The Enigmatic Bob Dylan

September 20, 2023

The Enigmatic Bob Dylan


R.E. Prindle

Before we begin this sketch of a part of Bob Dylan’s career it is necessary to set the stage on which he strutted about. 

Bob’s career began at the beginning of the nineteen sixties when he was a mere twenty years old, green, from the back woods, fresh out of high school. That means that his mind was formed from 1950 to 1959.  He was born on the edge of civilization in Hibbing Minnesota, up in the far North, deep in the woods.

In 1961 he left the woods, or, rather, the campus of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis for the bright lights of New York City.  For an unsophisticated boy from the back country that was one giant leap.  Culture shock.  His guitar slung over his shoulder he meant to make it big in the Big Bagel as a phonograph record star.

Nineteen sixty was a seminal year in the history of the United States.  The country shifted gears and if you were paying attention you realized that you had just dropped through the rabbit hole.  Hello Alice, goodbye John Wayne.

The country was sort of born again leaving the United States as it had been from c. 1900 to that present.  The old guard was outraged that people like Bob Dylan could mix with them.  Two different worlds were clashing.

The US got big and very, very rich and degenerate.  There were certain big changes in the sixties.  Nineteen-sixty to nineteen sixty-four was a transitioning port into a crazy future that no one could have imagined.


At the end of nineteen sixty-three the President of the United States was assassinated.  A couple months later in Berkeley, California the Jewish students of the University staged the misnamed Free Speech Movement which was in fact an insurrection, or revolution.  That campus disturbance quickly spread across the country finding its center in NYC and Columbia University where it was stated that the issue wasn’t the issue, in other words free speech was not the issue but something else was.  Bob Dylan would represent that something although he wasn’t aware of it, but he quickly became the figurehead, the ‘voice of his generation.’  There was something happening but Bob didn’t know what it was.

Also, shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy in November of 1963 a strange thing happened in January of 1964 to the consciousness of the people of the US and perhaps the world.  The returning soldiers of World War two in which sixteen million men were impressed returned to a US that was in a shambles beginning in 1946.  Imagine 16 million men looking for jobs. The period from 1946 to 1956 was a realignment of the country.  The pre-war country no longer existed.  The ex-soldiers had to remake it and that meant suppressing the crazy youth who danced to rock and roll.  The doors closed for the young.  Elvis Presley blew them open.  In January of 1964 the youths of the world burst through the doors.

The charge was led from the country of England in the person of four yobboes, a rock group calling themselves The Beatles.  Numerous groups followed them and that was called the British invasion of the US.  The incredible thing was that the Beatles dominated the airwaves of radio and TV.  Politicians and everything else were pushed aside for musicians over the mind of the US.  The Beatles pushed US musicians aside and the best seller charts were dominated by English groups.  Music publishing profits crossed the Atlantic leaving US publishers holding an empty bag.

The US had no answer to these English yabboes so it pumped up Bob Dylan.  What great timing on the part of Bob.  He became America’s answer to the Beatles.  Bob carried the banner for the US but he had no idea what was happening.  So English yobboes and a hick from the backwoods changed the face of the world.  Wasn’t that amazing?

The next big step in the grand parade of the Sixties  was four years later in 1968.  The future had become the present.

The Berkeley Free Speech Movement of 1964 had expanded into a full scale social revolution.  This exuberance of 1968 would end the next year of 1969 at an abandoned destruction derby race track just outside of Oakland California called the Altamont.  The boil broke open and the pus flowed out.  That was end of the fabled Sixties.

Bobs’ position in this charade was to last for only five years but his impact was enormous.  What a five years for a nobody kid from the Minnesota backwoods.  He went from a high school student to the spokesman for his generation, a force to worshipped as a cult.  But the role was too difficult for him.  In 1966 after releasing what was the most sensational record set that the world had ever seen, ‘Blonde On Blonde, he disappeared from view becoming a reclusive in the village of Woodstock, New York.  He left a world panting for his next blockbuster LP.  While it seemed like a long wait his next record was released in 1967, more or less a year later, John Wesly Harding.  It wasn’t worth waiting for.  It was a bomb at the time. As were several other records he rushed out.  The magic was gone; his muse had moved on.

Still, his reputation was so strong as the spokesman of the generation he was still the Bob Dylan of his heyday in the minds of his followers.


Now let is gp back into the sixties and expand our horizon.

In 1954 the Supreme Court declared their decision of the case of Brown vs. The Schoolboard of Topeka Kansas compelling White People to accept the integration of Black People into public schools.  The Negro revolution was released.  Naturally the decision was resisted.  There was an eerie silence from 1954 to 1957 when the resistance was violently stamped out when then President Eisenhauer  mobilized the US Army to conduct a little Black girl dressed in pink into a school in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The US Army was mobilized in a sort of Martial Law to escort one little Black girl in pink into a school building.  The revolution was on and within ten years bombs were bursting in New York City while the Democratic convention of 1968 in Chicago was an active war zone.  The war called the Civil Rights Movement.

The so-called Free Speech Movement intensified in New York City moving downtown from Columbia University becoming the Civil Rights movement in Greenwich Village which would then involve the homosexual revolt which took shape in the homosexual battle with the police at the Stonewall bar in Greenwich Village in 1969.  The battle was decisive.  The homosexuals won the battle and the war while the effect was immediately accepted country wide.  The phonograph industry turned gay overnight.  Soon gay records termed Disco had replaced the Beatles and Bob Dylan over the airwaves of America.

All of these revolutions became one in the minds of Americans and were gathered into the rubric of a revolutionary group called the Weathermen originally morphing into the Weather Underground.  They broadened out into The Students for a Democratic Society they exploded unto campuses across the country.  They, in turn aligned themselves with the Cultural Revolution of Maoist China.  Thus by 1968 the whole US was in turmoil.  Bombs going off in NYC was nearly incessant while Negroes in Oakland California and the Bay Area were in shoot outs with government forces on a daily basis.

Nineteen sixty-eight, as has been noted was an election year.  Chicago was the designated convention city for the Democrats.  The Democratic Party was the revolutionary party and the revolutionists put on quite a show.  Now, the revolutionists were very organized and they saw that musicians could be used to convert the youth of America to a revolutionary state of mind.  They took over the recording industry.  The artists were susceptible to social pressure.  They were led into a mindset by the Negro revolution and the Civil Rights Movement.  It quickly became impossible to be a success unless you became subservient to the Civil Rights attitude thus they were easily led into aligning themselves with groups such as he Weathermen.  Bob Dylan, on his arrival in NYC had been co-opted into the Negro revolution and the Civil Rights Movement because the NYC Folk Music scene was unanimous in their support of both.  Hence to succeed he had to go along to get along.  Thus his early songs catered to the Negro psychology while he personally involved himself in civil rights activities.

In my opinion he wasn’t entirely sincere but there was no going back.  The Weathermen centered in NYC took Bob’s lyrics seriously and when formed they made Bob their figurehead, their idol.  Bob seemed to go along with it participating in some way with the group.  Thus he would probably have met the lunatic leader of the group, Bomber Bill Ayers, still active today (2023) while being drawn into the circle.

While the Weather Underground was extreme enough a group desiring even more action  splintered off from the Weather Underground under the name the Weather Organization.  These guys were a holy terror.  Bob also began to pal around with them.  Now,  the Jews of New York tolerated the Weather Underground but the Weather Organization was off the charts likely to create anti-Semitism  so they sacrificed the social acceptance of the Underground to commit major crimes.  The Organization was composed primarily of Jews so that the Jews disowned the Organization and Bob was quietly informed that he should not associate with them.  Bob thought it out and complied.  Still, he could move in the revolutionary circles.  This will become important for the year2001.

Bob was an important person in what was then known as the Counter Culture.  To be accepted in the Counter Culture one had to be or appear to be in sympathy with the revolutionary goals. People like Bill Ayers ingratiated themselves with him as did the music critic Greil Marcus and Rolling Stone Magazine editor Jan Wenner.

There were consequences for this revolutionary activity that was unsettling the United States, one might almost say, dissolving the Union, domestically while injuring the country’s international affairs by revolutionary interference in Viet Nam. 

John Lennon of the Beatles, who had been co-opted by the revolution mainly through the machinations of his looney girl friend Yoko Ono had come under the surveillance of the US government.  It was thought that he would lead an insurrection at the Republican presidential convention of 1972.  If he had thought to it didn’t come off.  Nevertheless the Nixon administration that won the election strenuously tried to have Lennon deported and banned from the country.  They were unable to do this but then Lennon was assassinated in 1980 ostensibly by a deranged fan but there were many who blamed President Nixon.

Bob, thoroughly tuned in and turned on had dropped out in mid-1966, he’d had enough, he threw it all away although coming back to life in 1967.  It was a new start, a New Morning as an album title said but the old Dylan had died metaphorically in 1966 when his muse kissed him goodbye and moved on to other lovers. 

The luck that had blessed Bob throughout those golden five years from 1961 -1966 was a thing of the past.  The new Bob begun by his record ‘John Wesly Harding’ was not embraced by the fans.  His sales, that were never robust dwindled away as a series of lackluster albums followed one after the other.  You had to be one of the cult.  The glitter of those five golden years had left a wonderful memory in the cult following.

However, the United States changed quickly after the immigration laws were changed in 1965 to allow the entire world to emigrate to US shores.  The Moslem world reacted enthusiastically sending hordes of immigrants from Iran to Yemen, from Algeria  to Palestine.  Millions flooded over the Southern border from Mexico, the Central American States and South America.  Chinese ships landed tens of thousands surreptitiously.  The United States began to dissolve and cease to be America.

All this was applauded by the revolutionaries and Bob seemed to be among them.  The Beatles had inaugurated a revolution of their own.  For the first time the world tour by musical groups was inaugurated.  In 1963 a tour of England was thought to be the acme of success.  Then in ’64 the tour was expanded to include the US and then in1966 came the around the world tour to cheering crowds.  For the Beatles that included the Philippines where their customary insouciance that had worked so well in Britain and the US almost cost them their lives.  The casual remark had incensed the authorities  causing the Beatles to make a run for their lives to the airport.  It was close.  Their passports were stamped ‘no return.’

The glamor of a world tour was such that Bob Dylan had to follow suit so that soon relatively insignificant groups were trooping around the world.  Ed Sullivan, on his TV show, after introducing the Beatles to America  brought musical act after musical act to his show from England with the quality diminishing until he brought Freddie and the Dreamers.  They should have been left dreaming in England.

Freddie more or less completed the British Invasion.  All these Yobboes  set an example for American youth.  High school drop outs were pontificating about international politics while promoting drug use.

Now the Left had captured the entire phonograph industry. An artist or group had to go along with the agenda to get along.  Any itinerant artist or group that has need to travel and especially any that to travel around the world is going to recruited by some organization whether the CIA, Mossad or MI6 or the revolutionaries to carry messages and coordinate activities.  The revolutionaries were all infiltrated by the authorities who kept close tabs.

Eric Burdon formerly of the Animals (a recording group) made a suspicious comment on German TV and was held for weeks in prison by the authorities before being released.  It may be believed that Bob Dylan was such a courier.  He was firmly coopted by the group around Jan Wenner and Rolling Stone Magazine.  He was definitely involved with Greil Marcus and through Marcus with Bomber Billy Ayers, hence the Weather Underground, and through Ayers he was introduced to the soon to be President of the United States, Barack Obama. Then back to Jan Wenner and Rolling Stone magazine.   Being Jewish he was also protected.  Wenner and Marcus were also Jewish.  Barack Obama was a protégée of Bomber Billy.

Now, US relations with the Moslem world had been strained and tenuous for decades even as hordes entered the United States after 1965, Thus even as tensions were flaring between the two the US elected to bring millions of hostile Moslems into the country.  Suddenly Moslems were everywhere.  Once inside the US Moslems would become familiar with methods and customs.  They saw how easy it was to play upon our attitudes.  Protected from criticism on religious grounds as Semites, Moslems went to work to undermine the US.  Their prime target was the symbol of superiority, the Twin Towers of New York Citiy’s World Trade Center, the then tallest buildings of the world. The fit with Bill Ayers Weather Underground was perfect.  Both agreed:  Those towers had to come down.

A first attempt in the 1990s to bomb the foundations was futile although the bomb was powerful.  The Moslems fumed While domestic dissidents such as the Weather Organization and Underground saw opportunities.  This would include Bomber Billy Ayers and his Chicago auxiliaries, along with his protegee Barack Obama, Greil Marcus and mascot, Bob Dylan, while revolution central was Rolling Stone Magazine with Jan Wenner.  What happened to the Towers seems to be very simple.  The connection is Saudi Arabia. 

There is a strong probability that the US administration of George Bush was involved.  As amazing as it may seem, after the first bombing precautions seemed to have been relaxed rather than being reinforced.  No effort was made to find the bombers.  A free pass. The US seemed to have opened its arms to the conspirators if not allied with them.  Watching as citizens many of us were holding our breath waiting for the other shoe to drop.  There had to be a second attempt.  The shoe hit the floor on 9/11/01/.   The fall of the Towers  signaled the beginning of the New World Order; the United States had participated in it own decline from leadership of the ‘arsenal of democracy..’  The Great Reset, the New World Order was underway.   

The Towers were a powerful symbol of American Supremacy.  After their fall the symbols was replicated all over East Asia and amazing towers were erected.  Malaysia created a new Twin Towers with an actual sky bridge symbolically connecting the two perhaps indicating that East and West were then connected.  In a fit of supreme madness the Moslems erected a half mile high useless building built on sands dredged from the Persian Gulf. As a symbol it trumpeted the supremacy of the Moslem World.

The US couldn’t compete; it threw in the towel settling for a 1776  foot tower that feebly symbolized I know not what.

The conspiratorial web is too complex to unravel in detail.  That it should be almost an open secret with so many disparate groups involved seems to be incredible.  An active Moslem clique then connected up with revolutionary US groups in New York City.  Their obvious plan included the recruitment of a non-entity named Barack Obama to make him the first Negro president of the United States.  You can see Ayers mind at work here.

It was such an improbable and audacious plan as to make an observer laugh. But…the plan worked.  Consider that Obama was a complete nobody who had never done anything including graduating from college. 

As a first move they succeeded in entering him in the Harvad Law School.  Obama had never even thought of becoming a lawyer.  The promotion began quickly when they persuaded a publisher to give this non-entity a hundred thousand dollar advance for Obama’s  rather slender auto-biography.  One would think that the publisher was wasting the money but lo! And behold, their money was returned a thousand fold.  You know even at this point and we’re just beginning, although we know the outcome, especially because we know the outcome, Obama’s story may be the most preposterous and incredible story ever told.

Did Obama ‘graduate’ from Harvard Law School?  Maybe.  But maybe   the most prestigious university in the US just gave him the diploma at the prescribed time and sent him on his way to Chicago.  In the fold with Ayers and his Chicago consortium Obama was given a professor ship at the second most prestigious University in the US, the University of Chicago, founded by the Rockefellers.  From then on it was the Yellow Brick Road that led to Washington DC and the Presidency.  So easy it was ridiculous.

As I say, the Moslems connected up with the US revolutionary groups of the Weather organizations including Rolling Stone Magazine to give them advice and planning.  The whole scheme would be done in the open, at least, beneath the observation of the FBI.  There may be a question as to whether the FBI knew when the attack would take place although they certainly knew how and from where.

Twenty domestic Moslems were recruited as suicide bombers, they would direct the planes once in the air from the Boston airport.  These fellows weren’t particularly discreet, there was a tension in the air that something was imminent.  It was a very strange time.  Nevertheless, as immigrants, the airport clerks were given strict orders to let them pass.  In those days, as now,  the immigrants were given very preferential treatment as natives assumed a second class role.

Once in the air the Arabs, they were all Saudis seized control of the planes. 

As the intended bombing was a sort of open secret, a lot of people knew that the Towers were to be bombed on that day, preparatory to the bombing motion picture cameras were set up in an advantageous place to film the actual collision of the planes with the towers. The cameras were filming well before the crashes so that perhaps the bombers were in contact with the land crews.

The first plane could be seen tracking into the first tower just below the top.  The plane was turning into a fire ball as it entered the building.  The tower didn’t even quiver from the contact as it was built to withstand to withstand just such an event.  The cameras remained filming as the operators knew a second plane was on the way.  Some minutes later it too was filmed tracking into the second tower.  As the first tower hadn’t fallen, as obviously was anticipated,  the second plane entered a few stories lower, in an incredible fire ball.

The towers did fall into own footprints, down within seconds. The only possible way for that to happen was for the four corner points to fall simultaneously for each floor.  That was made possible by the bombing of the points on each floor that exploded synchronously.  A very successful piece of work that only could have been done from inside operators.  In other words, everybody that should have known, knew, and did nothing to prevent it.  An inside job.

We, the nation, watched the instant replays, over and over as though someone was laying back smoking a cigar and chuckling to themselves.  This was dirty work.

The explosive puffs appeared at all four corners  and each floor in accelerating speed as the buildings disappeared in an incredible cloud of dust that drifted over the island of Manhattan.  We watched with horror as the towers evaporated, over and over again in endless replays on our TVs, from coast to coast, from North to South.  We had the sickening feeling that nothing would be done and nothing was.  Over the TV we heard out President say, ‘Oh pooh, it’s nothing go out shopping.’  And the day after was one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

To repeat, obviously the corners on each floor of both towers had been mined.  Radio signals from some distance must have synchronously set the mines off.  The hijackers who couldn’t even fly the big Mainliners could not have coordinated the bombings.  They were just tools sent to their deaths.  Thus the US government must have been involved in the destruction.  Were they too tools of the Saudis.

Four planes had been hijacked simultaneously, the other two planes of which one’s destination was the pentagon and the other the White house required more skill while the targets were not that simple. The plane destined for the Pentagon had to come in at ground level which it did causing minimal damage.  The last plane destined for the White House crashed in Pennsylvania as brave passengers attempted to reclaim the plane from the hijackers.  May a monument be erected to them.  May their names be, at least, recorded.

A sheer coincidence of course, but President Bush was absent from DC at that time reading fairy tales to kindergartners in Florida. He too was televised reading to the children as an agent entered the room to advise him of the towers.  He didn’t seem to dismayed, he just got up and left those poor children in midstory. 

Now, the number of people who knew in advance what was to happen was fairly enormous and wide spread.  The FBI had to have known, you can’t even begin to form a conspiratorial group of patriots that isn’t immediately infiltrated by numerous agents, as wide spread as informed people were the FBI simply refused to act.  The Israeli Mossad knew, the British intelligence knew, US intelligence must have known.  Hell, President Bush knew or he wouldn’t have been in Florida reading fairy tales to kindergartners.  The US revolutionists knew well in advance and were involved at some level, possibly as camera crews and such.  Specifically I’m referring to Bomber Billy Ayers, Barack Obama, Greil Marcus, Bob Dylan and Jan Wenner of Rolling Stone Magazine.

‘Well, but how do you know that? You ask incredulously.  I will explain.

On April 5th, 2009 I published an article on my WordPress blog titled Greil Marcus, Bob Dylan, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama.

Bomber Billy Ayers was and is the most evil person in America.  His is a vast empire probably involving tens of thousands of people, you may be sure he has something to do with antifa.  I don’t know what his involvement is with the ‘woke’ conspirators  but I’m sure it can be traced back to the Weathermen.  You can see the power of ‘wokeism’ in the fact that they can burn down whole cities with impunity as in Minneapolis, you can see that they can terrorize a great city for months on end while attempting to destroy federal courthouses, you can see them attack the police with extreme brutality and the fully armed police back down as they are told to do by the local politicians.  You can see them frame police officers and have them sent to prison with unconscionable long sentences merely for attempting to do the job they were hired to do, that is, deal with the criminal element of society. 

The criminals are protected from above in our society.

Bill Ayers, the Bomber Boy, began his criminal career based on the songs of Bob Dylan.  He most certainly was involved in the bombing of the towers.  As he said when through the influence of a cadre of his Chicago influential people after being tried for many of his crimes and exonerated:  ‘Guilty as hell and free as a bird.’  Only in America.  He may be seen trampling on a flat in a dirty Chicago alley.

Greil Marcus, a Rock and Roll critic and associate of Bob Dylan and Jan Wenner, his publisher, became revolutionary for an odd reason.  During the Pacific theater his mother conceived him during a brief affair with a Navy officer resulting in the birth of Greil.  As fate would have it his father, that he had never known died,       quite honorably when his ship sank in a typhoon off the Philippines.  A real whopper.  Greil blamed the US Navy as a cold blooded murderer developing a hatred of the US.

His mother later married his stepfather who gave Greil his name.  his stepfather was wealthy living in the most expensive city on the San Francisco Peninsula. He provided Greil with the means of a great life.  One should have such a step-father.

Greil then attended the University of California at Berkeley, the envy of every California student, where he saw Bob Dylan perform, was entranced, and more or less then devoted his life to promote Bob and his supposed vision of America.  They were both Jews, thus indoctrinated and conditioned in the same way.  As a revolutionist he was first a member of the French revolutionary group, the Situationists, became its leader on the death of its former leader.  He as well as Bob Dylan received the French Legion of Honor award upon the accession of Sarkozy as President,  thus those three were on the same wave length.  What they did for France to receive the honor is not clear to me, but there must have been a reason, as the awards were one of Sarkozy’s first acts much as Obamas giving Dylan the American equivalent award on his election as President of the United States.

Greil would write an article for Jan Wenner of Rolling Stone Magazine commemorating the bombing of the Towers, to be discussed presently.

Dylan’s inclusion in the group is due to the release of his Love and Theft album on, yes, 9/11//01.Coincidence?  Well, we have too many coincidences going on here and all within the same small group.

And then we have the hapless next president of the United States, Barack Obama, who was part of this group. Obama at the time he was recruited was a student at Columbia University of New York City.  How he came to anyone’s attention is a matter for wonder.  Remember his impressionable years had been spent as a Moslem in Indonesia.  Naturally he fell in with Mohammadans  and the violent US hating Weather people, thus thee conspirators came together.  In one of the most audacious plots in history Ayers, the Weather Underground and Moslem activists conspired to make Obama President of the US.  Obama at Occidental College in LA and at Columbia had been a mediocre student.  There is a question as to whether he ever graduated from Columbia, yet he found himself entered as  a law student at prestigious Harvard University from which he did graduate giving him instant credibility.  What the machinations were that got him there aren’t clear but he got all the honors, plus he was sought out by a publisher and given a one hundred thousand dollar advance for his autobiography.  Thus he had money to live in the appropriate style.  We’re talking miracles here and we’re just beginning.

Graduating from law school his backers, perhaps by now being, I’m guessing, the Saudis and most likely a consortium of moneyed Chicagoans, obtained for him a professorship at the University of Chicago to, get this, lecture on Constitution law.  From there to the Senate of Illinois and within a couple years the Senate of the United States. And at one bound straight to the Presidential office.  What kind of odds would Vegas have given when at Occidental  that he was going to be Pres.  Just think about this in real terms and it will boggle your mind.  Jesus never had so easy.

On 9/11/01 he was palling around with Greil Marcus and the prince of the Boomers. Bob Dylan.

Now, the Bomber, Billy Ayers had his own biography scheduled to be released on 9/11/01 but because of a slip up it was released a day early.  Dylans Love And Theft LP was released on schedule on 9/11 so as the Towers were falling and sinking into the ground the conspirators could have been reading the Bombers autobiography and listening to Bob Dylan singing his song of triumph ‘High Water’.   In 1963 he sang to the congressmen that the waters were rising in his song ‘The Times They Are A ‘Changin.’ An now he sang that the waters were six inches over their heads.  They were drowning men and women.  Is your head spinning yet?

Greil Marcus’ and Jan Wenner’s contributions were on the way.  Marcus’ contribution was an article in Wenner’s Rolling Stone Magazine titled in reference to Dylan’s song, ‘High Water Everywhere.’  Marcus was reviewing neither the album or the song however..  He was celebrating the triumph of the destruction of the symbols of the US world hegemony. 

What Marcus did was extract 14 quotes from various places that essentially celebrated the World Trade Center catastrophe as the sinking of the United States, ‘high water everywhere.’  Thus he quotes Dylan’s ‘High Water Rising’ night and day:

All the gold and silver being stolen away,

Big Joe Turner (Negro singer) looking east and west

From the dark rooms of his mind.

He made it to Kansas City, Twelfth Street and Vine.

Nothing standing there.

Another telling quote, almost deranged considering the circumstances was from an obscure 1998 novel ‘The Last Good Kiss’ by James Crumbly.  Note the extreme sadism in its quoting.  The intense hatred is stunning.


‘You don’t know where she is?’ I asked.  He shrugged again, and I said, ‘OK!’  I let the automatic dangle from my hand as a I waited for a jet making the final approach over the motel.  ‘Last chance,’  I said.  He shook his head, but his eyes smiled.  He might be a piece of shit but Jackson had some balls on him.  Either that or he was more frightened of his associates than he was of me.  That was a real mistake on his part.  When the landing jet swept over the motel, I leaned down and pumped two rounds into his right foot.

“You don’t have to shoot him twice,”  Traherne said.

“Once to get his attention,’ I said, and once to let him know I was serious.”


Greil then follows this with his Dylan quote ‘High water rainin’ night and day…’  Now that he has our attention, the second shot, ie. the second tower.   Also reaffirming his connection to Bob Dylan.

Dylan and Marcus were great friends, both Jews,  Greil might be called a sycophant of Dylan.  Dylan later said that they weren’t that close but Marcus was the only rock critic he mentioned in his novel cum memoir ‘Chronicles One.’ of 2004

Ayers named his Weathermen after Dylan’s song ‘Ain’t Gonna Work On Maggie’s Farm No More.’  Maggie’s Farm being a stand in for the US, at least in Ayers’ mind. 

I find it difficult that these people didn’t know each other and fairly well.  Wenner of Rolling Stone claims to know each of them as though they were great buddies.  Of course Marcus was a regular contributor to Rolling Stone while Wenner interviewed Dylan more than once; Ayers drew Dylan in through the Weathermen with whom Dylan associated while Ayes sponsored Obama in Chicago; he would naturally introduce Obama to the others as the first Black President to which they all would accord their approval.

All obviously knew beforehand that the Towers would be bombed and were enthusiastic for it.  Mind, I don’t say that they participated  in setting up the plan, except possibly Ayers.  The Saudi wouldn’t have been familiar enough with American customs and mores to manage the complexities of the plan so that Ayers and his Weather Underground may have been complicit on that level.  It was a gleeful moment when the towers fell.

Listen to Ayers talking:  ‘Everything was ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon.’  As the autobiography of Ayers, from which this quote was taken was intended for issue on 9/11, the Pentagon was bombed and Ayers might have fantasied he did it.  Indeed it is not impossible that the Pentagon was included at his behest.

In Marcus’ quote from Crumbly’s novel  the two shots in the foot are symbols of the twin towers.  Once to get our attention and twice to show the conspirators were serious.  And serious they have turned out to be.

And then Greil Marcus closes his article with the line from Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick after the Great White Whale Moby Dick had sunk Ahab’s ship.  ‘The ship?  Great God, where is the ship.’  The ship   was gone but then a coffin that had been on deck broke free and shot up erupting into the air then settling back into the ocean as the last remaining evidence of the ship.  Ahab’s ship being a symbol for the United States  in Marcus’, Ayers’s, Dylan’s, Wenner’s and Obama’s minds.