Eugenics and Dysgenics

June 5, 2018

Eugenics and Dysgenics


R.E. Prindle


For some reason evolution keeps popping up as a problem rather than a solution. All of the evidence points to an upward evolution in complexity not only of humans but all mammals. There must be another problem and that problem is that not only are all species of Mammalia not equal but neither are all human species. If evolution exists, as it does, then humans have evolved at different stages also. That means some humans are being left behind and that means that not all humans have equal abilities and that means a social problem in that some humans are inevitably left behind.

In the past this was not problem because on the one hand there was very little knowledge and lot of ‘wisdom’ and the various species, or sub-species, if you prefer, were segregated by geography, they were allowed therefore to develop their racial identity with minimal interference- Asians lived in Asia, sub-Saharan Africans lived South of the Sahara, Semites lived in Arabia and the Middle east and Aryan races in their undiluted form lived in Europe, otherwise where they invaded they melded into Asian populations.

But then, in the fifteenth century something remarkable began to happen. The Aryan mind of the various races began to open. In other words, the Semitic yoke of ignorance as perpetuated by the Roman Catholic religion began to be cast off. Freed from that repression the naturally scientific Aryan mind was released from that repression; the naturally scientific Aryan mind was freed to function once again. Then began the period of the Enlightenment that resulted in the fulfillment of the Aryan mind in that most glorious of centuries, the Nineteenth. The Aryan mind flowered spectacularly changing the very way in which the world was perceived while leaving all other known species an age or two behind.

Central to that flowering was the realization that Aryans are more highly evolved than the other human species or sub-species, if you wish.

Initially overwhelmed by this efflorescence the other human species could offer little resistance; the Aryan flood rolled over the entire world. The Aryans, the Europeans conquered the whole planet and ruled it.

The Aryan supremacy was weakened fatally by internal divisions that resulted in two world wars thus destroying confidence in their emotional maturity that hadn’t kept up with their intelligence. While evolution had progressed quickly, Aryan’s great powers of intellect, evolution had no effect on altering their emotional nature and in that sense Aryans remained on the same emotional level as the other species, sub-species or races depending on how the reader might want to look at it.



To return to the origins of evolution. Charles Darwin was the man of destiny chosen to present the idea of Evolution to the world in his 1959 work, The Origin of Species; his vision of evolutionary speculation, not excluding that of his father Erasmus Darwin who explored the idea as a Romantic writer in long poems. The Frenchmen Buffon and Lamarck were significant contributors to the notion of evoluton. Lyell’s work in geology however destroyed the Biblical basis of the six thousand year old planet created by a god in six days opening the way for Darwin’s ages old theory of evolution.

Since we’re talking about the opening, in the small sense of the Aryan mind, an opening that would change our conception of reality. It might be worthwhile to give some indication of what that meant, what the Aryans could and did do that the other species couldn’t and didn’t do. And that was to lift the veil of Isis and show how the world was made beneath surface appearances. For really, Malthus, a Jew, was right given the knowledge of that day as to the limitation of resources. Without succeeding Aryan inventions of all kinds Mankind was actually up against the wall on a dead end street. It was just that Maltus couldn’t clearly see the future but he was not wrong considering conditions in his present. Freud, Sigmund Freud, the psychologist, said that there were three great discoveries that changed Man’s conception of self, the first was the understanding of the Solar System and Earth’s place in it, and hence, Man’s; the second was the concept of evolution that humbled man from his exalted place in the hierarchy of animals and third, Freud was ever humble, his discovery of psycho-analysis. Freud of course discovered nothing merely synthesizing what European scientists had discovered, much in the manner of Darwin.

According to Freud the net effect of these three discoveries was to diminish Man to relative inconsequence, a tiny speck on a miniscule planet in an insignificant galaxy on the far edge of the universe. As an aside, I disagree with this view that has paralyzed the mind of most people. The universe is so immense that we have no idea where we’re located in it. A seer named Edgar Allen Poe who was perhaps one of mankind’s great geniuses and perhaps the brightest of all Americans in his book Eureka speculated, as I believe correctly, that the universe was like the Earth, like the Solar System, itself a great ball, or lozenge, circulating around a center.

This must be true as all else is wheels within wheels so the universe must be the biggest wheel of all. Perhaps as one sci-fi writer speculated the universe itself being little more than a cell of some larger even more immense organism. So far beyond Man’s ability to define as to be beyond reason. And why not?

So, as I perceive it, our Solar System and Earth’s location in it with all the attributes that make the planet functional is unique in this entire universe. And the existence of life as we know it and especially human kind and more especially myself and yourself are miracles beyond explications. Rather than feeling small and insignificant one should feel like the miracle we are and glory and revel in it for the short duration of our existence. There’s always a catch-22 isn’t there? Take heart! Live, love, laugh and be happy. Once you’re gone, you’re gone, it’s over, so seize it while you can.

So, the imaginative life Man was living of Gods, Fairies and any number of wonderful creatures gave way before the advance of science and the Aryan mind. Marvelous imaginative structures and beings went up in smoke. Telescopes and microscopes, the advance of chemistry and physics, the actual cornerstones of what is considered science; the discovery of the magnetic field, that is electricity and radio waves and how to harness them, the breakdown of air into the various gases, even their isolation as in oxygen; it was all taking place in the Romantic Age as the fantasy world of the past clashed with the reality of life as discovered in the test tube.

For those who read, and since you’re reading this,you, there is a wonderful book by Richard Holmes called The Age of Wonder. Holmes captures the moment of the separation of mythopoeic thinking and science, that moment, perfectly. His sub-title: How The Romantic Generation Discovered The Beauty And Terror Of Science; really enjoyable read.

And there were great synthesizers: Gibbon in History, Auguste Comte the Positivist who organized the new knowledge into a coherent manageable whole. Herbert Spencer, the brilliant continuator of Comte who captured contradictions so aptly. In his Principles of Ethics he wrote:

How absolute throughout Europe is the contradiction between the codes of conduct adjusted respectively to the needs of internal amity and external enmity, we see in the broad fact that along with several hundred thousand priests who are supposed to preach forgiveness, there exist immensely larger armies than any on record.

Yes, Man evolves at different paces at different levels. No matter. It seemed to be the age of progress and not Man but Europeans, Aryans, progressively developed all fields for the others to follow if they could. Psychology, Sigmund Freud’s province, developed tools to measure intelligence and thus inequality, an unforgiving unequality, an absolute inequality one that couldn’t be transgressed became the fact. Science demanded an intelligence that could only be enjoyed by those to whom nature had given it and those were the chosen few. The many who were excluded found a method to negate the advantage of the few, they turned eugenics into dysgenics. The nineteenth century had been one of eugenics; the twentieth century would be one of dysgenics. How to find a place in science for the unqualified. Fool Mother Nature.

Continued in Part II.



Book I, Clip 3

The Vampyres Of New York

A Novel


R.E. Prindle


If you haven’t experienced that kind of mental agony you don’t know. I tossed and turned all afternoon and into the night. My brain was racked but not with pain. It was like all the connections had come loose and I had no control of my mental processes. There was no way to concentrate, to organize my thoughts to possibly think or be rational. It was like three fevers without temperature racking around in my brain.

I was exhausted and then possibly at one in the morning I heard a knocking. I sat up in bed wondering who in the world it could be. Then I heard Gaines again: Hello, I’m back. Let’s talk.

Well, Gaines! Of course I knew what was happening then. I was at that level of experience and conditioning between the birth process and more conscious experience. I had already cleared out the most compelling of my childhood fixations at forty-two when I integrated my personality. That freed me from compulsions and inhibitions but I gradually learned that there was another layer of control or influence yet beyond my reach. Gaines had now shown up so it was possible to free myself from that psychological layer. Small comfort at eighty but then few if any become so clear. Freud and Jung certainly never attained it. I flattered myself that I could be unique. The first of the New Men. Don’t smile, it was a pleasant thought.

This wasn’t the first incident of interior dialogue my mind had spoken to itself. I heard what they call voices back in my early teens. Of course like St. Augustine I had been convinced that one could talk to God. Unlike Augustine I wasn’t crazy enough to persist when God couldn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know when I asked.

And then back then I heard voices telling me to do inappropriate things like Kill your mother and Chuckles but I shut them up; I wasn’t to going to jail for any reason. And now, here was Gaines a more or less rational entity who would try to convince me to do evil I was certain. As in primeval days I was attached to the God Principle while Gaines was representing the Satanic Principle.

He seemed to be lodged in the right hemisphere just behind and above that ear. This puzzled me somewhat as I would have thought he would have been part of my Animus or Ego that being the male side of the brain; instead he was on my female side.

Then I realized that when Gaines had taken up a primal position in my consciousness I was sitting on the back steps of the Orphanage. When my mother had put me in the Orphanage and had walked away she had created this space in my mind, this psychological layer. Gaines and his evil comic books was therefore associated with my mother. Oh yes, my mother. Sometimes I wish I had heeded those early voices and offed both her and Chuckles. Chuckles, that mean assed bastard, was her second husband. They married when I was ten and I then came out of the Orphanage.

Well, you know, as I always told myself, you have to play the hand you’re dealt. I think I can say without comment that I played that lousy hand well. Here I was in New York City, the capital of the world, in a thirty million dollar apartment. Gaines wasn’t going to be a problem, after all, he was me and I was him. I had the upper hand with the God Principle on my side while Gaines might as well have been Abe Goldbladder of the Satanic Principle. I will discuss that more in my presentation to the New Serapion Brethren.

I was inside my skull with Gaines but my mind had cleared up, I might as well get started.

‘So, Gaines, what brings you here?’ A silly question because I already knew the answer. Still, in order to extinguish him I had to play along. However I did think it necessary to call in my old psycho-analyst Dr. Anton Polarion as an assist.

Who is Dr. Anton? I’m embarrassed to say this because then you might think I really am crazy. But that’s alright, I may be.

Dr. Anton Polarion came around several years ago when I was deep in my psychological studies. I was working a number of fields of study and I needed someone to handle the psychology for me when I was working another field. It was then I thought up Dr. Anton giving him the responsibility for memorizing and developing psychology.

I know it sounds kind of crazy but it’s not. Dr. Anton was and is a memory aide. If you read up on the art of memory you will learn that in Greek and Roman times people constructed memory palaces of many rooms extensively furnished and then assigned memories to various rooms and objects in order to more conveniently record them, prodigious feats of memory are recorded. Oh alright, but I wasn’t going to wander around a Memory Palace trying to find various rooms and objects with their assigned memories so I just handed the job to an imagined Dr. Anton rather than a Memory Palace. You can understand that can’t you? Seems reasonable enough to me but you never know what other people will think. Anyway Dr. Anton knows whereof he speaks. So when it comes to hearing voices it was now two to one against Gaines and I had another Ace or two up my sleeve.

I was loaded for bear and I was sure I could kick Gaines’ ass. Still, I had to hear Gaines out.

‘So Gaines, as I said, what brings you here?’

‘I’ve got some good advice for you,’ said Gaines.

‘Knowing who you are Gaines I doubt it could be good.’

‘Oh ho, you think you know who I am do you? Who am I?’

‘This will take some time Gaines but you’ve got as much as I do. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Your showing up here, now, puts things in place.   I’m going to call in Dr. Anton for support. You know who he is don’t you Gaines?’

‘Of course, of course. I know as well as you know me. Hello Anton, welcome to the conversation.’

Anton: Hello Gaines. Well, let’s get started.

Partly: The key here is the Orphanage and me sitting on the back step reading Tales From The Crypt. That was one sado-masochistic piece Gaines with a certain portrayal of women. Strangely that portrayal was reminiscent of my mother. It is between you and my mother that this psychology revolves around.

Anton: Yes, your mother transferred her hatred of your father to you after she had put him away and tried to destroy any happiness for you. It is no coincidence that after she had your father committed to the asylum she committed you to the Orphanage. Of course, she had ‘good reasons’ for doing so but they weren’t the real reasons. When you turned eighteen she thought she had you again, enlisting you in the Navy and having you shipped off somewhere where she would never have to see you to remind her of her crime against your father. Thus the association of your mother, sado-masochism and Gaines.

Gaines also provides your connection to the Jews although that application came later in life. The content of Gaines’ comics, the sado-masochism, is part of the Jewish Weltanschauung that Freud expressed so well and it is that that Judaicized you, making the Jewish culture part of your own. It is that part, this Satanic consciousness that drags your spirit down causing your chronic low depression. We’ll try to shake it here but it may now be integral to your mentality.

Leaving Gaines for a moment the pre-Gaines component was your mother’s extreme selfishness. Of course your mother was three months gone when she married your father. This didn’t create so much guilt as anger. She held your father responsible preventing her from doing whatever she thought she would be doing later. You were born in 1938 in the depths of the Great Depression.

Jobs were not easy to come by and although your father was a good provider, that is you had a roof over your head and a shack to live in, even so your father ran out of jobs so he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps and went to work planting forests. He was a good man; he sent most of his money to your mother. She unfortunately as you would learn was not a good woman.

It is difficult at this point to retrieve her motivation but she got laid in the back of a Chevrolet in the parking lot of a grocery store as you know well, Perry. She became pregnant with the little bastard palmed off to you as your brother. A child of sin he has always remained so. A point came where the pregnancy could no longer be concealed.

Needless to say the realization made your father angry. In an attempt to learn the culprit he began to punch her out. In the way of women she was stout refusing to give up his name. Your father said things like ‘I am out working CCC to provide for you and you’re out, words that were unintelligible to you. Do you remember that Partly?

Partly: Yes I do.

Anton: Less than two and half and you remember! What a memory Perry. The bastard was born, your father left and you saw him only once more several months later. Do you know what happened to him?

Me: No. Never saw him again after that last time.

Dr. Anton: Your mother had him committed to the insane asylum and he lived there all his life and died there.

Gaines: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You can’t know anything he doesn’t Anton. Where’s this coming from?

Dr. Anton: Just as you have been suppressed until now Gaines so has the knowledge I’m now revealing. It came in bits and pieces and I have put it all together. Partly is just now realizing it.

Where was I? Yes, committing him was a sadistic act on the part of a guilty woman. But it didn’t stop there Partly. To assuage her guilt while indulging her sadism she had removed her husband but you, a reminder of her crime, remained. She transferred her affection to her bastard and set out to torture and frustrate you. You remember the nightmares you had in high school where your mother was constantly betraying you? That was a subconscious recognition of what you wouldn’t allow yourself to acknowledge but still you knew.

The Orphanage was just four blocks from your grandparents house where you were living. She had to know the effect it would have on your mentality, you certainly did, but just as she had put her husband away in an asylum she put his memory away in another institution, the Orphanage.

Do you remember this Partly?

Me: Sure Anton, I remember but not as clearly and well organized as you do.

Dr. Anton: You’d be a better man for learning it although at eighty who gives a shit. You’ll take it to your grave soon enough.

Me: That’s alright Anton, I’ll die, as you say, a better man.

Anton: So your mother dropped you off and you were led away just like in prison or the asylum but with slightly better conditions. And thus you began to become who you used to be before your personality integration that introduced this current phase of your life at forty-two.

You became quite independent in that harrowing situation of the Orphanage. Fate left that copy of Tales From The Crypt lying on that little porch and a pain equal to your being abandoned seared your soul again striking through your subconscious to the structural level here. You were no longer a free man but controlled from, for lack of a better term, your subconscious. I don’t know how you made it through but here you are.

Your mother’s remarriage to the maniac Chuckles who was a match for your mother’s sadism nearly destroyed you during those eight long years until graduation. Enough of that for now. Let’s deal with Gaines here.

Me: Can we get rid of him?

Gaines: Hell no!

Dr. Anton: He is unfortunately part of the warp and woof of your personality but I’m pretty certain we can modify it and reduce his Satanic level considerably.

Gaines: Over my dead body.

Dr. Anton: Preferably Gaines, that is what we’re shooting for.

With that I collapsed back into my pillow exhausted but calmer with less of a feverish feeling. I was breathing somewhat heavily. I knew that this was a significant psychological event that had not yet achieved resolution and I was afraid to lose the thread. After about an hour Dr. Polarion returned. Anton was not an alter ego as Gaines but functioned more as a guardian angel, a good spirit so I welcomed him.

‘We’ve got to handle Gaines Partly.’

‘Yes. What is your suggestion Anton?’

‘This. It seems that Gaines is functioning as a node for a constellation of similar events. The two obvious strands of the constellation are he, that is your Jewish experience, and your mother. The first step must be to disentangle your mother and put her into her own constellation to be dealt with later. You already have a decent handle on her.

That leaves Gaines and your Jewish experience which is a distinct constellation which when knowledgeable about it you’ve done a lot a preparatory groundwork but certain resolutions are still necessary. That constellation has to be distended into its planetary elements so that each can be identified and dispensed with.

In addition there may be other elements concealed within or behind the constellation of which we have yet no knowledge. Time will tell.

And then there is what Gaines wants you to do which is why he’s made his appearance now. We’ll have to listen and go from there. You and I do understand that what he wants is going to be ridiculous and dangerous.

Me: OK Anton, your analysis is good and I do have a good idea what Gaines wants; I’ve also got my arguments ready and can direct him. But, God, this is painful.

Anton: Yes Partly, self-realization can be trying and I’m sure you’re in agony. You remember Hubert Selby the fellow who wrote his novel Last Exit To Brooklyn?

Me: Oh sure, Anton. Very interesting story. He was probing his mind to write his story. That once when he came up against a particularly painful remembrance it shattered him so that he had to take to his bed for a week writhing in agony. I can’t afford the time for that now. I have things to do and fields to plow.

Anton: You may have more than you think Partly. Get some rest and I’ll get Gaines back here in an hour or so. Control your feelings.

With images of Jekyll and Hyde in my fitful dreams was the titanic struggle of the Shadow with evil and the images of Superman and Clark Kent. Good must triumph over evil although it might not be as clear cut a victory as one might hope.

Just before dawn Dr. Polarion returned and shortly thereafter I heard Gaines’ Hello, I’m here.

Me: Alright Gaines. I’m ready.

Anton had already disentangled my mother from the constellational complex so he and I were dealing with just the Gaines/Jewish constellation. In that obscured constellation other traumas wouldn’t be clear at this time.

‘What’s up Gaines?’ Anton asked quietly with an implied menace that he wasn’t going to listen to nonsense.

Gaines: Why so hostile Doctor Polarion.

Anton: We know what you’re up to Gaines. I have to tell you that we know who you are and where you’ve come from so your Satanic power is negated.

Gaines: Oh, aren’t we clever. What is my pedigree Dr. Polarion?

Anton: Simply this: You infected Partly’s mind on that stoop of the Orphanage with your sado-masochistic claptrap. Partly only semi-consciously took in the sado-masochistic sexuality without knowledge of sex, he had to repress your Satanic influence and with some few exceptions he did. As he knew nothing of Jews and your own Jewishness that puzzling aspect of your Satanity was filed away for future reference. In the meantime following Jewish propaganda he was conditioned to revere Jews and did so.

Then in winter of nineteen fifty-eight in a fit of sado-masochistic lunacy the Jews pre-empted all TV channels at the same time on Saturday prime time and broadcast the most incredible pornographic sado-masochistic program imaginable. An hour of graphic snuff films depicting naked dead bodies being pushed about by bulldozers. The sexual implications were horrendous. While secretly fascinated Partly was resentful of the Jews for pushing this atrocity on him. Without articulating it to himself he was fatally disgusted. Also without noticing it he associated the ‘entertainment’ with you Gaines.

Gaines: I’m disgusting?

Anton: Eminently. Now, there comes an incident that was let slip by almost without recognition. Partly’s wife, now deceased, came from a Jewish background on her mother’s side; the father was nominally Catholic. The mother wanted a Jewish wedding while fearing that Partly would object. The venue was unimportant to Partly, in fact, with his Jewish conditioning he got a little thrill from it.

However to the Jews the notion that a Jewish girl would marry a, what they considered Christian boy, was anathema to them. Her parents approached all the synagogues in the East Bay but there was only one Rabbi in the East Bay that would consent to marry the couple. This was brought about by the intervention of his wife’s mother’s sister whose family was a prominent supporter of the synagogue. Even so the rabbi insisted on an interview with Partly.

As I say, Gaines, Partly had no religious scruples to marrying into a religious family, not quite true, he would never have married Catholic, and thought to be amiable with the rabbi. Both Partly and his wife were above religion despising them as relics from a primitive age. While Partly tried to be amiable the rabbi didn’t. Partly talked to the rabbi man to man while the rabbi as all rabbis do exalted his position believing as a Talmudic scholar that that worthless information placed him not only above Partly or his fellow Jews but all humanity and most of the angels. Resenting Partly’s familiarity he insulted Partly grievously as not worthy of a Jewish girl while being a Christian dog or words to that effect. At that point his respect for the Jews, intense conditioning or no, vanished.

This event was constellated with you Gaines and the TV atrocity to negate any positive feeling he had for the Jews. A couple decades of propaganda was wiped out in an instant. Partly’s future unpleasant relations with Jews will appear subsequently.

So that’s who you are Gaines. Satan on a stick.

Gaines: Yeah, well Dr. Polarion I know where Partly lives. I know he has suffered insults, injuries and indignities from many quarters including the ones you mentioned and I know this: He wants revenge. Who do you go to when you want revenge? Satan, baby, Satan. And here I am.

Anton: True, Partly?

Me: No. It’s true I have a lot of resentments but they’re from assholes and assholes can’t help being assholes; if they could they wouldn’t be assholes so one has to ignore them. It’s their cross to bear and I enjoy watching them be assholes. If Gaines thinks he’s going to lure me into criminal activity he’s not here.

Gaines: Kiss my ass Partly. Social unrest is developing rapidly, exponentially day to day. There are hundreds of racial and religious, what the authorities are pleased to call murders rather than the acts of war they are happening every week.

I know Partly that you were trained by your experiences to be a serial killer. You know it. I don’t know how you’ve resisted up to this time but now is the time to indulge those resentments. Not only are the cops overburdened trying to deal with all the killing and raping going on but they’re afraid to leave the station. Whole cities are no go zones for them. They’ll never identify you, never track you down. Come on buddy, let your inner Mr. Hyde see some light. Now’s the time for your revenge.

Me: I think you’re right about the time being the right time Gaines but remember that Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I’ve learned that it is true.

Gaines: Vengeance is mine saith the Lord? Listen to this guy. Are you putting me on Partly?

Me: Certainly not Gaines, certainly not. Remember you were kicked out of heaven for the religious offence of chutzpah. God stuck his boot up your ass and down you came. You always tempt men to their destruction by exploiting their own weaknesses. If I were to act in revenge I would surely be caught. Even at eighty I don’t want to be thought of as a criminal.

Gaines: No, you don’t want to be thought of as a criminal. Here’s a tip for you Partly…

Anton: I…

Gaines: You stay out of this Anton, this is between Partly and me.

As above, so below, right Partly? God’s will is supposed to prevail on earth as in heaven, right?

Me: I’m not religious but the Bible does say so. What’s your point?

Gaines: As a lawbreaker I was kicked out of heaven, right. If so, then it is God’s will that I be persecuted on earth also, isn’t it?

Me: Well, you have to believe the Bible.

Gaines: No, you don’t. Freud replaced the Bible but as a Jew he follows the Bible’s rhetoric. Freud and I are one and not only am I part of your mind but Freud is too. That’s one of my attributes that Anton the so-called psychologist forgot to mention. So, if it is God’s will that it is to be on earth as it is in heaven then it is permissible to punish Satanic practices as he punished me isn’t it? As a God fearing person it is imperative that you do so.

Well, there was a thought. The Jews consider themselves God’s viceroys on Earth and that they are doing God’s will by forcing his, or theirs really on the rest of mankind, punishing those who resist, that is anti-Semites. It was a tough argument to counter while Gaines had cleverly appealed to my suppressed desires. Anton was no help at this point.

Me: To punish is vengeance Gaines and as I say Vengeance is the Lord’s. Therefore I cannot punish Gaines, however there is the question of justice, lawbreakers should not be allowed the fruit of their crimes with impunity.

As we know God has no temporal means to effect his will on earth so he must use intermediaries as his chosen vessels hence the Jews claim to be that vessel. However if God spoke to the Jews then he can speak to me. Thus if like Saint Augustine I were to hear his voice enjoining me to administer His justice on earth as he does in heaven, that is kicking Satan off the earth then I could obey his will and be judge, jury and executioner here on earth as the Jews consider themselves. Well, Gaines, that is a thought I will have to give consideration.

Gaines: Yes it is. Further…

Anton: Hold, hold it, stop Gaines. Be gone. Hold up Partly, we have to think about this. Later Gaines, later. Go.

And with a sly wink at me Gaines wandered away. He would be back, of course. But he had given me something to think about. I knew I was going to think about it too and as Gaines knew I would rationalize his suggestion into reality but only in a ‘legal’ manner.

Anton just looked at me and shook his head. He knew what was coming. So did I but neither of us could as yet admit it.



Once again I lay back exhausted. Still I had to get to work. In an agitated state of mind I reviewed the correcting of my piece for the New Serapion Brethren that I was titling The Vampyres Of New York. I had put some preliminary thoughts up on the internet so I was searching Vampyres Of New York when I was startled to find that there was an actual group called The Vampyres Of New York that claimed to be a worldwide organization. Its spokesman was some guy calling himself Father Sebastian. He was a young guy who would have been further ahead claiming to be Brother Sebastian; in another thirty years he might pass for a father.

Anything associating itself with vampirism had to be Satanic while the guy was absolutely touting himself as a religion. The crude Satanism of the nineteen sixties was obviously morphing into an attempt at a universal religion. This was a far cry from the historian Arnold Toynbee’s cry for a new universal religion to replace Christianity. Gaines was obviously right about the Satanism in Freud being a part of me but apparently the drive was to make Freudianism the basis of a new religion. Thus as Christianity as a Jewish based religion had represented the Godly Principle so Freud as a Jewish based religion would represent the Satanic Principle.

This was a revelation to me that while new I would have to try to work into my essay. I had to think about it a little so while I was thinking I tinkered around working out disguises. Having seen street activity for a couple weeks now I was uneasy walking around in my own skin; I didn’t want to become that well known.

So, as I thought I tried out mustaches, wigs, glasses, different outfits, so I could walk the streets so as not to become obvious. But, time was passing and I was driven back to my writing desk. I wanted to avoid Gaines as long as possible so I put in some long sessions hoping I would be so tired when I went to sleep that that bastard Gaines wouldn’t be called up. I was successful for the week left before going to Farquhar’s.

I was a day ahead of the deadline so I went out to get a couple two or three bottles of wine to take along. Wanted to show I was a regular guy. I am a regular guy but usually not that regular. Boy, NYC is an alkie’s paradise. What a fabulous selection of spirits. I don’t drink much but in my earlier days I could do a limited justice to the bottle. In those days I favored brandy. Really good stuff if you’re going to drink. Oh lord, if I had known then what New York showed my now I might have been the man who never returned.

I wasn’t after liquor though I wanted wine so I asked for and got bottles of Ramey’s Claret. Ramey is a good Napa Valley vintner while his claret is moderately priced and more than good enough, excellent in fact. The vintage was 2014 that particularly dry year and of small berries. Excellent, I thought it should go over. I’d had it before and it really is a great vintage.

For dress I wore a 1960 vintage sport coat I bought at a second hand store. Nothing was ready at James Carter and I had tried Lord and Taylor and other stores but none was showing other than those idiotic short jackets cut small and I thought I looked a heck of a lot better. Charles Tyrwhitt shirt, one of their higher priced dark blue and white mini stripes, black in a low light. So what’s a boy to do? Ralph Lauren had turned ludicrous after he left.

Ragnar drove me and my bottles of wine up to fifty-second street off Madison to Farquhar’s condo, very good, twelfth floor. As I entered the building an explosion went off maybe three blocks away in some direction I couldn’t determine. Somebody was acting up, hard to tell who. It was beginning to happen fairly regularly. Cops weren’t catching anybody. So many people and organizations were claiming credit for these things it must have been a nightmare investigating these things using only electronics.

As these things were getting more frequent they didn’t even make the headlines in New York while except for certain sites on the internet the rest of the country was totally ignorant of them. The permanent Obama administration was still trying to explain them away as the work of domestic terrorists, actually by now the terrorists were domestic although not so-called White Supremacists. If by Global terrorists it was only just that we should be bombed as was said and that brought the thought of Gaines back as Lessing was rattling the locks on the other side of the door.

Once that ritual was completed I was admitted into a small foyer with a second door and a number of locks which were only locked at night or when Lessing was away. The door was now open for which I was grateful.

Through the second door one entered directly into a large living room, perhaps eight hundred square feet cutting straight through the apartment to the floor to ceiling windows that looked into the windows across the street unfortunately.

The room was comfortably decorated with expensive furniture but not the costliest. The usual New York abstracts, tasteful, were on the wall facing lovely floor to ceiling bookshelves admirably stocked. Books do furnish a room, don’t they?

I was the last to arrive. Seated, looking at me with expectant bemused expressions were Max Savings, Mark Giusty and Baron Cammell the other members of the New Serapion Brethren. Lessing was apparently a bachelor or, as I was to find, a widower.

As I could see I was the oldest of the four. Lessing was seventy-two but still in his prime. How well I remember being fourteen and finding the age of seventy incomprehensible as young people still do. While even people in their thirties and forties expect people of seventy or eighty to be decrepit. Most of us aren’t. Certainly Lessing and I were in full vigor. Diet helps, three or four years earlier I had been compelled to give up my sugar diet, and I mean I love sugar, and that and an improved diet recharged me considerably.

Lessing was more robust than I being taller, probably six-two and bigger boned. He was filled out but not fat or even heavy looking, his face like mine was unlined while he had a full head of white hair as did I although mine was removable and his wasn’t. He showed a little surprise as I was nearly bald at our two previous encounters.

Lessing introduced me to Max Savings who was small, perhaps five-six, and slight. Max was the youngest at sixty-two. He was dressed like an undertaker, had a slightly weasely face with a pointed nose. He had a sharp intelligence.

Marc Giusty was Italian standing a half inch or so below me, seventy years old, still athletic looking, spent a couple hours a day in the gym as I was to learn, lean and long headed in the Italian manner, thin mustache and good features.

Last to be introduced was Baron Cammell. Baron was his first name and not a title. He would prove to be the most difficult member of the group for me.

By the time I was finished with the introductions Max had a bottle of claret open and the glasses filled. Well, you know, two fingers. One sips, this was a cultured group no full water glasses at one gulp. We accepted our glasses and looking at each other took a sip.

Lessing: Oh, very nice.

Marc: Yes. Haven’t seen the label before.

Baron: (Sniffing slightly.) Yes, quite distinctive.

Max: (Smiling.) Enough said.

Me: Yes, well, Ramey apprenticed for many years in France before setting up in Napa. I like Bordeaux style blend and claret hits the spot for me after reading all those old English novels where claret and wine were synonymous. I like this one. So, we’re all ETA Hoffmann admirers, um?

Lessing: Yes, we are that. By way of curiosity Perry, how did you come to Hoffmann.

Me: Oh, you want my origin story as the comic books say? OK Lessing, I’ve got one. I’ll do this in the best comic book style. It was a dark and stormy day back in the middle of the last century when a thirty-six year man shoulders hunched against the cold and rain looked into a shop window. Perceiving it was a book store he being a bibliophile pushed the door open. A blast of warm air hit him as heads turned to look at the stranger.   The man glanced casually about at the few inside, mostly help, with no particular object in mind. His attention was caught by a slip cased set of two. Always a sucker for so-called special editions he picked it up to examine it. ‘Hmm…’ he mused to himself, ‘Selected Writings Of Hoffmann? Hoffmann who?’ Extracted, Vol. I read from the title page, E.T.A. Hoffmann The Tales. The man had heard of ETA Hoffmann spoken of most highly and of course he knew of Offenbach’s opera Tales Of Hoffmann. Twelve dollars and fifty cents. OK.

Tucking the parcel under his arm under his coat and lowering his head against the blast he proceeded down the street. I was that man.

Me: There you go Lessing and an identical copy can be found on your bookshelf right over there.

Ha, ha, ha came as a chorus from the four men: Nicely done, Perry, nicely done.

‘The lad shows promise, doesn’t he?’ said Lessing.

Max Savings: This could prove interesting.

Me: And since then then I’ve added a dozen volumes filling out, I think, what’s available in English except for that magnificent nineteenth century volume you have on your shelf.’

Lessing: That one. I’m quite proud of that find. I tramped London looking for that one. But you have never reviewed Hoffmann on your site Perry, how come?

Me. I don’t feel adequately prepared Lessing. I have added a number of Romantic writers to my library in the last four years, Kleist, Tieck and like that but nothing in the way of critical reviews so I don’t think I’m prepared to speak authoritatively. And I still have to read Goethe, the key Romantic. If you’ve read my stuff you probably are aware that I speak without concern of contradiction. I can’t do that with Hoffmann yet. So, if I may ask, give me a thumbnail of yourselves.

Lessing: I’m host so I might as well go first. The salient point is that I spent my career practicing law, mainly real estate and financial issues. That is an area where much of the money sticks to the lawyer and I am in a comfortable situation as you can see having made my share or more of the money stick to me. Although remunerative I found the law and its cases fairly loathsome so as soon as I felt financially independent I left all that behind and turned my attention to what I loved much as you have Perry. Much more rewarding.

Max Savings: I’m not quite so financially independent as Lessing and still at my desk at Chase. I certainly am not so accomplished literarily as you and Lessing but I squeeze in time in an effort to keep up.

Marc Giusty: I was a university prof all my working life, loved it at Columbia uptown here. History was my subject. Unfortunately I was just a yeoman and not a star. I wrote a few papers for academic publications and a couple slim volumes that disappeared down the memory hole but allowed me to keep my position. By the way, this is a nice wine.

Me: Glad I chose to your taste. And you Baron.

Baron: I’m somewhat of a polymath, expert in several fields. I’m working on a unified field theory to arrange the liberal arts in a chronology with commentary. That’s all you need know of me.

Me: Quite so, quite so. Now that we’ve been introduced and had a little wine what say I begin my presentation? I’m anxious for your opinion and hope to please.

Lessing: That sounds right. What is the title of your presentation Perry?

Me: I call it The Vampyres Of New York.

I noticed a little uneasiness in the Brethren at the title. Lessing spoke:

Is this a vampire story, Perry? I thought the understanding was that we present historical essays.

Me: Exactly Lessing. But lesser known aspects, other sides so to speak and that is what mine is. Don’t let the title throw you. By the way as you’re not looking at the paper I spell vampire v-a-m-p-y-r-e. I chose the spelling to indicate a difference from a Dracula type blood vampire. My essay will concern what is known as psychic vampires. When I was searching Vampyres Of New York on the internet to see if my first couple of posts had registered yet I was surprised to find that there is actually an organization called The Vampyres Of New York, spelled with a Y.

I was further astonished that it claims to be worldwide although the claim seems a little dubious. At any rate the possible leader is a guy calling himself Father Sebastian who divides his time between New York and Paris.

As you know since the first Disney version of Star Wars a recent religion has sprung up based on the concept of the Force and whatever. It seems probable that the Vampyre organization is a type of Satanic religion too. This brings to mind that after the challenge to the Jewish religion in the West after the Scientific Revolution following the Enlightenment the Western Jewish religion under the Scientific challenge dissolved into a number of splinter religions seeking a center. The center of course came from the East and was called Zionism so that Judaism with some atavism and Zion are one.

Christianity has taken longer to find a new center but under the influence of nineteenth and twentieth century Satanism we may be seeing a jelling into some form of a universal Satanic religion. It is something to bear in mind. So my historical investigation is concerned with the Jewish and Christian religious disintegration of the previous two centuries under some sort of vampiric influence. Is that alright? It won’t offend any sensibilities?

Lessing: If it is historical we have no objections.

Me: Alright. I’m pretty sure this will be a different approach to what you’re used to so I have a prologue explaining the difference between a Dracula type Vampirism and psychic Vampyrism which will concern us. This is longish but not hugely long so fill your glasses and sit back. It is written out so feel free to interrupt at any time for explanations or comments, discussions or whatever.

OK? I begin: The Vampyres Of New York.


Clip 4 following contains the text of Vampyres Of New York.


The Charlie Hebdo Moslem Outrage


R.E. Prindle


As we are all aware Moslem bigots murdered the staff of the magazine Charlie Hebdo.  There are French and there are Jews and there are Moslems.  Speaking for his Jewish community, as he says, Laurent-David Samama in the above Jewish Daily Forward article makes some inexplicable comments demonstrating a cognitive disconnect on the Jewish relation to the crime at the very least:

Like all French citizens, my particular community- the French community- is reeling from the news.  Concerned as we have been for years about the spiraling communal tensions, the anti-Semitic attacks on Jews and the steadily mounting anti-Muslim sentiment, this hits an especially raw nerve.


The majority [of Jews] is now increasingly attracted by radical speeches offering solutions to the problem of French anti-Semitism

Mr. Samama is apparently not living on this planet or he is incapable of evaluating the situation.  What problem, one might ask, is there concerning French anti-Semitism.  There is no problem among the French concerning anti-Semitism as defined by the Jews.  There is only the hatred of Jews instilled in Moslems by Jewish atrocities in Palestine.  There are no French Jews; there are only Jews living in France.

As such it they who have created the problem of ‘French anti-Semitism’ by promoting Muslim immigration in France, Europe and the Americas.

The incredibly obtuse statement- anti-Semitic attacks on Jews and mounting anti-Muslim sentiment- is such an oxymoron as to stun the objective intellect.  Anti-Semitic attacks in France are made exclusively by Moslems, no French are involved.  That war is exclusively between Jews and Moslems.  No French involved.  If the Jews cannot be reached in Palestine then Moslems will attack them wherever they are vulnerable.  So Jews and Moslems- it is an intra-Semitic problem, not Europe and the Americas.

As to the war between the Moslems and the French only one mental system can survive, the Scientific, or secular in Mr. Samama’s language, or the Moslem religious bigotry which is no different than Jewish religious bigotry and both are deadly to the West.

The hypocrisy of Mr. Samama’s comment “Leaders and religious representatives of [the Jewish community in France] are calling for peace and unity at a time when France is divided over the question of Islam.” is unbelievable.

Oh, please.  Having created the ‘disunity’ the wise benevolent Jews are calling on ‘divided’ France to come together under their direction.  We know that song and dance.

France is not divided over the Moslem ‘question.’  The Moslems and France are at war as the Charlie Hebdo murders clearly indicate.  It is the Moslem way or the highway.  Perhaps it would be better if all Jews did leave France, Aliyah sounds good to us, rather than complicate and becloud issue.

Looking For A Miracle

The Sixties And Its Religion


 R.E. Prindle

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud

The deliberate pursuit of whatever type of sex is considered deviant by one’s own culture is part of the program of spiritual seekers as far removed from each other in time and space as Tantric Hindu, California Satanists, Daoist sorcerers,  Siberian shamans, and paunchy English “witches”, with their scourges and “sky-clad” retreats in the New Forest.  To break tabu is a necessary stage in vama marg tantric ceremonies, for instance, in which dietary and sexual tabus are deliberately broken one after another.  It is recognized by these technologists of the spirit that deviation from socially accepted mores is a powerful tool for awakening the sleeping powers within us, provided that this deviation takes place within the occult engines they have designed.

Peter Levenda- Sinister Forces, Book III, pp. 211-12

     The key to the Sixties is Sigmund Freud.  The Sixties was when Freud’s schemes came to fruition.  He turned Aryan civilization on its head.

As unpleasant as it may be to recognize Freud was Jewish and his activities were based on his Jewishness and the age old prophecies that govern Jewish activities.  Freud’s father came from the Galicia that was a stronghold of Hasidic magical Judaism.  Freud himself was a student of the magical Zohar and Kabbalah.

Along with them he acquired the Jewish hatred of the Other, specifically Europeans or Aryans.  He identified his psyche with the Semite Hannibal who attacked Rome- Freud’s symbol for Europe.  In actuality Hannibal defeated Rome in the field.  The Romans retreated within their walls refusing to come out and fight.  Unable to sustain his army Hannibal was forced to vacate Italy.  Thus, although he had won all the battles he couldn’t win the war.  This was a real dilemma Freud had to solve and he did.

Freud began his career as a biologic researcher looking for eel gonads.  Seeing no route to universal fame from that research he became interested in psychology.  Here was some room to move.

Freud was born in 1856 in the midst of the great unfolding of the Aryan mind.  He became associated with a fellow Jewish doctor, Joseph Breuer, who had become involved in researches into hysteria.  This led Freud to the center of research in hysteria at the Salpetriere hospital run by Jean-Martin Charcot in Paris when Freud was about thirty years old.  He could only afford Paris for a few months but they were eye opening months.  He learned the nature of hypnotism and its control element- suggestion.  This would be the stratum on which he built psychoanalysis.

Following Charcot Freud’s first book is an analysis of hysteria.  The book caused no stir.  Turning to associate Breuer and his proto-psychoanalysis Freud studied the nature of dreams.  He characterized dreams as the ‘royal road to the unconscious.’  Following Sherlock’s advice Freud carefully studied the literature on dreams which was fairly extensive.  His dream book flopped failing to make Freud a household word.

While issuing a steady stream of articles he contributed his greatest work in the form of The Psychopathology of Everyday Life in 1901. In 1905 he contributed the useful Jokes And Their Relation to the Unconscious and another significant work that gave a clear indication of Freud’s direction Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality. This small volume finally created the fire storm he had been trying for. At the time the book was considered close to or actual pornography. At any rate it attacked prevailing European or Aryan morality breaking all sexual tabus.

While one may argue that Freud’s was a scholarly approach there is undeniable smut to it.  Freud in general reveled in smuttiness.  He always leaves you with a slightly sickened feeling.  There was controversy then as well as now as to his intent.

D.H. Lawrence who was no stranger to sexual theory and controversy denounced Freud in The Plumed Serpent for wishing to destroy prevailing European morality let alone reforming it.  In this opinion he was correct.  Both Sexual Theory and his Theory of the Unconscious and mass hypnosis would be his primary weapons.

Freud, contrary to popular opinion was not the originator or the discoverer of the unconscious nor even an early investigator.  The unconscious had been a hot topic in European thought ever since Anton Mesmer arrived in Paris in mid-eighteenth century.  There were many different ideas concerning the nature of the unconscious but by 1915 Freud had swept them off the board so that by the end of The Great War his perverted version stood alone.  The question was how to use this tool he designed to destroy the conscious mind and manipulate the unconscious to attain his and Jewish ends.

In the nineteenth century the only mass media that could be used to manipulate public opinion, the unconscious, was the newspaper, but the newspaper requires consciousness making access to the unconscious difficult.  It was only in the twentieth century that the great media capable of manipulating the unconscious directed arrived.  Perhaps the most important of these was modern advertising that arose alongside the movies to be followed by radio, talkies and television.  Color photo magazines are not to be overlooked either.  Photographic images go directly into the unconscious.

Of these media the most overlooked is the power of advertising to quickly change mores, for it was mores that Freud had to alter or modify, the way of looking at and thinking about things.

Freud had a nephew in the US by the name of Edward Bernays.  Bernays being Freud’s wife’s maiden name.  Eddie Bernays became a publicist with George Creel and the Committee on Public Information during WWI turning to publicity as a vocation after the war.  Thus he became a premier advertising consultant.  His influence today is greatly overlooked.

The CPI was a tremendous propaganda, indoctrination and conditioning machine.  The Wilson administration bludgeoned the American public into its party line.  Bernay’s would use those techniques to change the mores of the American people post-war following Freud’s ideas.  First he visited his Uncle Sigmund in Vienna where they had long summer walks and quiet talks.  What was said isn’t known but can be inferred from Bernay’s subsequent career.

According to Wikipedia quoting his daughter Anne Bernays felt that the public’s democratic judgment was ‘not to be relied upon,’ and he feared that [the American public] could very easily vote for the wrong man or want the wrong thing, so that they had ‘to be guided from above.’

Of course, who is to judge who is the wrong man and on what basis as well as the wrong or right thing.  Who is the infallible ‘above’  who is going to force his candidate on the erring people?

In other words, Bernays wanted a dictatorship of virtue.  Unable to disturb the political system in one fell swoop it would to be don incrementally.  Using techniques imbibed from his uncle’s political agenda Bernays did just that experimenting first through the commercial field.

Old fashioned advertising in print, as radio and TV hadn’t come into existence as yet, consisted of long prose pleas trying to persuade the conscious mind.  When color printing came into common use an attractive image coupled with product ID and snappy slogan, or propaganda,  would prove to be more effective.  Thus to promote Lucky Strike cigarettes there was an incredibly attractive slender woman smoking a Lucky with the slogan ‘Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet.’  The ad then carried a number of subliminal  messages as well as the plea.

When Bernays began his work the Aryan female ideal was the Arthurian conception portrayed most notably in the Pre-Raphaelite paintings.  Virginal and desirable as a wife.  Freud’s sexual goal was to invert that image to turn Aryan women into sluts.  Smoking in women was considered sluttish at the time just as cosmetics were symbolic of the prostitute or painted woman.  Good girls didn’t wear lipstick.  Bernays through his advertising techniques was to change all this.

Meanwhile back in Vienna, Freud was developing techniques to change the mind.  As always an avid student of literature Freud latched onto a small book by the Frenchman Gustav Le Bon titled:  The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind.  Freud incorporated Le Bon’s studies into his own Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego.  By ego he meant group ego not the individual ego.

The analysis of Le Bon meshed with the advertising propagandistic ideas of his nephew.  Freud then combined their work with his understanding of sexuality, drugs and his version of the unconscious  to undermine Aryan civilization.  Remember he was successful in imposing his vision of the unconscious as the only version of the unconscious on the entire psychological and psychiatric discipline, hence society as a whole.

Aiding the effort was the triumph of  Adolf Hitler in 1933 in Germany.  Hitler’s anti-Jewish stance drove the whole horde of Freud’s disciples out of Europe to the United States.  While Freud knew what he knew the other members of his psychoanalytic order didn’t.  I don’t mean to be unkind to Freud’s personal lumpenproletariat but they just didn’t grasp what he was talking about.  Nevertheless they were accepted at face value becoming not only influential but directors of US culture during the fifties and sixties after which their prestige began to wane.

Most of them settled in the two culture capitols of the US, NYC and LA so that the media took their lead from them.  While few, if any, understood Freud his vision of the unconscious as a discrete entity extraneous to the mind and actually the body while controlling one’s actions to the exclusion of the conscious mind was readily accepted and adopted as was his notion of repression in a completely distorted form.

The reality of Freud’s vision of the unconscious was quickly picked up by sci-fi writers who turned out a stream of such novels as  Jack Schaefer’s I Am Legend, Jack Finney’s Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and Heinlein’s The Puppet Masters.  Not that we consciously understood at the time.

The State of Israel had come into existence in 1948 setting the Middle East ablaze in a series of wars.  The 1956 war was a turning  point for the Jews.  They had been shamed by their non-resistance to the death camps so the ‘56 war allowed them to assert their manhood and become fierce warriors driving US tanks and jet fighters.  The war also had intellectual consequences.

Aryan Europe and America had astounded the world by its astonishing scientific discoveries and intellectual development unshared by the rest of the world including the Jews.  Emboldened by their military success they set out to reassert their pre-scientific religious dominance they felt they had enjoyed throughout history until the nineteenth century.   Indeed a Jewish woman named Barbara Spectre has established the Paideia Foundation in Europe to claim a parity between what she calls Jewish Knowledge and Aryan Knowledge.  She specifically says that the future will not be like the nineteenth century when science wrested the crown from the Jews.

This is apparently not the first such crisis of the Jewish mind.  A site called Jewniverse published a short piece credited to Daniel M. Bronstein on 7/19/13.  I reproduce it here in full:


Talmudic lore offers many episodes of rabbinic sages intellectually defeating the luminaries of the Hellenistic world.  Far less common are instances of rabbis dismembering their pagan nemeses.  So 2nd-century Rabbi Joshua Ben Hananiah really stands apart.

Acting on Roman Emperor Hadrian’s dare to abduct Athens’ top philosophers, Ben Hananiah traveled all the way to the celebrated city-state and coerced a local into revealing the secret location of the philosophical academy.

Upon reaching the heavily defended abode, the esteemed rabbi tricked the academy’s elders into killing the guards.

In a match of wits, Ben Hananiah demonstrated his intellectual superiority while exposing the vapidity of Greek wisdom.  After kidnapping 60 of Athen’s best, he brought the scholars before Hadrian, who placed their fate in the sage’s hands.

Using what can only be called magic, Ben Hananiah caused the philosophers’  shoulders to be violently wrenched from their bodies.  All of them were killed.  Other sages, like Hillel the Elder, have been praised for almost superhuman patience.  But Ben Hananiah’s actions present another view of the sages: as people who were extraordinary, but flawed.


Of course Plato’s academy had neither a secret location nor was it heavily guarded but it makes a good story that flatters Jewish sensibilities, apparently of a highly bloodthirsty order.  Thank god he didn’t pull Moses, trick and send ten plagues on the poor nitwit, stupid Platonic academicians.  How Barbara Spectre is going to replicate Rabbi Hananiah remains to be seen.  Let’s hope she doesn’t operate in the same realm of fantasy as the good rabbi.

Just as Moses through Yahweh destroyed Pharaoh, as Rabbi Hananiah demolished the hated Platonic Academy so Freud had calculated the destruction of nineteenth century Aryan science.

Nineteen-sixty was the critical year.  Western American society reached its apex in that year, but the demands of the scientific attitude exceeded the ability of the body politic to rise to it.  The people slipped back to a pre-scientific mentality.  Whether we saw it or not the crash of Western society that resulted in the Manson murders and the Rolling Stones at Altamont began in 1960.  Actually the much celebrated Woodstock concert of ‘69 was evidence of the intellectual retreat also, a premonition of Altamont.

By 1960 TV had reached a certain level of maturity.  During the fifties when programming was developing most locales had only one or two networks while there was some concern TV wouldn’t make it commercially.  By 1960 the three networks and independent system was in place.  The sitcom and drama setup was well organized.  Hollywood had learned the Freudian formula of using the medium for indoctrination and conditioning.

The fifties had been the great creative period for science fiction both in literature and movies.  This whole body of outstanding material  was now mined by TV.  Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone successfully invaded the minds of millions while the gold standard was probably Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek.  Both producers were Jewish.

It is impossible now to recount the propaganda, indoctrination and conditioning of the many, many series and thousands of episodes representing tens of thousands of hours of viewing that made war on established beliefs gradually weaning the multitudes from old mores to new.  Mostly the old mores with different content much as new religions build their religious edifices on the old religion’s sites.

The new religion was Saturnic or in another word, Satanic and the hallmark of Satanism is violence.  Few people now remember the TV series, Bus Stop, but that show was a direct assault on established beliefs and attitudes toward violence.  Incredible gratuitous mindless violence for the time far surpassed today when sadistic pornographic violence with nudity or nakedness perhaps a better word, thrown in.

One of the Twilight Zone episodes was a depiction of Charles Beaumont’s short story The Howling Man, the script also written by him, in which Monks somewhere in Ruritania had captured Satan and had him safely locked in a cell where he howled incessantly all night long.  A passing traveler asks for a night’s lodging.  Against their own strict rules forbidding it the Monks weakened and allowed him in carefully explaining to him to pay no attention to the howling man in the cell.  No good deed shall go unpunished.  The traveler naturally listens to the Howling Man’s pleas releasing him.  Satan laughing maniacally shouts Fool and rushes out the door.

Beaumont had divined the situation and put it into symbolic story form.  In the TV episode the sorry Fool spends his life searching for Satan to put him back in his cell.

It is prescient that Beaumont wrote the story in 1959.  By 1966 Ira Levin would develop the theme further when he wrote Rosemary’s Baby about the birth of the son of Satan who replaced Jesus that was made into a very influential movie a year later by that evil presence Roman Polanski.  We’ll get to that.

As is well known Sigmund Freud was a cokehead, a drug addict.  He well knew the deleterious effect of drugs on the mind and morality.  Dreams may be the royal road to the unconscious but drugs are the destroyer of morality.  The Unconscious corrupted by drugs is the end of all law and order.

As Freud, the old cokehead, said there are no coincidences so it follows that the drug explosion of the Sixties is the effect of a premeditated cause.  After all, Arnold Rothstein, a Jew, did organize the drug distribution network of the US in the 1920s.  It can also be no coincidence then that Dr. Feelgood, Max Jacobson, latched onto amphetamines as the great corrupter of society.  Jacobson also claims to have conferred with Freud in Vienna.  Getting underway in the US in post-war NYC in the forties, by 1960 Max was dispensing amphetamines by the gallon.  Imitators sprang up who poured their own gallons of amphetamine into the veins of New Yorkers.  This is fact, now  it should come as no surprise then that by 1966 NYC was overrun by criminal behavior, that seemed to explode in that year.  Or shall we say lack of morality caused by drugs.  In essence New Yorkers could no longer tell right from wrong.  Satanism ruled.  It should be needless to add that Dr. Feelgood was a Jew.  There were many factors causing the erosion of morality in the Sixties not all pertaining to religious developments that are our interest here.

The rise of science caused the intellectual disenfranchisement of all religions but more particularly within the Aryan ranks in which science developed, hence Aryan’s became disenchanted with Christianity while Jews and Moslems reinforced their belief systems against science.

Aided and abetted by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity the notion of moral equivalence took hold.  This was, one might say, cemented by the movie Mondo Cane of 1962.  While moral equivalence should have applied to all religions or moral systems it was turned exclusively against Aryan belief systems.  Movies and advertising reflected the animus against Christianity, Aryans and what Negroes called White Supremacy, that is, White rule and knowledge- science or in Negro terms, Acting White.

With all systems supposedly equal or morally equivalent while consciousness, that is objectivity was suppressed in favor of complete subjectivity or the Unconscious was endorsed, it became an easy matter to inject voodoo, witch craft and Satanism into Aryan belief systems.  Now, the transition to a satanic sensitivity was fully supported by movies and advertising as well as print media.  In 1966 the cover of Time Magazine proclaimed the message ‘God IS Dead’ in black. To the informed that was not a revelation as old gods do die while history is littered with the remains of old gods as epitomized by Shelley’s Ode to Ozymandias.  To the religious Time’s announcement was a huge blasphemy but then, the jury was still out concerning on which side the Luce’s were.

As if in celebration of the Luce’s announcement the Jew Ira Levin published his novel Rosemary’s Baby that concerns the birth of the Son of Satan although definitely by maculate means.  The novel was a commercial success bringing  the little Satan Roman Polanski on the scene who turned the novel into his equally successful movie in the year of revolution, 1968.

The impact of Polanski’s movie was quite extraordinary.  Certainly in the aftermath of the movie Satanism had been, one might say, popularized.  Of course Levin and Polanski didn’t create modern Satanism but they contributed to its manifestation.  The voo doo Saturnian cult had taken root on the East Coast being prominent in NYC.  Santeria as well all the Negro voodoo cults in the New World, of course, derived from Yoruba practices in Nigeria.  The Yoruba people combined aspects of Christianity with their own Yoruba beliefs themselves derived from Greco-Roman religious practices to create a very hybrid religion based completely in magic which through slavery passed into the New World.

Scientology, created by Ron Hubbard, one of those called UFO religions, in the forties somehow gets mixed up in this.  Certain disaffected members established their own church in England in ‘63 called the Process Church of the Final Judgment.  This outfit tried to combine Satan, Lucifer and Jesus into one religion.  No science involved here.  Charles Manson at the end of the decade would be influenced by both Scientology and the Process.

The idea was that Jesus said, Love your enemy.  Satan was the enemy of Jesus so Jesus was compelled to love Satan.  So the two along with Lucifer combined to share humanity so that virtue and evil were morally equal bringing in relativism, so right and wrong are irrelevant because what one calls right another calls wrong and vice versa.  So the law was that ‘it’s all good.’  Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.  Everything is permitted.  A recipe for disaster no doubt.  A state of social confusion had been created, almost a state of sustained hysteria.

After 1966 LSD became significant reifying whatever beliefs one had into stone.  The fact is that nothing can be gotten out of a mind other than what is in it.  Education is everything.  To really expand one’s consciousness one has to develop it.  With drugs learning stops, especially with LSD.  If anything one only reifies one’s existing opinions.  One may think one is talking to God but notice that God isn’t saying anything back.  You’re only having a dialogue with yourself.   You don’t need LSD to do that.

A biker by the name of John Griggs dropped a tab, saw God, changed his ways and began his own religion based on LSD called The Brotherhood of Eternal Love.  Begun in the LA coastal town of Laguna Beach the cult, or more aptly perhaps, commercial enterprise expanded up and down California and into Oregon where it was especially prominent in Josephine County of Southern Oregon.  It is said the BEL dominated or controlled the marijuana, hash and LSD supply of the West Coast but rather strangely none of the authors concerning themselves with the Process Church or Manson’s Family have heard of it.  These authors seem to think that the Process had a monopoly on that drug trade although dealing with biker groups.  Perhaps the role of the biker BEL wasn’t apparent to them.  All three ‘religious’ groups mentioned above were seriously involved in drugs and hence lead a Freudian unconscious life.

The Process Church founded by Robert and Maryanne DeGrimston in London in 1963 as an offshoot of Scientology soon moved to the sinister sounding site of Xtul on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.  There its Satanic, Luciferian and Jesusite form took shape.  As one can see, under the influence of Freudian psychology and the rejection of the conscious mind science had been discarded while consciousness has regressed some thousand years more or in some cases less.  Magic and superstition have once again taken center stage.  Behind the magic cults lay the teaching of one Aleister Crowley of the Golden Dawn and the infamous OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) with its emphasis on sex magic(k).  The K Crowley added to distinguish his magick from stage magic.  May not look like much of a distinction but it is significant.

So, in 1967 we have Charles Manson being released from prison just as the Hippie thing with its legions of underage runaway girls took shape in the Haight-Ashbury district of the city of San Francisco.  The Haight was a hustler’s paradise and Manson was the man to mine that particular mountain.

More than anything the Hippie phenomenon was a symptom  of the rejection of science, or objectivity and the conscious mind in favor of superstition, subjectivity and the unconscious mind of Freud.  In connection with Freud it should be remembered that the motto of his 1900 book The Interpretation Of Dreams in his Latin quotation from Dante’s Inferno was Flectere si nequeo Superos,  Acheronta movebo which translated means:  If I cannot move heaven, I will stir up the underworld.

Freud had failed at the conscious level of science, which he attributed to anti-Semitism, so when he became aware of the unconscious through Breuer and Charcot he had found his underworld.  But that hell was part and parcel of his upbringing as Judaism is pure subjectivity hence rampant egoism capable only of creating a hell on Earth- hence Hollywood.

The Unconscious in Freud’s vision was the source of Satanic magic.  Hence it can be little wondered that at the very least per the Process Church the world was shared by Jesus and Satan with the Jesusites compelled to love their enemies and presumably turn the other cheek which is to say that Satan Rules.  In his own way the great Satanist Aleister Crowley had won the battle sharing the triumph with Freud.

By the way, the Process Trinity mirrors Greek mythology in which Zeus is the god of Heaven, Poseidon the God of the waters and Hades the god of the underworld.  Earth was the common property of all three.  So the Process reflects old age beliefs.

Because of the horrific nature of his Satanic practices all the attention has been focused on Charles Manson who identified himself as both Jesus and Satan.  Half or better of the biker groups derived their identity from Satan- Hell’s Angels, Straight Satans, Satan’s Disciples, etc.

In point of fact Manson was not doing anything his betters , i.e. Roman Polanski et al., weren’t.  The whole of Hollywood film was involved in Satanic practices.  Nor were Satanic practices new to the LA basin.  All of this cult stuff, snuffings and all was common knowledge in the fifties when I was there in the Navy.  I have no doubt it dated back through the forties and thirties.  Read Raymond Chandler and let your imagination go.  Watch the movies closely.

Manson said the reasons for the Tate-La Bianca killings were not what was thought but that he was no snitch.  It also means likely that these unknown forces were doing their best to help him once arrested as evidence disappeared, police bungled the process so that Manson and the Family might have beaten the rap except for the persistence of Bugliosi.

Manson appears to have been associated with the Polanski clique involving a large selection of A-list Hollywood.  They were involved in drug related Sado-masochistic practices and filmed themselves doing them.  Not surprisingly Manson was doing the same with his group.  Perhaps under the influence of hallucinogenics the significance  of a filmic trail didn’t seem so important.  In any event the police confiscated hours of Sado-masochistic  films from the Polanski residence.  Not unusually these have disappeared although they were offered for sale by the police.

In addition there were huge dope deals on the table that if Polanski wasn’t involved in he was well aware of.  His close friend Frykowski, a Pole from Red Poland, was involved in a scheme to distribute the amphetamine MDA and that would have been through the Polanski residence.    Shortly before the murders a dealer accused of burning them in a dope deal was brought to the residence where in the course of a large party he was strung up and tortured.

A few days later when Polanski was out of town Manson instructed his devotees to strike.  The result was horrific.  While it is said that the dope dealer Frykowski was the actual target it was the horrific death of Polanski’s pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, that garnered the headlines.

We have an interesting thing happening here that seems to have gone unnoticed.  It was a transition of consciousness that affected every member of society though few actively participated.  As an example to illustrate what was happening from 1967 through 1969 I quote from an online publication by an anonymous author concerning the transition from the Weimar Republic to the Nazi Government of Germany.    (    hppt:// ) chap.17, p. 4:


In his book, “In The Garden Of The Beast”, Erik Larson relates first hand accounts of what it was like to be an outsider (in particular the American Ambassador and his daughter) observing Hitler’s rise from Chancellor to tyrant in 1933.  It was during that year that Germany became absolutely transformed.  “It was like watching a dear friend go insane.” as one outside observer put it.  After the great transition and assimilation, German’s collective mind was “coordinated.”

Larson quoted:

“Beneath the surface, however, Germany had undergone a rapid and sweeping revolution that reached deep into the fabric of daily life.  It had occurred quietly and largely out of easy view.  At the core was a government campaign called Gleichshaltung- meaning ‘Coordination’- to bring citizens, government ministries, universities, and cultural and social institutions in line with National Socialist beliefs and attitudes.

‘Coordination’ occurred with astonishing speed, even in sectors of life not directly targeted by specific laws, as Germans willingly placed themselves under the sway of Nazi rule, a phenomenon that became known as Selbstgleichschaltung, or ‘self-coordination.’  Change came to Germany so quickly and  across such a wide front that German citizens who left the country for business or travel returned to find everything around them altered, as if they were characters in a horror movie who come back to find that people who once were their friends, clients, patients, and customers have become different in ways hard to discern.  Gerda Laufer, a socialist wrote that she felt ‘deeply shaken that people whom one regarded as friends, who were known for a long time, from one hour to the next transformed themselves.”

Unquote, unquote.

The same thing happened in the US in the fifties as Jack Finney recorded in his Body Snatchers, is happening again here at the end of the sixties and is happening now as Obama/Hitler transforms the Aryan mind.  We now have a call for a ‘meaningful dialogue’ on race which means ‘accept our views or be punished.’  There is no dialogue just an order from headquarters.

On a longer wave than Germany one entered the fun house in 1960 and through a bizarre series of dioramas one exited into an entirely different world in 1970.  On the shorter wave the rapid transition took place from 1968’s Rosemary’s Baby to the Rolling Stones fiasco at Altamont in December 1969 which had been scheduled for December 7, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, but was delayed by a day to December 8th.

As Dylan sang, there was something happening here but few if any knew what it was.  There was no way for anyone to gain sufficient facts to interpret the whole but those with certain roles observing specific parts knew what to do.

Thus the public had no idea what Manson was doing before or after the Tate-La Bianca killings.  The killings themselves obscured everything.  Manson based his attitudes on Robert Heinlein’s  novel of 1961 Stranger In A Strange Land.  Stranger was one of the formative novels of the 60s fitting right in with the psychedelic revolution even though Heinlein had a forties-fifties mentality while adding numerous terms to the vocabulary such as ‘grokking’ and ‘water brother’.

One can imagine Manson reading it in his cell.  Then when he was released actually being a stranger in the very strange land of Haight-Ashbury.  At the same time he realized it was a parallel universe designed with him in mind.  He combined aspects of the two lead characters, the human Valentine Michael Smith raised on Mars and his terrestrial guru Jubal Harshaw.  Jubal means father of all, a role Manson assumed.  He also named his son Valentine Michael.  Smith transformed terrestrial culture as so in his way did Manson.

While on Mars Smith learned the Martian method of mind and body control which Manson adopted and extended to his disciples.  After the killings Manson began living out some desert fantasy in Death Valley.  It was there he really overstepped the bounds bringing the Park Department down on his head which then led to his charge of the murders, but it’s the desert adventure that interests us here.  While the vast majority was unaware of the Death Valley escapade detailed in Ed Sanders, The Family, (make sure you read the first edition) Mansonites saw and learned.  In the desert Manson nearly created his own country living by his own laws.  Unfortunately his prison mentality kept him from grasping his full opportunity .  He was too much the outlaw.

While I didn’t realize it at the time his influence spread up the coast to Eugene, Oregon where I was living at the time.  Those were rough and rowdy times.  There were many crimes, frequently using shotguns.  An especially outlaw area was called Fall Creek.  At one time a truck with a light rack pulled up before a camp site turning the light rack on the campers from the road.  They stood like deer staring into the lights.  The occupants turned rifles on the campers man, woman and children and mowed them down.

As far as I know the police chose not to apprehend them.  It would have been easy.  A brown pick up with a light rack in a small town?  I knew the truck while finding a brown pick up with a light rack should have been easy.  Couldn’t have been more than one in the county.

I was lured out to the area once with my wife by a couple posing as friends.  All of a sudden at eleven o’clock at night they shooed us out of their house.  As one neared the highway a narrow stone bridge crossed Fall Creek, almost a ditch at that point.  As we approached a guy came up from under the bridge, stood in the middle of the roadway waving his arms.  I wasn’t going to stop and there was room to drive around him.  No sooner had I crossed the bridge than another guy came up from under it bearing an automatic with what looked like a silencer on it.  Both began calling me names.  So, I at least, would have been murdered on the spot.

As a footnote Diane Downs of the famous murder case in the same area said she was stopped by a guy waving his arms in the middle of the road.  She was disbelieved subsequently spending her life in prison.  I know she was stopped and I believe her story.  What the DA’s problem with her was I don’t know but she was sure railroaded.

The revolutionaries flooded into the hills above Fall Creek building concrete bunkers a la Manson that they stocked with food and weapons in preparation for the Day.  Strange robberies and shootings happened fairly frequently.  There were Manson cultists around for several years.  They may still be there, or here, actually, but I no longer have reason to be in contact with them.

Of course, Manson combined Heinlein with the various Satanic cults, the writer of the Spawn Of The Sphinx calls them UFO cults, to create his unique mixture.

Manson has taken the rap for what was going on but as I have indicated Polanski and a large part of Hollywood were as deeply connected to Satanism as he was.  Remember actually billions of tablets of prescription amphetamines and barbiturates were being sold annually in addition to the hundreds of millions of hits of illegal LSD, marijuana and God only knows what.  Frykowski was negotiating to become a large distributor of the amphetamine MDA.

Drugs were not solely a Hippie phenomenon; drugs were endemic.

Polanski, who can possibly be seen as a successful Manson, continued his nefarious career being arrested in 1977 on charges of child porn or statutory rape.  While it is said that the girl’s mother rented her out for the purpose the charge was still statutory rape.  Remember Manson said that the Tate-La Bianca victims were into kiddie porn.  Polanski believing he would be sentenced to hard time, possibly even being in the same prison as Manson, who knows, took it on the lam.  Today he is a fugitive from justice living in Europe where he has powerful protection.  Still makes movies though.

The Manson trial was docked in December being very much in the news at the time of Altamont, as was the Zodiac killer, so there was a certain atmosphere surrounding the concert.

The last half of ‘69 was in some ways the apex of Aryan consciousness while at the same time its nadir.  Even as powerful rockets were propelling a manned vehicle to land on the moon carrying an astronaut to leave a footprint three inches deep in the lunar dust the unconscious was burying the conscious mind on Earth.  A giant step forward for mankind on the moon while a two thousand year regression on Earth.

Almost simultaneously as the lunar module blasted down on the moon a half million of what used to be the hope for America’s future gathered in a muddy field in New York to show a level of culture not seen since the Anabaptists four hundred years ago.

While my generation celebrates Woodstock as the high point of Sixties culture I can see it only as an embarrassment.  Not wishing to go into detail I will only mention one thing.  Columbia Records released an album call Beautiful People, an ironic insult to the Woodstock Nation as Hippies called themselves in mockery of the Jetset beautiful people.  But, if you look at the album cover closely, in the upper lower quadrant you will see some guy standing up haveing sexual intercourse with a sheep.  Beastiality as well as NAMBLA maybe endorsed by some but damned if I’ll join in.

I know I’d never be forgiven for saying so but I consider Woodstock to be the penultimate nadir of the Sixties.  The nadir was, of course, Altamont, Satan’s triumph.

While the Rolling Stones, under whose auspices the event occurred refused to take responsibility for it, the Stones were as responsible as Levin, Polanski, the Process Church and Manson for the rise of Satanism.

The Manson trial was about to commence.  Manson to a large extent incorporated Rock into his philosophy although basing his notions more on the Beatles Double Album than the Stones.  Also bear in mind that Heinlein’s Stranger In A Strange Land was his bedrock.  One could only hope that he had been captivated by the bible of evildoers, The Catcher In The Rye.

The character of society changed greatly after 1968 almost like Nazi Germany.  Sixty-eight was the year of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the horrors of which in China are still unlearnt in Europe and the US.  The Cultural Revolution was global.  Sixty-eight was the year of Mao’s Little Red Book and his red and gold portrait pins.  Sixty-eight was the year SDS exploded and the formation of the idiot Bomber Billy Ayers’ Weathermen organization as well as the Jewish Defense League, its offshoot The Jewish Defense Organization and the criminal activities of Rabbi Meyer Kahane.  Over the period of a couple years there were thousands of bombings in US cities.  So many that very few were ever publicized.

While the Tate-La Bianca killings dominated the headlines organizations like the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, the Black Panthers and numerous cults such as The Process Church were stirring up the folk.  One was practically dizzy.  In action at the same time as Manson the Zodiac killingts of the Bay Area where Altamont would be held were going on.  There was just way way too much for people to absorb or begin to understand.    As most people were busy trying to live their lives all this crazy activity had remarkably little effect.  It was just ‘news.’

Apropos of Altamont the Stones were relatively heavily involved in Sastanic matters, that, if I am right came to a head at Altamont.

Marianne Faithfull and Jagger had been familiar with Satanism before the Redlands bust.  Anita Pallenberg, formerly with Brian Jones and then Keith Richards, was deep into Satanism.  At one time she had Brian and herself dress in Nazi uniforms.  The Nazis were a fascination of the Process Church so rather than being an innocent lark she may have been showing the Church she was in a position to influence the Stones.  Indeed, they were in awe of her.

Through the art dealer and man about Hippiedom, Robert Fraser, Marianne and Jagger had met the arch American free lance Satanist Kenneth Anger, with whom they were deeply involved, and who was associated with the arech US Satanist, Anton La Vey.  La Vey would play Satan in Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby.  That would imply that Polanski was involved in Satanism leading back to the Tate-La Bianca killings.

Post Redlands, Mick was thrown into a frenzy of hatred of society probably having thought he was a notch or two above the law immune to arrest.  Indeed he thought the enforcement of the law against him was a violation of his ‘freedom.’  Marianne had been a bit of an innocent, too naïve for her own good.  Mick now enraged turned to Satanism posing as Satan himself in his song Sympathy For The Devil of 1968.  He allowed the Stones to be featured in Jean Luc Godard’s bizarre revolutionary movie titled One+One subsequently changed to the title of Jagger’s song.  Marianne would let herself be exploited  in a couple of French films while becoming involved with the Process Church itself while starring in a Satanic film of Anger’s.

It is said now that Satanism was a minor flirtation on their parts but the indications are that the involvement was much deeper and more serious, especially on the part of Marianne that was reflected in her persona and activities in the first two years of her parting with Jagger.

It was perhaps the Process that alerted Marianne to the publication of a Soviet Satanic novel The Master And Margarita published in early 1968.  The novel has since attained a high cult status in the US and GB while becoming an industry in the former USSR.  A number of films of the novel have been produced in Europe.  A much overrated literary effort, in my opinion but a key Satanic document.

Marianne pressed Jagger to read the novel as he was about to begin production of Donald Cammel’s movie Performance, also a Satanic film, shot in the summer of ‘68, that revolutionary year.  The movie would not be released until 1971 so has no effect on the period.

Whether or not Jagger or Marianne took their Satanism as more than a hallucinogenic lark the effect of their Satanism on their fan base was intense.  Jagger was viewed as the Great Satan or, at least, a wannabe.

So the aura surrounding Altamont was imbued with Satanism.  Haight-Ashbury was Satanic.  Satanic was.

The Altamont was an almost perfect Satanic location.  The Altamont is a pass over the hills surrounding the East side of the San Francisco Bay, the East Bay.  To the North of the pass lies Contra Costa County; to the East is Stockton, Sacramento, Modesto,  and the Central Valley.  To the South are barren hillsides, desert for miles all the way to San Jose and beyond.

The pass is only a thousand feet but very windy while when the pacific fog comes in at night cold and dewy.  Today, they’ve covered the area with wind turbines, must be more spooky than ever at night.

When I was in the Navy in the late fifties I used to hitchhike back and forth from San Diego and Oakland every weekend.  I would have a friend  drop me off at the thousand foot level to begin the return trip.  Gloomy place but a quick place to pick up perhaps a very decent ride.  The demolition derby grounds were off on the right side going down, maybe at 900 feet.  Real desert.

So, through a series of misadventures, given only a couple days to set up this site straight out of hell, cold enough to freeze a witch’s tit the Stones held a free concert.  There was no parking, cars strung out along the side of Highway 40 for miles.

Everything was jerry built.  The stage was so low and surrounded by so many Hell’s Angels that few could even see the stage in the dark.  The sound was terrible.  Out into the darkness stretched a couple hundred thousand drugged shivering people.  I mean it gets cold and damp there any time of the year and this was December.

So, picture the symbolism.  The chief Droog, the Great Satan himself  is going to take the stage surrounded by Hell’s Angels and begin shouting out ‘Let me introduce myself…’  OK.  Hello, Satan.

Well, now.  Jagger and the Stones had been positioned as the bad boys of rock n’ roll by their first manager, Andrew Loog Oldham back in ‘64.  Their reputation kept getting worse and now they have improved this rep to being the house band of Hell, Satan’s own rock n’ rollers.  Huzzah!  ‘I’m a man of wealth and taste…’

There’s a Negro in a green suit who has pushed himself stage side, right behind the not so straight Satans, the Hell’s Angels.  I mean, these guys had a worse reputation in the Bay Area than Satan himself.  They used to have their club house just down the street from me.  We will never know the Negro’s motives but he does have something on his mind and he has a pistol in his pocket.  Are we looking for trouble, do you think?  He’s apparently been waiting for the moment Jagger opens his mouth to introduce himself.  Jagger begins belting it out and at that moment Meredith Hunter, for that is the Negro’s name, whips out his pistol.  Waving it in the air he begins a charge through the Hell’s Angels for the stage.  There’s a few Angels between himself and Mick who cut short Meredith’s pilgrim’s progress.

No one can say for certain that he didn’t want to put a bullet between the Great Satan’s eyes but I am positive his intent was not to take out six Hell’s Angels and then run like hell.  I’m not a gambling man but I would wager on that.

The Angels were cranked out on drugs, pot, LSD, crank or something while getting high on being tapped for the very important function of furnishing security for The Greatest Rock And Roll Band On The Entire Planet and, perhaps.- the Universe.

Wham!  Bang! Oh God!  Meredith today rests for all eternity on the Altamont or for however long it takes Time to wear down those hills to sea level.  If not Meredith, then his shade.

As Jagger made a dash for the helicopter somewhat reminiscent of the last evacuees from Saigon he was heard to mutter, ‘Something weird always happens when we play that song.  Could have a clue, Mick.  A Clockwork Orange wasn’t released for another couple years but that was the popular impression of you up on the screen, Mick.  Bad boy, bad boy, the bad boy of rock n’ roll.

Nor did Jagger abandon the persona after that disastrous experience.  He developed his ambi-sexual persona further appearing on stage as a sadistic agitator lashing the stage with his studded belt.   The Chief Droog.

Thus by the end of the sixties the suppression of the conscious rational mind had been accomplished  in favor of the vision of the unconscious as a satanic separate being whose external control of the individual  was irresistible.  Sex and drugs were used to place a generation beyond redemption.

In support of sex and drugs, TV and movies pounded out the message that rage and violence were the proper responses to one’s inability to realize one’s fantasies.

While some may pooh pooh the advancing Satanism of the Sixties and on to the present time TV and movies did advance the agenda into the present.  As incredible as it would have been to a person of the fifties when the mention of leg for lower limb was still frowned upon, copulation, not simulated even, but actual, is shown commonly on TV and in movies.  Murder as an occupation or even pastime has openly been promoted on TV shows such as Dexter that celebrates a serial killer and portrays him sympathetically, even as a hero to emulate.

In the series Breaking Bad a mild mannered high school chemistry teacher gets into manufacturing meth and slowly turn into a Death Dealer not unlike Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The Dexter TV series is a very special case as it seem to have been designed around the philosophy of the Process Church and that of Manson.

Dexter develops around the career of serial killer, a Death Dealer in the Process term.  It is nothing less than  a series of snuff films recording many, many ritual killings.  The ritual theme is highly developed.  The ritualistic aspects are quite startling while many of the settings are quite Satanic.

The question of incest is raised as Dexter and his sister are quite close and as the series develops they become romantically in love.  Then Dexter involves Deb, the sister,  in his ritual killings.  This cause a moral conflict in her character against her love for her brother.  After an attempt to resolve the conflict by an attempted suicide and killing of Dexter by driving the car they are riding in off the road into a lake.  She is rescued by a convenient observer then goes back to save her brother.

Both are under the care of a female psychologist who his fully aware of Dexter’s career because she analyzed Dexter’s father who had trained his son but then committed suicide when Dexter’s avidity for the kill disappointed him.  The series is really astonishing.  The psychologist is then converted into an accomplice of Dexter.

In a touching scene reminiscent of the Egyptian statue of Isis beholding her son as the father stands behind her throne, one watches as the sister/wife psychologically accepts the role of serial killer, justifying it in her mind, very well acted, now Dexter’s full accomplice.  The psychologists nods her assent as Deb wonderingly says:  The family that kills together stays together.

Thus the whole philosophy for which Manson has spent his life in prison is legitimized for public emulation.  Charles Manson told his Family: You can’t kill kill.  And there on your television screen in an incredible reversal of morality in the short space of 60 years from 1960 to the present you have the rejection of God for Satan.  If in the Sixties only 2% of the population according to Scientology could be cold blooded killers the entire population of the United States, potentially,  has been indoctrinated and conditioned to kill.  It only remains for Dexter, his sister and their psychologist to become cannibals.

Thus, through the efforts of Time Magazine, Ira Levin, Roman Polanski, The Process Church and numerous other Satanic cults aided by the Sado-masochists of Hollywood Satanism has slowly displaced Godliness.  Satan has murdered Jesus.  The unconscious of Freud has displaced the conscious mind of the Aryan past.

The road to chaos has been paved.  Can the momentum be stopped?

A Review:  Einstein’s Jewish Science


Steven Gimbel

 A Study In Religious Relativity


 R.E. Prindle

Gimbel, Steven: Einstein’s Jewish Science, 2012, Johns Hopkins Press

There is absolutely only one place to start in reviewing Steven Gimbel’s Einstein’s Jewish Science and that is at the Revolution’s declaration of Jewish emancipation.  The year 1789 marks the beginning of the Revolutionary era that ended on 9/11/01.

Actually we have to begin the discussion with some background on Jewish and Aryan


Steven Gimbel

or European differences.  The Jewish point of view standing from behind is that Judaism is the stock, the parent tree onto which Christianity, hence Europe, was grafted.  Thus Jews confuse Europeanism with Christianity calling all Europeans Christians against all the rules of logic.  As Christianity was grafted onto a Jewish source then, it follows that the sap that nourishes Christianity rises through Jewish roots.

While the view from this perspective from behind pleases Jewish vanity, if one steps into the front of the object and views it through the European vantage point another entirely different prospect is presented to the eyes.  This is called relativism.  In the view of European science, Judaism was only one of several Mediterranean sources that was melded into Catholic Christianity.  Among the most important are those coming from the Greeks Plato and Socrates.  One can even argue that Judaism is Judaism because it drank from the well of Plato.  Hence the water that nourishes the roots of the Judaic tree are from a European source.  Further the religion of Egypt from which Judaism originated was equally important to Christianity as the Egyptian goddess Isis  essentially became the Virgin Mary  and hence Christ a version of the god Osiris.  About the year 1000 Isis triumphed in purely Catholic regions becoming the  immaculate virgin Mary thus actually displacing Christ as the principal religious archetype of Catholicism.

Manichaeism, the religion of the Persian Mani also takes a central role in Catholicism as well as the Persian god Mithras.  In many ways then from the frontal view Judaism serves a subordinate but nevertheless important role in the development of what is essentially a Mediterranean not specifically Jewish religion.  Judaism itself is a hodge podge of Mediterranean influences beginning with their religious birth on the transition from the Taurean to the Arien Age.  Proto-Judaism was a reactionary movement of the Aryan Astral religion.  So, if one takes the relative stance above the object to view it yet another picture emerges, in which Judaism is beholden to ‘Christianity.’  It’s all relative to how you look at it, isn’t it?  Or is there a certain answer as science says?

The Catholic Church tolerated Judaism because of the Mediterranean connection but controlled it as tightly as possible.  In 1789 the Revolutionists emancipated the Jews or in other words freed them from the discipline of the Catholic Church.

Aryan Europeans had been freeing themselves from the Catholic discipline for hundreds of years.  With the triumph of the Enlightenment embodied  in the French Revolution rationalism as evidenced by the scientific mind rejected the religious solutions of society, Catholic or Jewish, completely.

The light of reason completely dispelled the fogs of religion leaving the religions with no means of counter attacking, science was non-fiction, religion was fiction, or, seemingly so.  Even during the savage horrors of the Revolution the scientific mind continued to evolve.  The scientific ethos was in place as the Napoleonic era ended replaced by the productive Bourgeois ethos.

Along with Catholicism and Judaism the Scientific Revolution destroyed the possibility of continuing Aryan European beliefs such as the sprites and fairies.  That religion died too, but their memory lived on in the Romantic Movement.  Those religious beliefs  had existed alongside Catholicism and Judaism.  Their demise is beautifully expressed in Charles Nodier’s tale of Trilby and Jeannie.  In the neo-Romantic revival that arose along with the Jewish concept of Relativism a hundred years later the English novelist, George Du Maurier revived Nodier’s legend in his book appropriately titled Trilby but in a nineteenth century European-Judaic context.

Barbara Spectre

So, as the Napoleonic Era ended Christianity, Judaism, Science and Romanticism contended for pre-eminence.

Catholicism and Romanticism which were Aryan experiences could only be eventually subsumed into Aryan, or what Jews call European, science but Judaism was a different story.  The Jewish people at that time lived in Western and Eastern Europe as well as the Middle East and North Africa.  The Americas were only beginning to emerge as new lands for settlement at that time.

The East, the Pale Of Settlement, was an impermeable block to science.  It is doubtful that Eastern Jews even heard of science until the late nineteenth century when Western Jews attempted to modernize their Jewish brethren of the Pale.

In the West Jews were completely demoralized.  Their relationship to the Church was no longer pertinent while science completely invalidated religious Judaism.  It took the Jews a hundred years to come up with a counter to science and that counter would be the doctrine of relativism developed around the end of the nineteenth century amidst the Romantic revival.

Aryan romanticism had been replaced by the Positive scientific concept of August Comte who was the great systemitizer of the scientific method.  While Comte, a Frenchman, has lost relevance in our times his was the basis on which scientific research developed.  His work was specifically attacked by the Jewish relativists.

Following Comte in the intellectual evolution of science was an Englishman by the name of Herbert Spencer also now superseded and forgotten.  Of course, Darwin, who is given credit for the concept of Evolution and has been  the great bug-a-boo of the Creationists.

In fact during the nineteenth century the Aryan or European mind as evidenced by science had if not evolved far ahead, moved far ahead of all other cultures, most especially religious cultures such as Catholicism and Judaism.  The essence of science is Evolution; the essence of Judaism is Creation.  Thus when presented with the incontestable evidence of Evolution all three Semitic religions based on the concept of Creation found their common enemy in science and collaterally Europeans or Aryans.  Science is the true enemy of Catholicism, Judaism and Moslemism.  The Moslems were outside European culture hence as immune to scientific inroads as the Jews of the Pale.  Christianity being European and disavowed could only stultify with its rationale gone.  The Jews after a hundred year struggle came up with the notion of relativism as a riposte.

The matter of Steven Gimbel’s Einstein’s Jewish Science is the conflict between Evolution and Creationism, Positivism and Relativity.  Einstein’s so called science then is merely Jewish relativism applied to physics.  His so-called science must be Jewish.


How Johns Hopkins, in my youth the foremost American scientific college, could even consider publishing Steve’s rant is too incredible for belief.  The acceptance merely indicates how successful Jewish relativism has been against science and the scientific method.

The cover of the book itself, a very nice design, gives away the conclusion of the book.  What appears to be our solar system depicts an absolute immovable sun in the form of a  Star Of David thus showing Judaism as the immovable center around which all else revolves.

The nine planets, Pluto is included as a planet, orbit the Jewish sun in crazy off center orbits that overlap and collide.  Thus the game is given away without the necessity of reading the book.

The question Steve asks is whether there is such a thing as Jewish science as the Nazis asserted.  If there is a Jewish science then there must be a data base of Jewish knowledge.  While Steve may not be aware of it, although it would be an unaccountable omission, Barbara Spectre began an organization based in and funded by Sweden called Paideia.  Paidea is an Aryan Greek  name for education.  So the European foundations of Judaism are betrayed.  So this very Jewish woman gave her organization an Aryan name.  Strange, but not unusual.

The purpose of her organization is to negate what she calls nineteenth century European knowledge and in the future replace it with its counterpart, Jewish knowledge.  Thus in the future Europeans won’t have the exclusive claims to knowledge that had so humiliated the Jews in the nineteenth century, that claim will have to be shared, at least, with Jewish knowledge.  It is all relative of course but her organization currently in its second decade propagates the notion that there is a specific Jewish knowledge although she is cagy enough to conceal whatever passes for Jewish knowledge so that it can’t be tested and evaluated in a scientific manner..

It would seem then that the Nazis were not too far off base when they call relativism Jewish science.  So that issue is probably more obfuscated than even  Steve thinks.

In fact Steve begins his book with the usual Talmudic, one suspects this is what Babs Spectre calls Jewish knowledge, obfuscations.  Steve asks a question that should have a simple answer, that is, do we really know who is a Jew and who isn’t?  He will hammer away at this non-issue all through his book.  Einstein himself self-identified as a Jew.  But this is not enough for Steve.  Just because Einstein knew he was a Jew doesn’t mean he was.

Steve goes on to quote Einstein, p. 4:


Jews are a group of people unto themselves.  You can see their Jewishness in their appearance and notice their Jewish heritage in their intellectual work and perceive a profound connection between their nature and the numerous interpretations they give to what they think and feel in the same way.


Hey, the greatest mind, the greatest intellect in all of Jewish and human history has spoken.  You can see Jewish identity in their intellectual work.  How wrong could the Nazis have been?  One would think that the question was settled and the book finished by page 4.

Steve clearly does not understand the nature of relativity.

I quote Steve, same page 4, as he picks up his narrative:


Perhaps stranger still is that the author of this argument that Jewish qualities might be inherent and recognizable in the intellectual work of Jews is none other than Albert Einstein himself.  Einstein’s own words suggest that we must take seriously the possibility that the Nazis were in some sense correct about his theory.  Maybe relativity is “Jewish Science” after all.


No, relativity isn’t science. It can’t be.  Steve’s sub-title is: Physics at the intersection of Politics and Religion.  So we’re not really talking science we’re talking politics and religion, more especially religion.  Well, Steve’s got 241 pages to go so he’s got some hash slinging to do and he is capable of slinging that hash.

The essence of Judaism is creation not evolution.  Something that is created is whole and entire at creation, no evolution is necessary.  There is no evolving to do, thus Steve’s Jewish mind can only deal in Creative relativism but no evolution.

Einstein’s field of expertise was physics thus he is pitted against what was formerly thought of as the greatest intellect in the world, that of Isaac Newton.  Therefore in order to top Newton Einstein had to be billed as the most incredible cherry sitting on top of the sundae possible.  The most astonishing mind the world not only has seen but will ever see.

Now, Einstein lived some two hundred years or so after Newton.  The latter worked in the earliest stage of scientific knowledge with little to go on and the determined hostility of the semi-Semitic Catholic Church.  Much of science and physics originated with Newton but scientific learning evolved rapidly after him, and because of Newton. Einstein’s late nineteenth century youth coincided with the fabulous scientific evolution of the nineteenth century.  Einstein was not the rival of Newton that Steve presents but a successor beginning somewhen after Newton left off.

Thus Steve, in the Jewish way of the juggler’s legerdemain compares apples to oranges, but then, it is relative, isn’t it?  If Steve wants us  to believe with the Nazis that Einstein’s was Jewish science then Newton’s  must have been Catholic Christian science, Steve says his science was no different than Einstein’s except Catholic rather than Jewish but still religiously based.  No, but actually Einstein stood to Jewish religion in his time as Newton had stood to Catholicism in his.  The difference is that Newton was instrumental in freeing science from religion, he was shedding religion.  Einstein was adapting religion to science so that Jewish Knowledge, that is a return to religious thinking, could reign supreme.  Thus Newton’s science was evolutionary while Eintein’s relativity was regressive to atavistic Jewish religion.  Einstein was attempting to negate  evolution and science.

This idea is very clear in Steve’s book.

Like Barbara Spectre Steve believes that nineteenth century science marginalized the Jewish people, in other words made their BS irrelevant.  And…this is true.  Hence Jewish development across all fields of inquiry was that of relativity; relativity was a sort of Jewish version of Aryan neo-Romanticism.  The notion was not an invention of Einstein but was part of the assault made on nineteenth century scholarship across the board.  Einstein covered physics, Freud-Fliess took control of psychology, Henri Bergson presented  a Creationist version of evolution while denouncing Spencer and Comte, Schoenberg brought relativism to music, Anatole France attacked literature, Franz Boas tackled Anthropology.  In every possible discipline Jews countered the prevailing European scholarship with relativism while slandering the European leaders in the field.

Dada appeared in 1917 disparaging Western art with a general condemnation of European civilization.  Following shortly after Critical Theory was originated as the Frankfurt School that developed methods to undermine every phase of Western Civilization.  Relativism was the mode of attack.  The notion was not an invention of Einstein, he merely applied it to physics.  Hence Steve’s dogged comparison of him as a superior to Newton.  But that’s all relative.  If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull-shit.  If you can’t even tell who the hell is a Jew how can you possible tell if he is a scientist?  How can you tell anything?  You can’t, it’s all relative.  And that is the point of the Jewish Knowledge of the Talmud.  The only thing you can know for sure is that Jews are the center of the solar system, Jews are always right as the cover of the book indicates and everyone else is eccentric.

So, the nineteenth century marginalized the Jews.  They couldn’t compete.  In fact they weren’t the center of the solar system.  Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler got there before them.  The consequence of the humiliation was that the Jews identified with every other group they considered marginalized by the bad old bogy White man or European.  They aligned themselves with the others to defeat Europeans and European knowledge.  Thus will she nil she Barbara  Spectre and her Paideia  organization  is the keystone of the argument.

Steven chops his hash over the couple hundred pages remaining without getting anywhere.  We are left uncertain as to whether not only was Einstein’s science Jewish but whether Einstein was actually Jewish.  One would think that if Einstein couldn’t positively be proven to be Jewish the science would be a moot point.  Of course it is always possible that one could be European and practice Jewish science as clearly stated by Barbara.

If Steve’s main text was lackluster his conclusion was a rip roaring finale.  Perhaps inspired by Bob Dylan’s line from Chimes of Freedom that goes:  the confused, abused, misused, strung out ones and worse (or marginalized) the very passionate Steve unlooses this tirade:  p.210,


But for those who saw the change (from Aryan to Jewish science) as a part of human progress, of cultural growth, he was part of the engine driving us (he means Jews by us) forward.  His science was revolutionary, but it wasn’t just his science.  Einstein the man, as much as the theory of relativity, became the symbol of the new way.  He eschewed belts and socks.  His hair, that iconic hair, stoked a sense of nonconformist to that which is merely social construction.  Here was a great mind that rejected the trivial.  Think of the quotations that one sees attributed to Einstein on bumper stickers:  “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”  “Great thinkers have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”  What one celebrates abut Einstein is his embrace of a certain form of Enlightenment values:  that humanity progresses when it thinks creatively, (read:  religiously)  when it stops accepting culturally enforced strictures and frees itself in the search for truth.  We (whoever We may be) take Einstein to be the epitome of the open mind.


Well, gosharoonies, was that ever a masterpiece of overblown purple prose, a wonder of kitsch, a parody of heartfelt emotion.  Indeed!!!  Indeed!!!

‘His science was revolutionary, but it wasn’t just his science.’ Was his science revolutionary?  Whatever he may have found of value was just science, a part of mankind’s treasure, a contribution along with all other contributions.  Nothing he thought belonged to him; Einstein was just another laborer in the vineyard.  European scientific discoveries were not proprietary.  Research was conducted openly, open source as they say on the internet, published in a myriad of scientific journals so all qualified could participate.  Nor was Einstein a new growth; he was merely standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before.  He was not a competitor of Newton he was a successor employing all the discovered, not created, knowledge of the past.  Einstein would never have existed except for Newton.  Unfortunately Newton didn’t have to courtesy to have been Jewish, but even if he had according to Steve how could it have been known that he was really Jewish.

As proof of Einstein’s genius Steve gives us this:  He eschewed belts and socks.  Bravo!  Clap, clap, my god what a man.

‘His hair…that hair….  What more do you need to be a genius?  Look at Bob Dylan’s hair.  Weird hair?  Of course he’s a genius.  Look at my hair, by the way.  Newton didn’t have weird hair, how couldn’t Einstein be a greater genius?

‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’  Why, of course, why hadn’t that occurred to me before.  Why study physics when you can just imagine physics and it’s true.  ‘Knowledge?  We don’t need no steenking knowledge.’

‘We take Einstein to be the epitome of the open mind.’  Who is this ‘we’?  Who is this ‘us’?  Is Steve speaking for Europeans as well as Jews? Or are the we and us exclusively Jews.  As Bob Dylan says:  Watch those pronouns.  And then the piece de resistance… p. 212


But this love of Einstein is broader than that of the Jewish community, because the liberated cosmopolitan future he represents is not at all tied to a connection between Judaism and relativity.  (Is that statement positive or relative?)  Einstein was a secular Jew, but he very well could have been a religious Jew like Nobel laureate I.B Singer:  He could just as well have been a Hindu like Nobel laureate Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman;  he could have been an Arab (Moslem) like Nobel laureate Ahmad Zewail, he could have been a woman like Nobel laureate Marie Curie; he might have been a gay like mathematical genius Alan Turing.  Einstein is Einstein because he says to every oppressed group that he could have been like you.  His theory, his irreverence, his politics, and the opposition he found represent an opening up and destruction of the confining structures that limited whose voice could be heard, in what language it could be spoken, and with what accent.  His place in history was pivotal moment at which the future no longer resembled the past.  That future will no longer be dominated by the powers that entrenched themselves (Aryan males) over the past several centuries and Albert Einstein is a symbol that all of us can participate in the future.


Myopia is a new religion?  Heil Babs Specter!  What a presentation of inner wishful thinking and misconstrued reality.  What was wrong with the editors at Johns Hopkins?  What a misconstruction of the nature of science.  Contrary to Babs Spectre and Steve Gimbel there was no one preventing scientific contributions from wherever or whomever.  It was impossible for anyone not of the European culture from 1650 to 1900 to make contributions because they had neither the knowledge or scientific imaginations to make scientific contributions.  The world has now evolved.  Steve and Babs are right this is not the nineteenth century.  The rest of the world in varying degrees have caught up with the idea of science given by the Aryan.  They have evolved.  They are no longer who they were in the nineteenth century.  Look at the pictures.  If they contribute now it is not because Aryans allow them to it is because they now can because they can absorb the knowledge, but the majority still can’t.

Relativity itself is not scientific but a religious distortion of science as Steve acknowledges in his sub-title.

It is interesting that no European male  is included in Steve’s list of the oppressed that Einstein supposedly made equal  although at least half of European males were marginalized and forbidden to participate because of class reasons.  Russian serfs even if theoretically freed were more oppressed than the Jews.  Jews flooded Russian and European universities while Russian serfs and European commoners had to fight to gain entrance.  In all ways Jews had it easier and were treated better than the lower classes of Europeans after emancipation.  Steve is not looking at things in an objective enough manner.  He is blinded by his subjectivism.

Steve had better stick to philosophy because he is certainly no historian or scientific researcher.  As to his book, as a ‘visiting professor’ I can give Steve only a courtesy C for effort.  Subjectivity, inner wishful thinking, creativity are fine for religion but have no place in the cold hard positive reality of science.

A Review

Themes And Variations

The Tarzan Novels Of Edgar Rice Burroughs


R.E. Prindle

ERB The Scholar

Part 2

Lady Barbara Drops In

     As always ERB is the consummate multi-culturalist both ethnic and social.  Barbara is the daughter of the English Lord Whimsey, Smith is a college professor, Capietro is an Italian Communist renegade, Stabutch is a Russian Communist, the Midianites represent an ancient religious culture derived from the Jewish, Tarzan is Tarzan of Africa and Lord Passmore of England and then we have a cast of animal characters including a tribe of baboons who interact with Tarzan on the cultural level.  All are represented as being culturally distinct.  ERB is more of a right multi-culturalist than a left.

     If a culture is in fact a culture it must be distinct or it couldn’t qualify as a culture.  To be of the French culture there must be characteristics that can be identified as specifically French.  Else, why call yourself French?  The Left multi-culturalists need to define their terms a little better.  They come across as rather shabby intellectually.

      Then, of the hundreds, probably thousands of cultures, are they all to be considered equal?  For instance is it considered desirable to be of the Prison culture?  Pedophile culture?  No, of course not; not all cultures are equally beneficial.  Each culture must be analyzed on its own merits and faults, completely analyzed by objective analysts.  No particular culture need be nor can be taken at its own evaluation.  Obviously many cultures are to be avoided completely.  Others should be isolated or quarantined.  Which is which can only be determined by an analysis of its positive contributions.  The results of analysis can be unkind; the truth frequently hurts.  As the French say:  C’est la vie.

     In his analysis of group cultures ERB does draw conclusions.  There’s no doubt he thinks that the Communist culture is a negative to be avoided.   Thus Zveri in Invincible was ignominiously defeated by Tarzan as Stabutch will be in Triumphant.

     In almost every case ERB is very hard on religious cultures as he will be in this novel.  Is he unjust or is the truth about religion just too hard for devotees to bear?  Everyone will have their own opinion while I have made my position abundantly clear:  the religious consciousness is outdated, having been surpassed by the vastly superior Scientific Consciousness.  I won’t be changing my mind soon.

     Lady Barbara Collis is about to parachute into a culture two thousand years in the past.  ERB commits a major gaffe here in the opening pages of his novel.  Lady Barbara is attempting a non-stop flight of 7500 miles in a 1930 plane, clearly impossible.  Rather than taking a direct route up the Nile she is lost several hundreds of miles to the East over Ethiopia and, get this, already running on empty.

Dorothy Sayers

  I don’t know who calculated her fuel needs but I should imagine he would be looking for a new occupation.  But, that doesn’t interfere with my enjoyment of the story any more than the donut atmosphere of Poloda in Beyond The  Farthest Star.  Who knows what goes on beyond the farthest star.  They probably even suspend the laws of gravity.

     There Lady Barbara is, way up there without the means of propulsion.  she does the manly thing: she jumps out.  This is real Twilight Zone stuff; little does she know she will leave the twentieth century and land in 80 AD or so.  The Land Of Midian has been frozen in time for the last two millennia.

     The Midians assembled within the walls of their crater hear the drone of the airplane, which sound they are unable to identify and then to their amazed eyes a little white cloud appears through the mist with a human form dangling below it.  To their religiously distorted senses it must be the Angel of the Lord.

     Thus we have a nice confrontation between two different cultures.  The modern scientific of Lady Barbara and the ancient religious culture of the Midians.  The Midians could stand as a metaphor of the religions of Burroughs’ day which, not unlike the Midians, were roooted in a culture two thousand years old and of a different and inferior consciousness.  Not only had the Scopes trial recently ended but the sensatinal affair of Aimee Semple Mcpherson was still fairly warm, plus ERB had recently read Sinclair Lewis’ Elmer Gantry.  That novel did not sit well with ERB nor does it sit well with me.  Burt Lancaster’s movie Elmer Gantry, by the way, is totally dissimilar to the Gantry of the book.

     According to ERBzine Burroughs took offence at Elmer Gantry, deploring Lewis’ habit of ridiculing

Aimee Semple Mcpherson

and demeaning people rather than presenting the story as entertainment.  Lewis does ridicule and belittle every character in his book in a detestable holier than thou manner which is very annoying.  Burroughs turns the story around and disparages practices which I suppose makes it entertainment.  For instance both the fictional Gantry and the real life Mcpherson are what are known in military slang as ‘Sky Pilots.’  Thus there is a certain amount of humor in Lady Barbara as an angel of the lord sky piloting into the religious Land of Midian.

     When the Midianites drown a young woman while dragooning her, Lady Barbara, after the manner of Mcpherson, brings her back to life by ‘a laying on of hands’, that is artificial respiration.  Clever of ERB.   It will be remembered tha Mcpherson had a roomful of crutches and wheelchairs from people she had supposedly cured by a laying on of hands.  I have no idea how many readers might have gotten the joke when the novel was released but there the joke is if you care to look for it.

     So we have the Scopes Trial, Aimee Semple Mcpherson and Sinclair Lewis’ Elmer Gantry all rolled up in a series of jokes ‘highly fictionized.’  There is probably more to be found if one could steep

Sinclair Lewis

oneself in the ephemeral culture of the time.

     As mentioned, Lady Barbara parachutes through two thousand years of time to find herself among a Pauline Christian sect that hadn’t changed one iota since c. 80 A.D.  The emphais on Pauline Christianity is important.  At about this time ERB was becoming involved with the Vedantist mission in Hollywood so discussions of early Christianity may possibly have made an impression on him.  Paul was, of course, a Jew who adapted the Jewish Christian sect for dissemination among the Gentiles.  The Catholic Church was founded on Sts. Peter and Paul while the medieval Knights Templar based their Christianity on the Gospel of John thus being Johannites.  There was a cultural divide between the Church and the Templars which did necessitate action no less than between the Paulites  and the Arians.  ERB’s emphasis is intended to indicate the Jewish origins of the Midianites.

     It will be remembered that Angustus was a Jewish Christian who arrived in company with a Nordic slave girl.  So for two thousand years the Midianites have been inbreeding.  ERB is considering the results of inbreeding, as a year later he will write Pirate Blood that deals with the famously inbred Jukes family.  Pirate Blood is perhaps his most despairing story as his mind tips toward Lamarckian evolution in an apparent attempt to explain to himself why he can’t resolve his psychological problems.

     Thus the genetic and Lamarckian traits of Angustus and the slave girl have been passed down through approximately seventy generations.  Angustus’ genes have predominated while those of the slave girl appear occasionally in sports.

     Angustus was characterized by a huge nose that was an actual deformity, a chinless face and epilepsy.  Thus if one imagines this, Lady Barbara is confronted by a group of people with huge noses covering most of their faces with no chins, the throat sweeping back from just under the lips and writhing on the ground in epileptic fits.

     There can be no mistaking that ERB is caricaturing the Jews.  Angustus was a Jew and he was a Pauline Christian.  As a Christian, ERB disguises his Jewish nationality.  The leader of hte Midianites, Abraham the son of Abraham certainly puts the Midianites into a Jewish context, as does the fact that they consider themselves the ‘chosen people.’  Ludicrous enough from their physical description.

     ERB’s caricature is one that was prevalent when he was a young man, while one that couldn’t be missed by the gentlemen of the ADL/AJC and MGM.  They would neither forgive nor forget.  In fact Tarzan would be potrayed in The New Adventures Of Tarzan as chinless and with a huge nose.  While Herman Brix/Bruce Bennet had neither a bulbous nose nor was chinless the effect was achieved through photographic lighting and shadowing.  Either that or the film has deteriorated through time to achieve that effect.  (DVD, The New Adventures Of Tarzan, Alpha Home Entertainment, )

      If you think there isn’t a war going on here, look more closely.

     Even though of Jewish descent, the Midianites are Christians, but of the most primitive stripe; they make sects like the Nazarenes look liberal.  Their minds are uncompromisingly dark.  The girl who was dragooned was sentenced to death for smiling.  Joy was considered of the devil in Midian.  Here ERB characterized a number of Christian sects correctly.

     Among the people who greeted Lady Barbara was a genetic sport who harked back physically and mentally to the original slave girl.  She is Jezebel.  She and Lady Barbara are immediately attracted to each other by their beauty.  The attractive and intelligent Midianites were invariably fair haired and blue eyed while the unattractive ones were dark haired, brown eyed and stupid.  Little doubt that the AJC/ADL would consider the book ‘racist.’

     Jezebel is an interesting character in that she is a little more than light headed.  She is governed entirely by surface appearances.  As in Lion Man where the hybrids were expelled from Henry’s village, so the more attractive males were exiled to the other side of the crater.  Obviously we have an example of eugenics here.  They were more warlike than the Midianites occasionally raiding them.  Jezebel remarks that they are so good looking she hopes they will capture her.  When the Midianites  honor ‘the angel’ with her own cave and offering of food, Jezebel is depicted laying back eating grapes like a spoiled young thing with a box of bon-bons.  ERB later describes her as a Golden Girl which relates her to Balza of Lion Man and hence to Florence.

     Whatever ERB tells himself about Florence in his conscious mind his depiction of her in his unconscious life seems to be quite different.

     At first Lady Barbara is treated quite well but familiarity breeds contempt.  Abraham Ben Abraham begins to suspect her divinity.  Even the miracle of the laying on of hands that restored the girl to life being no less a miracle than the raising of Lazarus cannot dissuade Abe Ben Abe from testing Lady Barbara.  Thus she too is dragooned but instead of being dunked three times she is thrown into the lake wrapped in a net with the net weighted.  Here is proof positive that ERB read Dumas’ The Count Of Monte Cristo.  The scene replicated Dantes being thrown into the sea from the Chateau d’If.

     Lady Barbara has her handy jackknife so that she is able to cut her way free.  Thus we leave her here crawling gaspingly ashore while we check in on Lafayette Smith and Danny ‘Gunner’ Patrick.

The Big Bwana

A Contribution To The Erbzine

ERB Library Project

A Review



Camille Flammarion

Review by R.E. Prindle

Looking For Reality

The sources of ERB’s work are always so rich that one is at a loss as to where to begin.  This is certainly the case with Camille Flammarion.  While little known today he had great influence in ERB’s early years.  He incarnated in 1842 and disincarnated  in 1925.  That may be a fancy way to say born and died but appropiate to Flammarion’s way of thinking.  He had very nearly established a superior reputation in his early twenties when his writings first began to appear.  Indeed, the narrator of Urania seems to have been Flammarion himself as he is named Camille while the narrator is already very famous in his mid- twenties.  Flammarion was a fabulous combination of the scientist and neo-Romantic.  A perfect balance to my mind and a balance that I believe Burroughs sought to emulate.

ERB acknowledged that he based his vision of Mars on that of Flammarion.  The question of when he read his available translated works probably can’t be answered but one would have to believe that Flammarion was fresh on his mind when he began writing in 1911.  He had also been pondering Mars for some time as the trilogy of Under The Moons Of Mars is especially well thought out.  Apart from his desperate situation one searches for the nudge that got him started.

The nudge may possible be found in a Chicago Tribune article of August 9, 1908 republished here on ERBzine by Bill Hillman.  The article is entitled Are All The Planets Inhabited?  The unnamed writer is essentially reviewing the thought of Camille Flammarion which he or she acknowledges.  Flammarion wrote a number of sci-fi volumes about Mars many of which were apparently translated but which are unavailable now.  There are a great many titles available from Print On Demand publishers in French but few in English.  I have only three titles although they seem to contain the information in the Tribune article.  It’s not impossible that ERB read only the books I have but it seems from the description I have of it he might also have read an 1864 title, supposedly translated, called Real And Imaginary Worlds.

Worlds In Profusion

Over all Flammarion wrote over fifty titles including what the English called Scientific Romances or proto-Sci-fi as well as popular astronomy titles and volumes based on psychic research.  While he was not a member of the Society For Psychic Research he was aware of it and was in frequent contact with Arthur Conan Doyle who was a member.  Doyle for a period of time visited him at his private observatory at his home at Juvisy near Paris.  Flammarion considered psychic research a science.  Spiritualism pervades the romances I have of him so once again it is unquestionable that ERB was conversant in spiritualism although he apparently rejected it.

Apart from Astronomy For Amateurs the volumes I have are titled Lumen and Urania: A Romance.  I’ve already mentioned Lumen in my Edgar Rice Burroughs, Camille Flammarion and Theodore Flournoy essay here on ERBzine so I’ll concentrate on a review of Urania.  She, Urania, as one of the nine muses of Greek Mythology, was the muse of astronomy and the head of the Muses.  I have a POD facsimile reprint.   Based on that I would have to say the original was a beautiful volume.  The book was published in France in 1889, translated into English and published in 1891.  ERB would have had plenty of time to have read it.  The translation is by Augusta Rice Stetson.  Between the original and the translation it is a stunningly well written book in the Romantic tradition.  It reads as well as Charles Nodier’s Trilby, De La Motte Fouque or E.T.A. Hoffman, all great writers from the first Romantic period.

Urania seems to have been a major influence, perhaps a catalyst on the terrific neo-Romantic novels of George Du Maurier which I have also reviewed on ERBzine.  Du Maurier was, of course, an ERB influence also.  The tone of Urania is also similar to William Morris’ novels who, Lin Carter believes, as do I, was an influence on Burroughs.  So a very strong romantic psychical infuence is operating in Burroughs’ imagination.

In addition to the wonderful translation of Urania by Miss Stetson the work was illustrated by no less than three artists with beautifully distinct styles.  I think it’s worth picking up a copy just for the illustrations, or download the book at the link above.  Really, reading the book was an ethereal experience.  The first chapter is even entitled:  A Dream Of Youth.

The book is divided into three parts.  The first is an imaginary voyage through the universe, the second the love story that sets up the third part which is a wonderful discussion of Mars and its view of Earth.  ERB toys with the this while it is very clear where he got his ideas.

Infinite Variety

Part One

All Across The Universe

Flammarion tells a charming story of an astronomy student who became fascinated by his professor’s clock which has a figure of Urania on it.  Urania is the muse of astronomy in Greek Mythology.  Pygmalion like this figure comes to life and the beautiful Urania conducts Camille on a tour of the universe.  Thus the Romantic or Faerie World melds into the scientific.  Very satisfying pyschologically.

Urania is apparently capable of traveling a few thousand times the speed of light because she take Camille to the edge of this universe where they behold other universes across immense stretches of empty space.  Flammarion is demonstrating the concept of infinity.

Bearing in mind that he is writing in 1889, the concepts he is demonstrating would have been unthought by his readers, certainly unthought by Edgar Rice Burroughs as so much of this was adapted in his own writing virtually unaltered.  John Carter’s translation to Mars can be compared to Urania’s trip across the universe.  Indeed, on the way out she reaches Mars then gives a wonderful description  of how Earth would look from that planet.  Flammarion’s version is remakably close to how the Earth really does look from space as we now know from actual pictures.

Flammarion is convinced that life exists on all planets divising a concept of infinite variation of life forms.  This is reflected in ERB’s depiction of animal and plant life in his Valley Dor on Mars, or Barsoom in his lexicon.

Flammarion, who studied double stars at his observatory at Juvisy has some spectacular descriptions of stellar phenomena which, once again, are fairly accurately corroborated by the fabulous photography of the Hubble telescope.

Now, having illustrated the concept of infinity, on the way back Urania demonstrates the meaning of eternal.  According to Camille’s ideas light emanating from a source is a continual snapshot of that moment of that source.  Thus at the speed of light one can intercept the wave at specific times in a source’s history, in this case, Earth.  At the proper distance then one can observe, say, the Battle of Thermopolae, Waterloo or whatever one might choose enacted eternally, thus once created these images always exist in that light wave and wherever the wave touches at whatever distance the scene could be perceived, hence each moment is time is eternal.

In fact, no accurate view of the universe is possible because the light arrives from billions of light years distant.  The light we see is so old that the stars may no longer exist.  The configuration of that place in space is now probably entirely different from what we see.  Flammarion is writing pure science fiction.  While he is seldom credited with being one of the originators of science fiction it would appear that rather than there being a, or one father of science fiction there are several and Flammarion is one.  I think the Scientific Romances of Hinton also qualify as well as Abbott’s Flatland.  These years leading up to the twentieth century are very, very rich in absolutely wonderful lore if you approach it in the right frame of mind.

I am no believer in parapsychology and yet if you approach it from the point of view of these late Victorians as possible science then the period begins to glow in irridescent colors, flouresces before your eyes.  Flammarion’s merging of romanticism and science is just stunningly beautiful.

So, having shown his character back to Earth Flammarion in an expert and entrancing way introduces the character of the second section, George Spero.  I’m sure that Du Maurier found the catalyst that began his writing in Urania and Spero.  The feel, the similarities are remarkable.  Du Maurier read French so he could easily have read Urania in 1889 so the time frame is right.  His books even look like Urania.

Another View Of Reality

Part II

George Spero

…to live like idiots if we do not think,

live like fools if we do.

-Camille Flammarion

This chapter sets up the denouement on Mars.  As such it it concerns the love affair and death of Spero and his love, Iclea.  Flammarion sets the scene, time and place in such a charming way I feel constrained to quote it.  Part Second, Chapter One:

An intense evening glow floated in the atmosphere like a wondrous golden radience.   From the heights of Passy the view extended over the whole of the great city, which at that time, more than ever before, was not a city, but a world.  The Universal Exhibition of 1867 had lavished all the attractions and delights of the century on imperial Paris.  The flowers of civilization were blooming in their most brilliant tints, wasting themselves away by the very ardour of their perfume- fading, dying in the full fervor of youth.  The crowned heads of Europe had just heard a deafening trumpet-blast there, which was the last of the monarchy; science, arts, industry had sown their newest creations broadcast, with an inexhaustible prodigality.  It was a general delirium of men and things.  Regiments were marching, with music at their heads; swifty-rolling vehicles crossed each other from all directions, thousands of people were moving about, in the dust of the avenues, quais and boulevards; but as the very dust, gilded by the rays of the setting sun, crowned the splendid city like an aureole.  The tall buildings, towers, and steeples were ablaze with reflection from the fiery orb; tones from a distant orchestra, mingled with a confused murmur of other sounds- the brilliant fit ending of a dazzling summer day- poured into the soul an undefined feeling of contentment, happiness, and satisfaction. There was a kind of symbolical summing up about it of the evidences of the vitality of a great people in the youth of its life and fortune.

Exhilarating what?  The sense of discovery, the feeling of perfection just around the corner, the expectation of fulfillment when science- astronomy and psychology leading Flammarion’s way- reveals the blessed secret.  The progression to perfection which existed in Flammarion’s paeon still cast a shadow in my childhood.  I was raised on it but now I look in vain for evidence of it.

With that sense of the pursuit of the absolute, the squaring of the circle, George and Iclea prepare to step into the brave new world of their dreams.

Actual Martian Landscape

The couple’s meeting is one of the loveliest I’ve read.  Iclea, in Norway was standing on a hillock when she saw her reflection in the sky greatly enlarged and in full detail.  George standing a little away but out of sight was also projected into Iclea’s celestial image.  At that time he chose to lift his hat to the sinking sun which appeared to Iclea that he was greeting her, so she saw his features and gestures but he didn’t see hers or her.

What was a mytery to Iclea George could have explained as a natural phenomenon called an anthelion.  Then the next day as they were boarding a ship to leave Norway, Camille, noticed Iclea staring fixedly at George as she recognized him as the figure in the sky.  Then moving away he out of sight of Iclea but she within sight of him he repeated his previous gesture as a salute to Norway.  Iclea once again mistook his gesture.  Thus when they did meet in Paris it was a dream come true for the girl.

The courtship is charmingly described, as with the anthelion Flammarion faultlessly blends science with the faerie, the romantic as a mind exalting anthem.  Quite astonishing, really.  One of the central problems that Camille dealt with in the clash between the magical and the scientific world views was the question of immortality.   The over riding fear of the scientific view was the elimination of life after death.  Man can’t accept that he is materialistic, living for the moment and completely ceasing to exist upon death, even though that is so, thus Flammarion seeks a plausible reason for immortality.   That quest is the real reason for the ‘science’ of the Society For Psychic Research which is merely a search for the proof of life after death.  Just beautifully written though.

Thus George and Iclea have to die tragically to prove life after death ‘scientifically.’  The couple return to Norway where George is going to attempt to discover the height of the aurora borealis by a balloon ascent.

Sparing the details they rise to the height of fifteen thousand feet when the valve controlling the hydrogen gas bursts and the balloon begins to descend.  They chuck everything overboard to slow the descent to no avail.  Approaching free fall Iclea gives George one last kiss and then sacrificing herself to love she leaps out of the basket at several hundred feet.  George bobs up to three thousand feet then he too throws himself out a la Romeo and Juliette to join his beloved in the great beyond.  Whew!

Another Martian Landscape

We next see George’s friend and narrator, Camille, at a hypnotic seance in the university town of Nancy.  Nancy was one of the two great hypnosis research centers in France.  Jean-Martin Charcot presided at the Salpetriere in Paris while Hippolyte Bernstein and Auguste Liebault held court at Nancy.  The seance  is within the realm of then science but oh so romantic.  There, Camille gains concrete evidence that life does exist after death.  I transcribe the passage, this is good:

I do not recall how, but it happened that my conversation with him turned on the planet Mars.  After describing to me a country situated on the shores of a sea known to astronomers under the name of Kepler’s Ocean, and a solitary island lying in the bosom of this sea; after telling me about the picturesque landscapes and reddish vegetation which adorned the shores, the wave-washed cliffs, and the sandy beaches where the billows break and die away- the subject, who was very sensitive, suddenly grew pale, and raised his hand to his head; his eyes closed, his eyebrows contracted; he seemed desirous of grasping some fugitive idea which obstinatley eluded him.  ‘See!’ said Dr. B (ernstein?), standing before him with irresistable command; ‘see! I wish it.’

‘You have friends there,’  he said to me.

‘I am surprised at that,’  I said laughing; ‘I have done enough to deserve them.’

‘Two friends,’ he went on, ‘who are talking about you, this very minute.’

‘Ah, ha!  Persons who know me?’


‘How is that?’

‘They have known you here.’


‘Here- on the earth.’

‘How long ago was it?’

‘I do not know.’

‘Have they lived on Mars long?’

‘I do not know.’

‘Are they young?’

‘Yes; they are lovers, who adore each other.’

Then the beloved image of my lamented friends rose distinctly in my mind; but I had no sooner seen them than the subject explained-

‘Yes, it is they!’

‘How do you know?’

‘I see,- they are the same souls, same colors.’

‘What do you mean by the “same colors”?

‘Yes, the souls are suffused with light.’

A few instants afterwards he added, ‘And yet there is a difference.’

Then he was silent, his forehead frowning in his effort to find out.  But his face regained all its calmness and serenity as he added-

‘He has become the woman, she is now the man- and they love each other more than ever.’

The Red Planet

Wow!  There’s a twist.  You really can kiss yourself.  So, you see there were things going on on Mars.  Perhaps the scene is reflected in Dr. Ras Thavas, the Mastermind Of Mars who could switch minds and bodies.  As Burroughs let his mind, his imagination play, flickering across these details that he couldn’t replicate exactly he invented variations to amaze and stun us.  Note the similarities of the balloon disaster to the balloon flight in ERB’s Pirate Blood.

The third part of Flammarion’s story Heaven And Earth deals with life on Mars.  Let Urania seize your mind, lift it and transport it instantaneously through the void to the Red Planet.

Only A World Away

Part III

Heaven And Earth

The magnetic seance at Nancy had left a strong impression on my mind.  I often thought of my departed friend, and his investigations in the unexplored domains of nature and life, of his sincere  and original analytical researches on the mysterious problem of immortality; but I could not think of him now without associating him with the idea of a possible reincarnation in the planet Mars.

-Camille Flammarion, Urania

If one looks at John Carter’s first translation to Mars one will remember that he disincarnated before the Arizona cave and reincarnated on Mars, that is he left his old body behind.  It was sort of like dragging and dropping on your computer.  You somehow magically create a doppelganger of the original.   Carter was born again as a full grown man but naked came he.  This is exactly the same situation as with George Spero and Iclea.  They disincarnated on earth and reincarnated on Mars.

We wonder by what method Carter was transported.  Flammarion has possible explanations:

This idea seemed to me to be bold, rash, purely imaginary if you like, but not absurd.  The distance from here to Mars is zero for the transmission of attraction; [By this he means the gravitation attraction between the two planets.]  it is almost insignificant for that of light, since a few minutes are enough for a luminous undulation to travel millions of leagues.  I thought of the telegraph, [action at a distance] the telephone, and the phonograph; of the influence a hypnotizer’s will has on his subject many kilometers distant; [a mistaken idea of hypnotism] and I wondered if some marvelous advance in science might not throw a celestial bridge between our world and others of its kind in infinity.

Alright.  ‘Transmission of attraction’ and celestial bridges.’  What kind of argument can one make against that.  Transmission of attraction is gravity and as Flammarion explains when Mars and Earth are in alignment the two planets act on each other disturbing their orbits in a measurable degree.  I want to be in on that next session with Dr. B.  Anyway one or more of the above explanations must have worked for Burroughs although we’re sure that Carter didn’t use a celestial bridge.   The distnace was zero by transmission of attraction which required only a short hop so J.C. just stepped from Jasoom to Barsoom shedding his drawers in the process.  Right on!

Camille does admit though:  …the fantastic ideas flitting through my brain prevented me from making a truly scientific observation.  A caveat, no doubt, but then, …It is not this hypothesis which is absurd, it is the simplicity of the pedants.  Ah, ha, the bases are covered.

Now after several pages of rumination on the possiblility of telepathy Camille is translated to Mars as in a dream.  As a prelude he says, somewhat sagely:

…astronomy and psychology are most closely united to each other since, the psychic universe has the material world for its habitat, while astronomy has for its subject the study of regions of eternal life, and we could form no idea of these regions if we did not know them astronomically.  In fact, whether we know it or not, we are living now, at this moment in heavenly regions, and all beings, whatever they may be, are eternally citizens of heaven.  It was not without a secret divination of things that antiquity made Urania the muse of all sciences.

While I imagine not many have read the Book Of Urantia, a contemporary astronomical religious text, written during Burroughs time, that text seems directly inspired by Flammarion’s text also.  Then in a hot summer ramble Flammarion rests beneath a tree and seems to fall asleep:

I was strangely surprised on waking up after a few minutes’ nap at no longer recognizing the landscape or the trees, nor the river flowing at the foot of the hill, nor the undulating meadows  which stretched far away to the distant horizon.  The setting sun was smaller than we are accustomed to see it, the air thrilled with harmonious sounds unknown to Earth, and insects as large as birds were fluttering about the leafless trees, which were covered with gigantic red flowers.  Astonishment made me spring up with so energetic a bound that I found myhself on my feet feeling singularly light and bouyant.  I had taken but a few steps before it seemed to me that more than half the weight of my body had evaporated during my sleep.

Earth From Mars

Compare that to Carter’s arrival in the Valley Dor of his second translation to Mars.  As we know from Burroughs, citizens of Mars are able to communicate telepathically.  No one on Earth does it but is there a possibility future evolvement might enable us to do so.  On Mars Camille has a character say ‘our body is impregnated with the solar electricity that puts all Nature in vibration.’

Electricity is indeed the stuff of life.  Let us see how life and evolution began on Earth.  Life on Earth is essentially H2O, hydrogen and oxygen.  Therefor it is evident that life began in a primordial ocean of water and certain dissolved chemicals whose elements are known.  Over millennium it is evident these eventually combined in permutations and floated inert in the ocean until in some way Earth’s magnetic field, electricity, activated the chemicals making life on Earth and beginning the evolution resulting in life as we know it.

There is little doubt that man’s brain while being only superficially different to other mammals is superior to all beasts including apes.  It is obviously superior and more highly evolved than any hominid predecessor although they had a certain something that separated them from the anthropoids.  So if telepathy is possible then it must travel on electrical currents, radio waves.  That means that one mind must act as a transmitter and another as a receiver.  Presently our current is too low to allow transmission even if a mind was tuned to our frequency as a receiver.  That’s the key problem for telepathy although technically it seems possible.

Camille having been translated to Mars and returned the next occurrence is even more startling.  George Spero returns to Earth not as a woman but as a man.   This stuff comes from an unusual mind.  Remember that on Mars George and Iclea had switiched sexes so on Mars George left a female body behind but he appears here on Earth in his male form.  so you can sort that out as you will with the following:

Shortly after the accident on Lake Tyrinfiorden he had felt like a man who awakes from a long and heavy sleep….He was alone in midnight darkness on the border of a lake; he knew that he was living, but could neither see nor feel himself.  The air did not affect him; he was not only light but imponderable.  Apparently what remained of him was solely a thinking faculty.  His first idea on trying to remember was that he had awakened from the fall by the Norwegian lake; but when day broke he saw he was in another world.   The two moons revolving rapidly in the sky in opposite directions made him surmise that he was upon our neighbor,  Mars.  He lived there for a while in the spirit state, and recognized there the presence of a very beautiful humanity, in which the feminine sex reigns supreme, from an acknowledged superiority over the masculine sex.  These organisms are light and delicate, their density of body very slight, their weight slighter still.  On the surface of this world natural force plays a secondary part in nature; delicacy of sensation checks everything.  There is a large number of animal species, and several human races.  In these species and races the feminine sex is stronger and handsomer (the strength consisting in the superiority of sensation; than the masculine sex, and it is she who rules the world.

Sunset On Mars

Flammarion was obviously a feminist.

His great desire to know the life before him induced him not to remain long as an unlooker in the spirit state, but to come to life again under a corporeal form, and knowing the organic condition of the planet, in a feminine form.

Right.  Be on the dominant side.  Iclea apparently wishing to remain dependent to George chose the male sex.  The two then unite into one being.  It’s not clear what the status of a unisex was on Mars.  Naturally Martians are much more advanced than Earthlings as are all extra-terrestrials in our imaginations.  Of course they have to know more than we to get from where they were to where we are as the reverse is impossible for us.  Like all extraterrestrials Martians know a lot.

They have invented , among other things, a kind of telegraphic apparatus, in which a roll of stuff [film?] constantly receives a picture of our world, and it is impressed by it, unalterably, as it unrolls.  An immense museum devoted expressly to the planets of the solar system, preserves all these phtographic pictures, fixed forever in chronolgical order.

George Du Maurier calls these little bags of memory which he is fearful of losing on death.  There’s a collecting mania that beats Andy Warhol all to pieces.  George reveals that it was he on Mars who spoke to Camille in the form of a beautiful maiden extending his arms to George.  Wow!  There’s some implications there.  As sci-fi this is very advanced.

‘But then,’ I cried, ‘if you are that Martial maiden, how can you appear to me in Spero’s form, when he no longer exists?’

‘I do not act upon your retina or your optic nerve,’ he replied, ‘but on your mental being and your brain.  I am in communication with you now; I influence directly the cerebral seat of your sensations.’

I think I bought that bridge once, but excellent sales job here, certainly the reverse of what you see is what you get.

It is the same, too in conditions of hypnotic somnambulism.  You see me and hear me, you feel me, too, by your brain, which is under influence; but I am no more in the form, which you see than the rainbow exists in the presence of the eyes that look at it.’

Isn’t that good?  Flammarion is a genius even though he is a little off track, not his fault not that much was known then, especially the nature of hypnotism and its actions on the mind.  Then here’s the clincher that proves ERB read and was influenced by this book:

‘I must confess,’ I answered, ‘that I cannot understand your Martial beings as having six limbs.’

And then when Flammarion looked away and looked back the apparition had disappeared.  The watchman returned and the Martian story ends.

Thus begins the final chapter of the story The Fixed Point In The Universe in which Flammarion tries to tie up the Faerie and Science aspects of his story- the entwining of the Romantic and the Scientific.  While it  isn’t quite as noticeable in Burroughs, at least in the first burst of stories from 1911 to 1914, that is exactly what Burroughs tries to do, enclose the Faerie within the scientific.  Ray Bradbury would try the same thing in his The Illustrated Man and The Martian Chronicles.

Martian Horizon

Flammarion establishes the scientific aspect in a magnificent summation of man’s progress toward understanding the place of the Earth in the universe.  I quote it because it is a superb understanding that I don’t believe is universally understood:

The Earth is not what it seems to be.  Nature is not what we think….

The natural and direct impression given by the observation of Nature is that we inhabit a solid, stable Earth, fixed in the centre of the universe.  It took long centuries of study and a great deal of boldness to free ourselves from that natural conviction, and to realize that the world we are on is isolated in space, without any support whatever, in rapid motion on itself and around the Sun.  But to the ages before scientific analysis, to primitive peoples, and even today to three quarters of the human race, our feet are resting on a solid Earth which is fixed at the base of the universe, and whose foundations are supposed to extend into the depths of the infinite.

And yet from the time when it was first realized that it is the Sun which rises and sets every day; that it is the same Moon, the same stars, the same constellations which revolve about us, those very facts forced one to admit with absolute certainty that there must be empty space underneath the Earth, to let the stars of the firmament pass from their setting to their rising.  This first recognition was a turning-point.  The admission of the Earth’s isolation in space was astronomy’s first triumph.  It was the first step, and indeed the most difficult one.  Think of it!  To give up the foundations of the Earth!  Such an idea would never have sprung from any brain without the study of the stars, or indeed without the transparency of the atmosphere.  Under a perpetually cloudy sky, human thoughts would have remained fixed on terrestrial ground like the oyster to the rock.

The Earth once isolated in space, the first step was taken.  Before this revelation, whose philosophical bearing equals its scientific value, all manner of shapes had been imagined for our sublunary dwelling place.  In the first place, the Earth was thought to be an island emerging from a boundless ocean, the island having infinite roots.  Then the Earth, with its seas, was supposed to be a flat, circular disc, all around on which rested the vault of the firmament.  Later, cubic, cylindrical, polyhedric forms, etc., were imagine.  But still the progress of navigation tended to reveal its spherical nature, and when its isolation, with its incontestable proofs, was recognized, this sphericity was admitted as a natural corollary of that isolation and of the circular motion of the celestial spheres around the supposed central globe.

The terrestrial globe being from that time recognized as isolated, to move it was no longer difficult.  Formerly, when the sky was looked upon as a dome crowning the massive and unlimited Earth, the very idea of supposing it to be in motion would have been not only absurd but untenable.  But from the time we could see it in our minds, placed like a globe in the centre of celestial motion, the idea of imagining that perhaps this globe could revolve on itself, so as to avoid obliging the whole sky and the immense universe to perform this daily task, might come naturally into  a thinker’s mind; and indeed we see the hypothesis of the daily rotation of the terrestrial sphere coming to light in ancient civilizations, among the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Indians, etc.  It is sufficient to read a few chapters of Ptolemy, Plutarch, or Surya-Siddhanta for an account of these conjectures.  But this new hypothesis, although it had been prepared for by the first one, was none the less bold, and contrary to the feelings inspired by the direct contemplation of Nature.  Thoughtful mankind was obliged to wait until the sixteenth century, or, to speak more correctly, until the seventeenth century, to learn our planet’s true position in the universe, and to know by supported proofs that it has a double movement- daily about itself, and yearly about the Sun.  From that time only, from the time of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton, has real astronomy existed.

One Of The Moons Of Mars

A brilliant and remarkable synthesis of astronomical knowledge.  Burroughs frequently mentions his debt to Flammarion while I have yet to see where he refers to Percival Lowell.  Lowell, himself visited Flammarion at Juvisy where he, it would seem, learned from the master.

We have seen that in 1908 The Chicago Tribune recapitulated Flammarion’s vision of Mars and not Lowell’s on its pages with illustrations.  Burroughs said that he based his vision of Mars on Flammarion and adapted to more correct knowledge when it appeared.

It seems clear that Burroughs was fully exposed to the paranormal/Theosophical viewpoints borrowing only what he found useful while rejecting the rest while very like believing none of it.  Like Flammarion he accords telepathic powers to Martians but they are not effective with the Earthman, John Carter.

As the magical world of the fairies of the first Romantic period had metamorphosed into the pseudo-scientific paranormal Flammarion too has metamorphosed his magical longings into a scientific framework while accepting modern scientific astronomy.  However he still confuses the two because of the longing for personality immortality.  He accords full scientific values to the Society For Psychic Research because they seem to follow rigorous scientific methods yet the unconfirmed anecdotes they rely on he accepts as attested facts while they aren’t.  It’s odd that with his trained mind he couldn’t see the fallacy.

And then while being a very able astronomer he merely decides that all the planets in the universe are inhabitable and then populates them.  Thus he believes that Mars as a fact is fully peopled with flora and fauna like Earth’s but more exotic and spiritual.

He imagines a nearly infinite variety of life, that is human like intelligent life when in fact to this date all planets but Earth are barren of life.  Venus isn’t even watery.  What a blow that truth was.

Burroughs combined this wonderful fantastic fairyland displaced from Earth with evolution to imagine a fantastic array of life forms both on Earth and other planets, even beyond the farthest star.’

Both men were neo-Romantics although Flammarion having been born earlier was more heavily influenced by the first Romantic period while the much younger Burroughs was more acclimated to the scientific.  By the time he began to write autos, planes, telephones and electricity had already transformed the world while radio and television were just round the corner.   Talk about action at a distance and telepathy. God, Skype.

It was a wonderful time when all things were possible if improbable.  Truly, astronomy and psychology would be he cornerstones of the Brave New World that awaits.  Will it be Utopian or Dystopian?

All Across The Universe

Who Is The Mysterious John Carter?


R.E. Prindle


Edgar Rice Burroughs- The Man With The Plan


There are nine wise men who control the destiny of the world and I am on a first name basis with each of them.  Sworn to secrecy I cannot reveal the names of these Unknown Masters.  No Wiki-leaks here.  Due to the upcoming movie concerning doings under the moons of Mars first revealed by the adept Edgar Rice Burroughs beginning in 1912 I have been advised that it is thought expedient to reveal who John Carter really is.

Elipsis being the favored mode of action of the Nine rather than just give the info straight out I have been given a list of web sites, articles and books from which Carter’s identity may be deduced leaving some room for error on my part from which Carter’s identity may be deduced.  Given the nature of the material, much of which I had already read that I have always thought rather fanciful I can’t guarantee that I have succeeded in determining J.C.’s true identity.  If I have failed in this great trust placed in me by the Nine I lay the blame at their feet for having made an erroneus choice but it is possible that, as a result of such a possible failure, I may not be heard from again.

Burroughs, who seems to have known the true identity of Carter, whose books were part of the package given to me, as if I hadn’t already read them many times, gives us a clue in that Carter was at least one thousand years old and had enjoyed many identities over the centuries.  Actually with a little invention I may be able to whiff this past the Nine.

Amongst the papers entrusted to me was the web address of the French Wold Newton Universe which I abbreviate FWNU.  As this site intelligently summarizes a thousand years of history I found it an invaluable resource but just because I’m relying on the FWNU doesn’t mean I’m lazy; I’ve already read the other stuff:  the Greek myths, Homer, Grave’s White Goddess, the Bible, De Santillana, Eco and a host of others, besides which I have to use the sources the Nine supplied.

It will be necessary to begin our search with the Knights Templar and the Crusades.  It is quite possible that J.C. by whatever identity he may have been known is co-existent with the First Hominid Predecessor.  For all we know he was present at the creation, among the artists  who painted the caves at Lascaux or he may even have had an intimate acquaintance with the Via Dolorosa; but, that might merely be relying on the coincidence of initials.  We have no reliable or even quasi-reliable records that far back.

We will have to content ourselves with beginning at the Crusades.  The historical figure who claims an ancient pedigree is the Count de St. Germain.  He makes his appearance under that name in revolutionary France.  As the name he uses then is demonstrably French we have to assume that over the centuries he has been known under many, many names, many guises, many roles as the concept French is of fairly recent origin.  He was perhaps one of the nine who formed the Knights Templar, a very secretive group.  The Crusades changed the course of European society just as the Templars were the first catalysts of that change.  While Templar history is in the hands of those sympathetic to them who find them wholly admirable I who should be among those sympathsizers have a lurking suspicion that the Order was wholly sinister.  Who else, I ask you, would recruit in taverns haunted by criminals and excommunicants?  What building material was this?

The Templars ostensible purpose, good reason as opposed to real reason, for existence was that they were to protect pilgrims to the so-called Holy Land but, once created, they lost interest in such a worthy cause.  Perhaps they were created for a much more subversive and less worthy purpose.  The Templars are frequently linked with another band of ‘holy’ soldiers, the Assassins of Alamut in Persia.  Who were the Assassins?  The FWNU:  Will There Be Light Tomorrow, Part I:

The word “assassins” is usually linked to hashish, and the name of the group is sometimes spelled “hashishins,” because of their alleged use of the drug to keep their fearsome warriors properly motivated…What is not widely known is that, in fact, the name “Assassins” derives from the word “Assass,” meaning “Guardians,” or “Protectors,” for the Assassins were in reality the Islamic Soldier Monks in charge of the protection of the Holy Land.  “Assassins” in Arabic signifies “quardians,” and some commentators have considered this the true origin of the word: “Guardians of the secrets'” – Arkan Daraul, Secret Societies.

If the Assassins had secrets to protect and/or disseminate then they might easily have swayed the minds of a group of simple unsophisticated Nordic warriors.  Once swayed then their role would have been to form a fifth column in Europe in alliance with the Assassins to subvert the Church and State which is exactly what the Templars were doing.  Thus though the Moslems had been defeated and thrust back by Charles Martel the Templars would be internal allies to achieve the Moslem conquest not unlike the Liberal undermining in favor of the Moslems in the West today.    Wheels within wheels, plans within plans.  There undoubtedly was constant communication between the two groups for well over a hundred years until the Mongols of Ghengis Khan stormed Alamut putting an end to the Assassins c. +1260.  An unforseen event.  It was then only a few decades later that Philip Lebel of France terminated the career of the Templars launching Europe on the period of confusion that terminated with the murder of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

From the wreckage of the Templars, for they were only wrecked not destroyed, came great criminal organizations such as the Commora, the Carbonara and the Mafia.  All these elements combined to create the revolution in France during which the Compte de St. Germain  and the extra sinister Caligliostro, who might have been the same,  appeared and who in all possiblility emigrated to America to become…John Carter.

Names and dates in this underworld milieu can never be taken as certain.  As the FWNU points out it is clear that Cagliostro left for America after 1795 or at about the same time Edgar Allan Poe was handed the mysterious manuscript detailing the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym.  We’re slipping into the realm of pure fiction here but suppose that Poe did get the story from someone and suppose that someone was merely posing as Cagliostro or St. Germain, probably the same person in two identities.  Still fantistic but not impossible.

However contrary to Man’s desire nobody lives forever so at some point Cagliostro has to die but before he does he finds the Virginian John Carter and instructs him in this pious fraud to keep the tradition going.  Now, it is clear that whether or not someone gave Burroughs a manuscript which he at least claimed happened in the case of John Clayton he writes of John Carter in the tradition of the Great Conspiracy that had its roots in the Crusades.

Burroughs may very well have been self-indoctrinated in the Traditions as many of us are, however Burroughs was learned in several matters not least of which was psychology by his brothers’ partner, Lew Sweetser.

Sweetser along with the Burroughs Boys was graduated from Yale University which we know is the home of the prominent occult organization the Skull and Bones Club.  The Skull and Bones takes its emblem from the pirates of the Caribbean.  Their banner was a corruption of the black and white Beauceant banner of the Templars.  It is generally thought that the excaping French Templars, or a portion of them, fled to Scotland.  After 1492 when the Spanish gold fleets of his Most Catholic Majesty, the Defender of the Faith, the King of Spain began their runs, the Templars set sail for the New World to prey on the treasure fleets to avenge themselves on Church and Throne.

I have seen no record that Lew Sweetser was in the Skull and Bones but if he was or aspired to, if the Skull and Bones have any secrets which they obviously do, Sweetser may have become privy to some and whether intentionally or inadvertantly he probably imparted some to young Burroughs.  At the very least, in educating young Burroughs as he obviously did he would have given him his outlook or point of view.  Young Burroughs was at an impressionable age.


This point of view was reinforced by all of Burroughs’ reading.  That reading was more heavily occult and revolutionary than is usually supposed.  By 1912 when he began writing ERB was fully versed in the underground French literature in translation of the day.  There doesn’t seem to be a reference to Balzac although he must have read something but maybe not.  He did read Eugene Sue, one of the early nineteenth century writers, a veritable mad man.  Sue’s The Mysteries Of Paris was in his library while I’m relatively certain he read Sue’s Wandering Jew also.  Between

A Boy Named Sue

those two books his mind would have been ripped apart and reassembled as was mine for instance.  He read Dumas, Three Musketeers and Count Of Monte Cristo for sure and probably The Man In The Iron Mask.  He plowed through Victor Hugo’s sewer epic, Les Miserables.  He devoured whatever was translated of Jules Verne.  Verne’s works were firmly implanted in his mind: From Earth To The Moon and Mysterious Island absolutely filled his mind.  Paul Feval and

E.A. Poe, obviously under mental stress

Emile Gaboriau weren’t translated as yet so these very important crime/revolutionary writers missed him.  They write much more directly at what Sue, Dumas, Hugo and Verne imply.  But, all four of those guys are powerful writers dealing with life in a very direct way.  Edgar Allan Poe, another prime influence of Burroughs, 1808-1849 seems to have been influenced by the early bunch of French writers, probably Balzac and some writers less well known but earlier than Feval and the rest.  Poe may be the most astounding writer of all in the French school although its hard to top Sue.  I shudder while I write his name.    And then it is impossible to know what magazine and newspaer articles about such topics Burroughs may have read.  His age was a magazine and newspaper age.



And, of course, Burroughs read a full slate of English and American writers not least the detective stories of Conan Doyle and many others.  One should not overlook George W.M. Reynolds incredible ten volume novel The Mysteries Of The Court Of London which is found in ERB’s library.  An amazing 5000 page novel.

All of this reading seemed to come together in the John Carter Martian Trilogy.  Burroughs never again wrote anything quite like it.  One could remember that one doesn’t have to be fully conscious of what one is writing.  One is caught up in the sweep of intellectual currents developing themes whose antecedents began long before so that one is merely developing the themes.

Thus Burroughs was part of the breaking up of the Semito-Aryan mythology of say -2000 to +1000 which was accentuated by the first of the three major blows to Man’s self-confidence picked out by Freud- the place of the Earth in the Universe.  Once it was understood that Earth was merely one lone planet spinning in a Universe that if not thought boundless in his time was understood to be more extensive than mythological heaven.  The old mythology crubled to the ground, the old gods of the Semitic religions had their teeth pulled, their knees crushed, in other words, they lost their power to command.

Jules Verne

Now, it is often asserted that there is no mythology to replace the old mythology, that science has destroyed the concept.  This is not true.  The Templars began a new mythology, while Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler forwarded it when they discovered or revealed  that the Earth was a point in a surrounding universe.   Thus, if the Earth is not the center of the universe with God in his heaven above it then Man can penetrate this boundless space.  This is where John Carter enters the mythology of the Scientific Era.

The idea of traveling in space according to the FWNU was almost immediately written in a story by Kepler himself.  While this is a sort of change of venue travel in the upper spheres has a long history predating Kepler.  To cite only two examples there is Jacob’s Ladder on which Jacob was said to ascend to the heavens or, in other words, space.  Mohammed is said to have mounted his horse and risen to the Seventh Heaven, way up there in the ideas of the time,  where he conversed face to face with God, or in Moslem terms,  Allah.  So, now that space became open it isn’t unusual that Kepler immediately translated the old mythology into scientific terms.  So while a magic carpet may have served Gullivar Jones if fails as science.

Thus from Kepler to Burroughs the tales of space travel and the complexity of methods increases.

Camille Flammarion

With the development of astronomy, that is space, the concept of Time developed apace.  The Earthly year had already been adequately measured so now the conquest of the Earth day, hour, minute and seconds- eventually nanoseconds- began.  Thus Time and Space became one word, timeandspace.  Along with rocketry came the fantasy of the Time Machine, the time traveler.  As we know Burroughs was an expert on both, having some very well developed ideas about Time.  Rather than being a merely frivolous romanticist then it can be seen that Burroughs was trying to work out the central problems of his times.  to a very large extent, he did.  In a literary sense, then, Burroughs is the equal of Freud and Einstein.  Hence his writing style is odd.  He is trying to convey ideas he is struggling to understand, not unlike Freud and Einstein.  While Freud is considered a literary stylist I find him barely comprehensible, not at all clear.

As the FWNU points out, while John Carter takes his place in space travel in the 1860s his amanuensis, Burroughs, only published Carter’s exploits from 1912 to 1914.

Burroughs himself completely distorts the facts as he claims he himself was born c. 1855 in the Trilogy while we know he was actually born twenty years later in 1875.  He could not possibly have known Carter as a child and been his ‘favorite nephew.’  Why he would tell such a transparent falsehood isn’t clear.  Even when Carter made his second vanishing in 1888 Burroughs would have been entering his teen years while being in Illinois rather than living on the Hudson in the State of New York.  Does he think we’re stupid?  Perhaps he is concealing his real sources.

Even though the issue is somewhat clouded because of the lapse of time between the historical events and Burroughs’ publication of them only in 1912, one thing is clear, John Carter is the Lord Of Time And Space.  As Burroughs recounts Carter’s words claimed to be to him in the prologue to the Gods Of Mars:

I have learned the secret, nephew, and I may traverse the trackless void at my will, coming and going between the countless planets as I list…

Carter’s achievement is of great import because it means that he has become one with the gods.  he has joined the heavenly pantheon with the added advantage that he can move equally freely between the spiritual and the temporal.  Not even the Great Gods can do that.  Although he has the secret he doesn’t choose to divulge it to his ‘favorite nephew’ who we know did not possess this occult secret.

It is interesting in light of Carter’s achievement to pay some attention to the Urania Book that was received by another Chicagoan.  Why Chicago was selected to be the center of revelation at this time isn’t known.  The book of Urania is a massive volume giving the details of the celestial organization of the gods dispersed throughout the universe of which Carter must have been familiar although he didn’t impart that knowledge to his nephew.  Fortunately that vast organization was related by the Uranians.

As Burroughs was left more or less on his own on that score by Carter it is evident that Burroughs must have fleshed out Carter’s bare announcement of having discovered the ‘secret’ of traversing interstellar space by hints from the famed French explorer of space Camille Flammarion.  That author discusses outer space in several profound works chief of which are The Plurality Of Inhabited Worlds, The Inhabitants Of Other Worlds, Imaginary And Real Worlds and Lands In The Sky.  It is to be noted also that rather than taking his information on the nature of Mars from the American Percival Lowell Burroughs took it from the Frenchman, Camille Flammarion.  Lowell and Flammarion were in close communication so it is probable that Lowell’s inspiration was taken from Flammarion.  Burroughs speaks of Flammarion many times even going so far as to say he formed his early ideas on him but he never mentions Lowell.  Unfortunately Flammarion’s information on Mars turned out to be more inspired than factual.  Let us hope his ideas on interplanetary space are more sound.  But then he is a pioneer and the lay of the land always looks different to the first comers than the settlers who become familiar with it.  Cartographers so to speak.  Geographers, that sort of thing.

At any rate the transition from the old astrology to the new astronomy, from myth to science, was achieved through the medium of Edgar Rice Burroughs.  There should a BB and AB, before and after Burroughs.  Thus with the publication of A Princess of Mars in 1912 world history entered a new phase.  The centuries after Keplers’ space epic culminated with Burroughs in 1912 when he more or less perfected the new mythology as far as the heavens were concerned.

Nor was Burroughs finished when Carter using the ‘secret’ transported himself to Mars the second time.  One is inclined to believe that Carter stumbled on the secret before the cave in Arizona or else was selected by the Celestial Organization to receive it.  The latter would have been impossible for a naive earthling like Burroughs to understand so Carter probably chose to say he discovered the secret.

Burroughs himself who was undoubtedly chosen as the conduit to the New Mythology was immediately recognized as the avatar of the New Mythology as nearly all other mythographers began to develop the ideas in Burroughs framework.  His knowledge which was itself almost miraculous seems as though it must have been divinely imparted.  Perhaps the two concusssions he received before 1900 rearranged his synapses so that he could intellectually go where no man had gone before.  He celebrates the memory of these two concussions by beating a steady tattoo on the skull of Tarzan.

Having organized the way in which inter-stellar planetary travel was to be perceived Burroughs set out to create the man-god of the New Age on earth, the second aspect of the trinity, John Clayton otherwise known as Tarzan Of The Apes.  Burroughs retained the JC initials linking Jesus Christ, John Carter and John Clayton as so many have noted although those three are not the Trinity in question- the three in one, one in three.  One must beware of the so-called revolutionaries who with their inability to understand common sense deride the triple aspect of mankind as faulty arithmetic.  In the course of evolution it would seem that  they failed to acquire the advanced intelligence gene.

Three of Burroughs’ most formative years were spent at Harvard Latin School in Chicago where he developed his classical knowledge and fell in love with classical mythology.

Thus, as the mythological god of heaven was Zeus to whom John Carter corresponds, John Clayton, or Tarzan corresponds to the terrestrial god, Poseidon or, perhaps more accurately to the son of Zeus, the great man-god Heracles.  Burroughs often refers to Tarzan as the Heracles of the jungle so perhaps he shoved Poseidon aside in favor of the son of Zeus.  This leaves only the realm of the underworld ruled by Pluto or Hades in Classical Mythology which Burroughs renamed Pelucidar and placed at the center of the Earth.  He doesn’t seem to have felt the need for a ruler of that particular realm.  Thus while the three realms exist in his mythology the trinity seems to be curiously truncated by one but perhaps I’m missing something.

Thus Burroughs updated the Trinity.  It might be coincidence or maybe it was destiny but Burroughs was chosen to transit the bases of the New Mythology at the first glimmer of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  Was he conscious of his role as the Man of Destiny?  While he could never be sure he undoubtedly hoped the Light was shining on him.

Although obscure this move shows a very astute religious understanding.  If one wishes to supplant a religion the wise idea is to appropriate the forms of symbols, shrines and ideas and replace their content with your own.  Catholicism did this with Greek and German sites and Jewish and Moslem religions are attempting the same with Christian and or Western sites, symbols and ideas now.  There is an eternal religious war.  For instance Jews have instituted the new Jewish holiday Hannukah in opposition to the Western Christmas which in itself contains the superposition of the Christian religion on pagan sites.  While shining the light on their Hannukah they make vicious attacks on Christmas trying to have it outlawed.  Christmas celebrants are thus being nudged to embrace Hannukah at which time they will be left in peace to celebrate their Christmas under the guise of Hannukah.  In the time honored manner Christianity will have been superseded, in this case by a lesser religious faith.  Undoubtedly they will be happy with an eight day celebration rather than a one.   A little bribery works well.

Thus Burroughs makes John Carter the Master of Time and Space in place of Jahweh or Allah.  When the scientific British conquered India and scoffed at the Hindu notion that the world rested on the back of the elephant as an impossibility the Hindu priests withdrew, worked it over in their minds and countered:  OK.  The world rests on the back of the tortoise.  The Hindus could not accept the negation of their religious beliefs.

So science made clear to Christians, Jews and and Moslems that there was no god and that instead of the earth nestling in an egg of seven heavens with god in the seventh and highest balanced by seven layers of hell beneath the flat earth and that space was in fact boundless and the earth occupied an infinitessimally small space in the universe, the Christians, Jews and Moslems retired to consider the problem then each gave a new solution based on God in heaven much as the Hindus switched from an elephant to a tortoise.  It is impossible to just switch the human mind from one system to another.  As Voltaire said:  No one ever willed himself an athiest.

Science is abstract while religion is visceral. so even those working in science retain their religious views.  The Christians said:  Alright then, if God didn’t create mankind what happened is that a comet brought life to Earth.  You see, Evolution or Creation must come from outside.  It is more comfortable to think that.  Thus nothing changed, life came from ‘above.’  As the space idea developed one had the spectacular Uranian religion develop where the entire universe becomes one huge revival camp while ‘visitors’ from outer space landed handing knowledge to dumb ox earthlings.   Knowledge wasn’t acquired bit by bit by humble earthlings but was given by superior aliens, i.e. God.  The Aliens then began to hover over Earth in flying saucers to monitor our activities until we were ‘ready’ to enter the congress of planets in a peaceful manner.  Like God they don’t interfere in our affairs.

Thus John Carter the man-god can replace both God in his heaven and space aliens and God will still be in his heaven and all right with the world.  Only the symbols will change which is as it must be.  As above, so below.  Following that religious formula Burroughs placed the avatar of primitiveness and sophistication, Tarzan, as overlord of Africa.  Tarzan remains a savage but is sometimes dressed in a tuxedo, even in the jungle.

How aware is this?  Currently certain groups are going into the very heart of darkness to haul Negroes out of the jungle, put them on airplanes which they may only have seen flying high above them and transporting them to the United States where these groups expect these primitives to get a job, eat frozen food, and flush the toilet none of which the primitives have any knowledge.  As is well known feral humans are incapable of transiting to human society.  The brain can only absorb so much and at such a rate.  This inability cannot be accelerated or changed.   Even well educated, supposedly sophisticated humans can’t make the transition from a magical religious mindset to a rational scientific one so what is to become of primitives?  Scientific thought has had no part in Chinese or Asian thought until very recently so how can these peoples be expected to abandon their essentially mythopoeic thought processes for a scientific  one?

So, while Burroughs was attempting to lead the way to an Aquarian scientific conception of the coming New Age he was wisely attempting to do the impossibhle:  Putting new wine in old bottles without bursting the bottles.  It may be impossible yet it has to be done.   The issue has now been complicated, probably irreparably, by the introduction of hundreds of millions of people into Western society for which the transition is a complete impossibility.  The enlightened Westerner will be swamped by those incapable of understanding whether it be their natural limitations or not.

In this global society the Aquarian religion must displace several antiquated thought systems.  The truth is obvious.  A palatable religion has to be packaged for the masses that will make them psychologically comfortable and an elite and priesthood who hopefully understand the issues who can keep society moving forward on an even keel.  Is this possible?  Even Burroughs could solve the problem only by continuing the institution of slavery.  Slavery permeates his entire work.

In our situation it is important to keep the religious warfare confined to the warring elites and away from the masses.

That means of course that the egalitarian character of the last two hundred years has come to an end.  Of course, the Semites put a period to that on 9/11.

The question then is who will wear the crown?  Burroughsian religious ideas must triumph.  The Carter-Clayton ideas must be put into action driving the three Semitic religions off the field as well as conquering the minds of the Asians and Africans.

Not as difficult as it may seem but it takes a steely determination so far shown only by the Jews and Moslems.  You have to know who you are, what you want and be prepared to deal with any obstacles as these two groups obviously are an do.  Know who you are and the superiority of your beliefs.  There is no longer any room for tolerance as with them.  Everything else out there is inferior, nothing can successfully slander our beliefs unless we permit it.


Beam Me Up, Scotty









A Review

Themes And Variations

The Tarzan Novels Of Edgar Rice Burroughs

#14  Tarzan The Invincible


R.E. Prindle

Part 10

The Prohpet- Edgar Rice Burroughs

Religion: Standing On The Promises

Even though at the beginning of the novel Burroughs says he does not consider Politics and Religion suitable topics for fiction- unless highly fictionalized- the two topics seem to constitute a major portion of his work.

The Great One does not feel called upon to exhibit a foolish consistency.   In Invincible the first sentence is:  I am no historian.  In Tarzan Triumphant he says: ‘Being merely a simple historian and no prophet…’   So in the few months between Invincible and Triumphant he has gone from no historian to a mere simple one while hinting that while he is no prophet he may become one.  We can’t be certain what the future holds in store for him.  I’ve already sensed that he is a prophet.  Tarzan is the god and Edgar Rice Burroughs is his prophet.  So much for Mohammed being the end of the prophetic line.

Under cover of fiction Triumphant will deal extensively with the Jewish and Christian religions so this might be an appropriate place to review some aspects of the history and nature of religion.

Evolution occurs on many levels other than the biological.  The biological naturally controls all other forms of evolution.  The species has developed from a time of pre-hominid ancestors that must at some time have diverged from that of the other anthropoids as unpleasant as that may be for a certain type of mind although, for the life of me, I can’t imagine why.  One of the more significant areas of evolution has been that of the brain.  Nothing should be clearer than that the brain of HSIII is superior to the brain of the first Homo Sapiens and species which evolved from the Last Hominid Predecessor.  I mean gorillas must have a relatively primitive brain.

There is no reason for this not to be so.  The brain of the infant Homo Sapiens continues to develop outside the womb until at least the early twenties.  At each stage the ability of the brain to function increases.  As above, so below; as in the macro so in the micro.

Thus as in each stage of evolution from the first Homo Sapiens to the present most highly evolved specimen Homo Sapiens III, abilities to think and function have increased.  Thus HS’s understanding of the world and universe are immeasurably different from the first Homo Sapiens model.  I can’t imagine anyone who would dissent from that conclusion.

Now, except for the intermingling of human species certain human species would still be unacquainted with the approximately true nature of the world and universe that we have attained.  I don’t see how this can be disputed.  Without European influence the rest of the world would still think the earth was flat.  These are facts whether one likes them or not.  Indeed, even among the most advanced human species there are very large numbers who resist the scientific explanation of nature. These people still prefer the atavistic, antiquated religious Semitic explanation of natural phenomena.  These people can barely accept the notion of a heliocentric solar system, many don’t.  Why should anyone pay attention to them?

If one accepts that Homo Sapiens is 150K to 200K years old then it seems to me impossible that all human  intellectual development has occurred in the last ten thousand years.  Weapons of some sort have been in existence for many tens of thousands of years if not from the beginning of Homo Sapiens having been evolved from the Last Hominid Predecessor.  It seems evident to me that a highly developed civilization existed in the Med Basin beginning c. 100K years ago.  That doesn’t mean they had advanced Science it merely means that they had an organized society with relatively sophisticated thought processes and tools.  Religion is basically an attempt to understand and make order of the world.  All interpretations of the natural order must be based on that order.

Hence the North Polar stars which never set are the basis of religion.  The Polar stars rotate about the Pole over a period of some 25K odd years forming what is called a Great Year.  The Great year was made to conform to the terrestrial year of twelve months therefore being divided into twelve periods called Ages.

The Great Year with it twelve Ages formed the basis of religion.  We will call that religion the Astrological Religion.  Thus the religion goes back for tens of thousands of years as Sumerian records indicate.  These Ancients did not make up their lives or talk through the backs of their necks.

Each Age of the Astrological Religion had its male and female religious archetypes.  These are, perhaps most easily traced as far back as four ages, possibly five, in the Greco-Cretan mythology.  The historical ages are the Taurian, Arien, Piscean and the next, the Aquarian.  I am not a New Ager although I see no reason to disparage them and I am in sympathy with the outlook.  One may say that I am of the Astrological religious tradition as we will see, I think, was Edgar Rice Burroughs.

In ancient days the Hom Sapiens species were separated each having distinct territories so that in the Darwinian sense they were not yet in conflict.  When the last Ice Age came to an end flooding the Med Basin- this is not speculation, but fact- the civilization of the Basin was forced to higher ground bringing them into contact with the highland savages from West to East.  Thus civilization as we now know it began.

The first settlers of Mesopotamia brought the Astrological Religion with them or, according to Mesopotamian mythology a man-god named Oannes- the name Oannes evolved into Johannes or John- appeared from the sea to teach them the rudiments of civilization and the Astrological Religion.  Immense amounts of lore must have been lost, that is forgotten,  so perhaps that is where the legend of the Lost Word comes in.

Now, off to the East on the Arabian Peninsula a different species lived.  These were called the Semites or would be after the later Hebrews so named them after their mythical ancestor, Shem.  Mere desert dwellers the Semites were attracted to the glitter of the Astrological Religion.  There is no evidence that the Semites had a civilization or anything that could be called an actual culture of their own.  They merely mimicked the existing culture infiltrating it much as Europe and America are being infiltrated today by their descendants.  Eventually they will succeed the European civilization just as their ancestors did the Sumerian.

The evidence is that they had no religious forms of their own so that they attempted to take over both the physical and cultural edifices of their predecessor civilization, the Sumerian.

The Semites did not have the same mental organization or capabilities as their predecessors so they could maintain neither the civilization nor the religion.  The major conflict came at the transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries.  Here is where the real conflict between the Semites and Indo-Europeans or  the Semites and HSII & III begins to take its historical form.

When the Astrological Age changes the religious archetypes change.  For instance Cronus had been succeeded by Zeus at the transition from Taurus to Aries.  Zeus himself was succeeded by Jesus the Christ at the transition from Aries to Pisces.  Zeus would have been succeeded by Dionysus but the Semites either had to be accommodated or they forced Jesus of Nazareth on the Age which was later combined with the Kyrios Christos to form the composite deity the Semitic Jesus and Hellenic Christ.  The role of Paul was very important in forcing Jesus of Nazareth on the goyim as Burroughs attests in Triumphant.

As we are now about to transit from Pisces to Aquarius a new set of archetypes will emerge representing the current intellectual and psychological development of Homo Sapiens.

This raises the question of whether Burroughs was merely a simple historian or was he also a prophet.  Is Tarzan his offering for the role of the male archetype for the Aquarian Age?  I think he is.  For those who scoff at such an idea it would be wise to examine Burroughs relation to Mormonism during his stay in Salt Lake City.  If it was possible for Joseph Smith to befuddle the minds of intelligent Westerners with his nonsense in the middle of the nineteenth century, or Mohammed to impose his twaddle even in the seventh, then I see no reson to be amazed that Burroughs would attempt the same thing in the twentieth century.  I mean, look at this stuff for what it is.

Also, believe it or not, I read recently where someone thinks Oprah Winfrey could be the female archetype for the Aquarian Age.  Get out of here.  I don’t whether to laugh or barf.  So, the notion of religious archetypes for the new age is a fairly active one.  Any such discussions are in conflict with Semitism.  So, we’re back to that problem.

Semitism took identifiable form at the transit from Taurus to Aries.

The record of such happenings is, of course, much more recent than the transition from Taurus to Aries.  It could have been made up during the Babylonian captivity.  The Old Testament record was only recorded, perhaps even formulated, after the Captivity which began in 586 BC lasting for only fifty years although rather than return to the pleasure of the temple most Jews remained behind by the waters of Babylon just as their ancestors yearned for the fleshpots of Egypt.

To clarify the nature of human species according to Jewish sources:  The Jews argue that all mankind is derived from Jewish or Hebrew stock.  The only survivors of the great flood were Jews- Noah and his family.  The ancient Hebrews while knowing many cultures knew of only three species or stocks.  They acccordingly named them Hamites, Shemites and Japhetites after sons of Noah.  In their conversations with De Great Lawd which were frequently carried on in public He apparently dispensed information on a need to know basis so he withheld the info on the Mongolids and West African Negroes as no account of them is taken in the descendants of Noah.  A little gap in the perfect knowledge of the Old Testament.

Thus the Old Testament acknowledges the differences between the Semites, the Europeans or Japhetites and the Hamites are more than merely racial, which is to say Cosmetic.  Such an idea is of course in line with genetic learning.

The Med People or HSII devised a fluid religious system that allowed for the development or evolution of the human mind.  In other words they not only accepted but embraced change.  This is a quality of mind not shared by HSI, the Semites or the Mongolids.

Depending on what time period the Semites began the infiltration of Mesopotamia which may have overlapped the Geminian and Taurian Ages or perhaps fell completely within the Taurian Age there would have been no conflict with the Semitic need for stasis and the Astrological allowance for development, evolution or growth.  However, by the time of the transit from Taurus to Aries the Semites had gained political control of Mesopotamia while the religious control was still in the hands of the Aryan priesthood.

Following Astrological precedents the ancient Aryan priesthood wanted to change to the Arien archetypes.  In European Greece where the Semitic influence was lower the transit from Cronus to Zeus was made with only the usual warfare hence the legends of the Cronian Titans and the Olympians.

In Mesopotamia where the Semites were in the ascendant, according to Jewish myhthology, the Terahites, under the tutelage of Abram, disputed the succession with the ancient priesthood.  According to Jewish mythology Abram and the Terahites argued that the religious archetypes were eternal and there was no Astrological tradition.  Thus in the ancient world the Jews were believed to worship Saturn.  If Saturn were the Taurian archetype then this was very likely true as Saturn would then be the basis for the Eternal which the Jews do acknowledge worshipping.

In the Semitic manner, then, the Semitic mind being incapable of  accepting change, having been fully developed before they emerged from the desert, went into opposition to the Astrological Religion.   Thus the conflict changed from a termporal one to a ‘spiritual’ one.  At that point then diaspora was possible without the laws of national identity.  As a spiritual entity, Judaism was born.  The notion of Semitism developed along with  its opposite anti-Semitism.  Christ = Anti-Christ.  Thus the explanation of the origin of this so-called anti-Semitism is simply explained.  In reality Semitism was in conflict with the Astrological Religion and hence was anti-Astrological.  Any other religion must perforce be anti-Semitism.  The struggle then became a struggle for the souls of men as well as their bodies.

Once again in direct conflict Europe and Asia began a long theological dispute.  As the Piscean transition progressed the Semites began their attempt to convert the Astrological religion to Semitism.  They were effective in shutting down intellectual inquiry which is the motive force for change.  We will see this again in the nineteenth century efforts of Marx, Freud and Einstein.

As the ancient world ended, its religious legatees were the Catholic Church and Judaism.  All other ancient religions disappeared from the face of the earth except in ineffective remnants or underground movements.

It is interesting that fourteen hundred years after being forbidden the Arien Age worship of Zeus has been made lawful again in Greece.  There’s really no place in the Aquarian Age for the Olympian pantheon but it is an interesting atavistic attempt reviving as it were the struggle between the Arien Age religions of Olympia and Israel.

Gradually the Egyptian and Anatolian elements of the Christian manifestation of the Piscean archetypes have been displaced in favor of the Semitic models.  The Catholic Church was able to contain the Semitic influence in Europe from the end of the Western Roman Empire to the Age of the Enlightenment of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.  The Enlightenment let Simitism loose on the world again.

While the Roman Empire militarily defeated the political entity of Jerusalem from 66 AD to 135 AD the battle weakened the Empire allowing in Asiatic influences like the Emperor Heliogabalus.  Then in the seventh century AD the present form of the struggle between Europe and Asia took form when the prophet Mohammed formed the Moslem Religion based largely on its predecessor religion, Judaism.

The Moslems stormed across North Africa into Spain and France where they were stopped at Tours by Charles The Hammer.  It took nearly one thousand years to drive the Moslems from France and Spain which result was finally obtained in 1492.

As the Moors were driven from Europe by Ferdinand and Isabella they also expelled the Semitic Jews.  In the evolutionary sense this was the other correct response to an invasion of a competing species.  The other, of course, would have been extermination.  Thus at this stage of European history they were responding in an evolutionarily correct manner.  England had expelled the Jews in 1190 and France in 1307.  The various small German States fluctuated in their attitude sometimes expelling sometimes readmitting.  There were always German States that allowed Semites.  Otherwise the great mass of European Semites lived in the no-mans land between Russia and Germany that would after Russian annexation be called the Pale of the Settlement meaning this area was roped off for Jewish residence.

While these actions may have been evolutionarily correct and probably even politically correct the defensive party seldom thinks in such grand terms as evolutionary inevitability.  So, really, in evolutionary terms the only correct response is extermination.  The Shona of Zimbabwe fully understand this principle.  I say this to show I am not springing anything new or unusual on you.  These natural responses are going on today in Zimbabawe, South Africa, South and West Sudan, Indonesia, in former Yugoslavia where Moslems are exterminating non-Moslems.  If you don’t believe these things, open your eyes, open your eyes.

Now, wars do not end after seeming victory.  The expelled Moslems of Spain continued the war establishing the Barbary Pirates who then preyed on Europe for the next three hundred years plundering and enslaving Europeans.  The actual invasion of North Africa first by Spain and then by France was an attempt to end this savage warfare.

Burroughs would have been brought up on the legend of millions for defense but not one cent for tribute as was my generation.  Until recently I believed that Americans had ended Barbary piracy.  This was just something we were told in the fourth grade.  Actually the Barbary pirates were put down only in 1830 when France conquered and annexed Algeria.

France at that time ought to have either exterminated or driven out the Moslems.  Having once expelled them, if they had had the power, they should have swept across North Africa, as the Moslems had done, driving the Moslems before them until they had reached Suez.

Thus Africa would have been reclaimed for Europe.  First it was held by the HSII survivors of the Med Basin flooding, then the Semitic-Carthaginians, then HSII Romans and back again to the Semitic Arabs.  So such a preemption was certainly historically justified.  The Moslems make a great noise about the Crusades but the modern problem was their offense of the Eruption From The Desert.  Get straight.

At the same time the Jewish and Arab Semitic struggles were going on  the yeast of the suppressed religions of the Middle East and philosophies of Greece were converting the Europeans from Semitic stasis to Aryan intellectual activity.  The Eastern Roman Empire fell at the time of the expulsion of the Jews and Moslems from Spain.  Scholars flooded out of the East.  These Egyptian, Greek and Syrian influences burst forth in the seventeenth and eighteenth century as the Enlightenment.  Previously the discussion had been between the Semitic reigions of Judaism, Moslemism and Christianity.  The level of human consciousness between the three was nearly equal although still retaining some measure of the Astrological Religion.  This is a very serious subject for study.  Christianity, such as it was, was intellectually superior.  Remember, however, that Catholicism was so imbued with the limited Semitic intellect that the Pope made Galileo deny the notion of a heliocentric system.

The release of the Scientific Consciousness after the long suppression of several hundreds of years put the inferior religious consciousnesses on the defensive.  The Semitic counterattack going on today is the culmination of the Jewish response to the Enlightenment.  It is imperative that a Scientific offensive be made against this anterior and surpassed form of the evolution of human consciousness.  As in the past a victory cannot be achieved without a perhaps bloody and costly struggle.  Such as is going on now.

We, you readers, Burroughs and I, are concerned with the middle of the Englightenment period here, say from 1890 to 1935.  I think we will see that Edgar Rice Burroughs is deeply and constructively involved in this struggle between the Religious and Scientific Consciousnesses.

As I’ve noted before, the Christian response to the scientific challenge was to declare either the Pope or the Bible infallible. Protestants didn’t have a Pope so they declared the Bible infallible.  Same thing.  American Liberals who evolved from the Puritan/Abolitionist nexus essentially became secular religionists.  It is to be remembered that the Puritans the Liberals evolved from considered themselves neo-Hebrews hence the new Chosen People.  According to John Adams as Neo-Hebrews they even rejected the celebration of Christmas.  Thus Liberals tend to give science  a religious spin rejecting Christianity.

The Jews on the other hand confronted by a hard edged Science that could not be bent to Semitic ideas decided to co-opt Science perverting it so that it resembles their religion.  All these responses have been taking place since the French Revolution of 1789 which emancipated the Jews removing them from Roman Catholic control.

As I pointed out in an earlier essay there was a brilliant episode on the TV show Twilight Zone in which monks had captured and imprisoned Satan.  They made the mistake of allowing a lost traveler to stay the night in the monestery.  The monks warned the visitor to pay no attention to the entreaties of the prisoner to release him.  The traveler did not heed the warning and prisoner who was Satan was released again in the world.  A little allegory.

Thus the Revolution and Napoleon emancipated the Jews who immediately began the conquest of Europe.  France was the first to fall.  Karl Marx then hi-jacked Socialism in the name of Communism.  Communism negates change in favor of stasis.  Its story is all regulation and control, no different than Judaism.  An elite administers to the ‘masses’ as the Chosen People administers to the goys.

Just as the Moslems are called to prayer five times a day and the Jews are expected to apply their 613 commands to every action before they take it, so Communism coopts the individual into the collectivity and regulates his every action.

Using Socialism as its cutting edge the way was paved for Communism in Europe.

Burroughs first encountered Socialism on the streets of Chicago as Socialists marched along under their waving red banners.  The scene made an indelible impression on the young boy resulting after the Russian Revolution in his book, Under The Red Flag.  Thus the Semites coopted the political ideology of the next one hundred years.

Science unfolded very quickly in the years following Darwin’s Origin Of Species.  Particularly great progress was made in the scientific understanding of the mind.  Psychology then was coopted by the Jew, Sigmund Freud.  It is rather difficult to understand why all research seems to have been channeled through Freudianism.  A rather fecund area of research seems to have been enveloped into one train of thought.

Freud quickly established his version of the static ‘unconscious’ as the sole vision of the mind.  He demoted the conscious mnd to a position of irrelvance.  His intention is quite clear.  The conscious mind is the engine of change.  By emphasizing the static unconscious combined with is vision of sex, which is to say only sexual intercourse, he was attempting to disarm the conscious mind and hence stop change or in other words establish stasis.  Success in such a course is not instantaneous so naturally science continues to progress as the pall of the unconscious spreads.  It doesn’t take a genius to understand why scientists are male and white.  Once you have established the fact that scientists will be male and white it becomes necessary to stultify and emasculate white males, thereby establishing stasis.    One would have to be blind not to see that that is exactly what is happening.

In point of fact the unconscious does not have an objective existence.  Its apparent existence is merely a mind in an arrested state of development.  The stasis is caused by fixations from challenges too stressful for the conscious mind to handle.  Once the fixations are dealt with and disappear, which is included in Freud’s understanding of the mind, the mind or personality is allowed to integrate, the Freudian unconscious disappearing.

Freud never integrated his personality remaining under the influence of his ‘unconscious’ so it is possible he didn’t understand the integration of the personality although his disciple, Jung, did.

However in Freud’s hands the unconscious became a weapon in the Semitic attempt to subjugate mankind.  This subjugation is not religious or moral but a matter of one species seeking dominance over the others.  Thus as Marx perverted the science of politics so Freud perverted the science of the mind.  The third perversion of Science was the conquest of physics by Einstein.  As Marx and Freud had interjected Semitic religious concepts into Politics and Psychology so Einstein did the same in Physics.  It matters little that there is some scientific content in the the theories of these men.  Their intent is to subordinate science to religion just as they had done vis-a-vis the Astrological Religion to the Semitic Religion when the Religious Consciousness was supreme.

That Einsten has been able to befog the minds of very intelligent men with his nonsense about the ‘fabric’ of space and time is nothing short of incredible.  Yet, by the second decade of the twentieth century the perverted notions of these three men were directing the course of research in these three essential disciplines.

Thus cored from within the Aryans were made susceptible to the rising time of Wahabi Moslemism that Lothrop Stoddard noted and warned against but which warning was defused due to the machinations of Jewish Semites within Western Civilization.

Running concurrently in the background contra to the Semitic stream was the evolving Astrological Religion.  Just as the evolution of the Dionysiac Archetype of the Age of Pisces developed for hundreds of years within the Arien dispensation of Zeus so the formation of the Aquarian has been taking place in the Age of Pisces.

The Enlightenment with its advance in the development of scientific consciousness was undoubtedly the opening salvo.  Unlike Semitic development the Astrological evolution was not institutionalized.  It is an idea that once set in motion is maintained by volunteers who get the idea and keep it perpetuating.

The principle is known.  For instance the notion that America is a land of immigrants has been allowed to develop to the point of self-destruction.  Of course that notion is constantly forwarded by the Liberal Coalition.  Even though it is obvious to the feeblest intelligence that the land is capable of supporting only a finite number of humans the madness has now reached the point where it is beleived that the whole world can be imported ‘to share what we have.’  One of the most, if not the most, bizarre notions in all history.  Such insanity is difficult to understand.

If one assumes, as one must, that human consciousness has been developing over the 150K years since humans evolved from the Last Hominid Predecessor then this transition to the Aquarian Age is the most dramatic development of history.  All previous stages of evolution have involved the progression from one stage of supernatural religion to another.  In this transition, for the first time, it has been proclaimed that ‘God is dead.’  That is to say a supernatural being who guide’s our destiny.

With the age of Science mankind realizes the true nature of appearances or Nature itself.  The concept of Evolution destroyed the basis of the Semitic religion.  There is no God, no Yahweh, no Allah, no stasis.  Oh, Lord, crikey Massa, don’t put me jail for saying that!  People who still believe in such non-existent deities have not been relegated to the dustbin of history.

Burroughs, and I consider this fairly remarkable, seems to have accepted the New Order of Science upon his first contact with Darwin and Evolution.  To say that ‘God is dead’ creates a vacuum in human consciousness such as the integration of the personality changes one’s mental structure leaving an aching vacancy between the vacation of the old personality and its replacement by the new.  Thus for the last hundred years or so mankind has been seaching for a metaphysical sucessor to the supernatural concept of God.

Just as the Enlightenment may have opened the way to the transition to the new consciousness so men have appeared to direct consciousness into constructive channels.  One of these writing as Burroughs writhed through the years between his marriage and the epiphany that produced his writing career and Tarzan was a man called Levi Dowling writing under the name of Levi.  His effort, I’m certain what he considered his gift to the world, was a work called The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ.

I doubt Burroughs read this book although one never knows.  Chicago in the period before Los Angeles was the American hotbed of religious speculation.  One should never overlook that.  Burroughs lived in a welter of religious speculation.  Added to that Burroughs was heavily influenced by Lew Sweetser who was particularly interested and well informed on such topics.  Plus Burroughs lived in Mormonland for a decent period of time making a special visit ot the Mormon capital in 1898, while living in Salt Lake City for several months in 1903-04.  It would be hard to believe that he wasn’t learning of the Mormon doctrines especially how a noodle brain like Joseph Smith was able in the nineteenth century to impose his religious will on thousands of people.

Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, came from an area highly influenced by the fantastic religious notions of the Rhineland Pietistic Germans who became known as the Pennsylvania Dutch in America.  Magazines would have been full of this stuff while the Chicago papers must have covered these religious speculations in detail.  There is no reason to believe that Burroughs’ mind wasn’t filled with these speculations.  Such ideas spill out all over the pages of his books.

Many writers have noted that the initials of John Carter and John Clayton are JC the same as Jesus the Christ.  No Freudian believes in coincidence so there must be an intellectual connection.  Burroughs repeatedly says that the next deity must be a man-god and that is explicitly what Tarzan is.

There is nothing supernatural about Tarzan.  He is completely a man of science.  The most highly involved specimen of humanity ever.  If like Jesus the Christ he doesn’t have a magical birth he certainly has a miraculous upbringing from the age of one.  Unlike Sargon and Moses who were fished from rivers in baskets thus breaking continuity with human predecessors Tarzan was taken from the cradle by an ape thus breaking continuity with human predecessors while establishing a new human paradigm.  He in fact unites nature with civilization or, at least, a thin veneer of it.  Now, this is completely in keeping with the Dionysiac paradigm.

Dionysus has two sides.  The soft feminine side which has characterized the Piscean Age and the wild natural side which is meant to characterize the Aquarian Age.  The undisciplined natural side of human consciousness that the Patriarachy tried to suppress in favor of the strictly rational as characterized by Apollo wouldn’t be suppressed.  As mythology relates it, women could not be rational thus they embraced the Dionysiac religion imposing its ecstasies on society.  The Dionysiac ethos was so strong that it forced itself on the Delphic Oracle in partnership with Apollo.  Thus Delphi came to represent both the rational and irrational sides of consciousness.  The conscious and unconscious if you will.

Thus as the Piscean Age dawned and the religious archetypes changed from Zeus and Hera to Dionysus and Isis the struggle was to keep consciousness or the rational uppermost.  Of course, Dionysus and Isis were supplanted by the Semitic ideals Jesus and his mother, Mary who later became the Mother of God.  Later the Dionysiac Kyrios Christos was grafted onto Jesus of Nazareth and he became Jesus the Christ as Levi Dowling correctly notes.

One can’t be certain how learned Burroughs was in this lore.  He most probably was somewhat read in it while brilliantly intuiting the direction the evolution of consciousness must take.  One can never be sure although there is little in the surviving library to indicate he read deeply in such lore.  But then, so much of his knowledge he does evidence can’t be found in the library either.  Suffice it to say that such knowledge seems to be apparent in his stories.

Needless to say the idea of Tarzan expanded and developed over his career.  The Tarzan of the teens is quite different from the Tarzan of the thirties.  There are a couple of passages in Tarzan Triumphant that make you do a double take.  To wit:  p. 12

…Tarzan with knitted brows, looked down upon the black kneeling at his feet.

“Rise!” he commanded, and then; “Who are you and why have you sought Tarzan Of The Apes?”

“I am Kabarega, O Great Bwana,” replied the black.  “I am chief of the Bangalo people of Bungalo.  I come to the Great Bwana because my people suffer much sorrow and great fear and our neighbors, who are related to the Gallas, have told us that you are the friend of those who suffer wrongs at the hands of bad men.”

So here Tarzan as become a Sultan, a King, an Emperor, a great judge and dispenser of justice; shall we say a god?  Certainly the Lord Of The Jungle.  He also seems to have lost perspective but then, perhaps a god must keep up appearances.  We do have a new imperious Tarzan here who was not in any books before Invincible.

And then in Chapter 13, p. 98 in the Bowlderized Ballantine edition:

The “Gunner” was waiting for him upon the summit of the cliff directly behind the village, and for the second time these strangely dissimilar men met- dissimilar and yet, in some respects alike.  Each was ordinarily quiet to taciturnity, each was self-reliant, each was a law unto himself in his own environment; but there their similarity ceased for the extremes of environment had produced psychological extremes (opposites) as remotely separated as the poles.

The ape-man had been reared amidst scenes of eternal beauty and grandeur, his associates the beast of the jungle, savage perhaps, but devoid of avarice, petty jealousy, treachery, meanness, and intentional cruelty; while the “Gunner” had known naught but the squalid aspects of scenery defiled by man, of horizons grotesque with screaming atrocities of architecture, of an earth hidden by concrete and asphaltum and littered with tin cans and garbage, his associates, in all walks of life activated by grand and petty meannesses unknown to any but mankind.

“A machine gun has its possibilities,” said the ape-man, with the flicker of a smile.

The last near hundred years has been characterized by the attempt to overturn the Scientific  Consciousness in the name of two Arien Age Semitic religions, Judaism and Moslemism.  Indeed the ‘hand of God’ moves in mysterious ways.  Let’s look at one called ‘The Iron Law Of Wages.’  When you read in the Old Testament that ‘the poor shall be always with us’ you probably didn’t notice the arrogance of the remark nor that it is an actual ‘eternal’ tenet of Semitic religious belief.  The remark put into academic terms might be that the price of labor is the lowest price that a man can be gotten to do a job and that they may be worked to death like slaves thereby insuring that the poor shall always be with us.

The religious theory was formulated in scientific terms by David Ricardo in 1817.  Described as a British economist Ricardo was actually a Sephardic Jew.  That is to say his people fled Spain c.1492 in this case first to Holland and then to England which was undoubtedly done illegally after a period of Dutch acculturation.  It will be easily seen that Ricardo is adapting the ancient Semitic belief that the poor will always be with us to British conditions.  Indeed, as his formulation became the bedrock of employment practices it may be said he created poverty as the industrial age took shape until Henry Ford disproved this ancient historical bunk in 1914.  At that time he ‘unilaterally’ doubled the wages of unskilled labor to begin to create the prosperity that characterized American society until the reemergence of Semitic beliefs in the twenty-first century.

I personally deplore unionism but I also see its necessity.  Ford’s action raised the price of labor across the board.  Unionism was successfully fought by managers until unionism gained the backing of the government under FDR.  Backed by the government support unions made excessive and ridiculous demands until their momentum was stopped when Ronald Reagan sent the Air Controllers back to work which put unionism on the defensive.

Ricardo’s Iron Law Of Wages was not re-instituted at that time.  Fordism still prevailed.  Then jobs were exported wholesale to ‘multi-cultural’ areas of  low wages.  This was a crucial mistake for the world.  Even this did not break the back of labor.

The next strategic move was simply to open the borders allowing millions of immigrants who would work for lower wages under distressing conditions.  While immigration makes no sense on any other level it does put the Biblical managers in control of labor once again.  President Bush himself was a primitive religionist unacquainted even with the twentieth century who had surrounded himself with even more primitive Jewish religionists.  The war of religion against Science goes on.

Thus the Semitic counterattack against Science goes on.  Both major races of Semites, the Jews and Arabs, are waging war on the most primitive basis.  The issue is not the issue.  Immigration, the ostensible issue, is simply a Red Herring to disguise the true issue which is to defeat Fordism and re-institute Ricardo’s Iron Law Of Wages to ensure that the poor will always be with us.  The streets are now filled with the homeless.

This is the real reason Ford is called an anti-Semite and on that basis he certainly was.  God bless his memory.

So, the unsuspecting young Burroughs thrust himself into this melee.  Just as Ford was in actuality a religious prophet with a new industrial dispensation so Burroughs, judging from results set himself the task of creating an archetype for the Aquarian Age.  Something of value for one to aspire to.  One can trace the development of Tarzan from the miraculous babe to the finished archetype as the man-god.

As H.G. Wells noted in his First And Last Things there is a necessity for metaphysics.  Man does not live by bread alone.  While Science reduced everything to its material basis it destroyed the means of  ‘spiritual’ or psychological comfort.  With God dead mankind lost its identity and sense of direction.  As the old psychological projection of its identity had failed a new one was required that would be based on scientific material realities.

Levi Dowling’s vision of an Aquarian Jesus is unsatisfactory.  Burroughs vision of the competent Tarzan satisfies on several different levels.  Burroughs seems to have caught the essence of the Astrological Religion although there is difficulty in understanding how he came by his knowledge.  The rudiments can be clearly seen so the answer must be in his personal digestion of the ideas.  Lew Sweetser is obvious while perhaps Burroughs loyalty to a medical charlatan like Dr. Stace may possibly be explained by the man’s esoteric knowledge.  Such knowledge frequently goes hand in hand with special diets and medical nostrums.  There is no reason to believe that Stace didn’t sincerly believe in his nostums just because science couldn’t find a reason for them to be effective.  Men have misled themselves to a much greater degree than that.  Nevertheless I am convinced that Burroughs acquired his New Age beliefs as evidenced by Tarzan more from his associates’ conversation than reading.

The idea of Tarzan as the man-god culminates in Tarzan The Invincible and Tarzan Triumphant.  With these two novels he is a fully functioning psychological projection of the Aquarian Age.  The ‘spritual’ basis for Western man to regain its psychological balance destroyed by the ‘death’ of God.

He is what stands between the immolation of Euroamerican men on the altars of Semitism and the triumph of the scientific Aquarian Age.

Mankind, or at least Euroamerican mankind, must make the great leap for mankind into the Scientific Consciousness, into evolution to the next level.  The old Religious Consciousness must be rejected.  One cannot tolerate primitive belief systems any more than there can be no tolerance of the intolerant whatever that may mean.

Burroughs has given us an avatar of the future.  It is up to us only to accept him and make use of the gifts he brought us.


A Review

Themes And Variations

The Tarzan Novels Of Edgar Rice Burroughs

#14 Tarzan The Invincible

Part II of X


R.E. Prindle


Time On His Hands

     I pair this novel with Tarzan At The Earth’s Core.  Burroughs could have titled that novel Tarzan In Pellucidar  but he didn’t.  Why not?  Probably because he was trying to avoid as much confusion between his two imaginary worlds as possible, or possibly he needed the site to illustrate his point but didn’t want to make it a Pellucidar novel.  Earth’s Core isn’t merely a story in which Tarzan makes a guest shot in another of Burrough’s worlds.  Rather ERB is making a serious exploration of Einstein’s Theory of Time and Space.  Alternatively the novel might have been titled, Tarzan, Lost In Time.  The novel is written to disprove the objective existence of Time.  Burroughs’ own conclusion is that time is merely a human construct for mankind’s own convenience but not substantial.  I think he’s right.

     The nature of Time was a topic of serious discussion during the late nineteenth century, into the twentieth , still going on today.  Indeed the Pellucidar series as a whole is a discussion on the aspects of Time.  Of course Burroughs was familiar also with H.G. Wells’  The Time Machine.

     Perhaps one of the more interesting notions of Time and Space and time travel was one advanced by Mark Twain in 1916 in his interesting novel No. 44,  The Mysterious Stranger.  In his story Twain imagines that space and time are assembled like a multi-storied building with each diorama of time and space continuing in replay eternally.  Thus his hero, #44 scoots around in time and space in what is apparently a system of chutes and ladders.

     It is possible in this system to visit ancient Egypt to watch the Pyramids being built, climb through the years to discover the head of the Sphinx sticking out of the sand as Napoleon saw it  in 1798, climb once again to watch the first Aswan dam being built, move up a story or two to watch the High Dam being built and off to Troy to stand in the front ranks with poor maligned Ajax.

      To The Time Machine, Einstein’s Theory and The Mysterious Stranger, now add Tarzan At The Earth’s Core.  There are more similarities than dissimilarities.

     ERB apprently didn’t think he made his point in At The Earth’s Core or perhaps he received some criticism from someone so he carries the discussion over into Invincible.  While incongruous for this story ERB works it in.

     As there are no book s on Einstein in his library one may ask what evidence there is that ERB had ever thought of Relativity.  Well, I’ve got the evidence right here, p. 104:

     …but though Time and space go on forever, whether in curves or straight lines…

      One can’t mention curved space and Time without being familiar with Einstein.  And then, Einstein absurdly claimed that a nonexistent mental construct like Time forms a Fourth Dimension which somehow interacts with the other three.  We are still waiting for a demonstration of that but we’ll let it pass.  I’m sure Einstein picked that up from H.G. Wells Time Machine which was a very fine piece of imaginative literature but reflected no known physics then or now.    Someone ought to pin a big red bozo nose on Einstein but, back to the future.

     ERB had discussed the notion of Time thoroughly in Tarzan At The Earth’s Core.  Actually that’s a contradiction of terms as a hollow earth obviates the notion of core.    The key fact at the Earth’s Core is that it is always high noon.  The central sun knows only endless day without a contrasting night to give the appearance of Time.  Without the contrast between day and night and the revolution of the Earth around the Sun the concept of  Time disappears; there is nothing to measure just pure duration.

     In Invincible Burroughs explains it this way, if you didn’t catch it in At The Earth’s Core, p. 104 again, same paragraph:

     The beasts of the jungle acknowledge no master, least of all the cruel tyrant that drives civilized man throughout his headlong race from the cradle to the grave- Time, the master of countless millions of slaves.  Time, the measurable aspect of duration, was meaningless to Tarzan and Tantor.

     Not only is Time meaningless to Tarzan and Tantor but Time is meaningless to the universe itself.  Nothing that ocurs in the Universe is dependent on Time nor can Time change any occurrence.  The so-called Fourth Dimension is totally ineffective.  Everything will happen just as it does now and has always without any reference to Time.  The progress of a physcial action will progress in scientifically determined steps from inception to completion without any interference from that clown Einstein’s ‘fabric of time and space.’

Albert Einstein

     That is the import of timelessness at the Earth’s core.  The inhabitants live and die without the ability to know they are getting older as there is no night, day or year.  The organism merely comes into existence, behaving according to physical laws determined by genes and other micro-organisms progressing through all the changes until the final change which change no longer has any conscious meaning.

     The same is true of suns and galaxies.  It is virtually meaningless to say the Sun is several billions of years old.  It is only a mental construct that lets you grasp a concept of duration.  It is much more relevant to say, for instance, that the changes in the Sun’s development are, say, 30% completed.  You see, it’s all quantative not qualitative.  Barring accidents and diseases, at twenty the average life span in the US is 25% consumed.  The changes relative to that portion of development in the organism have occurred and will not occur again.  On that basis I have used up about 85% of the physical changes alloted my organism.   The nature of future changes are predictable.  They cannot be avoided.  This has no reference to Time no matter what state of development an organism is in.

     While in a state of depletion I become ‘old’ only if my psychology is affected by the concept of  ‘age.’   While my physical capabilities are not what they were at twenty, that phase of development having been passed through, my mental capabilities have developed accordingly.  As my body has decreased in powers my mind has increased.  The beginning has compensated the end.  If I die today or tomorrow that is as it must be.  Everything has its end.  There is no tragedy involved.

     Life and death are completed, unaffected by Time.  If time ‘stopped’ as people imagine it can, everything would continue as now.  Organisms merely run their physical course.  That is the point Burroughs is trying to make.  He is repudiating Einstein.

     As a young man I was conditioned to revere Einstein.  I did this unquestioningly and, boy, was I sincere.  I disgust myself  in memory.  But then, somewhere along the line the hypnotic spell wore off, contradicted by facts.  Einstein began to unravel before my eyes.  It wasn’t that I questioned his reputation it was just that a mist began to lift.  I began to have doubts; sort of religious doubts.  I blinked once and Einstein was no longer the archetype of genius.  At the second blink I began to ask questions.  I tripped over the notion of the physical reality of  Time just as Burroughs did.

     When I read the ancient Jewish historian Josephus I began to sense the specious nature of the problem.  According to Josephus Abraham was the greatest astronomer cum astrologer of his time just as Einstein is thought to be the greatest of ours.  At the time of the transition between the Age of Taurus and the Age of Aries Abraham had an astrological/astronomical dispute with the academy.

      You see, at that stage of the evolution of human consciousness astronomy and astrology were united into one discipline.  The magical element of astrology wouldn’t be separated from the scientific element of astronomy until the scientific consciousness of humanity had separated itself from the magical or religious which two systems are synonymous.  The concept of god functions only in a magical sense as his presence is even less noticeable than that of Time.

     However magic and astrology are still part of human consciousness although with a quasi-scientific basis so that systems organized perhaps tens of thousands of years ago continue to function through inertia.  I have been accused of being New Age.  Quite frankly as New Age in my view rejects the scientific consciousness as much as any other religious system, Fundamentalist Judaism, for instance, hint hint, I cannot be New Age.  But, I sure like the way they talk.

     What I discuss is scientific history.  Facts which religious people reject because they disavow the ideas behind them but accept as real, i.e.   Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.  Why bother worrying about it; witches do not exist except in the imagination.

     So whether you ‘believe’ in astrology, the Zodiac or whatever is irrelevant.  The fact is at one time in history people universally did and they acted on their beliefs.

      At any rate the fact is at the time of the transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries Abraham had an astrological/astronomical dispute with the Chaldean astronomers of Ur.  As I understand it they said the religious archetype was changing with the transition from Taurus to Aries.  (I think of this as a form of set theory; it is so because everyone agrees it is so.  No different than now.)  Abraham argued that the archetype of the Ages was Eternal, unchanging, the Rock Of Ages to you religious types.  Rock of Ages means unchanging through all the signs of the Zodiac, all twelve Ages.  An Age is one sign of the Zodiac.  Ages are the twelve zodiacal signs.  (Hello, Central?  Put me through to God.)

     Now, to be Eternal is astrologically impossible.  The Earth wobbles on its axis visible at the North Pole so that every twenty-five thousand years or so it creates a Great Year then begins again.   The Ancients divided the Great year in the system of twelve periods, called Ages, to correspond with the months of the terrestrial year.

     Apparently Abraham denied this and adamantly insisted on the Eternal.  For this reason, according to Josephus Abraham and his fellow Terahite cultists were run out of town.

     Lousy astronomers, then, Abraham’s descendants had learned little by the time Einstein stepped onto the world stage to give his oration.  Just as Abraham had voiced his foolishness four thousand years previously Einstein did the same in our time.  There are those who seriously argue that time travel is possible in Einstein’s universe.  Well, maybe in his, but not in this one.

     Nothing is relative but one’s point of view.  The physical universe is one of absolutes; that is the nature of science.  Science cannot be relative; in order for an experiment to be true it must replicate itself the same way under the same conditions.  As unpleasant as that may be  to some intellects there is in fact only one way in a given set of circumstances.  A+B will always equal A+B.  If one switches to A+C then the result will always be A+C.  There is nothing relative about it.  You may religiously expect other results but you will be eternally disappointed.  So Einstein said that the further out in Space his mind penetrated the closer he got to god.  Who can say, but he never got close enough to touch God.  Einstein was not a scientist.  He was a Rabbi.  There is no g-d to get closer to.  I’m sure that a good Rabbi would find arguments in the Talmud almost identical to those of  Einstein.

     Burroughs saw through Einstein hence his arguments disproving the physical existence of  Time and the futility of any supposed Fourth Dimension.  These are religious matters requiring a belief in a supernatural being.

     Having said that Time was measureless to Tarzan and Tantor which was not entirely true since the rotation of the Earth divides ‘Time’ into night and day unlike at the Earth’s core.  Burroughs then goes on to say, p. 104, same paragraph:

     Of all the vast resources that Nature had placed at their disposal, she had been most profligate with Time, since she had awarded to each all that he could use during his lifetime, no matter how extravagant of it he might be.  So great was the supply of it that it could not be wasted, since there is always more, even up to the moment of death, after which it ceases, with all things, to be essential to the individual.  Tantor and Tarzan therefore were wasting no time as they communed together in silent meditation…

     A beautiful piece of sophistry.  Regardless of the Time involved, immutable physical changes continued to take place.  What opportunities appropriate to that physical state were  lost forever.

     Apropos of which carrying his argument further, on p. 120 he says:

     Time is of the essence of many things to civilized man.  He fumes and frets, and reduces his mental and physical efficiency if he is not accomplishing something concrete during the passage of every minute of that medium which seems to him like a flowing river, the waters of which are utterly wasted if they are not utilized as they pass by.

     Imbued by some such insane conception of time, Wayne Colt sweated and stumbled through the jungle, seeking his companions as though the fate of the universe hung upon the slender chance that he could reach them without the loss of a second.

     I understand what ERB is saying, of course, I’m virtually a disciple.  Tarzan lolling on the back of Tantor achieved his goal more easily than the frantic Colt.  Still, one should remember: Work, for the hour grows late.  Those irreversible physical changes are drawing one closer to the grave.  Get it done now.

     ERB displays a seeming peevishness over the issue which has  little or no bearing on this story.  It is an interesting aside but it does not illuminate the tale.  Maybe somebody criticized the ideas expressed in At The Earth’s Core and Burroughs is carrying on the argument.  Nobody paid any attention, still I am charmed by the vision of  Tantor and Tarzan suspended in Space and Time wandering blissfully through the jungle unaware of any impending doom.

Proceed to Part III of X