The European Holocaust

Part 6


R.E. Prindle

…Hitler slaughtered Jews…for no other reason than that they were Jews; whereas Stalin killed only those gentiles and Jews who displeased him.

William C.Bullitt, The Great Globe Itself

p.6.  When you have a good reason

you have a good reason.


A critical point in the run up to US entry into the European Holocaust was the discrediting of Charles Lindbergh in September 1941 over his Omaha speech for the America First Committee when he boldly stated that the only people who wanted war were the British, Roosevelt and the Jews.  While this was true and anybody who cared to know knew it was true the Jewish reaction was instantaneous.  The shriek of anti-Semitism filled the air from coast to coast.

As strange as it may seem the shriek was judge and jury to which there was no appeal.  The verdict was automatic.  Not only was the truth of Lindbergh’s assertion known at the time but subsequent research has proven the accusation.  The Jews denied it then, and still deny it today.

The trio’s guilt is a given the question is why was each of the three so anxious for a war they knew would imperil the very survival of civilization itself.  What did the three think they had to gain from a second world war piled on top of the first a mere twenty years previously.  As Roosevelt and the Jews began preparation for a war against Germany in 1933, a mere fourteen years since the end of the incredibly painful and destructive war, what could they possibly want?   Perhaps as was said the Armistice settled nothing, the job had to be finished.  What was the job?

To take the trio one at a time:

The English, provoked behind the scenes by Roosevelt were led by the belligerent Winston Churchill once the war began.  Both the English and French had been crippled by WWI from which they had had no time to recover either materially or the bleeding away of their male population.  The losses of men they endured in WWI are too horrendous to contemplate, one just accepts the totals.  The dislocations to the societies were tremendous.  As millions of men were slaughtered that meant millions of women were condemned to spinsterhood as potential husbands and fathers were removed from the mating pool.  Millions of children were condemned to be raised in poverty as their only support was their mother.

In 1940 the human and material resources were not there to fight another major war.  And it was known to all.  When Churchill asked how he thought the British could win another war he replied that the English couldn’t so that he was going to bring the Americans and their resources in to do it for them.  That was a fairly long shot and if the US came to the assistance of the English would it be in a timely manner?

Once the US was involved Churchill is reported to have told Roosevelt that between the two of them they could rule the world.  Such a thought was anathema to Roosevelt who was opposed to colonialism and imperialism in theory.  I’m sure he lost respect for Churchill at that point finally demeaning him in front of Stalin.

A possible reason then for Churchill’s desire for war  was the notion that the US would prop up the Empire that was tottering and could not survive the emerging consciousness of the twentieth century. If this scenario is probable at any event Roosevelt needed little prodding to commit the US; persuading the population to commit sons and resources for another European war proved to be impossible.

The key to the question of why Roosevelt was eager for another world war having experienced the first is a more difficult problem.

There is no question but that the Socialists had gained control and having gained control wished to keep it.  Indeed, if Wilson hadn’t crashed it seems clear that he intended to run for a third term to confirm the socialist seizure.  His stroke temporarily saved the US.  Roosevelt and Cox ran on a Wilsonian ticket in 1920.  They were crushed by Harding who wished to take the country back to a pre-Wilson America.  What Roosevelt’s reaction to his and Cox’s defeat would have been must remain unknown because he was struck down by polio the next year.  The attack was serious putting him down for months while he lost the use of both his legs.

Certainly becoming a paraplegic in the prime of manhood had a devastating effect on Roosevelt’s psychology.  Plus, the firestorm as the disease ravaged his mind must have made an indelible effect.  It must have had the effect of a couple atom bombs or fleets of bombers unloading over Dresden.

There is little doubt that Roosevelt believed his political career was over as well as for all practical purposes his life.  However others had as much or more invested in his political career than he.  As he lay suffering his mentor, Louis Howe, and his wife, Eleanor, worked assiduously to keep his career alive.  As also did the Jews.  FDR was barely out of his sick bed when Governor Al Smith dragooned him into running as his successor.  Seems a little strange, doesn’t it?  Al failed in his presidential bid but FDR was elected handily.

As governor he ran the Jewish and Smith program.  Performing handsomely he was picked for a second term and then received the presidential nomination in 1932.  The Jews now had their man ruling the US while believing themselves in power in the USSR. FDR immediately asked for dictatorial powers thus placing himself on a par with Stalin and the newly elected Hitler.  He also immediately became a warmonger as Wolf Hitler correctly called him.  He generally frustrated any attempts for a peaceful settlement of differences in Europe.

In the end he embroiled the whole world in his vision of Armageddon.  He alone could have authorized the savage genocide perpetrated on the Germans.  He alone could have authorized the virtual destruction of European civilization as city after city was flattened.  He most likely would have authorized the destruction of Notre Dame if he thought the Germans were using it just as US bombers flattened Monte Casino in Italy.

At the time Germans were removing art treasures, the heritage of Europe, from cities before the advancing troops of the US.  This was called the looting of Europe by Hitler’s enemies.  But, was it?  Is it not possible to interpret the removal and concealment of irreplaceable artefacts as preserving them before Roosevelt bombed them to smithereens.  Might their storage deep within the bowels of the Earth not be seen that way?   The bombing was a crime against humanity, make no mistake about that.

After the destruction of Monte Casino Europeans appealed to the mad Roosevelt to avoid bombing these European memories preserved in stone and on fragile canvasses.  Is it possible that the destruction of Dresden, perhaps the most beautiful city in the world was Roosevelt’s answer?  Was he remembering the destruction of his youth by the ravages of polio?  It is quite possible if not probable.

And of course Roosevelt was aided in his rape by his confederate Jews.  Long before the Jews had sworn to destroy Europe, its morals, its people and its civilization.  Freud’s psycho-analysis itself was an assault on the civilization of Europe now coming to fruition.  More than once they had destroyed whole peoples if their writings are to be taken at face value.  Does anyone today remember the Amalekites?  Think about Europe.

Gustavus Myers of The History Of The Great American Fortunes fame issued a curious volume in 1935 entitled America Strikes Back.  The odd little volume posits ‘Americans’ spitefully resent their treatment by Europeans over trifles.  And now in 1935 they are ‘striking back.’  Perhaps we should read ‘Americans’ as Jews striking back much as Capt. America of the comic books is a Jew who wears patriotic American paraphernalia as a disguise.

This nasty anti-European dogma would reappear undisguised in Theodore Kaufman’s 1940 pamphlet Germany Must Perish.  This was about to same time as the first issue of the comic book Capt. America appeared.  It was truly an open conspiracy.  It should be quite obvious from these examples that Lindbergh wasn’t talking through the back of his neck.

Apart from the genocidal blood thirstiness of Kaufman’s book the interesting thing is that it was well received.  Apparently Kaufman, a rather nondescript person, could afford to send out a few thousand copies as it was reviewed favorably by American newspapers.  Apparently Germanophobia cut deeply into American consciousness as the US was not yet at war with Germany.  Maybe Gustavus Myers was onto something.

Reaching its considerable national audience Time Magazine also gave the pamphlet a favorable review.  This is also interesting because Time was also infested with Communist cells while have an enormous Jewish cadre as writers and editors on its editorial board.  Even more intriguing Clare Booth, now married to Henry Luce the publisher of Time was previously the mistress of none other than Bernard Baruch who had been urging presidents to prepare for war beginning with Warren Harding while being very influential in the Roosevelt administration.

It pays to check into the people who financed Luce also.


Nor was Theodore Kaufman’s a lone wolf book.  He was part of a larger book organization that had been planning the destruction of Germany and Europe for centuries.  Certainly the latest excrescence went back for over a hundred years.  Certainly before the Communist Manifesto was gifted to the world.

In this case Kaufman’s theme came close to being realized by the very Jewish Henry Morgenthau Jr. who served Roosevelt as his Secretary of the Treasury.  The Treasury, hmm?  Morgenthau’s post-war dream was the complete eradication of Germany from the map, not unlike the eradication of Russia which was renamed the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics.  Thus the Jews triumphed over the Russian Czars.

From 1943 to his death the dithering Roosevelt was either on duty in North Africa, Iran or the Soviet Union or in the arms of his harem down in Warm Springs so Morgenthau had nearly a free hand in furthering his designs.

While some guardian angel saved the German people from that fate that felt like the fate worse than death of novelists’ imaginations that was wished on them by the triumphant Children Of Light they probably did wish they were dead.

Morgenthau was only stopped by Roosevelt’s death.  Roosevelt waiting in the shack for the Grim Reaper rolling around in his sweet babies’ arms- that is, surrounded by women was in no position to administer the government so God only knows what fate might have awaited us if The Grim Reaper had been asleep at the wheel.

It seems clear then, even though massive volumes were written to prove the obvious point, that the Jews ardently wanted the ‘good’ war, they still deny it although the ‘good’ war could have been good for them alone.  It wasn’t good for my family.  If telling the truth makes Lindbergh an anti-Semite then, as the saying goes:  ‘We’re all anti-Semites now.’

Having nicely disposed of those problems let us now turn to examining the Roosevelt-Stalin nexus.  If the Col. House/Wilson friendship was the strangest on record, as has been written, then the Roosevelt/Stalin Nexus is truly incomprehensible.

In the thirties Stalin was consolidating his position.  When Lenin died, relatively young, in 1924, a power struggle ensued between Stalin and the Jewish champion, Leon Trotsky.  Trotsky lost, was exiled to the swamps of Central Asia, escaped, continued to flee Stalin who pursued him and finally caught up with him in Mexico where he was murdered in 1940.  One wonders what Trotsky might have to do with Stalin seeking to neutralize Hitler at that time?

Having captured the government Stalin was plagued by conspirators who had to be eliminated.  This was done in the Great Terror and show trials of 1936-38.  Numbers of victims vary wildly but might have approached a million before the terror abated.  I suppose one could compare it to the Great Terror of 1793 in France.  The Old Guard was all but eliminated along with many ranking military officers and the intelligentsia.  One of the major accusations was that the victims had been conspiring with the Germans.  For some reason this accusation is pooh—poohed by critics but nothing seems more reasonable to me.  Germany always figured prominently in Russian or Soviet politics.  In order to eliminate Stalin outside help was needed.  Where else but from Germany would it come?

The Ukraine was populated by German farmers who immigrated in the nineteenth century.  German technology and technicians were sought after.  Resentment against Stalin’s regime was inevitable.  Just as Hitler eliminated his internal adversaries on The Night Of The Long Knives why wouldn’t Stalin do the same?

Even Roosevelt tried to either purge or put his opposition in jail, that is, exile them to Siberia as it were.  It would seem inevitable that this brutal purge would cause some stir and resentment in revolutionary circles.  And it did.  Plots were formulated to assassinate Stalin.  One such plan was divined by the English writer H.G. Wells.

Wells had begun his rise to prominence in 1895 with the publication of his proto-scifi novel, The War Of The Worlds.  He put out a successful string of scifi-fantasy novels prior to WWI. Then he turned serious writing contemporary fantasies about sociology and politics.

Always a socialist the horrors of WWI disturbed his mind, first in the direction of religion and when God failed him he dedicated himself to the Revolution. The Revolution was centered in Moscow so he was driven into the Soviet camp.  As perhaps the most famous literary person of his time he had entre to both Lenin and Stalin, face to face.  He served an emissary of Stalin carrying messages back and forth between Stalin and Roosevelt.

The Soviets had a cadre of State prostitutes who were assigned to monitor various Western European writers serving as their concubines.  A woman named Moura Budberg was assigned to Wells.  Budberg had previously monitored the exiled Soviet writer Maxim Gorky.

Moura was a nice Jewish lady who apparently knew how to handle men.  Both Wells and Gorki were madly in love with her.  So was the English diplomat Bruce Lockhart that infuriated Wells, but that is another story.  At any rate Wells functioned as a Soviet agent.

His early very successful scifi career petered out at the beginning of the war.  After 1920 Wells turned out a succession of novels one after the other but they were commercially unsuccessful, read by few.  They tend to be a little tedious, even if you like Wells, as I do, in tune with his intellect, they are still lighted by a blighted genius.  The novels record the history of his day although in metaphorical terms.

So Moura Budberg was the love of Wells’ life but she was a Soviet Agent at the beck and call of Stalin.  She would disappear from Wells’ life from time to time on other assignments.  Wells didn’t probe into the absences too deeply but he did have a possessive attachment to her.

In the thirties when Gorki was dying having returned to Moscow, Stalin called Wells to the Capital.  Budberg had also been called to console Gorki.  She told Wells that she would be out of town.  Stalin then sadistically allowed Wells to see Moura and Gorky expressing affection.  This had a devastating effect on Wells’ psyche, wounding him to the depth of his soul.

At that point he began to conspire against Stalin.  As there were many revolutionaries now disaffected with Stalin, the Trotskyites most prominently, many were horrified by the show trials and Great Terror, Well’s Joined their ranks.

As I have tried to show much propaganda was disseminated through literature, novels and studies, that undoubtedly was meant to send messages to revolutionaries in the disguise of stories and analyses, Gustavus Myers being a prime example.  As Stalin was alert, paranoid as some would say, a great deal of caution was necessary for the conspirators of what Wells called an open Conspiracy.

In 1939 then Wells published his novel The Holy Terror.  I have no idea how many people read this obscure novel but I am sure I am one of the happy few.

The novel concerns a dictator named Rud who while necessary at the beginning of the revolution has now exceeded his usefulness having become an excruciating burden.  The problem is how to get rid of him as there is no hope that he will step down.

Wells’ solution was to get doctor’s to dispose of Rud in a medical way.

As a didactic work how was Wells’ suggestion taken by his fellow revolutionaries?  Perhaps they dismissed it but probably they heeded it although it took them about twelve years.  Sometime after, around 1950, Stalin did claim that he had uncovered a doctor’s plot to assassinate him.  The doctors were Jewish so Stalin’s response was to plan to round up the Jews of the USSR and send to the far Northern gulag, a sure death sentence or genocide.  At this point Stalin was not only killing people who displeased him but Jews qua Jews.

Fearing that they would be next Khrushchev and his fellows poisoned Stalin just before the order was executed in 1953 putting a period to his rule.  A doctors’ plot could have been a coincidence with Wells’ novel but I rather suspect the conspirators were picking that choice.

In any event if Stalin had feared a conspiracy involving Germany he took the time, mid-1938, to invite Hitler to join him in a non-aggression pact.  If he was worried about a German led conspiracy the pact would have been a good way to disarm it.

Stalin was the cagiest of the dictators.  He was controlling a worldwide Communist conspiracy from the Moscow that was the center of the spider’s web. To the East he was attempting to annex China’s adjacent Sinkiang province, Mongolia and Manchuria, with the intention of capturing China, thus defeating the anti-Communist Japanese.  To the West his Comintern agents were in action in all countries.

In the East the Japanese sought to restrain his advances while in the West his only threat came from Germany and Italy while his agents active in every Western country were slowly undermining the ‘peace loving democracies.’

The West didn’t know what to make of Stalin’s sudden about face with Germany, one day denouncing Hitler and the next embracing him.  As it seems probable that the Terror extended into 1940 it was necessary for Stalin to mop up the remains of the revolt against him.  True, a lot mistakes we made but what’s that compared to wiping out the viper’s nest.

Still, in Roosevelt’s mind possibly, the Socialist capital of the world was made safe as he fought against the ‘Isolationists’ at home who prevented his attacking the arch-Satan, Wolf Hitler, and wiping that counter-revolutionary vipers’ nest from the face of the earth.

It was probably with horror he received the news that the ‘aggressor nation’ had invaded the ‘peace loving democracy’ of the USSR.  Having already inaugurated the Lend-Lease program with Great Britain he set in motion plans to supply the West’s arch enemy, or new ally as it were, with billions of dollars’ worth of free goodies no strings attached.  An unparalleled breath taking display of altruism never seen in the world before.

FDR had been promising the mothers of the country for years that he would not send their sons to fight in foreign wars.  HE would not send their sons…what deranged egotism is that?  Was he admitting that he was a dictator?  He lied, of course.  He reached up his sleeve for that old ace in the hole.

As Hoover had preached for years, boycotts and embargoes was an invitation to war.  He vetoed his then Secretary of War Henry Stimson’s embargo efforts against Japan and now that same Henry Stimson was Roosevelt’s Secretary of War still advocating embargoes.  Japan was embargoed and within weeks it sent its RSVP to Hawaii- Pearl Harbor.

Hitler very foolishly, perhaps in despair because Japan shifted South rather than attacking Stalin in the North, declared war on the United States even though the American people were stoutly resisting entering the European war.

Did Stalin need those billions and billions of dollars’ worth of US resources to defeat the Nazis?  I don’t think so.  He was ready, if surprised.  He moved industrial plants beyond Moscow, taking three and a half million Jews to safety with him.  If the Nazis found six million Jews to murder I have to wonder where they found them, or did they manufacture them like so many golems?

As the war began there were few in authority who didn’t think that the US-USSR alliance would handily defeat the Nazis.  It was money in the bank.


What Was The Intent Of The War?

It is very difficult to believe that Hitler was not maneuvered into the war by both Roosevelt and Stalin.  It is true that Hitler was rectifying the crimes of the Versailles Peace Treaty in an aggressive manner but it is equally true that both FDR and Stalin saw the Axis- Germany and Italy- as an obstruction to their plans for a socialist utopia.  Germany had to be removed much as the people of the Vendee were during the French Revolution.

One can only see Stalin’s offer to divide Poland with Hitler as a trap into which Hitler stepped, to lure him into a war with France and England.  Both Hitler and Stalin must have known of Poland’s treaties with France and England.

Stalin might have envisioned a stagnant trench warfare as in WWI that would have disabled all three countries allowing the Soviets to occupy not only East Poland but the whole of Europe.  With Europe in his pocket the removal of Japan as an irritant would have been small potatoes while adding that country as a Soviet republic.

This situation must have been obvious to Roosevelt and his very intelligent State Department, not to mention his super-intelligent Jews.  Given Jewish claims to massive intelligence it is impossible that they could have missed the implications.  To claim otherwise would be to demean themselves.

Perhaps then Stalin never thought that the USSR would ever be invaded by Germany or anyone else.  Perhaps he actually was caught by surprise.

Roosevelt and his Jewish advisers must then have had another or ancillary reason for wanting to go to war.  That must have involved the takeover of the US by the ‘true Americans’- the Jews as well as the destruction of Europe.

Indeed the Jews had a terrific organization, organized to work in many different areas simultaneously so that their actions would be disguised in the whirl of movement while any particular group of opponents could only find time to deal with one aspect of the assault if they recognized it as that.  Having been propagandized to believe the Jews were sacrosanct there was small reason they would do that and having done it found anyone to listen to them.

The Treasury was theirs.  The Dept. was Jewish top to bottom with the Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. ably seconded by the vicious Harry Dexter White.  Perfectly disguised because of the name; I’m sure most people didn’t know White was Jewish.

Morgenthau, seconding Theodore Kaufman, originated a plan for the extermination of the Germans that he began implementing in post-war Germany before a horrified Truman, I hope he was horrified, removed him from office.  Morgenthau also gave the plates to print occupation script to the Soviets.

In the interim from 1940 to 1944 the Jews conducted a pogrom to put all ‘Isolationists’ and pre-war dissidents behind bars, that is in ‘concentration camps.’  At the same time they were working desperately to prevent the execution of the convicted chief of Murder Inc, Louis Lepke Buchalter who the foremost Jewish criminal of the time.

Perhaps Hitler’s easy victory in the West disturbed Stalin’s plans but they solidified Roosevelt’s.  He took the back door in by forcing Japan to attack in the West of the US.

Once in the European war what exactly was the battle plan?  The Jews wanted not only Germany but all Europe destroyed as they still do.  To change Gustavus Myers’ title a bit it might have been called The Jews Strike Back At Europe Using American Men And Materiel.  Roosevelt wanted Germany destroyed as an enemy of the Socialist utopia.

It appears that from the very first it was determined to bomb Europe flat.  Destroy the whole continent.  The first plane having flown a few hundred feet in 1903, a mere 37 years later the US could launch whole flotillas of super bombers carrying payloads of bombs enough to terrify the whole world.  The films of the big B17s and 24s dropping those long, long strings of mega tons of bombs on civilians is enough to terrify anyone even distanced from reality by film.

I don’t know how anyone can read of the Horror of Dresden crying for poor deluded, insane homo sapiens.

That’s not the worst of it.  Germany aided by Jews, had been working on the Atomic Bomb.  Roosevelt knew from nothing about atomic bombs.  But, the Jews wanted the US to develop the A-Bomb because as they feared the Germans might succeed first, the use of the weapon would disturb their plans.

Emissaries failing to move Roosevelt, who was too slow or unbelieving to grasp the idea, the Jews pulled out their Physics shill Albert Einstein whose reputation apparently could move Roosevelt so he jumped to it establishing the Manhattan Project.  This was a crash project as the Jews hoped to have the bomb ready to obliterate Germany and Europe putting paid to that age old rivalry.

It was only because the Bomb was completed too late for Europe that it was used against Japan.  The Japanese would never have seen it if the Soviets had slowed down their advance by a few months.  There would have been no complaints if the Bomb had been used on Germany nor would that have any irradiated German maidens been sent to the US for treatment.

So, if the Germans were war criminals the Jews and the US were no less war criminals for the attempt to erase German and European civilization with the bombing campaign and the great crime against humanity committed against Germany in the aftermath of the war which was no less than that.

How to decide the responsibility between Roosevelt and his Jewish auxiliaries?  When Roosevelt was sworn into office for his third term he was already a physical wreck. Almost immediately after his fourth inauguration he died.   The four years of his third term are the only relevant ones here.

Whatever FDR’s physical and mental capacity was for the first two years of the term by 1943-44 he appeared to have nearly been on life support.  He gives no evidence that he was able to concentrate.  For Stalin at Teheran and Yalta it was like taking candy from a baby.  Unable to face down the Soviet leader he was being cut down from behind by US Communists led by Alger Hiss in his administration.  I doubt if FDR was even half there.

His whole administration from 1933 to 1945 was one of catering to the Soviets.  Fortunately he died or the US would have had nothing left to give away.

Well, the US did have something more to give away.  Before FDR bought the farm he sent it away to San Francisco to be used by his cherished creation of the United Nations.  The UN has never been a viable organization; it has been a mere plaything of the US wholly financed by US taxpayers while working against US interests with the full compliance of the US government.  Truly Roosevelt was such a generous man that he would give his enemies the shirts off our backs.


As should be clear from events occurring today in the US the Jews consider themselves a separate people from Whites and Negroes having nothing in common with either.  For a decade or two now the ex-Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev has been chanting that Whites must disappear from the Earth while Jews are now rapping out a catichel tune I’m Not White, I’m Jewish.  So having begun a race war between Negroes and Whites the Jews excuse themselves from being considered White by declaring they are Jewish.

Any such current happenings, of course, have their origins deep in the past.  Thus in 1933 when the Jewish spokesman Samuel Untermyer declared a holy war, that is jihad, against Germany, safe on American shores, he was essentially condemning them to a genocidal attack by religious fanatics.

A lawyer declaring a religious war and heeded?  Obviously something is going on here that 99% of US Aryans have no knowledge or even suspicion.  Obviously if a hysterical Jew declares a holy war against Germany he could just as easily declare it against the US.  And in fact that is what we have today being waged against US Aryans.

The fact was that the Jews having declared war they had no means to fight it.  No army, no country from which to stage it, nothing that in ordinary terms constitute resources, so where was the menace in the Jews’ declaring war on anyone?  The menace quite simply was that in Europe the Jews were going to get the Soviets with their resources to humble Germany; while in the West having the Roosevelt administration of the US under their control they were going to use White boys, Aryans, and the ‘inexhaustible resources’ of the US.  Just as today they are going to use Negroes to do the fighting while they sit back waiting to reap the harvest.

Thus in WWII they were able to field thirty million soldiers and huge productive capacity against a few million Germans with pitifully small material resources.  Why would Roosevelt and Stalin take up this ‘good’ war, this Jewish war?  You are going to have to tell me.

From 1914 to 1945 it is impossible to tell what anyone but the Jews were thinking.  There just seems to have been a destructive frenzy that seized minds.

When Bismarck unified the German State in 1871 he upset a centuries old balance of power.  Germany had been a congeries of small principalities that were perceived as comic opera, humorous novels of a mythic Ruritania.  After unification they were the most populous European State after Russia.   They equaled the combined populations of England and France.  Not only were they twice as big, they were twice as smart.  I would go so far as to say they were the summit of human evolutionary development; what the English writer Bulwer-Lytton described in his novel The Coming Race or H.G. Wells new race in his The Food Of The Gods.  I’m serious now.  The Germans could out compete France and England in every field while leaving the Russians eating dust.  The bravos of the US found it tough sledding going against them in trade.  Hence we have a deep seated German hatred born of fear and frustration.  That is why the Jews hated them; they were what Jews aspired to be but were genetically incapable of.

So what recourse did Jews, Brits, the French, Russians and Americans have?  To murder the whole goddamned lot.  Hence from the very start of a war that could have been settled peacefully the war was genocidal from beginning to end.

Through the US the Jews were able to conduct a bombing campaign that not only destroyed Germany but half the rest of Europe.  Perhaps there was some maniacal feeling that everything had to be destroyed to begin all over again.

In this orgy of destruction and murder the Jews overlooked one thing.  That thing was that genocide cuts both ways.  When Theodore Kaufman advertised the true Jewish goal in his polemic Germany Must Perish he cleared the way in German thinking to determine that if one or the other was to perish it would be the Jews.  Hitler had the means and the will.

So in the European Holocaust in which God only knows how many lives were sacrificed or destroyed, perhaps one or two hundred million, half the infrastructure and glory of European civilization, there was a small collateral damage of a few million Jews perishing.   Six million is a poetic figure consistent with Biblical mythology but the before and after numbers don’t add up.  It seems like there were as many survivors of the death camps in after decades as there had been Jews in the camps; and nearly a century later they keep on coming seemingly multiplied.  The intent was definitely there but I think the execution fell far short of perfection.

Even so Kaufman’s polemic was just a shot across the bow, the real genocidal scheme was cooked up in Jewish councils and enunciated by their man Henry Morgenthau Jr. who served as FDR’s Secretary of the Treasury- of the Treasury.

The Morgenthaus were an influential Jewish family dating back to the turn of the century.  Henry’s father, Henry, served as the US ambassador to Constantinople or what is the Turkish Istanbul.

During the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century Istanbul was a world crossroads and great listening post hence the US Jews claimed the post as their own.  For maybe half a century all the ambassadors to Turkey were Jews.

It was while the elder Morgenthau was ambassador that the seeming solution to the Protocols of Zion problem was resolved.  A mutilated copy of the Dialogues Between Montesquieu and Machiavelli was supposedly purchased by a Jewish used goods seller from a fleeing soldier of Wrangel’s army who just happened to have a slightly used copy in his back pocket.

As there must have been a cadre of Jews roaming the city for information it is possible if not probable that between themselves and Morgenthau they cooked up the Dialogues fraud.  At any rate Henry Jr. came from a distinguished family of Zionist operatives.

As his father may have cooked up the Dialogues son Jr. obviously working with Jewish operators cooked up the Morgenthau post-war German genocide plan.

Thus the holy war declared by Samuel Untermyer in 1933 was augmented by writings such as those of Gustavus Myers from ’33 to ’43 and in 1940 by Theodore Kaufman’s enunciated Genocidal Jewish intentions in his pamphlet Germany Must Perish.  The wish if not the plan was undoubtedly embedded in the Jewish mind for five hundred years or so.

Strangely Germans Must Perish has been ignored by Western historians.  However the discovery of the Wansee Conference sends shivers of horror down their legs.  The Folio Society, English publishers of old titles, recently published a copy of the Wansee Conference and the Final Solution.  Their blurb reads like this:


In 1947, American prosecutors were collecting information for the Nuremburg trials when they discovered a few pieces of paper stamped Geheime Reichssache (secret Reich matter).  These were the minutes of a meeting between top Nazi civil servants, SS officials, and party representatives on 20 January 1942.  It has been called ‘perhaps the most shameful document of modern history’.


Kaufman, undoubtedly with help from the Jewish hierarchy, wrote what must certainly have the previous most shameful document of modern history in 1940.  Two years later the Germans responded in kind while the Jewish genocidal warfare was raining down on them from the skies.   Why is one the most shameful document in modern history and the other ignored?

Buried in the middle of their demolished cities faced with implacable enemies the German situation was dire.  Much suffering could have been avoided if both Roosevelt and Stalin had not insisted on unconditional surrender.  What that term means is that the vanquished turn over their bodies to be used as their victims wish.  Unlike conditional surrender that might say the vanquished keep their weapons and return home in amity bygones be bygones for example, under unconditional surrender the vanquished have no rights whatsoever.  Ask the people of the American South in the wake of the Civil war.

Hitler tried to surrender but Roosevelt and Stalin refused to accept it preferring to continue their genocide of the Germans.  I repeat, those genocidal intentions had no reference to anything that happened to the Jews.  Thus while a surrender did take place, by that time the smoking ruins were fully occupied.

The horrors committed by the Children of Light post-war were too unpleasant for me to offer any details here.  I refer the reader to the book Hellstorm for an account of the brutal occupation of Germany by all the allies, no exceptions, but the US and the USSR were the worst, well, the French had an oar in the pond.  As I have been careful to point out the Jews were the first to declare war, first to proclaim genocidal intent and influential in directing the genocide in the post-war period.  And they have continued to exact pounds of flesh ever since while continuing to plot the destruction of the Aryan race.

Given that the Europeans lost hundreds of millions in dead or ruined lives, millions of precious cultural artefacts through bombing, what if a couple million Jews died also?  That Americans and Europeans place these miniscule Jewish losses above their own in significance and value is incomprehensible.  That Aryans find any guilt at all rather than disdain and vengeance is one fabulous success story of incessant Jewish propaganda.

Aryans should stop moping and get on with their lives with no regard for the victimizing Jews.  Quarantine the aggressor.

I think the Jews owe the world an apology.  They have nothing with which to make reparations.