April 5, 2024

The Roosevelt Effect:

The Tyranny Has Arrived


R.E. Prindle

There is nothing more clear, this Baltimore Bridge thing is an act of war.  If the Iranians didn’t do it I will be more than amazed.  We have had clear threats from the Iranians that the war would be brought home to us.  The Bridge is a first example.  Others will follow.

The US cannot go around bombing everyone without expecting retaliations.  Twin Towers, this bridge, the continual burning of US forests, when will we officially acknowledge that these are all acts of war?  Things can only get worse.

The mad men are in control.  They have dropped all their masks and repudiate all laws and customs in the attempt to destroy Trump.  They have returned to the Stone Age.  The mad Biden/Obama, Obama/Biden administrations are not going to give up power unless absolutely forced to.  They are tyrants in the original ancient Greek sense and they govern tyrannically. 

The final means of preventing Trump resuming his presidency is allow the election but by declaring a state of emergency and instituting martial lar preventing his inauguration much as Roosevelt did in 1940 when he sought his third term.  Upon election in 1932 he ‘declared war on the depression’ and was given full war time powers, hence becoming a dictator and establishing a tyranny until his death.  Democratic actions have and are closely following Roosevelt’s procedures.  The only thing that prevented a post war tyranny was the fortunate death of Roosevelt in early 1945 and the accession of VP Harry Trueman.  There will be no saving us this time unless we invade the White House and bodily eject Joe Biden and his buddy Barack Obama, immediately declaring a state of emergency and martial law.  Direct action is required. 

These are the times for all good men to come to the aid of their party.

38 Responses to “THE ROOSEVELT EFFECT”

  1. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    “It’s always darkest before it becomes totally black.”

    ___Mao Tse-tung

  2. brandon Says:

    there is definitely a storm brewing.

  3. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    The Tyranny Has Arrived


    R.E. Prindle


    95% of the American people do not have the guts or the self-respect to remove the diaper; I mean the “mask”; the government told them to put over their face. And that is just for starters.

    Now tell Me; My dear friend; from whose writings I have profited immeasurably from ingesting; how are such a people going to liberate themselves from tyranny?

    • reprindle Says:

      I don’t know. What I do know is that the mass will always be led by a minority.

      • Daughter of Babylon Says:

        In fairness the conditions I cite are trans-temporal & trans-global; they are not unique to Modern America.

        Say what one may of Muhammad; he did have a very profound understanding of human beings.

        He knew the vast majority were both ignorant and cowardly; so what does he do?

        He sets up a wonderful INCENTIVE to die in battle on his behalf and on behalf of Islam:

        A trip to heaven and 70 virgins immediately upon expiring for the intreipid solidier of the faith!

        Now he is all set: He has taken advantage of their gullibility / ignorance and he has INCENTIVIZED dying for the cause.

        • Daughter of Babylon Says:

          Of course Christianity works on a fairly similar paradigm; the bribe (heaven) and the threat (hell).

          Because men are venal & cowardly; with a few exceptions here & there.

        • reprindle Says:

          The 70 virgins probably got them up off their asses. However, for me, dying is battle with no other securities other than promises from a scroungy guy with no creds negates the whole deal.

          • Daughter of Babylon Says:

            My temporal father was never much for that type of thing…

            I once asked My Father if He ever considered serving in the military; his response was never forgotten:

            “Are you out of your cotton-picking mind?  Do you think I am going to sacrifice My life for the moral degenerates who run this country; while they sit comfortably in their ivory towers?”

            As you can see; I had a very good teacher in My Formative Years on the nature of the world and its inhabitants..

  4. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    There is one thing philosophers like You & I always need to keep in the back of our minds.

    You know what that is?

    You can’t free a slave from slavery. If he actually wanted to be free; he would either be free; dead or in shackles.

    Lecturing the rabble on Grand Concepts like Liberty and Human Dignity and Justice and the Nature of Existence and other such lofty ethos & concepts is not going to yield much success.

    They understand one thing: Their day to day slavery and drudgery; and more importantly; that is the only thing they desire to understand.

    • reprindle Says:

      Quite right. Someone has to think for them

      • Daughter of Babylon Says:

        There is one thing that must be understood. I spent the last 11 months interacting with so called “Conservative; Christian Middle America” on two message boards; making about 11,000 posts.

        The notion that they represent the “good” is as far removed from reality as one might get. Put them in charge and you might end up with a worse tyranny than you have now.

        Their mindeset is authoritarian to the nth degree; their ignorance of everything is beyond stupefying; the notions set forth by the Founders in the Constitution are things they have not the slighest familiarity with; they desire one thing; One Nation; Under Jesus & The Corporate Police State; with Slavery & Tyranny for All. 

        During My Various internet peregrinations; I was called every vile name in the book; and some I never even heard of; before I was finally banned.

        The dumbing down of America is complete; and the quite vile nature of the people has come to the fore.

        Truly a terrible thing to have borne witness to; the people bear no resemblance to the America of say 1975.

        • Daughter of Babylon Says:

          So put simply; liberty loving people who venerate the Dream of the Founders and the Constitution currently sit between Scylla & Charybdis…the wacko authoritarian Christ-tards on the Right; who would resurrect the rack; the reptile pit; and the stake for all “non-believers” 72 hours after restraints upon them were lifted; and the Crazy Left; who are not so much “Marxists” in a conventional sense; but authoritarian Orwellian globalists with some weird egalitarian fetishes; rooted in both race & sex.

          • Daughter of Babylon Says:

            There be one silver cloud to this conundrum: The presence of both aforesaid sides does in some way ameliorate and neutralize the other; and thus the full flowering of tyranny that would manifest if either triumphed is delayed and still potentially denied; particularly if the Daughter of the Living Goddess and the Princesss of the Universe can effectively work Her Will.

          • reprindle Says:

            New World Order. Wellsian.

        • reprindle Says:

          11K posts? I’m beginning to feel neglected. How could you keep it up that long. You’re really wasting your time on those people. The are mentally ill and find solace in their hallucinations. You must have a will of steel to keep it up. Forget ’em; forget Christianity.

      • Daughter of Babylon Says:

        The masses cannot think; they can only respond to propaganda and indoctrination.

        This was a bitter lesson I learned; the notion that “if I just explain it one more time; the light bulb will magically light up” is a fool’s errand.

        They know what their priest and the media tells them; and that is likely all they will ever know.

        • reprindle Says:

          Cencentrate on the capable and ignore the rese.

          • Daughter of Babylon Says:

            Do you know anyone?

            Someone to hook Me up with?

            Someone who will recognize My Genius and get My Life & Career going; someone who can get Me noticed; actually improve My situation?

  5. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    This of course represents the utter magic & genius of Democracy as a vehicle for dystopia and tyranny.

    For once sufficiently dumbed down; the masses (now quasi-slaves) will not need to have tyranny imposed upon them by outside forces; they will impose it upon themselves at the ballot box.

  6. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    It might be a good idea to put all your posts into a book; you can self publish on the Kindle; as I did.

    Parts of My Book were a product of posts I had made in various places on the internet; and then I just put them all together; and filled in the blanks.

    It is so good to see you posting again; as I was concerned when I did not see you for a spell.

    • reprindle Says:

      Oh, by the way, your poetry has netted sixteen reads so far. I have enough for several books however my mind keeps racing ahead while rewriting and collating would take up all my time. I did reread my short story Far Gresham And His Angeline which I thought excellent and even brought me to misty eyes by end. No mean feat.

  7. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    I think that is more than have read the book I wrote; which will be five years old tomorrow.

    I truly am the Lady of Sorrows…

  8. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    Humans have a bizarre desire for what I call UNFREEDOM. I have theorized that when he was designed; likely by the Anunnaki; he was imbued with a “worship” gene & a “subservience” gene. Thus the insane desire to “go to church” & supplicate before some insane monster in the sky.

    You now are now saddled with a corporatocratic; plutocratic; kleptocratic; usurious; dystopian Police State. Where your standard of living is 1/4th what it was in 1965. Where art; music; philosophy; film; etiquette; literature are all dead.

    The world is at a crossroads. We must stand together as men & women for human freedom and human dignity or we will fall together, as animals, back into the jungle; never to re-emerge.

    • reprindle Says:

      The Church provides order in their lives to buffer the difficulties of living your life while suffering indignities.

      • Daughter of Babylon Says:

        I am not so sure I would get rid of the Church if I took power; it keeps the Neanderthals inert and in line.

        It reduces internal threats.

        • reprindle Says:

          Sure. But you need a good bribe like eternal life. Actually I am of the opinion that the Eleusinian Mysteries may have revolved around that. I mean you don’t sell out for nothing. Actually those forty or so virgins the Moslems are promised sounds pretty good. I’m thinking…

          • Daughter of Babylon Says:

            “People need a safe place to be with God”

            ___Maureen Mackey / ‘Fox’ News


            Try a padded cell.

          • Daughter of Babylon Says:

            Never sell out.

            I am going to tell you who IS ACTUALLY “SAVED”.
            It is the exact opposite of who the people have been brainwashed to believe.
            When you “accept Jesus”; YOU HAVE CAVED TO A BRIBE (HEAVEN) AND A THREAT (HELL).
            Those who take takes bribes are VENAL; those who cave to threats are COWARDS.
            “Judge not” saith the carpenter boy. Well; if a person REFUSES TO EXERCISE JUDGEMENT; WHAT THE HELL IS HE GOOD FOR? CLEANING TOILETS? NOT EVEN THAT.
            You must think and you must judge and you must see “god” for what he is; a genocidal manaic and insane extortionist. Those who REJECT HIM; THEY ARE SAVED; BECAUSE THEY HAVE GOOD CHARACTER AND GOOD DISCERNMENT.

  9. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    Though in many ways there is a paradox…

    There is a theory that it is civilization that leads to savagery; and not the other way around.

    Paleolithic Man did not go wantonly killing his neighbor; he concerned himself with hunting game and staying warm; but 20th century “governments” killed 400 million human beings.

    Think about it.

  10. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    One of the most indelibly etched comments in My memory from your articles was the one you made on Bernard Baruch:

    This be a paraphrase from memory:

    “Baruch wanted to be a professional gambler when he was a young man; but he later figured out that the house always wins; so the only way to win consistently was to be the house”.

    Of course Baruch went on to set up the Federal Reserve for Wilson; and was co-president with him and later FDR; as well as amassing a spectacular fortune.

    You wanna beat the devil
    You’ve got to learn to play his game

    How you gonna win?
    If you don’t put up a fight
    Some runners they don’t even know
    The race they’re in is right

    Beat the Devil
    ​(J. Worth/B. Nicholson)

    • reprindle Says:

      Old Bernie, what a devious old bastard. Funny that he just faded from sight. Both he and George Creel overplayed their hands and caused lasting resentments post war. Bernie especially was a shadow of himself after the war.

  11. Daughter of Babylon Says:

    An absolutely lovely Wikipedia article on Mr. Creel; whose blatant violations of the First Amendment with his censorship boards and other abominations were all “quite necessary” according to the online encyclopedia.

    It is My Understanding that many; many people caught 40 year prison sentences for verbally opposing the First World War in America.

    A free country for 84 years; 1776 – 1860.

    When Lincoln arrived; it was all over but the crying.

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