any life remains. This germ-plasm consists of minute germ cells which have the power of developing into human living beings. All human beings spring from the union of a male sperm-cell and a female egg-cell. Right here, however, occurs the basic feature of the life process. The new individual consists, from the start, of two sorts of plasm. Almost the whole of him is body plasm – the ever multiplying cells which differentiate into the organs of the body. But he also contains germ- plasm. At his very conception a tiny bit of the life stuff from which he springs is set aside or carefully isolated from the body-plasm, and forms a course of development entirely its own. In fact, the germ-plasm is not really part of the individual; he is merely its bearer, destined to pass it on to other bearers of the life chain.

Now all this was not only unknown but even unsuspected down to a short time ago. Its discovery was in fact dependent upon modern scientific methods. Certainly, it was not likely to suggest itself to even the most philosophic mind. Thus, down to a generation ago, the life stuff was supposed to be a product of the body, not differing essentially in character from other body products. This assumption had two important consequences. In the first place, it tended to obscure the very concept of heredity, and led men to think of environment as virtually all important; in the second place, even where the importance of heredity was dimly perceived the role of the individual was misunderstood, and he was conceived as a creator rather than a mere transmitter. This was the reason for the false theory of “the inheritance of acquired characteristics,” formulated by Lamarck and upheld by most scientists until almost the end of the nineteenth century. Of course, Lamarckianism was merely a modification of the traditional ‘environmentalist’ attitude: it admitted that heredity possessed some importance, but it maintained environment as the basic feature.


Now there you have the argument of God in Tarzan And The Lion Man of 1933 nearly word for word. I hink it unlikely that ERB actually read Weisman who published following 1900 and who ERB may never have heard of, so his source was in all probability Stoddard.

Stoddard’s presentation nicely straddles the change of consciousness from the nineteenth to the twentieth century. It sounds a trifle naïve to our ears but was cutting edge at the time. Weisman’s theories were a big step in the direction of the discovery of DNA a short 26 years after Stoddard’s study.

It is important though to remember that more than fifty percent of the US population today rejects the concept of evolution while being more Lamarckian in outlook than might be supposed. We are as a whole not quite as advanced as we think we are.

As a quick affirmation of the influence of Stoddard on ERB on pages 95-96 he gives an account of the famous Jukes family of degenerates that appeared in ERB’s 1932 novelette, Pirate Blood.

Stoddard was well aware of what was happening historically and presently and one can see that he passed that understanding on to ERB. Almost as though writing today, on page 237 Stoddard writes:


Stressful transition is the key-note of our times. Unless all signs be faulty, we stand at one of those momentous crises in history when mankind moves from one well-marked epoch to another of widely different character.


Extremely prescient observation in 1922 while his study has been borne out in detail. The chapter titles give a clear outline of the contents:

1. The Burden Of Civilization
2. The Iron Law Of Equality
3. The Nemesis Of The Inferior
4. The Lure Of The Primitive
5. The Ground Swell Of Revolt
6. The Rebellion Of The Underman
7. The War Against Chaos
8. Neo-Aristocracy

As can be easily seen novelists such as Rider Haggard, ERB, Edgar Wallace as well as many others from 1890 to the 20s were grappling with the problems indicated by the chapter titles.

The natural tendency in humans is to be rather lax in mental activity. Precision calls for an active mentality and concentration. Not everyone is capable of this, yet, beginning in the nineteenth century such mental qualities were increasingly necessary. Such disciplines as Chemistry and Physics didn’t allow for personal vagaries or individual style. One couldn’t bend the disciplines to one’s own desires, precise measurements were necessary requiring mental concentration. A little bit off and who knows what might happen. In a way then the Overman and Underman were created. Either you could or you couldn’t and if you couldn’t you slipped beneath- an Underman. Higher civilization was impossible for you.

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Burroughs addressed this problem continually. In his character Tarzan he resolved the problem giving his creation a split personality, in a loin cloth he was one man, in a tuxedo he was another. Two separate gorillas in one and always a beast. In real life society split into two possibilities- the Over and Underman.

Worse still scientific methods were able to measure the ineffable, the unseen. In chemistry sub-tiny atoms were able to be detected and their sub-miniscule weights actually measured. Measurement is the bane of the Underman. A Mole contains 6,022 x 10 to the 23rd power of atoms, an incredible incomprehensible number that still might weigh 12 grams or less. Astonishing. Beyond the comprehension hence belief of the Underman. As the process can’t be seen it can’t be believed.

In human intelligence the Englishman Francis Galton began to devise measuring devices of intelligence in 1865 shortly after Darwin announced Evolution in 1959. Thus uncertainty about mental capacity was eliminated. As Stoddard calls it, The Iron Law Of Inferiority. Biology and measuring excluded something like eighty-five percent of the population from the ranks of the most intelligent. Without that high measurement of intelligence 85% of the population was automatically excluded from the possibility of higher attainment while at the same time being prejudged.

Big strapping fellows, all man, were relegated to manual labor while wimps like perhaps, John D. Rockefeller, became billionaires. Not right, the big strapping fellows said, but not measuring up in intelligence, which they couldn’t see, they were condemned to the shovel for life.

Intelligence measuring tests were improved between 1865 and 1920 although not as accurate as could be desired. Men entering the armed forces in WWI were an excellent testing group. Of 1,700,000 tested intelligence levels were fairly accurately determined. It was then discovered that only four and a half percent were very bright with another seven or eight percent bright, while the huge bulk were C+ to C- descending from there.

One imagines Burroughs read this with extreme thoughtfulness.

So, now as the bulk of the good things were going to those who could do, what were those who couldn’t do about it? The great issue since 1789 has been equality; the Underman demanded equality as a first condition. He could organize. He could sabotage. He could rage. And that is what the Underman has done.

The Communist Party was formed. And what was their chief demand? Equality. Absolute equality. As they couldn’t rise to a natural equality then the only other feasible solution was to bring the Superior intelligences down to their level. Thus they raged against that great equalizer, education. Screw science, screw physics, screw chemistry, screw biology. Who needed what you couldn’t see and that especially included intelligence measuring?

One of ERB’s bete noires was the I.W.W.- The Industrial Workers Of The World, syndicalists. Imagine his reaction when he read this:


Viewed in the abstract, technical sense, Syndicalism does not seem to present any specially startling innovations. It is when we examine the Syndicalists’ animating spirit, their general philosophy of life, and the manner which they propose to obtain their ends, that we realize we are in the presence of an ominous novelty,- the mature philosophy of the Under Man. This philosophy of the Under-Man is today called Bolshevism. Before the Russian Revolution it was known as Syndicalism. But Bolshevism and Syndicalism are basically one and the same thing. Soviet Russia has really invented nothing. It is merely practicing what others had been preaching for years- with such adaptation as normally attend the putting of theory into practice.

Syndicalism, as an organized movement, is primarily the work of two Frenchmen, Fernand Pelloutier and Georges Sorel. Of course, just as there were Socialist before Marx, so there were Syndicalists before Sorel. Syndicalism’s intellectual progenitor was Proudhon, who in his writings had closely sketched out the Syndicalist theory. As for Syndicalism’s savage, violent, uncompromising spirit, it is clearly Anarchist in origin., drawing its inspiration not only from Proudhon but also from Bakunin, [Johann] Most, and all the rest of that furious company of revolt.

Georges Sorel

Georges Sorel

“Revolt!” This is the essence of Syndicalism: a revolt, not merely against modern society but against Marxian Socialism as well. And the revolt was well timed. When, at the very end of the nineteenth century, Georges Sorel lifted the red banner of Syndicalism, the hour awaited the man. The proletarian world was full of discordant and disillusionment at the long dormant Marxian philosophy. Half a century had passed since Marx first preached his gospel, and the revolutionary millennium was nowhere in sight. Society had not become a world of billionaires and beggars. The great capitalists had not swallowed all. The middle classes still survived and prospered. Worst of all, from the revolutionary viewpoint, the upper grades of the working classes had prospered, too. The skilled workers were, in fact, becoming an aristocracy of labor. They were acquiring property and thus growing capitalistic; they were raising their living standards and thus growing bourgeois. Society seemed endowed with a strange vitality! It was even reforming many of the abuses which Marx had pronounced incurable. When, then, was the proletariat to inherit the earth?

The Proletariat! That was the key word. The van, and even the main body of society, might be fairly on the march, but behind lagged a rear guard. Here, were, first of all, the lower working class strata- the “manual” laborers in the narrower sense, relatively ill paid and often grievously exploited. Behind these again came a motley crew, the rejects and misfits of society. “Casuals” and “unemployables”, “down-and-outs” and declasses, victims of social evils, victims of bad heredity and their own vices, paupers, defectives, degenerates, and criminals- they were all there. They were there for many reasons, but they were all miserable, and they were all bound together by a certain solidarity- a sullen hatred of the civilization from which they had little to hope. To these people evolutionary, “reformist” socialism was cold comfort. Then came the Syndicalists promising, not evolution but revolution; not in the dim future but the here and now; not a bloodless “taking over” by “the workers” hypothetically stretched to include virtually the whole community, but the bloody “dictatorship” of The Proletariat in its narrow revolutionary sense.

Here, at last, was living hope- hope, and the prospect of revenge! Is it then strange that a few short years should have seen revolutionary Socialists, Anarchists, all the anti-social forces of the whole world grouped under the banner of Georges Sorel? For a time they went under different names syndicalists in France, Bolshevists in Russia, I.W.W.s in America but in reality they formed one army, enlisted in a single war.

Now, what was this war? It was, first of all, a war for the conquest of Socialism as a preliminary to the conquest of society. Everywhere the orthodox Socialist parties were fiercely assailed. And these Socialist assaults were formidable, because the orthodox Socialists possessed no moral line of defense. Their arms were palsied by the virus of their revolutionary tradition. For however evolutionary and non-militant the Socialists might have been in practice, in theory they had remained revolutionary their ethics continuing to be those of the “class war”, the destruction of the “possessing classes” and the “dictatorship of the proletariat.”

The American economist, Carver, will describe the ethics of socialism in the following lines: “Marxian Socialism has nothing in common with idealistic Socialism. It rests not on persuasion, but on force. It does not profess to believe, as did the old idealists, that if socialism be lifted up it will draw all men to it. In fact, it has no ideals; it is materialistic and militant. Being materialistic and atheistic, it makes no use of such terms as right and justice, unless it be to quiet the consciences of those who still harbor such superstitions. It insists that these terms are mere conventionalities; the concepts mere bugaboos invented by the ruling caste to keep the masses under control. Except in a conventional sense, from this crude materialistic view there is neither a right or wrong, justice nor injustice, good or bad. Until people who still believe in such silly notions divest their minds of them they will never understand the first principles of Marxian socialism.

“Who creates our ideas of right and wrong?” asks the Socialist. “The ruling class. Why? To insure their domination over the masses by depriving them of the power to think for themselves. We, the proletarians, when we get into power, will dominate the situation; we shall be the ruling class; we shall determine who is right and wrong. Do you ask us if what we propose is just? What do you mean by justice? Do you ask if it is right? What do you mean by right? It will be good for us. That is all that right and justice ever did or ever can mean!

People ask what Burroughs believed? Was he a racist? Was he an anti-Semite? Well, Burroughs’ beliefs can be extrapolated from the above quote as well as Stoddard’s whole book. If Burroughs could have expressed himself concisely he would have written The Revolt Against Civilization. You don’t have to look any further.

There could be no more ardent anti-Communist, anti-Socialist, anti-IWW than ERB. The book was published five years after the Russian Revolution, a mere three years after the narrow quelling of the Communist disturbances of 1919 while in 1922 the Harding administration was putting the finishing touches on the suppression of that Communist revolution in the US. Make no mistake the crimes of 1919 were part of an American Bolshevik revolution. Things would not return to what Harding called normalcy but it would be a reasonable facsimile that would endure until the engineered great crash of 1929 opening the way for the Communist revolution of FDR in the US.

These were perilous times ERB was living in no less than those of today. One can’t be sure when Burroughs read Revolt but many of the same themes almost in quotation were employed in his 1926 novel The Moon Maiden. And from the Moon Maiden he went to the more sophisticated approaches of his great political novels from Tarzan At The Earth’s Core to Tarzan And The Lion Man.

As Stoddard thinks the Underman breeds at a very fast rate while the Overman limits his family the obvious consequence is that people of intelligence decrease rapidly in relation to the Underman. Of course Stoddard has all kinds of tables and charts to prove his point. As this was published in 1922 the results are heavily skewed to prove the English are the top of the heap; a result not uncongenial to Burroughs’ sensibilities.

One imagines that as of induction time in 1917-18 a great many of the recent immigrants at least had underdeveloped English language skills that affected the results but at this point it no longer matters; the general idea has been proved sound.

As we have a war between the Underman and the Overman and make no mistake, as far as Sorel and the Syndicalist/Bolshevik ideology goes it is a war to the knife, it may be asked what Stoddard’s formula for the Overman’s success might be.

This returns us to the Underman’s great fear that science, that is objective analysis supported by an array of facts will condemn him to the virtual condition of servitude. It might be surmised that this is an intolerable but inescapable conclusion unless education and science are destroyed reducing the more intelligent to the masses.


Stoddard then relying on Darwinian and Weismanian evolution and the notion of Eugenics introduced by Francis Galton resolves the problem by ending the reproduction of the ‘defective’ classes, that is, forced sterilization. Forced sterilization was actually employed. It is interesting that he never brings in the issue of race thus on the surface his book is neither racist for anti-Semitic. However as the book assumes that the superior intelligences are English or Nordic the text qualifies as anti-Semitic in Jewish eyes and hence has been placed on the Jewish Index Of Forbidden Literature.

One may be horrified at the Eugenic solution to the intelligence problem but one must be equally horrified at the Underman solution to their Overman problem. Liquidation is more horrifying than sterilization and Liquidation was employed by the Underman in Russia and will be employed again if they can consolidate their gains in the US and Europe today.

The problem is that while being founded in reality it is impossible in execution. The human mind is too subjective to be trusted with such a great responsibility. Many statues were placed on the books commanding forced sterilization and many such were executed.

Schools classes were organized based on supposed mental aptitudes. How objectively I will demonstrate by my own example. Until Jr. High in my home town schools did not systematically differentiate based on mental capacity, however at the end of the ninth grade just before I.Q. testing in the tenth there were three options, Trade School for those deemed not of academic ability, in other words destined for the labor force, and once in high school a division between business, that is white collar, and college prep. This was still a process of self-selection thus I signed up for high school however someone changed my papers to trade school.

Thus when I showed for classes at high school, I was told I was enrolled at trade school. Now, this was the fight of my life, and for it. I was told I was in trade school and to get out. I said I wasn’t leaving and sat down where I waited for four days for the situation to resolve itself. My argument was that the law required that I be given an education and it wouldn’t be at trade school. Whatever the behind the scenes machinations were I was reluctantly allowed to enter but they then insisted it would be business level while I demanded college prep. With an unexplained prescience I was told that I would never go to college so I should be in business. Nevertheless I won that struggle too.

I am sure that if enforced sterilization had been possible at the time I would have been compelled to undergo it.

Now, here’s the kicker. Came time for I.Q. tests and I placed in the upper four percent. I have no idea what the reaction to that was although my critics had to tone down their act. So human passions invalidated the whole Eugenic idea.

In other words there is no equable solution to this terrible human dilemma.

In that sense the solution offered by Aldus Huxley in his famous comic novel Brave New World is of some interest. In Huxley’s story he enlists science, chemistry, to produce different levels of mental competence. The zygote is nurtured in test tubes while at certain levels of development certain chemicals are introduced limiting the development of the fetus. Thus the labor problem is solved by creating classes only capable of menial tasks. The upper classes are bred like race horses to various degrees of excellence. Huxley was tongue in cheek to be sure but, actually the only solution to this otherwise insoluble problem.

Stoddard didn’t introduce any ideas to which Burroughs wasn’t already familiar and in agreement. At best Stoddard’s superb research and explication clarified ERB’s understanding for him. I don’t know how familiar he was with Georges Sorel. Today Sorel is unknown except to specialists although I am beginning to see his name pop up so with the Communist regime of Barack Obama perhaps the way is being prepared for Sorel’s extreme measures of exterminating the Overman.

At any rate I have come to the opinion that Richard Slotkin is correct in thinking the Burroughs had read and was in accord with both Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard. However Slotkin evaluates their work through the distortion of his own Communistic lens which is only valid to those of his point of view.

His view does not make Burroughs a racist or anti-Semite. It makes him an objective and accurate observer and analyst of the situation of his time. As indicated above Burroughs absorbed Stoddard’s information, that point of view and used it to create his wonderful works of the late twenties and first half of the thirties. If one bears Stoddard’s book in mind while reading those novels it will make them make great sense while presenting his view of the political and social situation

Of course the novels are not confined solely to dealing with these issues; Burroughs had a much more far ranging mind, both subjectively and objectively.

Stoddard’s The Revolt Against Civilization is a major study as relevant today as the day it was written. The last ninety years have only borne out his theses. The Revolt Against Civilization is well worth a read, perhaps two. At any rate you will have an accurate idea of Burroughs’ social and political beliefs.



R.E. Prindle


Adventures In The Unconscious

In the attempt to put together a historical puzzle the missing piece or pieces, the clarifying pieces, appear from time to time. Thus with the release of the movie, Captain America this year a significant piece of the puzzle falls into place that clarifies the role of Edgar Rice Burroughs and his literary creations in the panorama of the twentieth century- the fabulous twentieth century.

It is difficult today to conceive of how the early twentieth century was perceived as a complete break with the Victorian nineteenth. One only has to compare the streamlined Santa Fe Chief in this picture alongside a nineteenth century locomotive to see how the Twentieth Century was perceived as the century of absolute exciting progress. The time certainly justified General Electric’s motto: Progress is our most important product.

Twentieth Century Unlimitied. Santa Fe Super Chief Alongside Nineteenth Century Locomotive- San Diego Calif. Back when the future was something to look forward to.

Burroughs role in this fabulous century is essentially the story of how Edgar Rice Burroughs created the concept of the super hero on the cusp of the emergent movie and comic book industries. It is in the latter two industries that the super hero found his definition.

Photographing The Past- Edgar Rice Burroughs

Just as in the days of yore mankind projected its needs in the psychological projection of Gods so the twentieth century saw the beginning of the demise of the old gods and the birth of the new. While the creators of the Old Gods have disappeared into the mists of time, and there must have been human creators of the Gods, the creators of the new gods can be easily traced.

The predecessors of the Superheroes can be found in the rise of the mega intellects of the nineteenth century detectives such as Monsieur LeCoq, Sherlock Holmes and arch fiends such as Dr. Moriarty and the French Fantomas. Influenced by such as these Edgar Rice Burroughs created the actual prototypes of the mid-century superheroes in the characters of John Carter of Mars and Tarzan The Ape Man. While John Carter is less well known than Tarzan, who became a household word within a half dozen years of his creation, Carter truly had super human powers having been transported from the higher gravity of Earth to the lower gravitational field of Mars, or Barsoom, as Burroughs renamed the planet.

While not able to leap over tall buildings his saltational powers functioned at a level of efficiency unattained by any other Barsoomian. For a decade or so Burroughs had the superhero field to himself while his lessons sunk in to the minds of those following him.

The Shadow Knows

The two most significant men of extraordinary if not super human powers to follow Tarzan and John Carter were Maxwell Grant’s superb character, The Shadow and Lester Dent’s Doc Savage. Preceding the comic book character Superman by a few years Doc Savage was actually advertised as a superman, undoubtedly in reference to Nietzsche.

Then in the early thirties in addition to movies, in which Tarzan was a stellar attraction, the modern comic book or magazine came into existence. Of course newspaper comic strips had been developing from the turn of the century but the actual comic book was a development of the thirties.

As fate would have it the comic book industry like the movie industry became a province of the Jews.

Doc Savage- The Man Of Bronze And Crew

Thus two streams of influence formed comic book heroes. On the one hand the Jewish writers and cartoonists were influenced by John Carter, Tarzan, The Shadow, and Doc Savage and on the other by a fifteenth century Jewish super creature known as the Golem. This was a creature fashioned from clay, as per Adam of the Old Testament, by a Prague Rabbi named Loewe who breathed life into his creation as God had breathed life into Adam. The Golem was created to wreak vengeance on Jewish victims as a sort of avenger as would be the status and role of the latter day Jewish superheroes of the comic books.

First out of the box in 1938 was the prototype of the rest of the comic book heroes, Superman. Like Burroughs with his creations the two Jewish creators built Superman’s origins from the Biblical story of the Exodus. Tarzan of course was born to noble English parents in Darkest Africa who then died or were killed by the Great Apes while the she ape, Kala, snatched him from the cradle and raised him as an ape.

Superman was born of noble parents on the planet Krypton which was about to be destroyed, and sent on a rocket ship to Earth while his parents died. On Earth he was raised by kindly goy Earth people. Thus we have two different versions of Moses in the bullrushes. Superman, then, combined John Carter and Tarzan.

Superman was a good thing in commercial terms being the equivalent of a literary best seller. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so that while Superman imitated Burroughs’ great characters a host of comic book superheroes soon trod in Superman’s footsteps. Next in 1939 there was Batman, probably the most successful of the Jewish superheroes, and then in 1940 the temporarily successful Captain America, really the product of WWII, losing his popularity with the end of the war. The most successful of all the superheroes was the strange goyish creation, Capt. Marvel but he doesn’t concern us here.


From Out Of The Unconscious Depths


The above is very interesting I’m sure but what significance does it have; what is its meaning; what is going on? Well, the back story is very interesting indeed. One must remember that our lives are not lived in a social vacuum of unrelated incidents. All is part of a continuum that does not just happen but is created by the participants. All is a drive to attain a desire. The question is who are the participants? As has already been indicated, the Jews and the Gentiles or goyim. From what do those desires arise? Suggestion. Suggestions having been received, when a body of suggestions have been ingested, our minds begin to digest those suggestions. One then interprets the suggested reality according to one’s temperament which itself has been built on a body of suggestions.

All society is education, indoctrination and conditioning, in other words hypnotic suggestion. Burroughs was born in 1875 as the scientific revolution was in an advanced stage of development; by 1893 when Burroughs was seventeen the whole of human knowledge and scientific advances was put on exhibition at the Chicago Columbian Exposition. The Expo was probably the high water mark in Western Civilization or, at least, its confidence in itself. The Expo was an unparalleled achievement of human endeavor far surpassing all expos of the nineteenth century with the possible exception of the 1851 London Exposition. Interestingly both were burned to the ground by anti-civilization elements. The Columbian Expo of 1893 was the most powerful element of Burroughs’ education.

Shortly before the boy’s birth in 1875 the character of immigration changed. In 1871 Jews from the eastern European Pale of Settlement began to flood the country until in 1914 possibly half of European Jewry had been transferred to the United States. The great immigration myth is that the immigrants were assimilated into the ‘Melting Pot’ of the United States; nothing could be further from the truth. The immigrants merely transferred their national cultures to the United States where because they were compelled to speak English it appeared that they had been assimilated. In reality the immigrants came to the sparsely populated United States where they established an outremer population on the New Island as the Irish had it, a new Sicily, a new Zion etc. They came in such numbers that they actually were colonists. The old cultures were merely adapted to the new realities and developed along side the Native peoples.

These alien or invading cultures then shaped the development of the United States in their image as much as possible. Thus they were able to blame their cultural shortcomings on ‘America’ while emphasizing their virtues as their own. Hence ‘America’ developed into a sort of dirty word, a catchall for the crimes of the immigrant cultures. This state of affairs was masked until the Great War when the social conflicts came into the open and were immediately subsumed into the Communist ideology after 1917.

Young Burroughs observed this immigration phenomenon or suggestion with misgivings associating himself with Nativist views although he remained independent to our knowledge of association with Nativist organizations. Thus while interpretations of these social suggestions are found through out his early writings the conflict didn’t come to a head until after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in what became the USSR as Russia disappeared from the map. With all the national dissidents operating under the rubric of Communism the world was divided into us and them- ostensibly Communism and Capitalism. The dichotomy was created by the Communists. However each national culture could function with representatives in each camp while furthering their parochial objectives.

It was a new world the morning after the Bolshevik Revolution. Burroughs immediately came into collision with the new realities. As this new world was us and them it was possible to hate Communism while retaining virtue in the Capitalist camp. However one couldn’t detest national, religious or racial components even though they may have been Communists. As Communists always denied being Communists one was always dealing with cultural groups that dissembled their Communism.

When Burroughs began his career in literature even as he wrote the movies began to assume a transcendent place in US and world culture. By the end of the second decade it was evident that movies were where the big money was. That’s when Burroughs’ troubles began.

He quickly ran afoul of the Communists who controlled publishing and the Jews who controlled the movies. The Communists wished to suppress all non-Communist writers who refused to put out the Communist message. The Jews wished to discourage all criticism of their activities. Burroughs was marked out as one to be destroyed.

Rabbi Silver- A History Of Messianic Speculation In Israel, 1927

Behind the Communist outrage and obscured by it was the Jewish attempt to realize the Messianic age which assault was begun in Europe and the United States in 1913 and was to continue to 1928 according to Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver. While the assault was violent in Europe emanating from the transformation of Russia to the USSR, in the United States it was more peaceable after the violent year of 1919 while being conducted on a propagandistic and social level buttressed by the doctrines of Sigmund Freud as executed by his nephew and disciple Edward L. Bernays and others. You should become acquainted with Edward Bernays if you aren’t already.

Among the first of these propagandistic efforts was the promulgation of a ‘Jewish Bill Of Rights.’ This document along with a questionnaire was sent to the prominent men and women of America to discover their ‘anti-Semitic’ propensities. Burroughs failed this test so that he was black balled in Hollywood after 1922. The blacklist was broken by Joseph Kennedy and his FBO Studios in 1928. MGM then stepped in with a different approach from blacklisting. They bought the movie rights to Tarzan from Burroughs for much less than a song. Burroughs then was essentially neutralized in 1931 while MGM acquired the supreme super hero Tarzan to shape or mishape as they pleased. Within a few years there were not many who remembered that there was a literary Tarzan. My amazement when I learned there were Tarzan books when I was twelve in 1950 was a revelation of the first order.

The movies were able, of course, to shape all the goy literary heroes from Frankenstein to Sherlock Holmes into their own intellectual mold from then into the present while comic books added Jewish superheroes to displace them.



Tired Old Man- Easy To Manipulate

The planned Jewish revolution hadn’t succeeded by 1928 but the groundwork had been laid leaving the future promising and open. While in the US the Jews were able to sweep all opposition aside even to the extent of putting their creature, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, into the White House for an unprecedented four terms, in Europe unexpected opposition occurred when Wolf Hitler was elected chancellor of German in 1933. While having their creatures Joseph Stalin as Premier of the USSR and FDR in the USA with Popular Front governments if office throughout Europe with the exception of Germany, Italy and Spain, the Jews seemed to be in a position to realize their millennium.

Indoctrination and conditioning was still important in the US thus when sound movies were introduced at the very end of the twenties and the comic book in the early thirties the Jews had two of the most powerful propaganda tools available under their ownership and control.

Their need in the thirties was to isolate and marginalize the Nativist opposition. This would be achieved in the forties wartime conditions when FDR had the prominent Nativists arrested and charged with sedition. At that point the Jews had succeeded in capturing the government and mind of the country although a long mopping up process would be necessary into the fifties and sixties. Thus while Wolf Hitler rounded up Jews in Europe, Jews were rounding up Nativists Americans in the US while advising any dissidents to keep their heads low.

The movies and comic books would play a big role in indoctrinating Americans to believe that the Nativists were Fascists and/or Nazis and not true Americans. It was at this time that Edward L. Bernays succeeded in changing the definition of Democracy from that of individual opportunity to recognition of groups having rights to a share of government based on group identity rather than individual identity. This would be a key concept as the century developed.



After the Bolshevik Revolution the American reaction to Communism was strongly against it. The Communist Party was even outlawed for a time until the Fellow Travelers and Parlor Pinks had the ban lifted. The silent movies of the twenties then were not heavily influenced by the Reds although as indicated the Tarzan movies of Edgar Rice Burroughs were blacklisted. By the thirties the Reds were better organized while with the arrival of sound playwrights capable of producing dialog were needed. The Red exodus to Hollywood began.

The US Communist Party as with all national Communist Parties, was a majority or plurality Jewish affair to the point where an attack on one was an attack on the other. Thus as the thirties advanced the drum roll for US involvement in a war against the Nazis began. This would involve the formation in the US of an opposition led by the America First Committee which was opposed to any involvement in foreign wars as a reaction. As this was opposed to Jewish wishes the America First Committee was designated as Fascist while its putative leader, Charles Lindbergh was designated Hitler’s stooge.

Samuel Dickstein- Congressman From Hell

In order to discredit the opposition, no sooner was FDR sworn in than Samuel Dickstein, a Jewish representative from New York, began to agitate for a House Un-American Activities Committee to stamp out Nativist opposition. As Dickstein was a Soviet agent this meant that the Nativist opposition was un-American while the Jewish Roosevelt government were the true Americans. So, the Jews were well on the way to usurping the American identity which the comic book superheroes represented. Dickstein was successful in establishing his HUAC committee in 1938 but the chair eluded him and went to a real American, Martin Dies of Texas, who then used the committee to harass Communists as well as ‘Fascists’ much to the dismay of Dickstein and FDR.

Hollywood in support of Dickstein began turning out anti-German movies and by implication anti-Nativist well in advance of American involvement in 1942. Involvement in the European conflict was of course brought about by forcing Japan to declare war on the US in late ‘41.

The comic book industry forming about 1932 was becoming real by 1938 when the two Jews from Cleveland devised their Golem character Superman followed by Batman and Captain America. The comic book heroes fell in with the anti-German propaganda. If the Jews, British and FDR were not yet openly promoting the war against Germany the tendency was well formed in that direction.

All those comics were openly anti- German with Capt. America socking Hitler on the cover of the first issue. Capt. America was a creation of two Jews from Brooklyn, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. To quote the Rabbi Simcha Weinstein from his book Up, Up, And Oy Vey!: How Jewish Culture And Values Shaped The Comic Book Superhero:

Rabbi Simcha Weinstein

Kirby and his partner, Joe Simon, worked at Martin Goodman’s Timely Comics, where the mostly Jewish staff openly despised Hitler. When Goodman saw the preliminary sketches for Captain America, he immediately gave Kirby and Simon their own comic book. The character was an instant hit, selling almost one million copies an issue. “The U.S. hadn’t yet entered the war when Jack and I did Captain America, so maybe he was our way of lashing out at the Nazi menace. Evidently, Captain America symbolized the American people’s sentiments. When we were producing Captain America we were outselling Batman, Superman and all the others.” Simon later commented.

Well, not quite all the others, as Whiz Comics Captain Marvel was the best selling comic of both the war years and later forties. Certainly my favorite. As in the years before the war the America First Committee enjoyed overwhelming popularity amongst ‘Americans’ I would question Simon’s notion that Captain America overwhelmingly represented American opinion. As there were six million Jewish ‘Americans’ in the country I might suggest that the response from that culture of ‘Americans’ was more overwhelming than elsewhere. Jews might easily have accounted for sixty to eighty percent of sales.

It is also probable that no real American would ever have invented a corny jingoistic persona like Captain America, in fact, none did. The image was certainly repulsive to me as a child. My prime comic reading years were from 1947 to 1950 and I and my entire generation rejected Captain America while embracing Captain Marvel. Even then Superman was a distant competitor to Captain Marvel which is why DC comics sued Whiz for copyright violation.

Rabbi Simcha Weinstein- The Story Of Jewish Comic Books.

All the Jewish comics were openly anti-German, thus the FDR administration, the movies and comic books were fighting for the Jewish ‘good war.’ When Charles Lindbergh pointed this out he was immediately portrayed as an agent of the Nazis whereas he was merely telling the truth while being an ideal American. Philip Roth in his 2004 novel, The Plot Against America, recounts the Jewish atmosphere of the time while he postulates that Lindbergh was elected president in 1940 as a satrap of Hitler. Thus the Jews became the real Americans and the real Americans were totalitarians out to destroy the Democracy the Jews had created.

In his essay in the New York Times of 9/19/04 titled: The Story Behind The Plot Against America Roth says that he is recreating America as it really was in 1940 but that is not so. As Roth lived in a New Jersey Jewish colony he and his family was out of touch with the real America as his fictional brother who had gone to Kentucky tries to tell him.

In fact in the America of the time in which Samuel Dickstein was an evil presence the American Jewish Committee and The Anti Defamation League were paramilitary organizations conducting spying operations against the non-Jewish public. Numerous agents unaffiliated with any government agency crisscrossed society looking for any activity that might be considered against Jewish interests. These forays were gathered together in 1943 under the assumed name of John Roy Carlson and published as an indictment against Jewish ‘enemies.’ Many of them were arrested and tried as ‘un-Americans in 1944. So, Roth’s paranoia is at best unbalanced.

Roth says the idea of Lindbergh’s having been elected occured to him while reading Arthur Schlesinger’s autobiography:

     I came upon a sentence in which Schlesinger notes that there were some Republican isolationists who wanted to run Lindbergh for president in 1940. That’s all there was, that one sentence with its reference to Lindbergh and to a fact about him I’d not known. It made me think, “What if they had?” and I wrote the question in the margin.

While this may be how Roth came upon the notion his was not the first such idea. As Paul Buhle and Dave Wagner in their Radical Hollywood of 2002 point out, Donald Ogden Stewart in his script for 1943’s Keeper Of The Flame, Charles Lindbergh is posited as a plotter of a coup to replace FDR in alliance with Hitler. This would have been propaganda to indict Lindbergh for the upcoming trial of the Nativists. I don’t know whether Roth saw the movie as a boy but if he did perhaps the idea festered in his brain for several decades until he was reminded by Schlesinger’s book while his mind was half prepared.

So the actual plot of the Jews to take over the American government was displaced to Lindbergh and the Nativists. The Jewish coup was represented in the comic book character of Captain America. This situation is made clear in the current (2011) movie Capt. America: The First Avenger. Thus Philip Roth and Stan Lee of the comics recapitulate and clarify Jewish activities in the 1933-43 era. Captain America is actually Jewish assuming an ultimate American identity.

The origins of Captain America then emanated from the Jewish dream subconscious of Jack Kirby which was quite different form real Americans. He therefore, as all writers must, made Capt. America in his comic book existence from his own dream fantasies. Thus giving his creation the goy name of Steve Rogers he nevertheless gave him a Brooklyn Jewish origin. As Rabbi Weinstein also a Brooklyn Jew explains, Jews have a sort of dual identity as powerless Jews posing as goys in a powerful goy world. Thus the sickly ineffective Rogers undergoes a scientific experiment that turns him essentially from a 98 lb. weakling into an all powerful goy Charles Atlas without the hard work of body building. I’m sure Kirby saw those ads growing up.

Rogers having now been turned into a Superman had to have a name. Superman being taken Super Jew was out for obvious reasons, or even Super Hebrew, there was no Israel at the time, so Kirby settled on Captain America. Rabbi Weinstein again:

Of course a more literal reading of the costume is that it is the American flag brought to life. Captain America’s star is, after all, five pointed, not six pointed like the Star of David. The flag-as-costume [this is what used to make we boys puke] notion reinforces the ideal of assimilation [Jews ‘becoming’ Americans.] By literally cloaking their character in patriotism, Kirby and Simon became true Americans.

In 1940 there was a desperate struggle going on between the Jews and America First who the Jews styled as American Fascists, I.e. actual Hitlerites. By that line of reasoning the Jews became the true Americans, creators and protectors of genuine American Democracy while Anglo-Americans or Native Americans or America Firsters were out to destroy the great American Dream the Jews had created. This is the theme of Philip Roth’s novel The Plot Against America backdated to this period. The current movie Captain America could easily be subtitled The Plot Against America Foiled.

Rabbi Weinstein again:

Despite the patriotic appearance, Captain America’s costume also denotes deeply rooted [Jewish] tradition. Along with other Jewish-penned superheroes, Captain America was in part an allusion to the golem, the legendary creature said to have been constructed by the sixteenth century mystic Rabbi Judah Loew to defend the Jews of medieval Prague. “The golem was pretty much the precursor of the Superhero in that in every society there is a need for mythological characters, wish fulfillment. And the wish fulfillment in the Jewish case of the hero would be someone who could protect us. This kind of storytelling seems to dominate in Jewish culture,” commented Will Eisner.

According to tradition a golem is sustained by inscribing the Hebrew word emet (truth) upon its forehead. When the first letter is removed, leaving the word met (death) the golem will be destroyed. Emet is spelled with the letters aleph, rem and tav. The first letter, aleph, is also the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the equivalent of the letter A. Captain America wears a mask with a white A on his forehead- the very letter needed to empower the golem.

I hope this makes clear that Superman, Batman and Captain America are Jewish in identity and what their purpose is in American society.


 Having created a competing line of Jewish superheroes the problem then became how to discredit and supplant the goy super heroes. As should be clear by now what we have going on is a religious war but fought by propagandistic means. In other words the battle field was literature, comic books and the movies. As in all religious conflicts the goal is to displace the religious icons of the other; thus, in early Christian times churches were built on the sites of pagan temples while sacred groves were cut down. Nothing has changed; nothing can change. The Jewish goal was the elimination of ‘Christian’ or goy symbols.

Capt. Marvel was gotten rid of in 1953 when the Jews sued him out of his cape. As I’ve pointed out in my review of Tarzan And The Lion Man, parts 8,9.10, a key text in this colossal battle, MGM attempted to destroy the character as well as Burroughs when they bought movie rights to Tarzan in 1931. They got his birthright for a mess of pottage. It may be coincidental but in 1942 after the success of the Jewish comic book super heroes MGM discarded their lucrative rights to Tarzan to movie maker Sol Lesser presumably as worthless or, at least, of no more interest to them. Of course Lesser continued the franchise with phenomenal success. This necessitated a continued campaign to debase the character continuing today. At the same time that Tarzan is debased the Jewish characters, Capt. America is now one of a group of four ‘Avengers’, hence the double entendre of ‘The First Avenger’, who are increasingly Judaisized, while presented in a positive way in the attempt to marginalize Tarzan.

Now, some seventy years after the demise of the man, the continued demonization of Wolf Hitler is becoming less relevant, even annoying if you’re not Jewish, so in Capt. America Wolf Hitler is demoted to an incompetent dead threat while the scepter is passed to the mega Nazi/anti-Semite recreated in the mental projection of Red Skull or the Hydra. The mythical symbol of the Hydra is well chosen to represent anti-Semitism as no matter how many heads you cut off another one, two or three grow back. The threat never ends and the paranoia is justified.

Thus in the Freudian sense Jews have a dual personality: on the one hand you have the ineffective completely innocent assumed goy persona of Steve Rogers, who is the equivalent of Abel, the Chosen one and the crazed madman Hydra who is a projection of the negative aspects of the Jewish character imposed on the other as the anti-Semite. Thus the Jewish character is always at war with itself in the Freudian sense and hence never successful in its aims.

Captain Marvel And Billy Batson

A Review

Themes And Variations

The Tarzan Novels Of Edgar Rice Burroughs

#14, Tarzan The Invincible


R.E. Prindle

Part 9: Politics

The Entertainer


The Big Bwana


The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.

–L.P. Hartley- The Go Between

I would like to take a moment to organize the content and direction of the Tarzan oeuvre within the context of Tarzan The Invincible and Tarzan Triumphant.

It is close onto a century now since Edgar Rice Burroughs burst onto the international literary scene.  He was not literarily well regarded by the intelligentsia.  In the language of the time he wrote adventure novels.  They were thought of as sub-literary.  In our times after literature has evolved from Burroughs’ time into its various genres that didn’t exist as such back then he would more properly be designated as a fantasy or sci-fi writer.

Even though very great minds wrote ‘adventure’ stories their efforts  are usually classified as sub-literary, relegated to the teen section.  There has certainly never been a more profound writer than H. Rider Haggard nor is his literary style inferior in any way to the pretensions of literary fiction.  Conan Doyle, H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs all had a great deal to offer.  If it is necessary to say so their work has remained popular while most literary heavyweights of the past are unknown and unread in non-specialist circles today.

Edgar Rice Burroughs is not usually accorded the dignity of being ranked with even the above adventure writers.  It pains me to say it but I think the literary consensus is that Burroughs is a semi-literate lightweight trash writer with no other value than ‘entertainment’ or a diversion for men and women who haven’t quite grown up yet.   I receive sniggers and raised eyebrows whenever I am forced to admit I write what I hope are scholarly essays on Edgar Rice Burroughs.  I have to scramble to find any scrap that will give me a little dignity.  But that’s not the way I see it myself.  The way I see it is that there are two groups of people who do take Burroughs seriously.  The small group of which I am a member that sees something of value lying like a huge diamond in the tall grass and a much larger group of Left-Liberals who quite correctly see Burroughs as a threat to everything they wish to believe.

Burroughs’ publishing career has not been well researched or examined.  The research I have done leads me to believe that ERB was exploited while his career was sabotaged by McClurg’s from the start.  Although MClurg’s seem to have had no intent to promote his work from the beginning they nevertheless tied him up with a contract that went on forever.  Compare it with MGM’s contract twenty years later.

Ten years after ERB’s death with the firm of McClurg’s on the edge of bankruptcy ERB, Inc. had to buy out the contract.  This is all so contradictory it boggles the mind.   Rather than attempting to maximize sales and therefore profits McClurg’s took the opposite approach of minimizing sales while reducing profits both for themselves and ERB to the lowest possible level.  If it hadn’t been for the movies Burroughs’ benefits from his efforts would have been minimal, a fraction of what they should have been.

From 1914 to 1919 politics do not seem to have been involved; there is some other reason for McClurg’s behavior.  Then from 1919 to 1924 ERB’s relationship to the Liberal Coalition took form.  His Under The Red Flag of 1919 let the Reds know where he stood politically.  Also in 1919 he was felt out by the American Jewish Committee for his stance on Semitism.  He failed this test by taking an insubordinate stance.  So from 1919 to 1924 he seems to have been under attack from the Left.  He remained defiant through his Marcia Of The Doorstep with its very reasonable criticism of Semitism but then he seems to have been ovewhelmed by economic pressures that were exacerbated by his own poor decisions.

While McClurg’s should have been supportive of their, or what should have been their walking gold mine, they strangely continued to get in his way.

Burroughs wanted his reissues to be sold at a dollar but G&D and McClurg’s adamantly insisted on 50 cents which gave ERB a very small return.  Why McClurg’s should have resisted higher prices that would have doubled their own income must remain a mystery.  A dollar doesn’t seem unreasonable to me but there seems to have been the intent to restrict Burroughs’ income as far as possible.

By the late twenties the Liberal Coalition was also actively interfering in Burroughs’ career.  There seems to have been a blacklist against making Tarzan movies from 1922 to 1928.  As Hollywood was controlled by the Coalition it was possible to restrict Burroughs’ income from movies to zero.

The blacklist was broken in 1927 when Joseph Kennedy’s FBO Studios made a Tarzan film.  ERB also began searching for another publishing arrangement.  Not finding anything satisfactory he took the last ditch recourse of self-publishing.  He established the Burroughs imprint.  As this act was taken just as the stock market crash took place the move was fraught with dangers.

Now freed from publishing restraints does it seem like a coincidence that the first title under the Burroughs imprint was Tarzan The Invincible?  Or, with its success it was followed by Tarzan Triumphant?  Perhaps taking vengeance for 1919’s snub of Under The Red Flag, Tarzan The Invincible is a full scale attack on the Communism in general and Uncle Joe Stalin in particular.

Perhaps also responding to 1924’s rejection of Marcia Of The Doorstep the succeeding novel, Tarzan Triumphant parodies the Jewish religion while making some not so subtle comments about big noses and receding chins.  Either book would be difficult for the Liberal Coalition to misunderstand.

While Burroughs would publicly proclaim that he undertook self-publication because he was too greedy for high royalties, certainly tongue in cheek,  privately he complained that McClurg’s refused to promote his books, turning them over immediately to reissue houses depriving him of his just royalties.  I’m sure the industry understood the irony of his first reason while the second is true.

Tarzan The Invincible is both a defense and a counterattack.  Burroughs himself said that defensive wars could never be won.  One must take the offensive.   With Invincible he was doing just that in what was in fact a literary and cultural war.

The power arrayed against him was terrifying.  The Reds could prevent the publication of his books through regular channels.  I believe they did.  ERB publicly said he took up self-publication in the relentless pursuit of the dollar.  What else could he say?  One doesn’t go around saying people are out to get you.  That’s giving your enemies ammunition.

Ask, is it a coincidence that the first novel under the Burroughs imprint is a direct attack on Liberal Communism?  A work that almost certainly would not have been published by any mainstream publisher, including McClurg’s.    There isn’t a Freudian in the world who believes in coincidence.  I sure don’t.  Burroughs launched his publishing effort in 1930 the year after the depression began in 1929.  The guy was either crazy or knew something other publishers didn’t wish to acknowledge.

When he met his former publisher, Joe Bray, of McClurg’s afer the crash he sneeringly told Bray who was complaining about business that he was doing very well with the Burroughs imprint and he was.  In the height of the depression Burroughs’ books turned a profit.  That was a profit no publisher seemed to want.  McClurg’s certainly never exploited this literary gold mine.

Was it political?  Well, Burroughs’ first publishing venture certainly was.  And remember that Tarzan The Invicincible must have caused a reaction.  The Reds had to say among themselves omething like ‘Don’t worry we’ll get that bastard yet.’  It had to be, nor did his even more sneering Tarzan Triumphant smooth anything over.  Think about this for a moment; let it sink in, this is open warfare.  There must have been a retaliation.  What was it?  The Reds did not cease their campaign of vilification during his lifetime nor have they ceased to this very day nor will they cease until either the Reds or Tarzan is triumphant.

I have discussed Richard Slotkin’s  Gunfighter Nation several times previously.  Slotkin in his book tries to pin responsibility for the My Lai massacre in Viet Nam on Burroughs.  He uses nearly seven hundred pages of fine print to try to prove that My Lai was the inevitable result of Burroughs’ writing.  The guy’s got a job at a prestigious university too.

While one can discount the hysteria of Liberal academics heavily no one necessarily attacks someone they do not consider a threat.  So what Bibliophiles have to ask themselves is whether there is a basis for the Liberal reaction or not?

I think my analyses of Tarzan books so far shows that Burroughs had a much more serious political intent than is commonly thought.  Underneath the buck and wing, the old soft shoe of the entertainer is some very serious thought and reflection.  Also his means of expression itself is the very antithesis of Liberalism.


Joseph P. Kennedy

Burroughs’ writing does reflect the sea change in world history noted by such academic analysts as Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.  Whether ERB ever read these thinkers or not there is no conflict between their conclusions and his own.  ERB is of the same mindset so on that basis Slotkin is correct.  None of the three writers is eiher wrong or evil it’s just that Liberals think any opinion but their own is inherently evil in intent and ought to be censored.  I say censor the censors.

Liberalism is a religious reaction to the Scientific Consciousness.  Their core constituent, Judaism’s sole purpose is to defeat Science and reimpose the religious yoke of absolute conformity to its religious ideal.  As I’ve noted, American Liberalism which evolved from the quasi-Hebrew sect of Puritanism is in complete accord.  Combined of fundamentalist Christians, who pursue an Old Testament program not much different from the Liberal agenda and the insurgent Moslem fundamentalists, the challenge to Science and all that Burroughs represented is formidable.

The determined effort to plow the concept of Evolution under is a supreme threat to the whole Scientific Consciousness.  Of course, the Liberals talk peace, while as the Old Testament proclaims, peace, peace, everyone talks peace but there is no peace.  There is no peace anywhere on earth and there never will be.

Burroughs realized that war was inevitable.  He decried the disarmement movement and applauded preparedness.  In Triumphant he makes the wry comment that the Chicago underworld gunner, Danny Patrick, and his fellow criminals believed in pareparedness, always having a gun with them.

Burroughs was brought into a world of conflict, nor so far has the world disappointed his expectations.  As he says the only good defense is a terrific offense.  Defensive wars cannot be won.  I believe he has been proven right there too.  Whether you’re looking at John Carter, Tarzan or any of his protagonists you will see that they never barricade themselves.  They are always on the offensive, nor do they hesitate to kill as part of that offense.  My god, Tarzan ripped a man’s head off in Ant Men.  His Beyond The Farthest Star posits a world of never-ending war.  Prefigures the Cold War in its way.  Any concept of ‘peace’ is merely a temporary cessation of hostilities; war by other means.  The Liberal, Slotkin, may lament such a reality but being a man of ‘peace’ making endless  appeasements and concessions to belligerents can end only in disaster to oneself.  There aren’t any Americas left to bail civilization out; that possiblility ended with WWII.

I think it fair to say that in today’s war situation versus the Moslem and Mexican invasions ERB would take the aggressive position of throwing them out.  As the Shona state explicitly, and believe me the Mexicans and Moslems are no different from them, if you need to hear it from an African there are those who dominate and those who are dominated, which is another way of saying perpetual conflict.  Either Americans will dominate Mexicans and Moslems or they will be subservient to them.  Need anyone go further than to look at the condition of both Matabele and European in Shonaland?  It is a given that Burroughs would rather dominate as Tarzan does at the end of Invincible.  If you’ve got to fight you might as well win.

Let us never forget that Burroughs participated in the opening of the frontier and he saw its closing.  He lived through the two most devastating wars in history.  One must fight or die was the lesson he learned.   Tarzan still lives.

And then we must deal with the persistent charge of racism brought against ERB.  One finds it difficult to understand what Liberals mean by the term ‘racism.’  There is nothing more inherent in human nature than pride in one’s own kind.  In that sense all peoples are racist.  What then?  Racism is the natural state of affairs.  Certainly Liberal heroes like Robert Mugabe and the Shona are as racist as could possibly be, yet, he and they are Liberal heroes.  There must be something else going on.

Liberals themselves are responsible for passing racial laws that would have staggered the imagination of Adolf Hitler.  Someone who they say they despise.  Whereas Hitler called his laws what they were, Liberals are more adept at disguising their intent, still they appropriately call their laws ‘hate’ laws which is exactly what they are.  The unspoken assumption behind them is that ‘White’ males ‘hate’ everyone who is neither White nor male, excluding homosexuals, and that they therefore have to be socially isolated and denied.

The apparent belief is that only White males are capable of ‘hating’ while the rest of the world is a loving brother and sisterhood.  Of course such a notion leaves the Moslem attack on the Twin Towers unexplainable as well as the Shona extermination of Black brothers like the Matabele.

Hey fellas, it’s the exception, even multiple exception that proves the rule, isn’t it?

I have no doubt that ERB would have been opposed to such ridiculous racial laws no matter what language was used to disguise them.  He does seem to have been aware of the dangers of the evolutionary collision of the human species.  ERB was an evolutionist.  His novels explore evolutionary possiblities in enormous variety and detail.  While much of his speculations and jokes seem ridiculous in the light of current knowledge, at the time of composition most if not all of the speculations would have appeared to be not that far fetched, even possible.

At the least Burroughs was on the side of Science at that time when the controversy really raged, while even today over fifty percent of Americans reject evolution in favor of religious explanations, that’s one hundred fifty years after Darwin, while the Moslem invasion of the world is rapidly spreading the slime of superstition over scientific knowledge.  As I understand it, it has progressed so far that I could be put in jail in France, Germany or Austria for blaspheming the prophet and Allah by referring to their atavistic religion as ‘the slime of superstition.’

Within just a very few years since 9/11 an intolerant superstition like Moslemsism has overturned the scientific attitude of the Enlightenment.  May Georges Chirac burn in hell forever and a day.  If President Obama doesn’t  back off, him too.  Don’t any of these guys listen to what people are saying about them?

As I have noted, by the second decade of the twentieth century more sensitive minds perceived the sea change in the relationship of the various human species.  Among these, in fiction, were Sax Rohmer with his Fu Manchu stories and Edgar Rice Burroughs.  Prominent in non-fiction were Madison Grant with his Passing Of The Great Race and Lothrop Stoddard ‘s Rising Tide Of Color.

At the risk of repeating myself, I flatter myself that at least some Bibliophiles have been reading my stuff for the last few years, let me place a quote  from Darwin here that clearly explains what happens when similar species compete for the same territory on the same economic basis.  Darwin:  On The Origin Of Species, Chap. III, Para. Struggle For Existence- Struggle for life most severe between individuals and varieties of the same species:

As species of the same genus have usually, but by no means invariably, some similarity in habits and constitution and always in structure, the struggle will generally be more severe between species of the same genus, when they come into competition  with each other, than between species of distinct genera.  We see this in the recent extension over parts of the United States of one species of swallow having caused the decrease of another species.  The recent increase of the missal thrush in parts of Scotland has caused the decrease of the song-thrush.  How frequently we hear of one species of rat taking the place of another species under the most different climates!  In Russia the small Asiatic cockroach has everywhere driven before it itx great congenor.  One species of Charlock will supplant another, and so in other cases.  We can dimly see why the competition should be most severe between allied forms, which fill nearly the same place in the economy of nature; but probably in no one case could we precisely say why one species has been victorious over another in the great battle of life.

As we are certain that Burroughs read the Origin Of Species we can be sure that he read the above passage.  If it struck him as forcibly as it strikes me then we share the same basic outlook on life and the passage shaped his way of looking at the intra-genus conflict between Homo Sapiens species.

As most agree that Homo Sapiens has an African history of 150K to 200K years, most assume, and this is only an assumption, that the First Born of Homo Sapiens were black because the indigenes of Africa today are black.  This may or may not be true, we have no way of knowing, but let us assume it is.  There are no people in Africa today who can absolutely trace their descent unbroken from the Last Hominid Predecessor or the first specimen of Homo Sapiens.  No one knows what the individual looked like or what his mental constitution was compared to the various African races of today.

It therefore follows that over that course of a very long history peoples have been exterminated to make way for others innumerable times.  One wave of rats, one wave of cockroaches after another have succeeded for a moment only to be replaced by another in due time.  This is how evolution and nature work.  Homo Sapiens is not outside either history or nature and it is foolish to act as though it were.  One must understand the natural process and adjust one’s actions to it.

To use the Shona example.  The Shona are not indigenous to the soil.  At one time they must have exterminated and displaced a predecessor people in what they now consider ‘their’ territory.  Beginning about 1830 the Ndebele Zulu as an incoming wave of new people began to exterminate and displace them.  There is no difference between this Ndebele invasion of Shonaland and the Moslem and Mexican invasion of the United States.  Nature is red in tooth and claw.  What can one say?

Had the Matabele, to use the Ndebele’s other name, not been interrupted by another wave of incoming people, the Europeans, (color and race have no real bearing on this issue of Nature and evolution) the Zulus, (the Matabele were Zulus) would have completed the process and today the Shona would be at best a memory.  But the succeeding wave of Europeans did come crowding after the Matabele.  So far Darwin’s thesis is correct.  One species of rat drives out another.  Had the Europeans behaved normally they would have exterminated their predecessors and driven them before them.

But then evolution throws in a clinker.  The Europeans were evolutionarily more advanced than the Blacks.  While the fact that the evolution of the human species is continuing is clear from the visual physical evidence,  scientific research has proven it beyond any quibble.  So, even though those at the turn of the century lacked the evidence to prove their case they were right.  The most obvious evolution is taking place in the brain and it is not taking place in all human species.  Only one species is evolving while the others are now sterile.  Hard thing to accept but it’s true.  Thus Europeans had developed consciences that prevented them from doing what Nature commanded them to do.  Instead they set themselves up as a parasite class believing they could control the Blacks without special intermixture forever.

As Burroughs would have noted this put them on the defensive and no defense outlasts a good offense as the Shona have proven.  Thus the Shona having been given a breathing space reorganized, regained the initiative and won the dominant position.  They are now doing the natural thing exterminating or driving out both the Ndebele Zulu and the Europeans.  If you won’t fight or can’t, you lose everything.

So, you have the Darwinian struggle for existence presented to you in plain terms in a human context that cannot be misunderstood.  No rats or cockroaches as necessary examples.  One must be intolerant of other species.  One must be a ‘bigot’ as the Shona are or go under.

Now, not having the will and perhaps no longer having the power to do as Nature commands Europeans attempted to retreat, to withdraw within their own territories.  As anyone knows they all come out at the first sign of weakness.  One would have to be stupid or utopian not to realize that.  As a sonsequence Europe and America are being invaded by the other human species in the Darwinian sense.  I mean, folks, they call evolution science.  Science means knowing.  Anyone who does not act on certain knowledge is foolish or, perhaps, too religious.

However in the first two decades of the twentieth century the Liberal ideology was formed by the weakest and lamest members of Western civilization.  Not understanding actual differences between the human species, even denying them on religious grounds, they used conscience as a weapon to first emasculate themselves, and I mean this in the literal sense, and then they shamed those who knew better into silence.

Among those silenced were Grant, Stoddard and Burroughs.  Although all these men were initially very influential telling Americans the nature of evolution and its consequences their reputations were dismantled.  By the beginning of WWII Grant and Stoddard were regarded as mere ‘racist’ cranks.

It is time to debunk the debunkers.  The wheel has turned.  Bunk is bunk and shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone.

Burroughs who hadn’t left himself quite so open was provoked into acts of defiance so that sanctions could be applied against him as much as had been done to Henry Ford.  Ford is another whose reputation should be rehabilitated much as Khruschev rehabilitated the reputations of various Communists after the death of Stalin.  The tool preferred by the Liberal Coalition to discredit someone was the charge of  ‘anti-Semitism’, a religious charge be it noted.

The most potent weapon in the Liberal religious armament is the term ‘anti-Semite.’  It is used liberally usually combined with Fascist to defame and control an opponent.  Oddly enough they couldn ‘t make it stick on Burroughs.  Even Slotkin in Gunfighter Nation only hints that ERB might have anti-Semitic tendencies.

I know it is unpleasant to discuss the Semitic issue but I think the time has come to discuss the issue head on especially as Burroughs was and is involved to a much more serious degree than might be apparent at first blush.  The problem of Asia, from whence the Semites come, and Europe has roots in prehistory.  Indeed it is a tale of two species.  This is one of those eternal conflicts that will not be settled until one side annihilates the other much as the Shona are doing in Zimbabwe to their competitors.

In ancient days both the European Greeks and the Mediterranean Egyptians were in a constant conflict with what the Egyptians referred to as ‘vile Asiatics’, the Greeks as ‘barbarians.’  The Asiatics were vile not on the basis of race but because of the differing view of life of the two species.  As regards the Egyptians and the Semites one or the other had to be exterminated.  If you know anything of Egyptian history you will know that few true Egyptians still survive.  The Semites have exterminated the true Egyptians.

Thus the related species of HSII, the Egyptians and HSIII, the Europeans found the Semitic species unassimilable.  We are back to Darwin’s competing species of rats and cockroaches.  In the religious terms in which the problem is usually stated one says the animosity is racial or in other words, moral;  in scientific terms one says that it is genetic or special.  In other words, the problem is much deeper than mere surface appearances.  It extends to the genetic development of the brain.  The Semite cannot understand as any other human species understands and vice versa.

Thus the current problem in the Sudan between Negroes and Semites which is genetic or biological can only be resolved by the extermination or expulsion of the other.  The whole course of this new African conflict can be projected historically and scientifically.  It may be delayed but it cannot be stopped.  Compare it with the Shona in Zimbabwe.  There is no question as to what course the conflict will take.

Why Liberals choose to make an issue of Darfur while they ignore the South Sudan and Zimbabwe and South Africa where genocide is also going on is known only to themselves.  It is absolutely necessary to analyze the matter in scientific rather than emotional or religious terms.  These are not matters of race but species.  The mental capabilities of the Negro, the Semite and the European are different and irreconcilable.  An unpleasant fact, perhaps, but true.

The conflict between Europe and Asia or the Semites and Indo-Europeans began according to legend with the Semitic abduction of the European woman Io from Argos.  The history of the Mediterranean in ancient times was the perpetual warfare between Europeans and Asiatics or Semites.  At one time the Semites seemed to be besting Europeans and then turn about.  For the long Hellenic and Roman period the Europeans seemed to have won.  But, and this is a big but, they failed to exterminate or drive the Semites out.  A very bad mistake.

Two things happened.  The Jewish Semites began a peaceful infiltration into Europe which came to a head in the long Jewish Wars that lasted from 66 AD to 135 AD.  The Jewish Semites were militarily defeated in their homeland but came to spiritually dominate Europeans through the Judaeo-Catholic religion.

None of this struggle went unobserved by the Semitic peoples of the Arabian penenisula.  In the seventh century the Arab or Ishamelite, to use the Jewish term,  branch of the Semitic peoples led by Moslem ideology which had its base in Jewish ideology overran North Africa, large parts of the Eastern Mediterranean into the steppes of Asia and over the Hindu Kush into India.  More or less following the path of Alexander.  The Indo-European Persians, now known as Iranians, were Islamized or Semitized which they remain today.  They were stultified hence their ridiculous position today.

The southerly Egyptians, the native Copts, are on the verge of extinction or what the modern world fondly describes as genocide.  There are few surviving true Egyptians today.

Thus the Hellenic-Roman hegemony was reversed.

The Semitic Arab incursion into Europe which was a continuation of the multi-thousand year conflict between Europeans and Semites was defeated by Charles the Hammer at Tours in the heart of Europe.   Over the next nearly thousand years the Moslems were expelled from Western Europe but they advanced in Eastern Europe.

From the expulsion of the Moors from Spain in 1492 the southern Med if not the Med itself was controlled by the Barbary pirates.  During that period Europeans supinely submitted to a slave trade that greatly resembled that of sub-Saharan Africa.  Even as Negroes were being transported to the Americas countless Europeans were captured on European soil, transported to Africa and enslaved.  So, the Africans have no cause to complain of Europeans.  Some people whine some people don’t.

No one European State was strong enough or determined enough to clear the seas of the Moslems while they were unable to concert a united attack.  The piracy and enslavement continued until France annexed Algeria in 1830.  Rightfully so.

In Darwinian terms it is quite clear that the struggle was one of the replacement of one population by another.  Thus when France conquered Algeria it behove them to either exterminate or drive out the existing population replacing it with Europeans.  They ought to have relentlessly warred on every North African people until North Africa was once again European.

The attempt to coexist was a defensive war that could only end in defeat.  The defeat was adjudicated by General De Gaulle in the nineteen sixties.  The French stupidly and erroneously thought the war was over, but in reality the momentum shifted once again to the Semites.

As noted by Lothrop Stoddard the Wahabi Moslems went onto the offensive.  No longer able to comptete militarily with Europeans they resorted to guerilla warfare, something the West now chooses to call terrorism, combined with an infiltration of Europe using their reproductive capabilities as a weapon.  The situation now is a replica of the 3000 BC infiltration of Sumer.  Hence the balance of power of the age old war between the Semites of Asia and Europeans has once again shifted toward the Asiatics.

As the Libyan, Moamar Qadaffi gloated in May 2006 there are fifty million Moslems in Europe.  Europeans have the option of fighting or submitting.  He knows whereof he speaks.  As the war will now be conducted on European soil with the certain loss of the entire cultural superstructure of the last two thousand years there seems little chance of any European resistance.  Notre Dame will be renamed and become a mosque.

If there is resistance then Burroughs’ prophecy of a flattened Europe turned Black over the centuries is a distinct, nay, certain probability.  In addition to their submission to the Wahabi Arabs, Europeans seem incapable of resisting the Black Moselm invasion from sub-Saharan Africa.  Thus once Blacks and Moslems have the strength they will undoubtedly follow the ancient plan of killing the men and keeping the women.  Need I point to Haiti after the slave rebellion as an example?  Within three or four generations both Arabs and Europeans will be absorbed into Black Africa.

Any discussion of the problem is now impossible in Europe as the blackest censorship has been imposed on dissent.  Astonishing that the enlightenment could disappear just like that, isn’t it?  Anyone who dissents from the Semitic program is liable to imporisonment, heavy fines or both.  The term Semite includes both the Jewish and Arab branches.

Once the Moslem are powerful enough to direct the European military it will mean the end of Israel as that State will be completely encircled by Moslem powers with irresistable might and control of all land, sea, air and satellite communications.

With European technological war materiel at their disposal the Moslems will be able to isolate the United States by depriving it of oil or with the huge and growing population in the US sabotage any war effort if threatened.  Let’s have a round of applause for the brilliant leadership of Chirac, Blair, Bush and Obama not to mention the morons of the US Senate.

Burroughs foresaw the results of the West’s waffling before the Communists, the Moslems and perhaps the Africans but he was prevented from examining the problems too openly for fear of bringing the Liberal Coalition with its charges of anti-Semitism down on his head.  Both he and Henry Ford were having a tough fight for survival.  W.R. Hearst.

Burroughs had already called attention to himself by questioning a survey sent him by the American Jewish Committee in 1919.  It seems apparent the survey drew his attention to Jewish matters which he had ignored up till that time.  This resulted in the character of Bluber in Tarzan And The Golden Lion as well as several characters in 1924’s Marcia Of The Doorstep.  As the AJC would have considered these characterizations ‘anti-Semitic’ the publication of the book was prohibited.  Censored as it were.

Probably as a result of questioning the AJC survey he was put under surveillance.  While a number of movies had been made from his books, in 1921 movie making from his novels ceased reducing his income potential drastically at a very critical time in his finances.  For whatever reason there was a hiatus in the production of Tarzan films that lasted until 1928.  It is only fair to assume that Tarzan had not lost his box office appeal which is the usual Hollywood cover for blacklisting.  One also imagines that Burroughs would have leapt at any movie money.  Indeed, in 1922 the Stern Bros. and Louis Jacobs, a trio of Jewish movie makers, tied up the rights to Jungle Tales Of Tarzan and Jewels of Opar for $40,000.  This was a very decent sum to spend yet the movie makers made no effort make the movies, they were content to tie up the titles.  Whether Burroughs was being disciplined for being ‘anti-Semitic’ or not can’t be determined for certain at this time.


Richard Slotkin

Hollywood was notorious for being a Jewish industry.  W.R. Hearst was one of the few goys making movies.  D.W. Griffith was being increasingly marginalized.  In the interim then, the noted ‘anti-Semite’ Joseph P. Kennedy, the father of the future president John F. Kennedy, formed or bought FBO Studios.  The story of this multi-cultural struggle for dominance has never been adequately researched for obvious reasons, but what with the Ford conflict with the Semitic Jewish culture flaring in the foreground it is not unlikely that there was a great deal of maneuvering in the background.  It will be noted that when RKO was formed which incorporated FBO Studios the R for Radio came from RCA and KO for Keith Orpheum were retained while FBO was deleted.  The R and KO were Jewish concerns while FBO had been a great goyish disrupter.

Nevertheless, as Burroughs was blacklisted by Hollywood which the Hollywood historian Neal Gabler describes as a Jewish empire, it is noteworthy that an ‘anti-Semite’ broke the blacklist making Tarzan movies again.  It would have been the equivalent of Dalton Trumbo being allowed to script movies under his own name again in the 1960s.

The blacklist broken, the Stern Bros. and Jacobs then decided in 1928 to exercise their rights to the two Tarzan novels to release Tarzan The Tiger and Tarzan The Mighty.  Calling Tarzan a tiger may have been a slam at Burroughs who erroneously introduced tigers into Africa in the magazine version of Tarzan Of The Apes.

The silent era of movies over, MGM produced the first talkie of Tarzan in 1932.  Watch the dates.

Now, in both Tarzan The Invincible and Tarzan Triumphant Burroughs takes undisguised hits at Communism, pointing fingers and naming names; in Triumphant he continues his open attack on Communism and covertly ridicules the Jews in his portrayal of Midians with their enormous noses and receding chins.  Both attributes are well known caricatures of Jews.  Was this a gratuitous insult or was he responding to insults to himself?

If he had been given courage by the presence of Joseph Kennedy and FBO Studios then he might have relaxed his vigilance a little.  However his open and blatant attack would not have been unresented by Judaeo-Communists.  While Hollywood had always been run by Jews, by 1930 Communists had also made much more serious inroads than is usually admitted.  In other words, ERB’s well being in this multi-cultural war zone depended on his sworn enemies.  As both a goy and counter-revolutionary ERB was an odd man out.  It could not possibly be any other way.

There can be no question that he would have to be gotten for what could only be seen as egregious insults to both Communists and Jews. In fact, the two were nearly one.  The question then was how best to get Burroughs short of outright assassination.  The blacklist had already been broken by Kennedy but possible a movie could be made to make ERB’s great creation ridiculous.  Destroy him in that way, you see.

Thanks to technological marvels like DVDs it is now possible to study old movies at will.  I have a sets of most of the films.  I have viewed Tarzan Of The Apes a number of times.

Bearing in mind that Burroughs was in a struggle with both Communists and Semites as exemplified in 1930’s Tarzan The Invincible and 1931’s Tarzan Triumphant while being surreptitiously listed as an anti-Semite by the American Jewish Committee, I think it worthwhile to speculate on the intent of Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg’s productions.

Having watched the movie a number of times while bearing  books Invincible and Triumphant in mind I have come to the conclusion that the movie’s ulterior motive was an attempt to ridicule the Big Bwana into oblivion.  We all know that ridicule is a most effective weapon, especially when it can’t be answered.  It was undoubtedly thought Tarzan could be destroyed in this manner.

MGM did not negotiate to obtain rights to any particular story but, and this is important, they bought the right to use the characters as they thought fit.  Thus as the movie poster picture in Bibliophile David Fury’s book Kings Of The Jungle on p.63 published by McFarland, it is stated that the movie is ‘based on the characters created by Edgar Rice Burroughs.’  In other words, this is not the Tarzan of Invincible and Triumphant.  Oh no, no.  This is Tarzan The Defeated, Tarzan The Buffoon.

The vision is no longer Tarzan Of The Apes but Tarzan, The Ape Man.  A subtle but important shift in emphasis.  Tarzan is no longer a man raised among apes he is a man who is an ape.  The fabulous brain of Tarzan which allowed him to master reading and writing with the aid of only a picture book, that allowed him to learn new languages instantly has now been replaced by an inarticulate moron who does five minutes of  ‘me Tarzan, you Jane.’

This was free love in the jungle between a hunk and a babe.  Apparently it slipped by unnoticed at the time until it was picked up thirty years later by an astute librarian.  Tarzan and Jane are no longer married in the movies, Jane just began cohabiting with Tarzan because he was such a handsome hunk.  Fortunately she, he, or both were infertile.  Thus Tarzan was subtly defamed, his universality removed.  His audience constricted by that much.

Having slipped this bit past the censors, as incredible as it may seem, in the next movie, Tarzan And His Mate, not wife but mate, you know, a live in,  MGM included the famous nude swimming scene that did not get past the censors.

Both these items would have had the effect of defaming Tarzan and constricting his audience.  A certain type of viewer would be offended by these items and refuse to see the movies while another type would gratified by such items and drawn to the movies but lower the quality of the audience moving Tarzan toward porn.  Thus by degrees Tarzan movies would gain the reputation as porn flicks.  Porn is porn even if it is Tarzan so you aren’t going to let your kids eat popcorn in front of dirty movies nor are legitimate first run theatres going to show them.  At least, not then.

Thus MGM was well on their way to making Tarzan porn before the censors forced a change in plan.  There was nothing Burroughs could have done about this as he, or rather his office manager signed away all his rights to his character.

The MGM poster then portrays Tarzan as a criminal freak:

Mothered by an ape- He knew only the law of the jungle- to seize what he wanted.

The ‘to seize’ is in attention grabbing italics.

Mothered by an ape is ambiguous and meant to be repulsive.  It could mean that Tarzan was fathered by a human on an ape or it could be so obscure as to be meaningless.  If you were familiar with the books you could probably guess what was intended but if you weren’t who knows what it could mean to you.    Remember the first volume, Tarzan Of The Apes, was no longer in print even in 1930 so the original story couldn’t even be bought.  The later volumes don’t recapitulate his birth and raising so there may have been actually few who knew the whole story.  We are led to believe that the MGM Tarzan is completely lacking in morality.  If he wants something he just steals it.  Not the Tarzan I would want to emulate.

The director was W.S. Van Dyke who had just had a major success with his Trader Horn, another African picture.  That one had been phenomenally successful and Tarzan is billed as “Another Miracle Picture directed by W.S. Van Dyke, Creator Of “Trader Horn.”  Van Dyke was certainly not the creator of Trader Horn as the movie was adapted from the book by Trader horn, there was such a man, thus in a way Tarzan, The Ape Man is subordinated to W.S. Van Dyke and Trader Horn.

What is called ‘the adaptation’ is done by someone called Cyril Hume.  As the dialogue was written by Ivor Novello I presume that both the storyline and the alterations to Tarzan’s character can possibly be attributed to Hume.

There is little on Hume on the internet but a New York Times review that was cribbed from All Movie Guide.  It says ‘…During the 1920s, Hume proved a worthy rival of Fitzgerald with such lost generation novels as Wife Of The Centaur and Cruel Fellowship.’  An interesting couple of titles in relation to this Tarzan movie.  The review then goes on to say ‘…During the 1930s , he was the principal writer of MGM’s “Tarzan ” films, bringing prestige to these escapist exercises by treating them with dignity and respect…’  That’s one man’s opinion anyway.

As we all know the attributed movie writer frequently has very little to do with the finished script so we will assume that Hume’s script went through many revisions by many minds with perhaps different agendas than his.  One wonders why Ivor Novello, who was a well known playwright of the time was broght in to do dialogue.  Apart from the Tarzan yell, with which Novello is given no connection, that seems to be the major portion of the dialogue along with the famous ‘Tarzan-Jane’ sequence,  there seems to be little dialog that an amateur couldn’t have written.

The net result is a movie that seriously demeans Tarzan as conceived and portrayed over fifteen novels.  In order for their ridicule to be successful MGM did have to produce a movie that someone would go see.  They were apparently successful beyond their wildest hopes or fears as the movie was described as a ‘surprise’ hit and an enormous grosser.   Now MGM was stuck with the character.

If it was a surprise hit then one can discount the publicity that the movie cost a million dollars to produce.  There are no well-known stars in the movie, while much of it is footage left over from Trader Horn which had already been amortized with the rest being shot on lot.  If the movie cost MGM a quarter  million I would still be astonished.

In their attempt to ridicule Tarzan they were too clever by half.  The character of Tarzan may not have that of the books but audiences still found it satisfying, especially the yell.

Those of us who have read the books have always been uneasy with those MGM movies although Johnny Weismuller was perfectly cast in the role of the Ape Man.

So, while the NYT reviewer may believe Cyril Hume brought ‘prestige to these escapist exercises by treating them with dignity and respect’ there are dissenting opinions other than mine.

Another interpretation was that of the first movie Tarzan, Elmo Lincoln, who commented to ERB “the house seemed to think it was a comedy.  Why do they portray Tarzan without dignity?…with the right treatment and portrayal, Tarzan could a romantic, thrilling character, and still have the sympathy of his audience…I don’t like to see him treated as a clown…”

Elmo Lincoln and I both see the MGM version in the same light, while I have to question the interpretation of the NYTimes writer.  I think Lincoln was right, the movie was a comedic effort meant to defame the persona of ERB’s great creation and thus destroy Edgar Rice Burroughs.  After all ERB, Inc.’s  publishing arm was dependent on sales of Tarzan’s.

By 1932 the troublesome ERB had learned which side his bread was buttered on so he publicly endorsed the MGM movies, after all this was big money, bigger than any other souces of income combined.  It may be said then that just as Henry Ford recanted and apologized for offending the Jewish Cultural entity in the ongoing culture wars so Burroughs bent the knee to Liberal suzerainty.

As ERBzine reports, privately Burroughs had other thoughts:

Daughter Joan Burroughs revealed:  “Dad found it hard to reconcile himself to the movie versions of the Tarzan stories and never did understand the movie Tarzan.  He wanted Tarzan to speak like an educated Englishman instead of grunting.  One time we saw a movie together and after it was over, although the audience seemed enthusiastic, my father remained in his seat and kept shaking his head sadly.”

So Burroughs and Lincoln both resented the screen adaptation based on the Tarzan ERB had created.

There was nothing Burroughs could do about it.  His rights had been signed away by his agent Ralph Rothmund.  Rothmund must have been aware of the tension between Burroughs, Communists and Jews, yet he essentially gave the courthouse away.  He placed Burroughs in the hands of his enemies.  He gave Tarzan to MGM stripping Burroughs of his only weapon and asset.  Why?  Did he contact MGM or did MGM contact him?  Why did he negotiate behind Burroughs’ back presenting him with a fait accompli? Why not tell his employer,  ‘I’ve got this deal worked out with MGM.  Do you want to take it?’

Presented instead with a check, Our Man seduced by vain desires went out and bought five Packard automobiles.  Ah, ERB…

Did he repent of this deal?  I believe so.  Trapped by the contract his only way of retaliation was a futile one through his novels.

Louis B. Mayer

Can it be a coincidence that Tarzan And The Lion Man written over February to May of 1933, published by ERB, Inc. in book form on September 1, 1934 (Septimus Favonius BB#55 p. 34) ridiculed MGM, Irving Thalberg and Trader Horn.  The second MGM movie Tarzan And His Mate was released on April 16, 1934.  Bear these two dates in mind, the movie was released five months before the book leaving time for a revision of the book text.

Certainly severely wounded by the MGM adaptation of Tarzan Burroughs had been beaten.  He had lost the culture war between himself, the Communists and the Jews.  Having lost control of his character in the vital field of movies his only recourse was to lampoon MGM in a book which he did in Tarzan And The Lion Man.  Strangely his illustrator St. John chose this book to experiment with an unrepresentative cover that was believed to have killed sales.  Thus this magnficent achievement was undersold.

Lion Man recounts W.S. Van Dyke’s movie making in Africa, telling it in a ridiculing manner.  MGM’s version of Tarzan is portrayed by a character named Stanley Obroski, perhaps a takeoff on Johnny Weismuller, who is a pale imitation of the real Tarzan.  Burroughs makes a careful comparison showing what a joke the MGM Tarzan was.  In a fit of pique he kills the fake Lion Man off.

One of the more interesting characters is Balza- The Golden Girl.  After escaping from the Valley of Diamonds she joins the movie company where she cavorts about in the nude.  This scene has baffled me but if one remembers that in Tarzan And His Mate Maureen O’ Sullivan is stripped by Tarzan followed by the nude swimming scene, the novel makes sense.  ERB had seen the movie in April of 1934 possibly an earlier studio screening and incorporated the changes in his text for the 9/1/34 release date.

So his retort against MGM while ineffective made for what must rank as one of his very best efforts.

Just as an aside note that while this struggle was going on in Hollywood Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January of 1933; Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the United States in March of ’33.

One of FDR’s first deeds was to recogtnize the USSR regime of Joseph Stalin.  In late 1933 a chubby little ex-draper’s assistant acted as a go-between for Stalin and Roosevelt.  Having first visited Stalin,  H.G. Wells carried his messages to Roosevelt.  Thus under the very eyes of the world some very important communications were passed back and forth.  Nineteen thirty-three was also the year the former draper’s assistant wrote his Shape Of Things To Come.

These things can’t be stated with absolute certainty but the character of God– the formerly handsome Englishman in Lion Man, is certainly based on the pompous little H.G. Wells.

Thus while I at first objected to Slotkin’s accusations against ERB, barring the My Lai stuff, I think I am beginning to see ERB’s relation to the cultural wars between Communists, Jews, Liberals and Conservatives.  there is more going on here than meets the eye.

But let us look at some of the religous aspects of this interesting situation.  The religious war between Semitism and the Astrological Religion as represented by Tarzan Of The Apes.


Weissmuller As Tarzan