Eugenics and Dysgenics

Part 2b-9

The Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War


R.E. Prindle

Continued from Part 2b-8


The Conquest Of The World/The Concept of Aggressor Nations


The histories of the period from 1933-1945 are thoroughly unreliable as recorded by historians, mainly Jewish and/or Leftist writers. A key concept of the period was the Rooseveltian conception of ‘aggressor nations.’ The concept of aggressor nations simply refers to any nations opposing the Leftist agenda. In Roosevelt’s lexicon there were only three aggressor nations, Germany, Italy and Japan. In Hitler’s terms the big war mongers were Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin that he considered aggressors. Hitler feared Communism, the others feared Fascism, and Fascism, after all is merely a variation of Communism. Ideologically there must have been something else going on.

Nowhere are the Jews denominated an aggressor nation while they were the motive force of the Second Thirty Years War. Bernard Baruch a leader of the International Jewish community, and possibly the leader was in collusion with the leading US Jews to direct US policy and lead the country into war against Germany. The attitude of what became the Allies was neither understanding nor kind.

There were calls from all sides to commit genocide on the Germans and this long before the so-called Jewish holocaust. German hatred began when Bismarck united Germany in 1866. Prior to this unification Germany had been a congeries of small principalities of the Holy Roman Empire, often seen as a joke, Ruritanian principalities to laugh at.

After the unification German hatred began in earnest from Russia to England. After the Soviet Revolution Stalin began a campaign to commit genocide of Russia’s German populations. Of a sudden Germany was not only an economic competitor but the master competitor with the West, that is France, England and the US while being the superior of Russia. There is much evidence that WWI was as much about competition with England and France as with other issues.

To attribute the insanity of WWI solely to the Germans was an injustice of criminal proportions. To impose impossible economic burdens on Germany when an armistice, not a victory, was declared was a crime of even greater proportions. Turning the French Senegalese soldiers loose on German women ought to have been punished.

So, in 1933 as Hitler assumed the reins of government, the Jews as an aggressor nation were in control of Russia, would be in control of the US in March after Roosevelt’s inauguration and were active in all countries under the guise of the Third International directed from the Socialist power center of Moscow.

Prior to Hitler’s election, the Jews by their own admission had control of Germany. One may then partially interpret their deep hatred of the man, Hitler. The Jewish attitude to Hitler, and indeed, all Germany was evidenced by the fact that the Jewish spokesman, the US lawyer and AJC executive, Samuel Untermyer, declared war between Germany and the Jews. This would have been a meaningless gesture had not Untermyer believed that Jews were directing Roosevelt and through Roosevelt the full power, such as it was in 1932, of the United States.

Considered objectively, the Jews had been conducting a civil war in Germany from the 1917 Soviet Revolution to 1933 when the Germans under Hitler triumphed. As the leading part of this Communist Party street fighting between the Judeo-Communists had been raging for over a decade. The true nature of the Nazis was their conflict with the Jews and Communists for supremacy. All Western Europe, that is England and France, had to do was step back and let Germans, Soviets and Jews go at it.

As the English and French would not commit to peace with Germany Stalin was able to cleverly clear the way, to force, Gemany to attack France and England to protect his back by signing the German-Russian pact. Remembering WWI Stalin may have thought that the three countries would wear themselves out making them easy pickings for th USSR. The easy conquest of France may have startled Stalin. Even then the German’s could easily have defeated the Soviets except for the interference of the US. What dog did Roosevelt have in the fight? Very tragic.

In the US then, the Jewish war on or takeover of the US was being conducted according to the total war plan of Bernard Baruch’s WIB minus the shooting. The European War was a shooting war but the US war was asymmetrical. The US absorbed in the fantastic notion that immigrants renounced their customs and heritage upon setting foot on the Magic Soil were saps for Jewish machinations.

Every war has to have its evil enemy. In Germany Hitler concentrated on Jews while in the US the Jews found the Fascist or Nazi success in Europe the reason to call all opponents to their plans Fascists, Nazis and un-Americans. The House Un-American Activities Committee was a plan of Jewish congressman Samuel Dickstein to denominate American dissenters as un-American covert Fascists and Nazis and to put them in concentration camps. The result was that the Roosevelt Administration made war on Americans who dissented from his rule. HUAC was created by Roosevelt and Dickstein to specifically attack dissenters while Communists were favored.

Fortunately, Americans in Congress were wary of HUAC and so instead of appointing Dickstein, much to his chagrin, as head of HUAC the task was given to the patriot Martin Dies of Texas over the objections of Roosevelt and the Jews. Dies interpreted his job to mean rooting out both Fascists and Communists who were in fact un-American while the dissidents were not.

A group needs figureheads more real than vague terms like Fascists and Communists, so that hatred was directed at Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh and the Catholic radio priest, Charles Coughlin. These three men were chosen to be reviled and execrated although they were innocent of any wrong doing whatsoever. There is absolutely no evidence, no reason to think that they betrayed the interests of the US to anyone. Of course, Jewish-Rooseveltian propagandists succeeded in destroying the credibility of all three men.

Since 1933 the Jewish objective had been to get the US to attack Germany. At that time when the Jews controlled the US and USSR while being, at least dominating in France and England the only obstacle to their plans was Germany. Thus, the Jewish-Rooseveltian goal was to draw the US into a war on Germany. The American people, however, recalling WWI unpleasantly had absolutely no desire to engage in any war at all. To consider Germany as a threat to the US was ludicrous. So while Ford, Lindbergh and Coughlin were taking the heat they were in tune with American desires.

The opposition barely restrained Roosevelt whose administration proclaimed that the US’ first line of defense was the Rhine deep within German territory. Well before 1942 US warships were patrolling the Atlantic sinking German submarines, so the declaration of war in December of ’41 merely authorized Roosevelt to throw off the disguise.

Of course, the dissidents would organize as the administration more and more revealed its intent. The dissidents did organize into a group called the America First Committee. They strenuously opposed US involvement in the European War, they were therefore demeaned as Isolationists as though that presumed that everyone else was Internationalists like themselves. Every opposition group requires a good pejorative label. Thus the discussion was narrowed to two viewpoints. The leaders of the AFC would turn out to be Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh the two great bete noirs of FDR and his Jews.

Charles Coughlin, who was known as the Radio Priest, having a radio audience in the millions, in a country of merely a hundred million gauges his significance. He had no political organization however, indeed neither he nor the AFC made any attempt to organize a political party, hence power, being content to merely making noise.

By a few misjudgments, Coughlin sacrificed his position leaving himself open to attack. His programs had been carried over the CBS radio network owned by the Jew William Paley. Paley censored Coughlin closing the network to him while Jewish appeals to the Pope to silence Coughlin also had effect. By 1940 Coughlin was a nullity.

Ford, but more especially Lindbergh was another story. Lindbergh had become a great hero, idol actually, in 1927 when he became the first person to make a solo flight across the Atlantic- New York City to Paris. He became a Golden Boy. While a hero to millions Lindbergh also became an object of envy to a large number of men. He was deemed Lucky Lindy as though anyone could have duplicated the deed. Perhaps, but it was Lindbergh’s modesty that won the hearts of the world. As is, or was, well known, the Lindbergh’s first baby was kidnapped and perished. The press would not leave Lindbergh alone and so he fled to England for peace and quiet which he found.

As war appeared more likely he was asked by Roosevelt to review German air strength which he did. In the process he became familiar with the actual political situation in Europe. His evaluation was different from Roosevelt’s. While in Germany, the Germans were as taken by him as everyone else. He was given a medal in commemoration of his trans-Atlantic flight.

Back home in the US Lindbergh having considered the European situation first hand, came to the conclusion that the US should not interfere in any war. This sensible understanding was interpreted by Roosevelt, who ardently desired war, ardently he did, and was doing his best to provoke the Germans, as pro-Nazi and openly denounced Lindbergh as an actual Nazi.

This deranged desire for war may have been an indication of his desire to reclaim his manhood from polio. The desire seems to have a compensatory foundation.

This fit in perfectly with Jewish needs for a villain to hang their hatred on. They thus began to defame Lindbergh and provoke him as an actual Nazi agent.   According to their propaganda Lindbergh was going to run for president against Roosevelt, win, and become a Nazi satrap of the USA. This notion was taken seriously, advanced. even though Lindbergh had made no effort to establish a political organization. A propaganda novel was written called Keeper Of The Flame and a movie subsequently made to defame him. Not even content with that, sixty years later the Jewish writer, Philip Roth, wrote a book, The Plot Against America, that repeated the same thesis, defaming Lindbergh’s fading memory.

While the Jews make much about the so-called genocide of themselves it is established that the Jews called for the genocide of the Germans publicly, first in a book supposedly written by some Jew from the colony of Newark by the name of Theodore Kaufman titled Germany Must Die.

It is inconceivable that Kaufman came up with this thesis out of the blue in 1940 or that it was his own idea. His articulation must have come from a decade or even decades long Jewish fantasy. Surely, he was provided notes or perhaps merely handed the manuscript and told to put his name on it. This obscure book from a nonentity in Newark, one is amazed that it found a publisher, did not disappear without a trace as one might have expected. No, it received massive exposure. Time Magazine reviewed it favorably naturally, while many newspapers gave it favorable mention. Even President Roosevelt began to consider the notion.

How did Kaufman propose to exterminate the German people? Why he believed that the people would be disposed of in a generation if the males were all sterilized. Bear in mind the book was published in 1940 and the US didn’t enter the war until the eve of 1942. Quite singular don’t you think? Where would the Jews get the power to sterilize German males? Obviously they would be directing their militarily powerful American subjects.

The NSDAP soon learned about Kaufman’s Germany Must Die and they knew that some doofus in Newark was not acting on his own. To be sure, the threat to commit genocide on them influenced their own notion of the Final Solution. Why was the US involved in this fight?

Nor was Kaufman’s book an isolated incident. Indeed, the Morgenthau Plan was proposed in Morgenthau’s book Germany Is Our Problem, copyright 1945. Who is the ‘our’ referred to in the title, certainly not the US, obviously the Jews. Once again the US was called upon to eliminate the Germans and Germany from the face of the earth. It would be the Americans who did it, not the Jews. In that way the Jews could maintain their innocence.

Henry Morgenthau Jr. was FDR’s Secretary of the Treasury and according to Morgenthau the assistant president. If not earlier, in FDR’s last two terms he was completely in the hands of Jewish handlers if not their surrogate. Indeed, Morgenthau considered himself a co-president with FDR. Bernard Baruch was frequently referred to as an assistant president as well, perhaps mockingly. This was in the critical period of war’s end when Jewish plans were to be put into effect. Morgenthau’s plan called for the elimination of Germany as a country along with its people. Truly, when Hitler said that he knew that if the Germans failed their heads would roll in the sand. And there were twenty millions of Russians starved to death to prove it.

But, to return to Lindbergh and Ford. In a country in which the executive could eliminate people at will there can be no doubt that Ford and Lindbergh would have been disappeared along with the whole of America First. But was that possible? Could that happen here?

A strange thing happened to the Jewish mind that coalesced in 1940. The Jews believed that they were the true Americans; that the beautiful thing called America was their creation, considering Roosevelt as their creature, any who opposed his administration, that is themselves, were actually Fascists and Nazis and no longer true Americans. Ford and Lindbergh were actually Nazis in their minds out to subvert ‘their’ America and turn it into a dependency of Nazi Germany.

In 1940 the Nazi-Soviet pact was still in force yet there was still no outcry against the Communist USSR, the full force of hatred was directed only at Germany. By Germany I do not mean Nazi Germany but Germany and Germans as a whole. Thus they actually urged the genocide of Germans. Even today a great effort is made to convict every German, living or dead, as participating in the so-called genocide of the Jews.

It is a great mistake to not recognize the true nature of WWII, a war that is still raging.

So, just as the Jews would be rounded up in Germany in later years so the Jews wanted US dissidents rounded up and put in concentration camps as early as 1940. While urgent to themselves the notion was incomprehensible country wide. However, after the shooting war began, all of the most prominent dissidents were arrested and indicted on criminal charges. This was too much for many in the government who delayed the trial until 1944 when with victory imminent interest waned and the matter frizzled out.

Still, in 1940 the actual interference of the America First Committee prevented the administration, the Jews and the British from joining together in the war. It is necessary to point out that the vast majority of the country supported he AFC position. The administration still had their ace in the hole, anti-Semitism, if they could get the card played.

Lindbergh helped out on 9/11/41 with a speech in Des Moines Iowa when he said that the only people who desired war were Roosevelt, the Jews and the English. There it was, anti-Semitism, or seemingly so. Lindbergh and the AFC were discredited but that still wasn’t permission to mobilize. That came a couple months later on 12/7/41 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Even then that was no excuse to enter the European war. That happened a few days later when Hitler declared war on the US because of treaty obligations with Japan. Silly, but he did it. That ended US involvement even though Hitler’s declaration was futile. He had no means to attack the US.

Ever since the Balfour Declaration issued unilaterally by Great Britain and binding on no one else, that essentially guaranted Palestine to the Jews, they had seriously been working toward seizing the Arab territory to rename it Israel. The main provocateur was a man called Chaim Weizman. While the pot was stirred up by WWII which everyone knew before a shot was fired that Germany would lose, Weizman unconnected to any government, working strictly as a putative representative of the Jewish nation, unaffiliated, was working behind the scenes to move the political situation toward securing Palestine as the possession of the Jews. He collaborated, that is conspired, with US Jewish agents that included Ben Hecht the playwright and Meyer Lansky of the Jewish Mafia. These men conspired to move armaments to Palestine in violation of US laws. Had Roosevelt lived, the establishment of Israel would have been a given but his successor Harry Truman required some cozening or threats, that is manipulation, so that by 1948 the Jews achieved their goal and Israel was a fact. WWII had been a success. Thus, by using their criminal underground and political above ground agents the Jews acted as a unit world wide.

Back to 1940 and the elimination of the dissidents. As I said, by 1940 he Jews actually considered themselves as the real founding fathers, the real Americans of the US. The dissidents had been successfully portrayed as Fascists if in not outright Nazis and hence un-American; Immigrants had displaced natives in their own homeland and really with their own consent no less than the Jews would oust the Palestinians from their homeland.

The problem was how to dispose of those natives. It was easy enough to get the Roosevelt government to indict them, but it was necessary to get public opinion to condemn them. All enemies must be hated and quite frankly Ford and Lindbergh were still great American heroes but they did run with the so-called Isolationist crowd. Therefore the Nativist or Isolationist crowd had to be slandered as a whole.

The American public had to be persuaded to see the Nativists, today called Conservatives, as the Jews saw them. The Jews were, of course, absolutely convinced of their own virtue so that Nativists were ipso-facto anti-Semites. The idea then was to make it virtuous to hate Nativists. Hatred had to be created and it had to legal.

The Roosevelt administration had begun with a hate campaign against their predecessors, against the Old Guard of the Gilded Age, against Wall Street. A hate campaign against Roosevelt’s opponents, that is Nativists and Isolationists was an easy step. And the man to lead it was available. He was a Jewish writer by the name of Gustavus Myers.

Continued in Part 2b-10

Eugenics and Dysgenics Pt. 2b-8

The Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War


R.E. Prindle

Continuation of Pt. 2b-7


The Jewish war against Germany should not be construed as directed solely at Hitler and the NSDAP; it was a war against the historic people of united Germany and it may be said to have begun when Joseph Oppenheimer, the Jud Suss, attempted the takeover of the Southern German State of Wurttemberg. The complete destruction of Germany and the genocide of the German people was the goal. This would be proven by the Morgenthau Plan for a conquered Germany in 1945.

Bernard Baruch, probably even before the end of WWI, was a proponent of perpetual wartime preparedness, thus advocating a military State like the much despised Prussians. No sooner had Roosevelt been inaugurated (his first inauguration being the last held on March 5th) in March than the NRA was rushed through Congress.

The NRA which was headed by Baruch’s WIB lieutenant and long time business associate Hugh Johnson was merely a replicate of Baruch’s War Industry Board adapted for the non-shooting war against the Depression. In addition under Felix Frankfurter the Jews immediately headed toward agriculture creating the AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Act and putting it firmly under their control. Sapiro triumphed.

The Jews had control of the currency through the Federal Reserve, commerce and industry though he NRA and the food supply through the AAA. Who now needed Sapiro’s co-ops?

Baruch had been preaching preparedness for a new war since the WIB had been disbanded. He had wanted many of the totalitarian aspects of the WIB imposed on the American population fulltime. That is that he wanted them to be the words of the government. This in itself is a replica of theocratic Judaism. It is no wonder then that the NRA ‘mobilized’ the people of the US for their war on the Depression of FDR. The NRA was mobilized for ‘total war.’ The population was not willing to accept such nonsense.

However, the WIB in the Great War touched on all the mores of the US. It called for a selfless, charitable contribution for the welfare of the US, the world and, indeed, civilization; it was ‘the war to end all wars. By full cooperation the citizen was made to feel valuable, performing an important function, confirming his opinion of himself as virtuous.

The difference in 1933 was that the situation was not the same. Virtue was well paying in 1917-18, in 1933 the average man and women could see no benefit in a war on the depression for their individual selves, there were still no jobs, the bills were still unpaid. The sacrifices were sterile. A little over a year later the Supreme Court struck down the NRA as unconstitutional and the socialist tactic had failed. That, however, was not the end of the affair.

FDR was shocked, dismayed, resentful at being thwarted. A few more setbacks and he grumbled at ‘the nine old men’ of the Supreme Court. The reason wasn’t that his plans violated the mores of the citizens of the US and were therefore unacceptable it was because the justices were old, wed to the past. What the court needed was new blood. Partisan New Dealers. In a frenzy then FDR moved to increase the nine old men with three or six New Dealers. Now he was messing with a deeply held more and he was slapped down hard. The rejection, along a newly elected dominant Republican Congress shook his confidence so that he was never the same after that.

Had he thought it out he would have realized that with patience old men would do what old men must, that is die or retire, which is what a few did shortly. But it was too late; the damage had been done.

Back to Bernard Baruch. By 1930 Baruch was the new leader of the Jewish war on American society. Jacob Schiff, the grand old patriarch of the Jews had passed in 1921, while the hard working president of the AJC, Louis Marshall, punched his ticket in 1929. Strangely enough that ‘ardent American Patriot’ had boarded the Gospel Train in Palestine where he was reviewing progress of the settlement.

Judaism is organized somewhat like the military so that chief men come and go without disruption. The chain of commanders always intact and besides new times require new men. When a leader is no longer in tune with the times he is replaced by any means necessary. So Baruch just assumed the role and the ‘truth went marching on.’

The war was carried on over many fronts. Just as the WIB, an ideal Jewish organization embraced every aspect of life but in a natural way so that battles were not recognized as those of an aggressor. The battles were reforms.

The Depression had aided collectivization or, regimentation as Whites expressed it, a great deal while emphasizing the haves and have nots, in other words, a move toward a class society. The Plutocracy found regimentation very useful. Whereas Henry Ford’s doubling of wages in 1912 challenged the Biblical dictum that the poor shall always be with us and the Roaring twenties gave the impression that everyone could be a millionaire, the Depression returned to the Biblical stricture that the poor would be numerous while being with us. This was part of the creation of the split of the US into what appear to be two permanent classes.

The socialism of FDR was deeply resented. The prevailing doctrine is socialism; Communism, National Socialism and Fascism are just three faces of Socialism. After 1933 the US had shifted to collective socialism although of its own blend. Still, while the Plutocracy embraced regimentation it rejected collectivism and socialism as a threat to itself. The clash of mores, that is Jewish and Anglo-Saxon, was enormous and would take generations to work out if it has yet.

Communism took center stage in 1917, followed by Mussolini’s Fascism about 1922 and Hitler’s National Socialism in 1933. The latter two were derivatives of or reactions to Communism. As has been noted Communism in the US was suppressed in 1921 and released in 1933. In the intervening years both Fascism and National Socialism had come into existence. The two were opposed to Communism much as Christianity was. The Jews who returned to Washington were Communists. The split in US society occurred when the old individualist mores collided with the new socialistic or Communist collectivist mores.

The Communists then characterized the old US mores practitioners as Fascists or Nazis. So, at that point in the thirties the population was divided into Socialist/Communists and Fascists/Nazis/Natives. Polarization to the nth degree. The division was held by Roosevelt siding with the Socialist/Communists. However this reality was little understood.

Now the situation was approaching a crisis and that critical moment would occur in 1940. For that to occur the past had to be discredited. As Bob Dylan would later sing, ‘I changed their faces and gave them brand new names.’ Obliterated, erased. That was exactly what the Roosevelt Administration and the Jews began upon their entry into Washington. Their first effort was to hold the last emblem of the Gilded Age ex-president Herbert Hoover up to maximum ridicule, even scratching out his name from Hoover Dam replacing it with Boulder.

The Democrats were a backward looking lot while the Jews in appropriating the country had to extinguish the memory of its past lords. In preparation for their ascension as the true creators the Jews had been demeaning, debunking being the term of the day, that is destroying the characters of these founders of the country. Thus they meant to destroy the past and replace it with Jewish heroes and mores.

It was for this purpose that Roosevelt had been groomed for the presidency. His election was greeted with great joy by the Jewish community. On the night he was elected several Jewish baby boys were named Franklin Delano. This is more than remarkable. Why should there have been such joy in the Jewish colonies unless great expectations were anticipated from Roosevelt? Such a reaction could not have been a thing of the moment but a long term investment in the career of FDR.

Indeed, FDR had been a significant figure in the Wilson administration. As such he was known to and undoubtedly knew such key figures as Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter. Indeed he would later refer to Brandeis as ‘our Isaiah.’ When Brandeis retired from the Supreme Court his replacement on ‘the Jewish seat’ was his disciple Felix himself.

FDR had been a large ornament to American manhood before he was struck down by polio in 1921. He had a handsome, arrogant fellow by all accounts; to the manor born. He was important to the Jews as a goy of marketable quality while easily manipulated to say the least. He was therefore indoctrinated and in on the scheme. He was chosen as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate for James Cox in the 1920 election. It was assumed by the Democrats that that election was in the bag especially as the Republican candidate Warren G. Harding was considered to be an inept if cordial fellow. The Cox-FDR defeat was a blow as great as that of Donald Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton. It was incomprehensible and it set Jewish plans back twelve years. There must have been a lot invested in Roosevelt.

The Jews had also appropriated Al Smith of NYC as their boy. During the twenties Smith served as their governor of New York State. He was carefully managed by the Jew Belle Moskowitz. He was put up for president against Herbert Hoover in 1928 and found wanting. To replace Smith as governor Roosevelt was dragooned from his sickbed. He was very reluctant. Devastated by the use of his legs he was desperate to regain them and was already using his spa in Warm Springs Georgia.

FDR was installed as Governor of New York to replace the unfortunate Al Smith who the Jews now abandoned much to his chagrin. One imagines his term was made easy while the propaganda machine magnified his acts that indeed implemented the Jewish agenda. When Hoover’s administration was trashed, as the propaganda machine used every defamatory trick available, the election of Roosevelt in 1932 was assured.

There is a problem with Roosevelt that is never discussed and that is what effect did his incapacitation by polio have on his mind? How did he accept the change from his handsome dashing prime to the wheel chair bound wreck who could not stand up or take an unaided step. In short, in cruel terms, a cripple.

Not well.

Roosevelt probably knew that a disabled king could not rule. Throughout history the rule had been that a ruler must not have a single blemish. Even a facial scar acquired in war disqualified him. Thus FDR went to great lengths to conceal his disability. It was never mentioned by the media, they were silenced, indeed, there were legions of people who never knew that FDR had had polio and couldn’t walk. One imagines that the before polio Roosevelt was the image he held in mind of himself after polio. His psychology was definitely affected but the question is how?

Once in office Roosevelt turned on the ‘capitalists’ of the Gilded Age. The exuberant wide open laissez-faire cowboys of 1865-1914 were to be condemned, erased, and if possible wiped from the pages of history. In this both Jews and Democrats were united. Consequently, criminal charges were levied against a host of the Old Guard with at least one sent to prison. Herbert Hoover himself became the personal bete noir of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The defamation Hoover had endured as president was as nothing compared to what to was to come.

Perhaps Hoover represented the whole Gilded Age to FDR. Until his presidency Hoover was considered one of the greatest men alive. He was a self-made man, an orphan who went on to become a graduate of Stanford University and from thence to be considered one of, if not, the greatest mining engineer of his age. He earned a considerable fortune nor did he hesitate to use it for meritorious purposes. During WWI when the whole Belgian population was starving to death their survival depended solely on his good offices as he negotiated with the Germans to allow food through their lines accepting their guarantee that they would not appropriate the food for themselves. The German honored that agreement and the Belgians were saved.

In post-war Germany when once again their whole population was being starved to death by an Allied blockade that would allow no food to be delivered to them. Their plight was lifted by the sole activities of Hoover who over the objections of the Allies forced them to lift the blockade.

Again, in post-war Russia during the huge famine of 1921 killing millions, over the objections of Lenin’s communist government Hoover came to the rescue. He was viewed as a miracle man. This was the man the Roosevelt administration and Roosevelt personally set out to destroy. Hoover was spotless; their only tool was an unwarranted defamation. The administration sank to the filthiest means.

Hoover had begun the great dam across he Colorado River that has made Las Vegas, Arizona and California prosperity possible. The dam was called Hoover Dam as a tribute to his engineering skills. Roosevelt changed the name to Boulder Dam rather than Hoover’s name should be erased throughout history. In an attempt to equal or surpass Hoover Dam, the administration decided to build the great Grand Coulee Dam across the great Columbia River in Washington State. And then he threw in Bonneville Dam further downstream from Washington to the Oregon side.

While Hoover Dam was built in a narrow defile where the Colorado descended from the plateau, Grand Coulee was merely a mile wide. At that width it had to be a gravity dam, that is the weight of the dam had to exceed the pressure of the water behind. The most concrete ever used to that point was poured across the mile wide Columbia gap. One imagines that Roosevelt grinned from ear to ear when it was completed. And all that electrical power was socialized.

Roosevelt was relentless in his defamation of the great mind, Herbert Hoover. His persecution of Hoover ended only with his death in 1945. After that Hoover was able to regain a portion of he reputation although even today he is only remembered for the Depression’s Hoovervilles of homeless people. Now, that was effective defamation. Where was the Anti-Defamation League when you needed them.

It is difficult to understand the hostility, even hatred, of the past. The Gilded Age is an amazing oneoff period in the history of the world. The transformation from a primarily agricultural horse drawn society to an industrial megalith of billion dollar corporations. A period when horses were replaced on the farms with internal combustion gasoline tractors. Oil had transformed transportation by highway, railway and the airways, and this was all done in forty spectacular years. Roosevelt was anti-big as was his administration. In many ways they were paramount reactionaries.

Perhaps more important was the difference in the magnitude of scale. Things went from miniscule to gigantic while the average human mind was still at the miniscule level. Gigantic rail systems, gigantic industrial agglomerations. The currency and economic changes, the rise of the great New York Stock Exchange from a mere nothing conducted under a tree to the seeming arbiter of the economic life of the nation. Perhaps the Stock Exchange was the easiest target, perhaps in its cataclysmic crash, an economic Armageddon with so many lives destroyed, the life of the nation imperiled, was the small minded man’s revenge.

In any event the Roosevelt administration looking back in anger chose to pillory as many of these ‘robber barons’ or descendants of robber barons as they could. Like the ancient Egyptians chiseling the name of Hatshepsut from the monuments to eradicate her memory from history, the Roosevelt Administration sought to erase the Gilded Age from history, to remake the US over again in its own image.

One is reminded of the advent of the Jefferson Administration when he had finally achieve power and said that an entirely new approach to America was to replace that of Washington and Adams. By that he meant that the Illuminati, so hated and feared by Adams, would take control of American society. Jefferson was of the sect, still managed by Adam Weisshaupt from his refuge in Germany. The Abbe Baruel’s Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, one of the more famous books in history, was rushed in translation to the US in 1795 as a warning of danger and in response John Adams had passed the Alien and Sedition Laws to stifle the inflow of Jacobins. One of Jefferson’s first acts was to repudiate those laws and he established the new order in the US thus repudiating the past much as Roosevelt was doing and for much the same political agenda.

And then the Civil War pushed the US in a new direction, the greatest period of laissez faire that ever existed. Now Roosevelt was repudiating the past in the same manner as Jefferson while its reaction is being realized in the Presidency of Donald Trump.

Roosevelt issued indictments against dozens of the Old order as though their very lives had been crimes. In many ways he anticipated the show trials that Stalin would initiate later in the decade. Roosevelt’s indictments were actually futile. The older J.P. Morgan was safe in his grave beyond his reach but his son, the young J.P. Morgan was there. He was forced to sit with a dwarf on his knee as a symbol of humiliation. Perhaps it was thought that this symbolically cut the older Morgan in the person of the younger down to size. Or, perhaps Roosevelt took this method to rage against the polio that struck him down.

Once started there was no stopping them. Perhaps this interpretation is too strong but having imposed his will on the US though the WIB Bernard Baruch was able to continue to direct the US toward his goals indicated by the War Industries Board. Total war was now directed at the United States for the benefit of the Jewish people. Baruch was seemingly able to mobilize the US against itself. In keeping with his idea of total war the taxing system was organized to expropriate Old Americans of their wealth. Income tax rates would soar to ninety percent of income, expropriatory death taxes would destroy old fortunes impoverishing the new generations. The old mansions went vacant and unused, no longer affordable.

According to the Jewish literary spokesman, Gustavus Myers, the goal was even to prevent the formation of new fortunes. Judging from today this goal has been an ultimate failure but then within a few years the great fortunes of the Gilded Age had been appropriated. By 1940 success seemed inevitable. The country had been impoverished both high and low.

Continue in Part 2b-9

Eugenics And Dysgenics Pt.2b-7

The Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years War


R.E. Prindle

Continued from Pt. 2b-6



Let us return to the Bolshevik Revolution and come forward. The Bolshevik Revolution, the October Revolution, occurred at the end of 1917. At that time the War Industries Board in the US was in existence but not in its final form. The WIB was reorganized in March of 1918 and Bernard Baruch was named its autocrat, its Czar with unlimited powers. This cannot be too much emphasized; to oppose him was to incur his wrath and he could dispossess you of your industrial possessions. Baruch then reorganized the US into a totalitarian State. Between him and George Creel of the CPI- Committee of Public Information the State was put into a condition of Total War.

You look into the abyss and the abyss looks back at you. The US was not isolated; what happened in the US didn’t necessarily stay in the US. Europeans were watching and the US was setting examples. The organization of the country and its peoples for Total War. This organization of the Country for Total War was much admired by the soon to emerge NSDAP of Germany. George Creel’s


astounding organization of propaganda under the auspices of the Committee for Public Information squelched all dissent and put the US in lockstep.

At the same time Baruch’s organization of not only industrial America but the regimentation or proposed regimentation of the people won the admiration of the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini who organized Italy along the same lines to be followed by Wolf Hitler in Germany. To this may be added that US businessmen viewed the right about face of American civilization from individualism to extreme collectivism with amazement. They saw that the ability to manipulate the population so easily opened new doors.

Communism, like it or not, is a form of Judaism. Fascism is a reaction to Communism and makes Fascism also related to Judaism in form. Fascism was essentially a creation of Bernard Baruch who was Jewish thus confirming Fascism as a variation of Judaism.

So it was that the advent of Communism and its Fascist offshoot began to reorganize Western Civilization. All the rules were changed overnight, but this was recognized by few people. The majority continued to act according to established mores but those mores no longer produced the same result. Thus the sense of direction was lost. Still, a great Judaization of Western Civilization had been achieved. Monumental. Plus the years 1917-20 had been thrown into complete turmoil. Perhaps the temporary wartime unanimity achieved in the US spoiled the Wilson administration.

President Wilson of the US had concocted a notion of a League of Nations that was supposed to function like clockwork to prevent future wars. The League was actually formed in Europe but Wilson needed the consent of the Senate to permit the US to join. Certain idealists or utopians were absolutely convinced of the League’s potential efficacy and were urgent in the need for its acceptance. Other realists in the Senate scoffed at the idea and rejected the League.

Wilson nearly killed himself in campaigning for it but was incapacitated for life by a stroke instead.   The last two years of his presidency found him bedbound and unable to function. It seems clear that otherwise he would sought a third term to achieve his purpose. The Democratic candidates for the 1920 election, James Cox and Franklin Delano Roosevelt pledged to realize the League’s adoption. The Republican candidate Warren Harding gave some vague assurances. Harding won the election and the League was forgotten.

Now there came a crisis in ideology. The advocates of the League felt they had the moral high ground while being absolutely right. They were shattered by their rejection. The feeling was not unlike when Donald Trump upset the plans of the League’s successors in the 2016 election.

The feeling then was that the multitude of ‘deplorables’ could not be trusted to do the right thing, in effect that democracy was a failure. It followed then that some method of control must be adopted to ensure that the public accepted the wishes of their betters. The question was how. Perhaps goaded to action by President Harding’s inauguration on March 5, 1921, on July 29th, 1921 the members filed articles of incorporation as the Council On Foreign Relations. The method was to work from the top down. There was to be a new concept of democracy. The CFR would select and groom both the candidates for the presidency. The goal was a one party system, essentially a constitutional dictatorship not too dissimilar from the lines of the Soviet Union, Italy and finally Germany but with he illusion of choice and ‘democracy.’

Both candidates were to be selected by them so that barring differences in personal style the program would be the same. The twenties were held by the rump of the post-Civil War Gilded Age GOP but with the 1932 election FDR became the CFR’s first president and with the possible exceptions of Kennedy and Nixon the CFR candidates were presidents until the current Donald Trump upset the plan.

The Jews, who although affiliated with the CFR, functioned autonomously. As noted, the years 1918-21 were fraught with difficulties for them. They, too, fearful of an uncontrolled public had to devise methods of thought control. Fortunately for them their man, the psychologist Sigmund Freud, remained on post in Vienna until 1938 when because of the Nazi presence it was thought judicious for him to remove to England.

It is impossible to stress the importance of this man too much. His influence has never been properly defined but in my opinion he is the ‘grey eminence’ behind the period from c. 1900 to c. 1945 although he committed suicide in 1939. He had had cancer of the mouth for twenty years but it still hadn’t killed him. The stench from his wounds was so bad that his dog wouldn’t come close to him preferring to sit on the far side of the room. Tragic story, actually.

Freud, back at the turn of the century, said that he had abandoned hypnotism, then important in treating mental ailments. He found, he said, that he could achieve as much by free association. That is to say he had exchanged one method of hypnotism for another. Now, hypnotism is merely suggestion on a prepared mind. Thus masses of people could be hypnotized at once if you focused their minds and implanted the suggestion. Thus by focusing the mind on the injustice of prejudice as defined by him one could implant the notion of anti-Semitism and that anti-Semitism was a sin or crime of the first magnitude; reprehensible to the nth degree. The idea was sound but how to implement it; what could be the delivery system.

As I mentioned earlier Freud was a member of the Vienna lodge of the International Order of B’nai B’rith. That group was a Jewish brotherhood based on the Freemasonic order. The Vienna lodge met once a week; Freud joined in 1895 and it is said that he attended religiously all his life until he left Vienna. He said that their agenda was a match for his. Freud’s agenda was to destroy Europe and Europeans. Work it out from there.

The B’nai B’rith was and is an international order with headquarters in NYC. All, or nearly all, of the leading Jewish figures in the US spent part or all of their summers in Europe. It is impossible that they didn’t associate with leading figures of European Jewry to plan and conspire.

To use as an example Bernard Baruch, who said he spent his summers in Europe. Baruch had been included in the US contingent to the Paris Peace Conference. There he met and associated with the leading Jewish figures as well as meeting many important Europeans including Winston Churchill with whom he had a close lifelong relationship, even to the point of advancing money that he didn’t expect to be returned. He became fast friends with Churchill spending a week or so in London summers at his home while Churchill when in the US made Baruch’s NYC home his headquarters, according to Baruch.

It would seem certain that Baruch would make a pilgrimage to Vienna to make the acquaintance of the world famous Sigmund Freud. My point here is summers in Europe were great strategy planning sessions for the Jews as Henry Ford indicated.

Now, ever since the Civil War the US had developed a reputation in Europe as a destination of freedom, liberty and economic abundance. I can’t help but believe that Europeans saw Americans as simpletons. Certainly the Jews saw the US as the place where their dream of dominion could be realized unlike Russia where most of them lived.

Already by 1914 millions were in the US while plans were in place to transfer the whole population of European Jewry to the US before the war intervened.

After the war the situation had completely changed. Whole areas were devastated, cities towns and villages destroyed. Hardship and starvation everywhere. US Jews rushed supplies to relieve Jewish distress. From Germany to Russia the war hadn’t even ended as revolution and civil wars continued for years. It is no wonder then that in addition to the whole Jewish population millions upon millions of Europeans were expected to flood into the US, a very desperate mass of people, impoverished and nasty whatevers. Obviously the America of the past would be completely ruined.

Immigration had been building before the war. Even in 1914 in the seven months before the war began 1.4 million people arrived. The total for the year would have been well over two million, a record. Even in 1920 over a million entered. The prospect was for perhaps five million or more a year. A totally unassimilable number. Chaos would have ensued, clear to any sensible American mind.

Such a catastrophe had to be avoided hardwired internationalists were screaming ‘Let ‘em in, bring ‘em over.’ Totally insane.

But finally immigration controls were imposed. National quotas were installed from 1921 to the 1924 Johnson Act. Even then human traffickers smuggled in hundreds of thousands, but at least untold millions were kept at bay. Jewish plans came to naught and the infra structure built at Galveston and New Orleans was never to be used.

Freud, then, devised the psychological assault on Western mores and culture. Borrowing as always Freud had been greatly attracted by the Russian Ivan Pavlov and his studies on conditioning in the early first and second decades. The French psychologist Gustav LeBon had made massive strides in the use of hypnotism by his studies in mob psychology that Freud absorbed and even credited to Le Bon, nearly unique for him. The transitioning of the US from individualism to collectivism by wartime essentially hypnotism and conditioning had made a great impression on both camps. The war had shown what could be done if the right conditions were created, the suggestions planted and repeated conditioning executed.

This begs the question, then, if the Great Depression had been a device to corrupt the US. Certain psychological techniques were being developed to direct public opinion. These were called public relations and advertising. One of the foremost practitioners of both was a Jewish fellow by the name of Edward Bernays. As any student of Freud knows his wife was named Martha Bernays and yes, Edward Bernays was Freud’s nephew, and they did have a fairly close relationship.

Eddie Bernays, a US resident traveled to Vienna to visit his uncle from time to time. They had long talks and summer walks. Eddie Bernays had been associated with Bernard Baruch’s WIB and had kept his eyes open. He had seen the public easily manipulated and was impressed. Such manipulation was discussed in accordance with Freud’s and the B’nai B’rith agenda. Freud gave Bernays a few of his writings to translate and publish which Eddie did. By the twenties the propaganda machine had elevated Freud to one of the world’s three most influential men, along with Einstein and Marx giving in Jewish eyes and a large part of goyish eyes a trifecta, so that Eddie’s relationship with Freud didn’t hurt his career.

Eddie was cold and calculating. He would take any job. During the twenties women were not great smokers. Lucky Strike’s George Washington Hill, wanted to change that he hired Eddie. Actually in order to keep prominent ad men from other employment he hired not only Bernays but the more important Ivy Lee along with the chief advertising agency of the time Albert Lasker’s Lord and Thomas of Chicago. Eddie was paid the least. Eddie in collaboration with fellow Freudian, A.A. Brill came up with the notion of calling cigarettes ‘freedom torches’; got together a group of young society women and on Easter Sunday 1929 had them light up for the NYC Easter Parade. In those days the Easter Parade was a major event where men and women dressed in their very finest strolled through the main streets of town. In his own way Eddie was corrupting Christianity. Irving Berlin, of course, wrote one of his biggest hits about the Easter Parade which according to some Jewish writers turned Easter from a Christian religious event into a fashion parade.

Eddie had the photographers out and the NY Times put a feature on the Freedom Torches on the front page giving it maximum exposure. Women’s mores were changed in the light of a flash bulb.

During the same time radio became a viable medium while sound was introduced to movies. Television had actually been achieved this early while by the late thirties it would have been taken commercial but was delayed by the War emerging after in the late forties. These tremendous propaganda tools would then go to work on American mores.

Just as an interesting aside, Sax Rohmer in one of his Fu Manchu stories of the late thirties had an interesting scene in which the TV screen was used to hypnotize certain subjects. While Rohmer hypnotized one on one, the medium became one of the great mass hypnotic tools of our times.

It was necessary then to control the content of the emerging media propaganda tools. The Jews, of course, deny controlling the media and they attack you as an anti-Semite if you point out the obvious. The basic psychology of the period should be becoming clear. The term anti-Semite was first used in 1875 by the German, Wilhelm Mars, and was appropriated by the Jews and has become the workhorse of their conditioning efforsts. All these media were perfect as hypnoid producers. To get your suggestion through you have to prepare the mind and the sight and sound of movies of movies and TV are the perfect media. Mores are subtly changed, reputations made or destroyed. Notions of good and bad are posited. Slaves and guardians are identified. By the sixties re-education through the media was in high gear.

Things were pretty rough in the twenties and thirties. As WWI pointed out, wars are the perfect vehicles to prepare the mind to accept suggestions. As has been pointed out the Paris Peace Treaties paved the way for WWII and the percipient figured out that would come in twenty years and so it did.   More important for the US the war began with FDR’s inauguration. On the one hand the Jews immediately declared war on Germany and on the other Roosevelt was given dictatorial full war powers to ‘wage war on the depression.’ So, he fumbled through his first two terms waging war on the depression and changing American mores to an incredible degree. A war mentality, then, prevailed throughout Roosevelt’s presidency.

Baruch was plumping for war from 1920 on and that accelerated with FDR’s presidency. He was insisting on preparedness, thus pretty much the war machine that the Prussians were condemned for and which we have achieved since the end of WWII. It was what Eisenhower called the Industrial Military Complex. In other words everything WWII was fought against. Preparedness would advance the collectivity that the Jews desired while a propaganda machine along the lines of the Creel Committee would keep people agitated and open to suggestion much as we have today.

With WWII on their horizon whoever controlled mores when the war came would control the shots. The Democrats figured that after Harding died the colorless Coolidge would be easy to defeat in 1924. Coolidge fooled them and the Coolidge Prosperity, the New Era, the land of millionaires followed. Then when Herbert Hoover handily defeated Al Smith in 1928 the handwriting was on the wall. If the prosperity continued, when the 1940 and the projected war occurred, according the Democrats the wrong people would be calling the shots and the opportunity to remake the country in the Liberal and Jewish image would be missed.

However, if a great depression occurred during Hoover’s administration continuity would be broken and the Democrats would get in and be in when the war and opportunity to reorganize the country could begin in dead earnest.

Wilson had created the Federal Reserve in 1913 and the creation was peculiar. The Federal Reserve is a private bank and outside the control or even influence of the president. While Hoover has been criticized for not reining in the Stock Market all he could is plead with the Federal Reserve to raise the discount rate which he did and was ignored. It follows then that the Fed knew exactly what was happening and making it happen.

The owners of the bank, the Federal Reserve, are nine international, eight since Lehman went bust, plus the Rockefeller interests. They are the only authorized issuers of US currency. They print the money and they collect interest on its use. Every dollar you possess is paying interest to the ten banks of the Fed.

The Fed controls the Discount rate hence the expansion and contraction of the economy. This is solely at the discretion of the Jews. A wonderful if risky way of buying stocks, speculating, is buying on margin. That is, that by putting up a percentage of your own money you can buy 100 percent of the stock. Of course you’re paying interest to the banks on the borrowed margin, which is a nice deal for the banks as your stocks are collateral. If your stock prices contract to a certain point you will have a margin call and be required to deposit more of your own money to fill in the margin. If you are unable to do this, your speculation fails completely and you are bust. A certain risk, you see. So, after having encouraged the speculation the Fed raised the discount rate and the crash occurred. Over production of goods was said to be the cause. OK.

Today the maximum margin you can borrow is fifty percent. In other words if you have hundred dollars in an account you can borrow fifty dollars. In the twenties the margin was 90%. That is, if you had a hundred dollars you could buy a thousand dollars worth of stock but you were really strung out. Obviously, a very small drop in the price of your stocks would elicit a margin call. The lower margin requirement was a dog whistle for speculators.

Once again, President Hoover has been castigated for not ordering the Fed to increase the discount rate earlier to curb speculation before it got out of hand and reduce the speculative fever. But as the Fed, a private corporation, was legally outside the president’s control, all he could do was remonstrate which he did. Thus, just as speculation was at the highest fever pitch the Fed lowered the discount rate and pushed speculation beyond supportable limits; the market came crashing down, and it continued to do so during Hoover’s presidency.

In his autobiography Hoover says that all his recovery efforts were negated by destructive forces as he seemed to on the verge of success. Now, the CFR was founded in 1921. In 1930 Hoover was told to toe the line in the way of collectivism and refused. As a representative of the Old America he was an individualist. But his refusal meant that he was a marked man. Times were changing under the influence of Communist collectivism. The way was being prepared for what Eugene Lyons called The Red Decade, the title of his book, of the thirties and essentially the Roosevelt Administration. Judaism, Fascism, National Socialism are all variations of the same thing, so lesson’s learned under the fascistic rule of Baruch’s WIB now seemed very attractive. Hoover warned emphatically that if Roosevelt were elected collectivism would replace individualism. The electorate didn’t understand or didn’t care.

Roosevelt’s election released repressed collectivism from the repression of the Republican Interregnum and the forces of collectivism flooded back into Washington DC.

The contest for the soul of America was renewed with a vengeance. While the Jews had been excluded by the three twenties’ Republican presidents that did not mean that they were idle. The noise of the seven year Ford campaign had provided a cover for Jewish activities. Even though Harding had suppressed the Communist revolution in the US during the first year of his administration and J. Edgar Hoover became the first director of the new Federal Bureau of Investigation and made his mission the destruction of Communism the socialist impulse was so strong and diverse that it regrouped and functioned as a clandestine organization working underground until Der Tag arrived Roosevelt’s election was Der Tag, the day.

As mentioned the hastening of the day was being continued above ground in a surreptitious way by manipulation of the currency by the Federal Reserve. Not surprisingly Bernard Baruch in his role as Czar of the WIB included the management of the currency as a weapon in organizing the country for total war. Hence the war carried on using the currency as a weapon. The engineered stock market crash of 1929 was the Jewish equivalent of Pearl Harbor.

The crash and the prolongation of the depression reopened the door for the re-entry into Washington and the control of the US no matter how limited by traditions that have never been overcome. Those mores are well founded.

The US was placed on a war footing with the reentry of the Democrats immediately. FDR was given by Congress the role of dictator with full wartime powers, in the ‘war’ against the depression. And this was a war that would never be resolved until the Jewish war against Germany began in 1940-42. In actual fact the Jews in the US declared war on Germany in 1933 when their US spokesman the NYC lawyer and AJC official, Samuel Untermyer announced it. He indirectly spoke in the name of the United States of America with Franklin Delano Roosevelt presiding.

Continued in Part 2b-8

Eugenics and Dysgenics Pt. 2b-6

The Mysteries Of The Second Thirty Years’ War


R.E. Prindle

Continuation of Pt. 2b-5


Concerning agriculture in the context of world events in the two decades before WWII. With the advent of WWI food as a weapon of mass destruction became prominent. The starvation of the Belgian people may have been an accident of war and it is also possibly a premonition of its use for mass destruction. One must always remember the hostility toward the other by the Jews. The mass murder of Egyptians and Cypriots at the beginning of the Jewish-Roman war and the preparations for the mass murder of Europeans in 1666 lend credence to the idea that the Second Thirty Years’ War was a carefully thought out plan of the Jews to cause the Europeans to kill themselves a la Cadmus in ancient Greece. After the war the blockade of Germany was continued for some time so that no food supplies were purposely allowed to relieve the German starvation. The result would have been the mass murder of millions upon millions of Germans if not the entire nation under the worst possible scenario. How long the blockade would have continued except for the intervention of the American Herbert Hoover can’t be known.

This was extreme German hatred. That hatred had nothing to do with the war but began in 1866 when Bismarck unified Germany. Prior to that the Germans had been an inconsequential congeries of small amusing principalities. They were mocked in the Ruritanian novels that began appearing shortly after the unification. With the unification the Germans became a power and therefore a threat. Economically they were outcompeting both England and the US in world trade. In Russia where they had been welcome as farmers and developers of the Ukraine prior to 1870 as their superior talents brought them into prominence politically and socially the Czars turned against them in a manner worse than the Jews. And of course the Jews hated the Germans for their very superiority against which they too could not compete. Without Hoover’s intervention then the Germans would probably have been allowed to starve the death. There was no relief of the embargo in sight. This would have been a German Holocaust and genocide.

Herbert Hoover, acting on his own initiative, without governmental assistance had nearly single handedly relieved the distress of Belgium perhaps saving a few million Europeans lives there much to the chagrin of the Jews. Now with Germany threatened and no indication of the blockade being lifted Hoover, once again acting on his own while Wilson and Baruch sat on their hands, on his own initiative provided relief for the Germans, once again saving tens of millions of European lives. One must remember that Baruch, a Jew, was in control of all commodities including food supplies.

And then again, in Russia in 1920-21 the German population of the Volga river basin and the Ukraine was purposely starved. In the 1850s-80s The Russian government induced large contingents of Germans to settle the South of Russia to develop the Ukraine. Thousands settled in the South and a whole German nation evolved at the mouth of the Volga. These people would later be destroyed as a nation when Stalin deported them en masse to the gulags of Siberia.


In 1920-21 Lenin requisitioned even seed grain so no crops could be planted. Throughout Southern Russia and the Volga death ruled, between five and ten million Europeans were starved to death. It would be foolish to believe that the Central Europeans weren’t watching and that they didn’t know who was causing the wholesale murder.

Hoover’s ARA or American Relief Association was denied entrance to relieve the suffering. Lenin’s government even tried to extort millions from the ARA for permission to enter Russia. When the situation became irremediable and the horror couldn’t be concealed he was forced by those circumstances to allow Hoover access to relieve the Ukrainian and German population.

Nor was this the last time the Soviets used food as a weapon of mass destruction. In 1932 the event in the Ukraine called the Holodomor was created in which at least ten million people were purposely starved to death. This time there was no Hoover to provide relief as FDR and the Democrats were in office.

We have then a pattern of food being used as a weapon of mass destruction from 1914 through 1939. The following war slaughtered its tens of millions. This pattern in Europe was unique to the period of the thirty years war. What was happening in the US? We have a different tactic to produce the same results but with less efficacy. The process was initiated by David Lubin. He was born in Poland, lived in Massachusetts, then wending his way to Sacramento. As Wikipedia has it:


While in Sacramento, he bought a fruit ranch near (the city) and land for raising wheat. His knowledge of agriculture assisted him when he helped found the California Fruit Growers Union. He then helped settle Eastern European Jewish refugees who worked on various farms in the area and in 1891, be became a director of the International Society for the Colonization of Russian Jews. He then began a campaign for subsidies and protection for farmers initially in California but eventually on an international scale.


Lubin then formed an idea for an international chamber of agriculture, then in 1896 he removed to Italy to develop his plan receiving in 1904 a subsidy from King Victor Emmanuel III. Lubin died in 1919 of the flu.

So now, once again, let me remind the readers that the Jews consider themselves as an autonomous people owing loyalty to no one but themselves as represented by their god. As such they live amongst the nations but are never part of them. Only when their interests coincide do they act as the others, otherwise their plans and goals are not the same as the nations they inhabit. They can remove and do so at the drop of a hat with no real discomfort.

You will notice the characteristics of the Wandering Jew in the life of David Lubin. Note particularly Lubin’s role of settling colonies of Jews internationally. ‘In 1891, he became the director of the International Society for the Colonization of Russian Jews.’ This was at the peak of the migration of the Eastern Jews, that is the Jews of the Pale of Settlement in Poland and Russia. Ford was mocked and defamed by Louis Marshall, Bernard Baruch and others for speaking of the international Jews yet here are examples.

Colonization means the organization of treks by groups of people. Thus, as director of the Colonization Society one supposes that Lubin worked with organizers on the European end while distributing colonies in the US and elsewhere. It was strictly against US immigration laws to organize immigration, the idea was that immigrants made individual choices.

As to Aaron Sapiro. Sapiro came from an impoverished background in Oakland, California. He found a way to get a law degree. Then he found his way to Sacramento where he must have come into contact with the Lubin Colonization organization who taught him the elements of the Lubin cooperative plan. It is possible that he met and talked to Lubin during his return visit to California in 1906. From there he launched an energetic system for organizing all kinds of commodities into co-ops.

At this time in 1906 Albert Lasker was setting up the Sunkist umbrella to sell the produce of these co-ops so that he must have come into contact with Sapiro and possibly also met Lubin. Subsequently Lasker’s advertising agency Lord and Thomas maintained a constant presence in California. It can be seen then that Baruch, Lasker and Sapiro are connected as Ford claimed.

Organizing the co-ops was not cheap for the farmers as Sapiro looted them for hundreds of thousands of dollars over the next couple decades. In current dollars that represents millions.

Baruch included farmers in his group of special interests. He therefore must have sought out, perhaps on one of his annual national tours to keep a finger on the pulse, Sapiro, or perhaps Sapiro sought him out. In any event they became associates.

Eugene Meyer Jr. was a Wall Street manipulator and ‘banker’ like Baruch and he was close to Baruch. Albert Lasker was a public relations practitioner and a professional Jew. Together with Sapiro the quartet were foci of Ford’s exposure of their agricultural schemes. Of course they denied everything except for Sapiro who had to take the brunt of the situation.

Their scheme was to organize growers into co-ops in which they, the leaders of the co-ops, took possession of the crops, warehoused them, supposedly selling them at the most advantageous prices. So the growers incurred the expense of growing the crops and then the added expense of administration while surrendering control of their crops or merchandise in other words. The administrators then paid growers when they sold from their warehouses, deducting administration fees, of course. The growers were at their mercy.

The purpose, say with wheat, seems to have been to eventually monopolize possession of the crops thus being in control of the food supply. This was apparently Lubin’s intent on a global scale.

Ford quickly divined where the co-op movement was headed and how the farmers were going to be fleeced. Ford noticed that the Jews were behind it, objected and exposed the plot in his International Dearborn Independent.

Of course the Jews objected. The AJC with Louis Marshall as president, the Anti-Defamation League and all the numerous other Jewish groups including the Hollywood studios began a campaign of defamation against Ford and conspired with Sapiro to sue Ford. The results are known.

So, what was the Jewish cabal led by Aaron Sapiro doing? It is interesting that today rather the farming co-ops the Monsanto Corp. has developed wheat grains of which the crop of the grains is sterile so that farmers don’t save a portion of their crop for next season but must buy new fertile seed from Monsanto every year. Thus Monsanto gets a cut of every crop grown.  Monsanto then has control of that part of the food chain. They possess a weapon of mass destruction. That most likely was Sapiro’s intent.

Thus one had a sequence of events of the starving of Europeans from Belgium through post-war Germany and the 1921 Soviet starvation of Russia followed by the Holodomor of the Ukraine and the Volga Germans of 1932. Then one had the strange food manipulations during FDR’s administration during which it is said that people actually starved to death. There was the strange interlude of the mass slaughter of the pigs. That pigs were chosen for slaughter is interesting because pork is taboo for Jews. Since then food has not been used as WMD. But then the Thirty Years War was drawing to a close but the genocidal effort of the Germans continued until about 1950. Yet, Monsanto….

Continued in Part 2b-7.